PSA: Wash your hands and #staythefuckhomeplayingmir

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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
I was joking.

You can't do anything about it. Same thing happened here. They only allow "essential" business to remain open but those who work behind closed doors are also allowed as long as they keep the distance, wear a face mask and gloves, etc.

If you think you company isn't taking any measure and you're exposed to the virus you should be able to inform the police anonymously.

you only have to look at Boris’s twitter, the pinned post from his speech last night, the amount of people sending in pictures of there work places open and all in a tiny room etc etc, I mean there’s one on there from a builder who’s in his tea room and there’s atleast 50-100 people in there all eatting etc, and this is a building site in London from this morning... so until our wonderful government decide to actually close “non essential businesses” and not just “shops” this epidemic they class it will just keep on going... and a lot more deaths to come.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
I'm actually trying to plan to have even less trips outside for the next month or two... even shopping for essentials I can probably avoid because of the way I live I have always had a good store cupboard for food and what really is essential anyway? I already have rice, pasta, lentils, beans, chickpeas, potatoes, stockcubes, onions, flour, bread flour, herbs & spices, frozen fruit and veg

only thing really is fresh fruit and veg... but was thinking I could just go for a "exercise" walk and forrage some stinging nettles to make some soup... and use the dandelions in the garden for some salad leaves... then in a few months I will have a tree full of figs to eat :) yum yum

I could probably grow some potatoes, radish, beans and salad leaves too if I have any viable seeds left in my gardening box... just in case this lasts a lot longer than expected I think growing stuff will be a good idea
Only thing I’ll be growing if this carry’s on is the greeens with the buds on 🤪


Jan 10, 2009
I'm actually trying to plan to have even less trips outside for the next month or two... even shopping for essentials I can probably avoid because of the way I live I have always had a good store cupboard for food and what really is essential anyway? I already have rice, pasta, lentils, beans, chickpeas, potatoes, stockcubes, onions, flour, bread flour, herbs & spices, frozen fruit and veg

only thing really is fresh fruit and veg... but was thinking I could just go for a "exercise" walk and forrage some stinging nettles to make some soup... and use the dandelions in the garden for some salad leaves... then in a few months I will have a tree full of figs to eat :) yum yum

I could probably grow some potatoes, radish, beans and salad leaves too if I have any viable seeds left in my gardening box... just in case this lasts a lot longer than expected I think growing stuff will be a good idea

That's the way to go. The less you go outside, the better. Go and buy whatever you need for the week and that's all.

The virus can hit you hard even if you're young. I think I was infected by a 23y old who had to be put into de ICU. I wasn't in direct contact with him but through a chain of other 2 the virus came home. He was one of the first confirmed cases here, he got it in Milan.

We don't know if we did have corona or not because we didn't have to go to an hospital. I also think my niece passed the virus to one of her friends and then she passed it to her mother who ended up with fever for days. And all that with minimal contact, but this **** spreads very quickly.


The 23 year old just got out from the ICU. He's fine but after all these weeks he needs a lung transplant.
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LOMCN Developer
Jan 14, 2014
yeah at the start I was planning on going to the shop like once every 2 weeks but I think limiting it even further will be a good idea... I only go to work 2 days a week as I'm part time at the moment so that is the only reason I need to leave if I don't go shopping and hopefully any of the staff that fall ill will stay at home and not bring it into work...

we now need the rest of the uk to stay at home... it was on the news that the tube stations were packed again in London even though we are in lockdown


Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
If you have a mortgage and your out of work ring your bank. Just done it and 24 minutes later no mortgage to pay for 3 months 👍🏻 Happy days some good news

“if your out of work” tried mine (Barclays) and Unless my workplace shut or I catch this virus and cannot go to work I’m entitled to **** all. So here I am forced to work in my non essential workplace to pay for the roof over mine and my family’s heads. So not quiet as simple as #StayAtHome...


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
“if your out of work” tried mine (Barclays) and Unless my workplace shut or I catch this virus and cannot go to work I’m entitled to **** all. So here I am forced to work in my non essential workplace to pay for the roof over mine and my family’s heads. So not quiet as simple as #StayAtHome...

I provided no proof whatsoever @deano13 I just said my construction site shut for atleast 4 weeks and that was enough (nationwide)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
“if your out of work” tried mine (Barclays) and Unless my workplace shut or I catch this virus and cannot go to work I’m entitled to **** all. So here I am forced to work in my non essential workplace to pay for the roof over mine and my family’s heads. So not quiet as simple as #StayAtHome...

You'd still be entitled to an interest free £1k+ (depending on number of kids) loan that you pay back over 2 years from the government if you claimed Universal Credit even as things stand now with your employment.


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
Hope he does a lockdown but doubt very much he will. It annoys me somwhat by them saying stay at home or your putting yourself & others at risk... he's right but not putting the lockdown in place is also putting people at risk as there is too many borderline retarded people that just simply won't do the right thing unless they are actually forced too.

Had a look at them seaside cams today that stream the front at places like bridlington, scarborough, filey, whitby etc.. there was still loads of families still walking around freely. Stoping & chatting to people like theres nothing happening.

Then because Mcdonalds is closing for the time being... you have the utter retards queing on foot & by cars to get their fill before it shuts. The news was showing how close the idiots was standing to each other & how the traffic was backed up, few pictures of the panic buyers today too:

Something has to be done to stop these morons.

Which area around Grimsby, Cleethorpes are you from then?

Problem is that people are not taking this pandemic seriously enough. As an HGV driver, I have traveled to Malton and all you see was people traveling like nothing is wrong. The police do not have the resources to enforce people to remain at home. One excise a day is ridiculous like previously mentioned go into your garden for fresh air, not down the street/park. Over the weekend I decided to go out on the motorcycle, down the coastal roads to Skegness. Cleethorpes, Mablethorpe, Skegness all heaving.
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Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Tbh he is obviously gonna get tested he’s of national importance and in the public eye. Same as if boris needed a test or the queen herself. It would effect ppl on a large scale so ppl like that should be imo


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Tbh he is obviously gonna get tested he’s of national importance and in the public eye. Same as if boris needed a test or the queen herself. It would effect ppl on a large scale so ppl like that should be imo

Bollooockkks, i can see the importance of getting old floppy boris tested quickly, because we need him to do his job.

But having the royals immediately tested, for what sake ? the only purpose they serve is novelty lol


Jan 10, 2009
Bollooockkks, i can see the importance of getting old floppy boris tested quickly, because we need him to do his job.

But having the royals immediately tested, for what sake ? the only purpose they serve is novelty lol



Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Bollooockkks, i can see the importance of getting old floppy boris tested quickly, because we need him to do his job.

But having the royals immediately tested, for what sake ? the only purpose they serve is novelty lol

Because they're royalty you ******* peasant.
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Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Hopefully a self employed package tomorrow to allow all the construction employers to shut up shop and we will be in good shape