

Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
Just a 5 or 10 year freeze on immigration would be nice. =P


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
thats not what hes saying, the point is theyv lost control over immigration now, we are only a small island, heck theres states in america bigger than the UK i think

im not racist or anything but ideally id love to see them shutting the borders completely for 10 years, spend that time sorting out the population of this country, sorting out housing, employment, the economy etc, shipping out any illegals as well as those who cba to do anything yet still sponge benefits.

never gonna happen though thats why im moving abroad as soon as i finish my degree haha
Same :p

Although I'm not doing a degree, I do plan to move abroad.. Maybe Japan.


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Immigration is what has ruined England's economy tbh.

Not the main killer, main killer is benefits in my eyes.. if people were not able to live off the country there would be more people looking for jobs to live.. however as its such a cushy life on the benefit trail people take that instead of working.

If more British people on benefits took these British jobs that people are fighting for.. immigrants would realise England isn't a place to go.... but we don't take advantage of the fact we can get reasonable paid jobs... instead we decide to bum around, and give reason for immigrants to come here.. :thumbup2:


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
i know people who have 13-14kids to gain more money there was some lady in the paper couple weeks back earning £30-40k ayear on benfits i think they should get this sorted but ive read in the news papers former asylum seeker gets £1.8million home in london immigration is a joke in this country its like there just leaving the gate wide open.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
i know people who have 13-14kids to gain more money there was some lady in the paper couple weeks back earning £30-40k ayear on benfits i think they should get this sorted but ive read in the news papers former asylum seeker gets £1.8million home in london immigration is a joke in this country its like there just leaving the gate wide open.

It's in the news papers so it must be true!!!

The most worrying thing here is that some people on this forum are even allowed to vote.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
wow big surprise lomcn is full of ignorant racist cretins. I don't even know why most of you are even bothering to vote when you obviously know **** all about politics.

this guy


:) My granddad fought for ENGLAND/BRITAIN whatever is politically correct, why do we want to be linked to france? Who think our food is rubbish, and that we are snobs. Polish, who move here for more money, and 'better living'.

Doesn't even know what ****ing country he lives in but that won't stop him from being a nationalist retard. "durrr, Englerland? Briterrrn? Durrrr"

Nick Clegg would make a great TV Host. just ashame the Lib Dems policys dont meet my standards

1. Letting 1million Immigrants stay. (should be British jobs for British people.)
2. Fully joining the EU (which will cost us £60.1-100billion each year) just leave the EU and keep close trading relationship like holland dose. mind you it will cost us £60.1billion this year alone.
3. getting rid of the EuroFighter and Trident Nuclear system (Maybe old but its our last line of defence) getting rid of it would be a big mistake.
4. If we join the EU fully the parlament will loose all its powers to Brussels

1) This only applies to English speaking immigrants who have been here for over 10 years already. They're not going to go anywhere no matter what you do because good luck deporting 1 million illegal immigrants when you don't even know where they live. All this means is they will start paying taxes and contributing to society. Is that not good enough for you?
2) What do you mean 'fully join'? Both the UK and the Netherlands ("Holland") are already in the EU. That's as fully joined as you can get. Do you mean joining the Euro? That's a different matter.
3) The libdems do not want to get rid of our Nuclear deterrent. The point is spending billions of pounds updating a weapons system that's only useful in a highly unlikely hypothetical situation is ****ing stupid when we can't even afford to properly equip our conventional army.
4) Don't be dumb.
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Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
wow big surprise lomcn is full of ignorant racist cretins. I don't even know why most of you are even bothering to vote when you obviously know **** all about politics.

this guy

Doesn't even know what ****ing country he lives in but that won't stop him from being a nationalist retard. "durrr, Englerland? Briterrrn? Durrrr"
Actually England is/was a wide used term for the whole of Britain but it was deemed politically incorrect... hense his statement


