Legend Of Mir: HellzLoose - DM2

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 13, 2007
wat a loads of s*** tbh u lot just used n abused us

it took wat months 2 get this server rdy n wat 4 a week n half of bein online roflmfao looks like u just wasted all ur time n effort 2 me i know 4 certain i wont be playin ne of ur servers again i think u should learn sum respect aswell


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
lol any of you read what you've just put, bordering crazy i find.. im thinking by any degree of intelegence that you don't seem to have :). Is that he is converting the DM2 files to The Deaths files, so it removes most bugs, with gems and skills. so that it would be like a 2.3 server.

And this is funny enough where you were wrong aswell, there was places to hunt past 45, the problem was it looked like you needed to spoon fed everything. " whats the drops here" etc. and if you want to remove bugs testing is needed.

And to round things up, ive been online for a duration of the time asking questions getting answer and opinions. so don't start victimising. Again this is voluntary spair time we are using to your benifit :)..

so pipe down,........PRIVATE SERVER, not euro

Oh and bon...pleassse don't come back, i beg you.. S T A Y A W A Y :P you bore me. Like out of Hot fuzz..

JOG ON... and yes my middle finger is pointing at you:)

server will be back up peepz chars will be given to them.

\Thankyou and have a nice day,
You friendly GM DeathsDeciple :)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
pathetic tbh how you all can drop the server and move on bcoz that is what you are doing. no one did nething past 45 bcoz stats were all ****ed up none of the gm's posted any updates and nothing was seen to be done so people knew theyd just be wasting there time in lvling and hunting onwards. i dont see how a gm team of 5 or 6 couldnt correct all the things that needed correcting in a few hours. doubt ill be playing any servers now ran by you as this is wat will happen nxt time.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 11, 2003
oh my god your all as bad as the people on euro.
You will shout abuse at server GMs like crazy, but i bet half of you will return and forget the whole incident.

Server is bloody awesome, you get caves with bosses at the end, gota work for paras and pros. Hell at the moment you gota work together to pk, i know its hard for the losers out there who multi their chars up lol.

Imbalance in exp between classes is great, wiz lvl very quick but suffer in pvp. Warrior level slower and do very well in pvp.
Taos need work on however, but if they do not change and just added shield im sure it will be fine.

And for the record its killmaster's server, he doesnt need you to tell him how to do his updates, just report bugs.
Cant wait for server to return, i dont play mir and havn't for ages but this one brings me back hands down im addicted :p



Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
Right so the bugs such as items going missing was easily fixable?
And like we dont have jobs to attend on part time basis?
Like DeathsDeciple says, its something that is done in spare time. When we want to and how we want to do it.

People just moaning as always that they want the server how they like it. Get over it. I cant be doing with the files atm. Im moving on to the coding side of things.

Good luck and I'll be back once I've got some vb.net skills :P

Perhaps may see a whole new server that we have discussed about. In the version of VB.NET which maybe the first one ;)

Credit for server goes towards DeathsDeciple more than me.
Had to put it, or he will moan :P haha,

The classes was being worked on. We had a nice system we were going to use for the pros/paras and all drops were redone.
Dont know whether to continue with this server or just make a new one. Once its up more than once than its lost its effect on the community in my eyes.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 18, 2006
lol any of you read what you've just put, bordering crazy i find.. im thinking by any degree of intelegence that you don't seem to have :). Is that he is converting the DM2 files to The Deaths files, so it removes most bugs, with gems and skills. so that it would be like a 2.3 server.

And this is funny enough where you were wrong aswell, there was places to hunt past 45, the problem was it looked like you needed to spoon fed everything. " whats the drops here" etc. and if you want to remove bugs testing is needed.

And to round things up, ive been online for a duration of the time asking questions getting answer and opinions. so don't start victimising. Again this is voluntary spair time we are using to your benifit :)..

so pipe down,........PRIVATE SERVER, not euro

Oh and bon...pleassse don't come back, i beg you.. S T A Y A W A Y :P you bore me. Like out of Hot fuzz..

JOG ON... and yes my middle finger is pointing at you:)

server will be back up peepz chars will be given to them.

\Thankyou and have a nice day,
You friendly GM DeathsDeciple :)

instead of slagging off bon u could have told us the details of whats going to change, when its happening, how it will effect the server etc.

"there are places to hunt past 45, haha. Just as an example, the "hidden cave" in Cannier castle ( ZT entrance ) had no map, only 1F had mobs, they had no drop files.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
So can anyone tell me what is actually happening?
Is there going to be a wipe?
Any ETA on files?


EDIT: post count of the devil 666 :O


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
oh my god your all as bad as the people on euro.
You will shout abuse at server GMs like crazy, but i bet half of you will return and forget the whole incident.

