Thoughts about Mir3..


Dec 1, 2003
I got the feeling (again) that people have long since moved on from Mir3, if the files do not features the latest spells, mobs, items or whatever, then its pointless playing it at all. A Few Servers have gone "Invite Only" and the reason for this is too many Euromir3 players come along with the view to see the latest stuff quicker, want almost instant levelling (as they have played this beofre many times) and then proceed to moan on the forums and ruin the community with there childish "I Wants"..

Now a few things to consider - we were lucky in the Mir3 Side in that the game progressed to match Euromir3 with its spells, interface and everything else. Do people judge a Mir3 Server alone on what it has new in there such as Spells or Mobs?? Do a lot of people not remember the days when all we had was 2.9Beta and it was upto the server owner to add new places even though we never had a map editor??

What is the future of Mir3 I ask myself, Does a server go online and have 4-10 people max playing?? Are people only going to run JOB becuase they cannot be bothered working on the 3G Files? Will the comminity pick up or is it slowly Dying?? Why do people share no problems on the Mir2 side yet refuse to do this on Mir3/Woool for example??

Mir2 is not matching the Offical Files by a long way yet I dont hear people moaning because of this. How do we see the Mir3 on a whole going??


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2004
Middlesbrough ! Smoggy!
There just isnt enough mir3 experts around at the moment. The mir3 files are a lot harder to set-up therefore many people choose to configure a mir2 server. Not only are they harder to set-up but they need better specifications to run and host. This plays a major part in the mir3 community as there arnt many servers currently up and running.

I myself have a well modified set of JoB server files with a LOT of new stuff i have sciprted and added myself. My server is currently undergoing development. I am moving onto 3G as soon as i have a winXP disk for the Language packs, without this i cannot see chinese text and therefore cannot translate....



Golden Oldie
Nov 2, 2005
i think its down to MySQL i havent ever downloaded it or installed it it seems to apear that peaple think its very hard to use im sure thier are guides but iv never tried dont actually have a reason >.< prefer mir2 i supose. iv also herd euro mir2 are know useing SQL? is that true


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 30, 2004
i am making a job server atm with laods of new items sets cave sets cuming alog nicely =]


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2006
well, i think this is the problem of our time, not only of the Lom-people :)


Staff member
May 19, 2003
mirs getting outdated, 2d games are quickly going out of fashion, once again iv grown bored of mir3, for a while anyhow.

@demonic, come on msn when u can plz!


Dec 1, 2003
Well I would have thought 3D games would be head and shoulders over Mir/Wool and indeed the graphics in game far outstrips anything that any 2D Isometric game can do. I see people getting excited over some crappy armour glows or 3 extra spells but what can be achived in 3Gd Games blows this away. I also see people happy that 50-100 people are online - I can show you Lineage 2 Servers that are way beyond that (excluding China of course). I even asked a Korean Guy about Mir - thinking at least over there it would be uber popular but again its Lineage 2 that blows that away in terms on people playing.

The other problem I see happening is Supply and Demand, the chinese dont want to supply, we cannot bring newer stuff out and demand drops. How many times can one person play the same game over and over?? Numbers seem to be dropping, the people in the know are moving onto different projects and slowly but surely the scene will die (eventually anyhow). Personally I am sick of looking at 2D 3FPS person running on the screen, Im sick of looking at Chinese web sites, Im Sick of translating 1000's of files again and again.

Take a Look at Lineage 2 - Open source, english web site, updated daily - quite a far cry from Mir/wool and so forth. Even WoW has a similar sharing type thing going on, While LOMCN / RZ tries to help with Files and info, there is not Database group for example, only a handfull doing the hard work and sharing etc etc..


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 30, 2004
why dont u release ur 3g files m8 =] or do u want a host from next week just i want 3g really :/ thats all lol =P


Dec 1, 2003
peppe said:
why dont u release ur 3g files m8 =] or do u want a host from next week just i want 3g really :/ thats all lol =P

This is Exacalyy what Im talking about - This is not called Sharing, its call LEECHING - most of LOMCN does it and Ive no Beef with that. What work have you done to contribute to making the files complete cos by god Im not finished on them yet and Ive been at it for a little while :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2006
well, sure someday LOM will be dead, but WOW for example will also be dead in the future :)

Surely in some time we cant offer anymore to the People which are Playing LOM, but atm there is no (!) server out there which offer everything you are able to do with the current Engine/Client/Scripts/Server/Graphics/whatever, so i think i still have work for the next year until i need new stuff to implement^^

What most PPL dont understand imo, is to make the best with the stuff you have.
Most servers use the same crappy Slogans to get people on playing there.

But new features, scripts, whatever, are really rarely introduced....

I dont care about released files/databases/scripts whatever, because normally i do it all by myself, this way i learn better what to do, what possibilities i have, and so on.

