Any chance of a non Pykie server ?


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
Personally i could not play a none pk mir server but thats just me. i Also dont pk lower levels just enemy guilds.
Don't think ive ever pke'd low levels pointless really stopping there progression for abit of spite. Nothing to gain from killing i get that. But unfortunately that's how alot of people are.
Bare in mind also their more than likely to be on discord with x amount of people and more time some one will say they dont like x person and just leads to them always being pked.
I have many mates who prefer just to pve or pvp vice versa. every ones different but for me and about i would say atleast 80% play for being able to get items off somebody with good kit. i don't think the pk aspect should ever be taken out on mir anyways, It is what keeps me playing all these new servers.
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Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing. with the same guild every time, not met a single 1 of them :) Never have a problem. But also play a load of other games together as well, not just restricted to Mir. All the new and randoms that end up joining don't defaulty inherit my trust and they never get anything off me that i cannot afford to lose. Account is never shared, nor do i lend kit as long as i'm active on the off chance i never get it back when I need it, or ever lol.

But PvP is what makes Mir fun....if all you want to do is grind mobs without conflict, then you may as well play an offline version. What purpose is having all the items in the game if you do nothing with them except kill more of the same mobs, just faster lol.

A PvE only server will be dead in about a week, or less...Assuming it even gets off the ground to begin with.

PK Drops I still honestly believe they actually discourage PvP, not encourage. I fight for the purpose of the fight, not for the purpose of taking someones items, if anything the fact that I know i can spend more time online than some, means I have a greater risk in PvP with drops on and makes me more inclined to not fight till the end lol. But on or off makes no odds to me, but I know people who have actually quit after dropping some of their best this encourages anything is beyond me lol...that person that quit probably took a few others with him, and it ends up being a bit of a snowball effect.

So "Any chance of a non Pykie server" as in PKing server? No has no profit and it would be dead way too fast.

And LDC, as good as a coder as people think you are, Instances are a bad idea, especially for Mir and this user count lol. People that complain about the PKing are usually the ones on the receiving end of it...but even those people, i'm sure have received a death drop once or twice and really enjoyed their reward lol.

Nobody will play a PvE only server.

I think you'd be surprised. The toxicity of some servers player base constantly pking etc puts people off as from above posts is obvious.

As for palying offline version, people get enjoyment about of "friendly" competition race to next level, or 1st to get a weapon etc.. aslong as there is advancements, there is a reason to grind against another player to beat them.

Instances done on a server would work but need to be heavily customised to each server.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
People that complain about the PKing are usually the ones on the receiving end of it...but even those people, i'm sure have received a death drop once or twice and really enjoyed their reward lol.

I have to disagree with this. Absolutely. There is a huge difference between 'playing the game' and just being an outright prick.

I'm confident that there are plenty of people like me, that never cared at all about PvP or death drops. There have been a few posts on here (drop vs no drop) that would back that up. We can argue back n' forth all day long but at the end of the day its the players choice how they interact with others.

Back in the day, when I actually played properly on P69 & Darkside, I could run around and 2 hit anyone I wanted, but I didn't. Instead, I was happy to group anyone & play nice, share drops, etc.

Did I fight people? Sure, if you acted like a ****, you get it right back. But few tried, why? Because they knew outright they would get put on their arse.
And here is the underlying cause. They are only ****s as long as they think they can 'win'.

If we look at the last server I played, it gives a good example. The 'no-lifer' guild jumped me a few times, always 2 or 3 of them, it always ended with either them dead or TT. So, I gave it right back, when I saw them, I slapped them... After a few days, they want a truce and to be the best of friends. Shocker.


It's not just the players tho, the game it'self is designed in such a way that it promoted ruthless rivalries. If you want to kill bosses etc, it is to be expected to a large degree, especially on populated servers. I came to terms with that fact, hence I rarely play anymore. I just didn't have fun killing people for a boss, I always felt bad afterward.

Instancing is not the answer, as that changes the dynamic of the game way out of bounds. At this point, I don't think there is anything you can do to remedy this, the game is too far gone. Those that are left are clearly not interested in major change.

If I was to try, it would be something along the lines of how BDO played. As with Mir, you had world pvp, etc, but progress was done regardless. i.e daily/weekly personal bosses, the majority of the loot came from grinding the world. Not sitting around waiting to RT to a boss every 2-3 hours.
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Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
I struggle to get into any server atm as it just requires too much time and effort to progress.

the early levels are usually the best and more entertaining for me, you get to a certain point and it just becomes boring

servers do need some sort of grief system, high-level players killing the lower ones will eventually piss them off and they won't play..
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
I struggle to get into any server atm as it just requires too much time and effort to progress.

the early levels are usually the best and more entertaining for me, you get to a certain point and it just becomes boring

servers do need some sort of grief system, high-level players killing the lower ones will eventually piss them off and they won't play..