Server is bloody awesome, you get caves with bosses at the end, gota work for paras and pros. Hell at the moment you gota work together to pk, i know its hard for the losers out there who multi their chars up lol.

Imbalance in exp between classes is great, wiz lvl very quick but suffer in pvp. Warrior level slower and do very well in pvp.
Taos need work on however, but if they do not change and just added shield im sure it will be fine.

And for the record its killmaster's server, he doesnt need you to tell him how to do his updates, just report bugs.
Cant wait for server to return, i dont play mir and havn't for ages but this one brings me back hands down im addicted :p


no this is something you dont forget theyve ****ed people around stupidly there all moving on to something diffrent becoz they cba and are too lazy. imbalance between classes is good but on this server ther is no imbalance as such as every 1 is just 1 or 2 hiting each other. thers no such thing as a pvp on here warr's are 1 hit killing every 1. wizzes are just flying thru the exp and can ezily get to 45 if they wnted to in a day. and by the sounds of it server wont return and gd riddons tbh .


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 29, 2004
Tbh, bring hellz back up as it was and make spells a little easyer to get,
updates kit with 2.3 stuff like MR, PR, More A.Speed etc.
lke 47+ kits and server should be fine


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
In reply to you, bradz I don't know killmaster has changed his mind....again. I havn't been here the hole time of been busy, workin n so on n party etc. so its news to my ears. But instead of moaning constantly, just go play another server, we don't need it lol. kill has been callin the shots thing were gettin fixed. but he has changed his mind, taken it down.

Colenel, its a game made by a couple of teenagers. N there is no real reason y i wud generally be slaving away for you so that you can have pixels to kill.

speak to kill, it was gettin fixed thats all.



LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Dec 30, 2005
Newport S.Wales
so if ur not commited why the **** are u wasting peoples time answer that people have better things to do than play a server thats going nowhere no 1 expects u to slave away you should either commit to something or **** off .


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
lol you a nub i swear, never new sum 1 could take a game so seriously, what do you do when you play a game except waste your time n have a little bit of a laff, do you think wen u play the game will last indeffeniatly? reality check.

just remember what you ranting on about at the end of the day, a game..


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 13, 2007
right ok so from wat we was told b4 kill commented was hellz was down n is gettin wiped n sum of the gms r goin else were then kill cums on n says hes changin things on the server thats y its down then another post kill says its a waste of time he might make another server? make up ur ****in mind pfft
no wonder ppl r gettin annoyed with u think about it


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
well thats kills descision, i've spoke to him and commented on the effects of his actions, but he doesn't seem fazed by it. Currently he is attempting to set up the deaths files, but we are having trouble with the login server, its not letting us create an account.

suggestion would be nice.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 18, 2006
In reply to you, bradz I don't know killmaster has changed his mind....again. I havn't been here the hole time of been busy, workin n so on n party etc. so its news to my ears. But instead of moaning constantly, just go play another server, we don't need it lol. kill has been callin the shots thing were gettin fixed. but he has changed his mind, taken it down.

Colenel, its a game made by a couple of teenagers. N there is no real reason y i wud generally be slaving away for you so that you can have pixels to kill.

speak to kill, it was gettin fixed thats all.


i will only moan when moaned at sir :). Alot of the people on here have stated there opinion and stood by it, THERE TRYING TO HELP. Maybe none of us should post our thoughts and just leave u to it? its called constuctive criticism, and maybe if u learnt how to deal with it; you could get somewhere with HellzLoose.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
ur posts are a joke DD, all u do is have ago at the ppl tryin 2 help u. its ppl like u that fk up servers, u shouldnt even be doin a server with that attitude.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
Yes each criticism was taken into account and listed and were being delt with, but the is a clear line with constructive criticism and blasphemy, criticism is a balance of the good points, with a boost of moral, and not the server **** I won’t play again, including ****. We worked on it in our time, we did not know when things would get done, and people need to realize how time consuming bug fixes can be. Due to the fact you have to test change factors and consider the changes you’ve made on other things.

I couldn’t up to date. Or inform any one because I was at my dads wedding and all decisions were made in that time. If it were up to me it would still be up and I would be working on it now. But due to items disappearing server needed to come down.

Bon, i never ever seen anything but moaning come from you. and i made the server, kill converted it 2.3 which brought in most of the bugs. and then took it down so don't tell me who ***cked up, because ive been trying to get things sorted and back up :)

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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 29, 2004
Death, Tell kill to keep hellzloose up, all it needs is some updates which can be done quite easilly, you see nobody has kits lvl 47+? and there are people 50+ ingame.
Simply add new 2.3 stats to the 47+ kits
easy enough to fix

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