Only leeching stuff and demanding other ppl´s files and hard work is poor.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
the main problem of mir3 private scene currently is the bad supply situation of the new stuff and of course the language barrier...honestly all here on lomcn arnt realy gamedevelopers nor r we proffesional translators and it takes far too much time for all of us to progress the files we got on our own (except we would all leave our jobs and dedicate all our time to it...).
if there would be an easy way to get hold of the latest files (not the crappy virus riddled or user restricted etc files) for ALL of us there maybe a sharp increase in lesser develepoment activities such as npc scripting/quests and the like and sharing..who knows


ur a smacktard!
May 11, 2005
Great Yarmouth/Cambridge
----In summary----
Mir 3 will die eventually, as will all games, a server is only as good as its community..

-------The long bit-------
to be completely honest guys, its not about getting ahold of new stuff, whats the big wow with an armour that glows? i don't think that holds the pulling point to a server.

i mean look at xtreme, we've been running for an entire year now (i know that olymp is the longest running job server) but we are a 3g server. (does that mean we have the longest running mir3g server? didnt think about that :p)

My point here being, we made the most of what we have, we have a 'difficulty setting' for a mirrored world effect for the higher levels.

We've brought new systems into the game, like R.A.G.E. which i won't go into detail about its on our forums anyway.

But thats the only thing that keeps us going, we continue to try and bring NEW things into the game using what we have at our disposal.

I'm still however disapoointed with the Mir comunity as a whole, there are only a few people I would put into the 'sharing' catagory. and they would be Demonic(former liquid silver), Farphit, Coly/m_clauss(illusion server), and myself(xtreme). These have always shared things with each other, and tried in someway or another to get people to share scripts and ideas, and contribute as a whole to the community..

everyone else just wants a set of files at there feet so they can just put a cloned server up.. whats the point?

Do you know how to use what is already there?



Dec 1, 2003
More likely then not - I will share the complete English (to a degree anyhow) 3G 3.38. Nothing Special about this set of files other then translating everything and adding bits as I find them. As I say Im not too bothered about Leeching - If it helps bring a few servers online then Great, Ive Achived my Aim as it were. I fully agree that a complete "done" set of files means people do not know the inner workings - for a good example of this, take a look at Xanders posts (Not Diss'ing Xamder btw - just a good example).

This thread was not trying to drill down into the Leeching/Sharing - this has been covered many times with the same answers. I was more focusing on Mir3 itself, is demand dying down generally, has other games overtaken its position, do less people want to play on Private Servers?? Woool is probably the best example of this - As Only One server online that I know of, you would have expected lots to play, high user counts but this is not the case.

Also on the point of what Keeps us going - If the people who know what they are doing move on, what is left?? I've stopped doing Mir3 loads of times, I come back to help others otherwise I would have deleted the thing ages ago.
Last edited:


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
i guess u all kno that: mir2 and wool gone free to play in china at the end of last year..that may indicate the direction we go though all mir3 is still p2p ;)
but nevertheless a nice uptodate mir3 engine which is easy to get would most propably attract more people on the player and host sides i guess although its 2d grafics goes more and more outdated but on the other side it offers all a modern mmorpg should have and is still very much fun for most to play
i strongly guess mir will develope into a very nice niche product with a faithfully community (maybe a bit like uo)
the real future for mir is a conversion to uptodate 3d gfx like some chinese projects to turn mir to a modern 3d game showed :)


Dec 1, 2003
So the only way for Mir3 (& Mir2 for that matter) to get better is bascially develop Open source solution that is not driven by MOney but by the community. There could be a Database Group much like Lineage 2 which uses people who play the real game to match the database as close as possible to the real thing and so forth. Many times we have tried this - many times we have failed. I have no Knowledge of programming Period...I shall be trying to at least get some source code to the Visio Add-on (no luck yet) so Coly and others can in fact write there own Mir3 3G.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2006
Sure, some new Spells and things would rock, but the best server-files, features and so on are useless if their are no good servers out there.
What would happen if you would release your complete translated set of files?
Everyone would start a Server in 1 day, and the only difference would be the amount of drops and Exp :/
Even a new Open-Source Server/Client wouldnt prevent this :/


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2004
m_clauss said:
Sure, some new Spells and things would rock, but the best server-files, features and so on are useless if their are no good servers out there.
What would happen if you would release your complete translated set of files?
Everyone would start a Server in 1 day, and the only difference would be the amount of drops and Exp :/
Even a new Open-Source Server/Client wouldnt prevent this :/

Well i dont know who would do such a thing but i think if you want your server to be a bit "Rare" then my first thoughts would go out to the fact that people would change lots of things about the server files, cause you cant have 10 servers that match;
Npc scripts, Quests, Items, Drops, Ammount of Exp, etc

Well if i would open up a server, and if this server would be the files of Demonic, i would still change a lots of things about it cause if i would just put it up like it is, i bet no one would even try to play it imo
cause people will always want to play a server that's got some special bits on it which other servers dont have

But tbh we can argue about the fact if he shld release them or not
all in all the choice is his ;)


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
The best way is "all must jump over your shade" then make a Main Team for
Open source or other No Money way. The most People have some things on the Harddisk, one would bring that together then one can create something good Server. I white it sounds myself simply. It is the only one away at the moment.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
the only reason id want tom to release his files is so his hard work didnt goto waste. but i think in all honesty it wld b much better giving the files to one team, who are dedicated.