What are Heroes (Q&A)


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
What are Heroes?
Heroes are an Official Chinese Mir2 Feature that was added in early 2007. Since then numerous Chinese Private Server groups have been creating Servers with them.

In a NutShell Heroes are highly Advanced Pets. They level, use items, use magic and can be any of the 3 Classes. They have there own Equipment Screen and Bag. For example you can have a Taoist Hero that can summon a Holy Deva and use any Taoist skill that you have taught it. Heroes are fully customisable (Exactly like Players are) so if you don't want a Hero to use Firewall then server owners can remove the Hero Book for the Firewall Skill.

All sets of Heroes files use the Old Database Commander method for DB's making them as easy to setup as the older 1.9 Files.

What groups make Hero server files?
I'll list some of the main Hero groups here. There is probably more but if there is then I haven't found them and/or they don't interest me

SkyM2 (Now HeroM2): These are my prefered set of files. The client is easy to unpack and translate, they are free and they include a lot of features. Since I will generally only release translatable files this will be the main group you'll see files from.

Cqfir: A feature rich version of Hero files. However they are Custom Packed using a method I have no clue of. So unless you like playing fully Chinese files then they are pretty much useless.. Looks pretty though.

JS991 (Now 51M2): Not much to say about these never looked into them much. Custom packed again.

56M2: A fairly new set of files based of BlueM2 (I think) although the client can be unpacked it uses a different method to load the client so I'm unsure how to get them to work. One benefit of these files is that the M2 is also unpacked so would be a good set if we get the client working.

How do I translate packed M2Servers?
I will release a method for this soon. Must be done for every reboot though.

What other features do Hero Server files have?
Since each set of Hero files are different I can't really answer this fully. Some common features though are
  • A Stall System to let you personally sell Items in Safe Zones at a price you want
  • A New Item Refining System accessed from the Bag Menu and using Gems to basically Level Items
  • Coloured NPC Chat
  • Loads of New NPC Commands for Server Owners to create new and unique features
  • New Magic

Will add more later as I think of them.. Fill free to give ideas for questions
Last edited:


Unstookie Titled
Aug 19, 2008
Nice work Milo, this section alone has just added some big variety and intrest to English Private Mir2 Server.



Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
maybe ive got competition now lol

On Topic

More features from hero

Web browser ingame / switch mode for screen / custom safezone / ingame moveplayer / horses / and a load of monster magic and skills



Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
Not to spam but i thought only cq had the movieplayer ?

forgot to say they also have the trustmerchant as you know from 2.3 and also simple things like level up effects etc

you get the idear and i must say its about time we got hero servers going on lomcn



Apr 14, 2004
United Kingdom
Not to spam but i thought only cq had the movieplayer ?

forgot to say they also have the trustmerchant as you know from 2.3 and also simple things like level up effects etc

you get the idear and i must say its about time we got hero servers going on lomcn



I didnt see you releasing your files! :punch:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 15, 2003
milo have you got any examples of the new npc commands which they have been implementing? thanks


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
And why would i want to release mine ?

Show me the money :)


You said: looks like i may have compeition now. Which was taken as some as if you both release files.

I think?

Meh ignore me.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 18, 2007
Stoke, UK
And why would i want to release mine ?

Show me the money :)


Don't think many owners would want the movie player :(

And show you the money? i'll show you summat :brows:

Naaa in truth, i'm happy that DS have released their files/leads will be good for the commuinity and the United Kingdom and whoever else is on here that doesn't live in China/Korea as it will give them a chance to have a play etc.

Guess they are feeling extra joyfull this time of year :p and i love them for it tbh been after these files for a while but gave up because Milo always put me down (sometimes Haz) by saying they were packed. But they have very kindly released their files to the public for free and don't ask for anything in return except for a little more respect that some people don't give to them, which in truth they do deserve.

Lifco, although i know you have just released your source code or whatever it was for the BlueM2 i seriously cannot see you releasing your files until you have your own server up and running, and i'm not saying that in a nasty way as i know you have released a lot of other stuff which is shown in your siggy and i know that you have put alot of work into these files ever since you returned to Mir so no body expects you to release them with all the work that you have done. And i know for a fact that you are a nice guy before anybody starts doubting you as you have helped me alot over the years and i thank you greatly for that.

But nice one DevilSoul team > :ghug: and Killmaster > :)

Na i see you all as one big group now :P