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
wow big surprise lomcn is full of ignorant racist cretins. I don't even know why most of you are even bothering to vote when you obviously know **** all about politics.

this guy
Doesn't even know what ****ing country he lives in but that won't stop him from being a nationalist retard. "durrr, Englerland? Briterrrn? Durrrr"

1) This only applies to English speaking immigrants who have been here for over 10 years already. They're not going to go anywhere no matter what you do because good luck deporting 1 million illegal immigrants when you don't even know where they live. All this means is they will start paying taxes and contributing to society. Is that not good enough for you?
2) What do you mean 'fully join'? Both the UK and the Netherlands ("Holland") are already in the EU. That's as fully joined as you can get. Do you mean joining the Euro? That's a different matter.
3) The libdems do not want to get rid of our Nuclear deterrent. The point is spending billions of pounds updating a weapons system that's only useful in a highly unlikely hypothetical situation is ****ing stupid when we can't even afford to properly equip our conventional army.
4) Don't be dumb.

Racist? I'm assuming that your assuming everybody is racist because they want the immigrants out & for England to be English again? Oh, right.

I've always said England, as I'm English, not British. Though more often than not people refer to England as Britain. I understand that the topic is who we want to be next prime minister of England or whatever, but no need to be a picky twat about things is there.

1) 600,000 is the estimate, it's 1.2million after 10 years as they are allowed to stay put & bring 1 relative over.
Oh right Van, you think that because they would be allowed to stay here they are gonna start paying taxes etc? By that stage they would have been HIDING here for 10 years already whilst paying nothing. Why would they decide to come out of hiding to pay taxes etc? It's all well and good saying they can stay & pay taxes, the point is, the majority probably won't.
Tbh, you're not going to find every immigrant here already, just tighten up the border control & stop anymore coming in whilst slowly sending back the 1s here already.

2) Correct. We are part of the EU, which costs us near on £40mill per day.

3) Agreed. Nothing more to say.

4) Don't be dumb? He's basically right, we stay as part of the EU we continue playing by Brussels rules, which won't get us anywhere (As it quite clearly hasn't). Think how England's economy could be helped with that £40mill a day...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
For anyone thinking we will save "insert made up value" if we left in the EU, you don't have a clue. Leaving the EU would potentially cripple the country.

As much as I like where UKIP are trying to go, some of the policies are laughable and their figures don't add up.

Stop reading something thats heavily biased and suddenly agreeing with everything thats said.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
Racist? I'm assuming that your assuming everybody is racist because they want the immigrants out & for England to be English again? Oh, right.

I've always said England, as I'm English, not British. Though more often than not people refer to England as Britain. I understand that the topic is who we want to be next prime minister of England or whatever, but no need to be a picky twat about things is there.

1) 600,000 is the estimate, it's 1.2million after 10 years as they are allowed to stay put & bring 1 relative over.
Oh right Van, you think that because they would be allowed to stay here they are gonna start paying taxes etc? By that stage they would have been HIDING here for 10 years already whilst paying nothing. Why would they decide to come out of hiding to pay taxes etc? It's all well and good saying they can stay & pay taxes, the point is, the majority probably won't.
Tbh, you're not going to find every immigrant here already, just tighten up the border control & stop anymore coming in whilst slowly sending back the 1s here already.

2) Correct. We are part of the EU, which costs us near on £40mill per day.

3) Agreed. Nothing more to say.

4) Don't be dumb? He's basically right, we stay as part of the EU we continue playing by Brussels rules, which won't get us anywhere (As it quite clearly hasn't). Think how England's economy could be helped with that £40mill a day...

People immigrate here illegally usually out of desperation and wanting to build a better life for themselves in a stable, wealthy country. The life of an illegal immigrant is not a good life. They can't hold down any decent jobs because they're not technically allowed to work here. This makes them vulnerable to criminal organisations and shady, risky work conditions. They're also exempt from public services and can't draw attention to themselves so have very little protection from the state. Of course they would accept full citizenship, don't be daft. They didn't come here to play hide and seek with the government, they came here because they want better lives.

