Truth about Mir Revenge

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2006
First of all, I apologise for posting this here because I know the team are getting fed up of MR threads but I feel this needs to be said. I am posting this in hope that at least a few MR players will read it and realise how badly they are being screwed over by lapta. I did post this there but as I thought he would, I was yet again banned and the thread was deleted without him commenting.

The post went like this :

"I thought it was only fair to explain to the decent players on MR exactly what happened and why it happened.

Although this post will probs get deleted pretty fast and the account banned (that seems to be jamies way of solving everything)
I was warned a long time ago that Jamie was a lier, I was shown a lot of proof yet I chose to stick by him and believe him, this was a big mistake. I donated a long time ago when lapta said he was looking to "upgrade the server" with new RAM.

A week or so later what pops up? His paypal details, what did he spend the donations on? Buffy season 5? Nice one jamie!
Jamie tries to make out that he is a multi millionairre but this is not true, the majority of things he tells us is a load of bs. His 3 4 litre range rovers he apparently owns, funny how he never got round to posting a pic of them isn't it?

Jamie made me a GM a fair old while ago, and I took it seriously and tried to get on with things fairly. Lapta decided it would be a good idea to de gm me for no apparent reason? And I was perm banned on the forum for "spamming". He accused me of joining the "we hate jamie club" which is complete ****e lol. But I must say my opinions have changed a lot now.
As for trying to blame everything that happened on me, thats **** aswell. If he was actually inteligent enough to look through the logs he could see what had actually happened and that I did not give anything to anyone.

The only thing I have done which you may consider "corrupt" was join a previously GM lvled char (a test char) to the great wall guild and join in with the pking. Agreed it was not fair, but it was a bit of fun for all.
For those of you that are wondering where all the exploited items and gold came from, it was all from the GG npc. If it wasn't for Laptas greed and desire for irl cash that wouldn't even be there. He promised me he would never add pros or paras too the npc as they mess up servers if ppl can donate for them. He obviously decided he liked the rl cash so went and added them.

My gm abilities were removed from the GM (I have still not been given a reason as to why this happened) and was left in a quiz map it could not leave, I logged it there and have not been on it since.
If you donate its meant to be for the good of the server, in this case it is not. Lapta claims to spend £1000 a month on the server but thats complete ****e. Hes made so much extra cash in his backpocket from running this server ( anyone noticed the only real updates he does on this server are the GG npc??)

Anyway rant over, just wanted to get that off me chest.
Probs be banned and this post deleted but oh well.


That post was then followed up by jewbacca:

"Aye we gave out items to ppl we liked at 1st and lapta's general lack of care meant he didnt bother to check peoples concerns over the Great_wall guild, which would have shown where all the items were from :P We got ****ed off with lap ripping ppl off for items and leading them to believe that the money was for the good of the server, 1k a month on it lmao and also the RAM upgrade that didnt happen etc. + every1 knows bout the buffy DVDs lol.

So basically we thought if we slowly introduce these items into the game it would devalue them and therefore people would not have to "donate" £400 for a pro or para for lap to jus stick it in his pocket and live in his terraced house (oh yes he isnt rich btw lol) and live off good peoples hard earned money thinking they are helping the server. We figured if we introduce enough items then their value would become less so either jamie wud reduce the cost of items and not be so greedy, or ppl would buy for ingame gold as should be the way on any good server. If he had been honest and not lie about everything then i'm sure things would have been different. As for the gmpkblade i never used it to kill ppl etc or on bosses as by that point i was not even playing the game, and had all the items i ever wanted ne way =P

As for the thing with goldchests from npcs that was nothing to do with adviser or myself or any of us in our fruity little club!
We just didnt like seeing Lapta being greedy and only ever updated the GG npc and coming up with his crap promotions to make ppl donate and then telling everyone its for the good of the server lol.


I know this is a long assed post and I don't blame you if you can't be bothered to read it all lol.

Make your own minds up on it.
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LOMCN Veteran
Nov 5, 2006
lmao wat an arse tbh....i don't think this post shud be deleted as it is helping people avoid the idiots of mir


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
So basic ur crying good cuz ur gm power's got took away ? Haha jokes... Yer jamie is an arse. People worked hard for there money.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2006
So basic ur crying good cuz ur gm power's got took away ? Haha jokes... Yer jamie is an arse. People worked hard for there money.

Nah Im not lol. Tbh it was more hassle than it was worth. With each "update" bringing more bugs I just got pmed non stop and as I didn't have access to the server I couldn't actually fix anything lol.

What did annoy me is that he never actually gave me a reason for removing it, after I put in a lot of time going over the item db and helping with NPC scripts.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK
at the third stroke, the time sponsored by acurist will be 6:08 and 3 seconds beep..beep..beep at the third stroke, the time sponsored by acurist will be 6:08 and 11 seconds beep..beep..beep at the third stroke, the time sponsored by acurist will be 6:08 and 14 seconds beep..beep..beep


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
tbh i think this is why Pserver community is dieing people are just money orinated for a top of the range server you would be lookin around 200pound per month

just show's how sad people get after getting the money for the server each month like saying if your dedi cost'd 200pound and 50ppl donated 10-20 ud be making another 2month's dedi it all depend's how much your reward's (items) are priced at, look at lyncus load's of people donated to his server and hes gone and shut it down



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 18, 2007
Stoke, UK
First of all, I apologise for posting this here because I know the team are getting fed up of MR threads but I feel this needs to be said. I am posting this in hope that at least a few MR players will read it and realise how badly they are being screwed over by lapta. I did post this there but as I thought he would, I was yet again banned and the thread was deleted without him commenting.