The solution to Europe's problems is not to jump ship and sacrifice our status and influence as a European nation. The solution is reform. Reform which is constantly stifled by Europhobes like UKIP because their heads are shoved too far up their own arses to realise that a lot of the things they complain about could be fixed if they would just cooperate.

Actually England is/was a wide used term for the whole of Britain but it was deemed politically incorrect... hense his statement

No it wasn't. What the hell are you talking about.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
For anyone thinking we will save "insert made up value" if we left in the EU, you don't have a clue. Leaving the EU would potentially cripple the country.

As much as I like where UKIP are trying to go, some of the policies are laughable and their figures don't add up.

Stop reading something thats heavily biased and suddenly agreeing with everything thats said.

Incorrect. If what you're saying was the case (That I see & believe pretty much), then I would be voting Conservatives. Every party lies as much as the others & each party has it's laughable 'facts'. Tbh, whoever comes to power next probably won't do half as much as what they 'intend' to.

Oh, those made up figures...

Spend a day reading through that site, then you hopefully won't jump to conclusions.


Stable & wealthy country... oh right, is that including the national debt of £700billion+?
How sweet. They have a tough time where they are so they come and live here over crowding our little island.
You have 600,000 people who weren't even born in England living here illegally, how the feck can you try and make this seem okay?
The thing you have to recognise is that before these 600,000 came here, the country was in nowhere near as bad'a shape as it is now. I will delve further into this matter if you wish.

''The life of an illegal immigrant is not a good life''.
I have to agree, but doesn't mean they should be welcomed with open arms. I do believe we welcomed most of the Somalis with open arms, that's been thrown back in our face (Will delve further if you wish).

''They can't hold down any decent jobs because they're not technically allowed to work here. This makes them vulnerable to criminal organisations and shady, risky work conditions.''
So, if they aren't technically allowed here, why are they in the first place?
Hmm, maybe reading it wrong, but your basically saying that it's okay for foreigners to get involved in crime as the English government is preventing them from getting work?
Do you not think the government stops foreigners working here so that the English can have their rightful jobs? It's the same as a point I saw the other day, England has paid Danish manufacturers to build a number of off-shore windmills... that's like having an English labourer and a Danish labourer stood in front of Mr. GB & him picking the Dane as he's doing the work a tenner cheaper, lol.
If the English gave their work to the English, there would be much less of a problem.

I'm not 100% sure who to vote.
All I know is we need change. Anybody who votes Labour is an idiot tbh.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
Stable & wealthy country... oh right, is that including the national debt of £700billion+?
How sweet. They have a tough time where they are so they come and live here over crowding our little island.
You have 600,000 people who weren't even born in England living here illegally, how the feck can you try and make this seem okay?
The thing you have to recognise is that before these 600,000 came here, the country was in nowhere near as bad'a shape as it is now. I will delve further into this matter if you wish.

Our debt is one of the lowest in Europe when adjusted for GDP. Lower than Denmark, France, Ireland, Finland and the Netherlands just for a start. It's also historically low for our own country. It may have risen recently but it's still nothing compared to how it was a few decades ago.

I don't care where people are born. People are people. If somebody happens to be born on the other side of a geopolitically constructed line to me then I don't think any less of them. And your claim that the country is worse off now than it was before is completely ludicrous, and trying to blame it on a number of illegal immigrants who make up less than 0.1% of the population is simple ignorant racism.

''They can't hold down any decent jobs because they're not technically allowed to work here. This makes them vulnerable to criminal organisations and shady, risky work conditions.''
So, if they aren't technically allowed here, why are they in the first place?
Hmm, maybe reading it wrong, but your basically saying that it's okay for foreigners to get involved in crime as the English government is preventing them from getting work?

I already explained why they're here you dolt. And no, I didn't say it's acceptable, I said they're vulnerable to it due to their desperate circumstances. Learn to read.

Do you not think the government stops foreigners working here so that the English can have their rightful jobs? It's the same as a point I saw the other day, England has paid Danish manufacturers to build a number of off-shore windmills... that's like having an English labourer and a Danish labourer stood in front of Mr. GB & him picking the Dane as he's doing the work a tenner cheaper, lol.
If the English gave their work to the English, there would be much less of a problem.

I'm not 100% sure who to vote.
All I know is we need change. Anybody who votes Labour is an idiot tbh.

I'd love to see some proof that stopping immigration is good for the economy. Yes, because cutting ourselves off from the whole world's supply of labour and alienating ourselves from outside investment sounds like such a good way of stimulating the economy. It seems like you've convinced yourself that immigration is the source of all our troubles which is a completely absurd position to take and betrays a complete lack of economic thought on your part, as well as a bigoted and ignorant mindset.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom


Naa in truth I have never voted, I'm not sure what steps I need to take before I can vote, short insight into this would be great.

I if I get the chance would vote for either Lib/Torries but I am unsure of whom Would be the better choice.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK
i could moan all day about benefits, but i get most of my gripe based on education for example, when i started college i was working as many hours as i could to allow me some free time and enough time to properly do my assignments, i attended every lesson was never late, did all work on time and got every mark there was to get in every assignment for 2 years and in those 2 years i was denied EMA based on my stepdad earning over 33,000 (or near that) yet one of my friends, attended the lessons (then left early once they got their mark, did the bare minimum work, cba to get a job and recieved EMA, this meant that they were earning almost the same as i was, for doing **** all.. then i go to uni and spend £3000 a year for my course again unable to get funding from the government meaning when i finish i will be just short of 12,000 in DEBT and thats before iv even got into the real world, yet just because their parents dont work some people on my course are getting grants to pay their fees AND maintenence grants (money supposedly to spend on educational stuff but rarely is) AND bursaries of upto £6000 a year which they dont have to pay back (3000 of that pays for the course) and for what? for them to do exactly the same as me ffs yet they are debt free at the end. to top this one of the people i used to call my friend at school got herself pregnant has a kid and a council paid flat plus benefits to support her kid which im effectively paying for through tax i mean wtf to me its like the government is giving you 2 options;
1. Go to uni, try and improve your chances in life but get shafted and end up in debt if your household earns below a certain threshold
2. Not go to uni, sponge off society, amount to nothing but the government will pay for you to do so.. reward you for being a waste

i mean dont get me wrong because some people who go need the support to get through uni but i think either every1 should get it or no1 and education to be free... yes my stepdad is a business director and earns upwards of 80,000 a year but he also has a family to support, a house mortgage to pay off, business and travel costs. i dont see why just because a house earns above a certain amount they should assume that anyone who gets education in that house gets it paid for..
like i said thats my gripe lol


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Did write an essay of a reply... 'Post Quick Reply'... and it asked me to login, take the piss? xD

Tbh, it's opinions, we will just go on forever.


Mad Dog Geo
Jul 4, 2007
Redditch, UK
Eng·land   /ˈɪŋglənd or, often, -lənd/ Show Spelled[ing-gluhnd or, often, -luhnd] Show IPA
the largest division of the United Kingdom, constituting, with Scotland and Wales, the island of Great Britain. 45,870,062; 50,327 sq. mi. (130,347 sq. km) Capital: London. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.

Word Origin & History


O.E. Engla land, lit. "the land of the Angles" (see English).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
Cite This Source

Eng·land (ĭng'glənd)
A division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island of Great Britain. Originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain, and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom. Population: 50,800,000.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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Cultural Dictionary

England definition

One of the countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester are in England.

Note: The king or queen of England is the king or queen of the United Kingdom.
Note: The name England is often used to refer to all of Great Britain.
It is true, just years and years have made most people not even know this :P