The post went like this :

"I thought it was only fair to explain to the decent players on MR exactly what happened and why it happened.

Although this post will probs get deleted pretty fast and the account banned (that seems to be jamies way of solving everything)
I was warned a long time ago that Jamie was a lier, I was shown a lot of proof yet I chose to stick by him and believe him, this was a big mistake. I donated a long time ago when lapta said he was looking to "upgrade the server" with new RAM.

A week or so later what pops up? His paypal details, what did he spend the donations on? Buffy season 5? Nice one jamie!
Jamie tries to make out that he is a multi millionairre but this is not true, the majority of things he tells us is a load of bs. His 3 4 litre range rovers he apparently owns, funny how he never got round to posting a pic of them isn't it?

Jamie made me a GM a fair old while ago, and I took it seriously and tried to get on with things fairly. Lapta decided it would be a good idea to de gm me for no apparent reason? And I was perm banned on the forum for "spamming". He accused me of joining the "we hate jamie club" which is complete ****e lol. But I must say my opinions have changed a lot now.
As for trying to blame everything that happened on me, thats **** aswell. If he was actually inteligent enough to look through the logs he could see what had actually happened and that I did not give anything to anyone.

The only thing I have done which you may consider "corrupt" was join a previously GM lvled char (a test char) to the great wall guild and join in with the pking. Agreed it was not fair, but it was a bit of fun for all.
For those of you that are wondering where all the exploited items and gold came from, it was all from the GG npc. If it wasn't for Laptas greed and desire for irl cash that wouldn't even be there. He promised me he would never add pros or paras too the npc as they mess up servers if ppl can donate for them. He obviously decided he liked the rl cash so went and added them.

My gm abilities were removed from the GM (I have still not been given a reason as to why this happened) and was left in a quiz map it could not leave, I logged it there and have not been on it since.
If you donate its meant to be for the good of the server, in this case it is not. Lapta claims to spend £1000 a month on the server but thats complete ****e. Hes made so much extra cash in his backpocket from running this server ( anyone noticed the only real updates he does on this server are the GG npc??)

Anyway rant over, just wanted to get that off me chest.
Probs be banned and this post deleted but oh well.


That post was then followed up by jewbacca:

"Aye we gave out items to ppl we liked at 1st and lapta's general lack of care meant he didnt bother to check peoples concerns over the Great_wall guild, which would have shown where all the items were from :P We got ****ed off with lap ripping ppl off for items and leading them to believe that the money was for the good of the server, 1k a month on it lmao and also the RAM upgrade that didnt happen etc. + every1 knows bout the buffy DVDs lol.

So basically we thought if we slowly introduce these items into the game it would devalue them and therefore people would not have to "donate" £400 for a pro or para for lap to jus stick it in his pocket and live in his terraced house (oh yes he isnt rich btw lol) and live off good peoples hard earned money thinking they are helping the server. We figured if we introduce enough items then their value would become less so either jamie wud reduce the cost of items and not be so greedy, or ppl would buy for ingame gold as should be the way on any good server. If he had been honest and not lie about everything then i'm sure things would have been different. As for the gmpkblade i never used it to kill ppl etc or on bosses as by that point i was not even playing the game, and had all the items i ever wanted ne way =P

As for the thing with goldchests from npcs that was nothing to do with adviser or myself or any of us in our fruity little club!
We just didnt like seeing Lapta being greedy and only ever updated the GG npc and coming up with his crap promotions to make ppl donate and then telling everyone its for the good of the server lol.


I know this is a long assed post and I don't blame you if you can't be bothered to read it all lol.

Make your own minds up on it.

Sorry thought i would make the most important bits that you have just imformed me about bold, also you missed out that he went on holiday, sorry Jamie :( :punch:


LOMCN n00bie
May 7, 2004
aye it's very true, in reality lapta ****ed himself in his greedy arse

if he actually said look im keeping excess donation money for myself then people wouldnt be so mad

but when some1 lies and says they are using donation money to upgrade the server and everyone clubs together so they can play on a better server only to be ****ed over its definately homogay

MR is dead now, big shame really, if he put half the time he spent lieing to people on actually making the server better then itd be frikkin ace!

it was lagless to an extent, shame that jamie knew **** all about actually running a decent server lol


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2006
Some of you may also be pondering about the noob "BLAH" dropping billions of cash in the weapon shop, that was down to lapta's bad server owning... he couldnt be arsed to do the NPC's himself so recruited a Mr EchoMan (my cousin) to do it for him, Echo then added a basic namelist fuction for about 10 different characters ingame which would give them countless goldchests when ever they clicked the npc....

This little exploit was built to protect certain players ingame... When myself and my cousin got word that Lapta had conned a close friend of ours outta r/l cash (basicly the same he has done to everyone that donated for a tele/para... taken it away) we decided to let go 1 of the 10 characters and cause a major rewind...

Now the big question on everyones mind should be "Has lapta got off his arse and actually looked through the files for the other 9... or have Echo and his sexy evil cousin flooded about 100noobs with 400m+ each on every chara, ready for phase two of the evil plot?..." ;) who wants free cash? i know a couple charas have alrdy taken 300/400m off us since the rewind...

Anyways moral of the story... dont con me or me m8s or i will cry to echo :D



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2004
hope the server died real good. i can banned for acutally nothing...i asked why and to get my char back and i was told it was for hacking.....if i could hack i wouldn't hack someone on a fukin private server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2003
Knew this server would die about time too....I hate donation scamers.They will eventualy stop people from wanting to donate and people (hosts) who do actualy use the money for there servers wont get nothing...then eventualy p servers will die :(.


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Thank you for your concerns, people can read this.

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