Pretty much this, I usually do the fun part to 35'ish then realize I need to spend the next month staring at the same walls and the same mob and sod it off.
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Feb 21, 2013
I don't play that many servers but have to say, last time I got pked is like two or three yrs back? I could barely take on WB and spent whole bag of pots on it, was close to making it and someone came by, watched for a bit and then jumped me to deal last few blows to kill the WB. I think I quit playing then.

Since then I never met with pks but that is likely because my play style is what Skyline described (do subs, make gold to buy used items) but there was an occasional server where lower bosses were not camped and I was actually able to kill them (that doesn't always follow if you play solo).

Because of that play style, I could just as well be on pure PvE servers. Many yrs back, some pkers were bothering me and I was on my toes when someone came too close to me and I killed him and was surprised how easy that happened and felt bad after as it turned up it wasn't any pker who approached me. But usually I RTed away from pk attempts because even if I could kill someone, I am not ready to PvP most or pretty well all times and do it so rarely that it is not second nature to me (that you need to hold shift and all that).

But for all that, I am for pk servers, just wish pple would fight (besides for sport) just with those they have some beef with. I find it totally stupid to jump and pk someone totally unsuspecting whom you didn't even see or meet with before.

I like the idea of bosses spawning on any cave floor. Only seen that on Happy server, where you could find even on first floor of a pretty low level cave a boss that on our servers you would normally find in caves many levels higher up. Like if you ran into DD on 1F of WT or find a WT in OC. Once I went to WT KR, didn't find a WT but there was this 'flower' and it was a hard kill, way much harder than WT would have been. Happy server was pretty extreme that way and you had to keep on your toes most times. Sometimes a korean player chanced by when I was in mid boss fight and they would just go on or help me kill it and leave the drop all to me. This reminds me, since I am 'in between server', to pay a visit there or maybe try the new 'zircon' of their making that Coolcopy was announcing here.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jul 11, 2010
maybe a way to stop higher levels camping bosses would be to have items dropped by players level? say there is a boss you can just solo at level 45 if your level 60+ and killing it instead of getting the best items drop you only get crap meaning the players level 45-59 can get them higher tier items


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
People called me crazy when I added instances to chrons! Lol

Better to let bosses drop a box once per day/week/whatever, put all rare items the boss normally drops into the box and remove from boss. Then drop respawn to 5min. That way if your friend hasn't kill it, you can group with them and help kill it. You won't get anything from it (cept some pots/gold maybe) but you've helped a friend and creates bonds between players, teaching co-operation.

Maybe subs once a day, bosses weekly? That gives players an incentive to log in each day.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2015
Instances in Mir goes against the fundamental design of the game.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2009
Personally i could not play a none pk mir server but thats just me. i Also dont pk lower levels just enemy guilds.
Don't think ive ever pke'd low levels pointless really stopping there progression for abit of spite. Nothing to gain from killing i get that. But unfortunately that's how alot of people are.

I used to think like that but nowadays when I'm attacked by a much higher lvl or better geared player that I have zero chance of beating in pvp I will happily pk any level player belonging to the same guild of the person that attacked me. PK them.. mess their hunts up.. grief them (excluding carebear servers owned by carebear devs). You'll be suprised how quickly players leave you alone when they know their actions will make it harder for other players in their guild.

I don't even feel bad when pking any lvl as there are no true noobs in mir these days.


Feb 21, 2013
Instances in Mir goes against the fundamental design of the game.
Agree and make it even more general. Mir2's fundamental design is open game in every way, no instances, no area restrictions - here one exception came with the patch that brought us PB limited access.

In that spirit of openness, which includes even movement on map as such, I dislike those low obstacle walls (knee to waist high kind) that mir3 maps tend to have, creating something like rice paddies on open maps, that make you run about like in a maze, in contrast to open unrestricted movement on mir2 maps (not talking about cliffs, promontories etc).
Fishing server had such low wall enclosing its starting village, TPR's mir3 maps have it aplenty. I dislike such husbanding and movement shepherding by server owners (it makes mir into supervised playground like you have irl for children) and instances fall in similar category, as do guild private territories (wich thankfully most servers these days don't have) and other such features that promote player seclusions.

I like the above idea regarding RTs and bosses of WelshSteel and Skyline, teleporting between provinces is a questionable feature. Combined with random boss spawn locations (not just on cave floors but on outdoor maps as well) would do a lot to prevent 'quick boss tours'. Some servers have random 'lord' mob spawns but IMO those should not be announced.


LOMCN n00bie
Jun 8, 2019
There's a difference between PK and a good fight.
These ppl say they play for the fights. They dont they only fight if they can win and jumping lower levels is the best kind of PK. they geek it til they are in the top levels then jump lower levels.
Why not spice it up for these players? Fight Club mir.
Bring back penalties for PK. No pk point reductions
IF yr red you will drop at least 3 items from body
Once you go red you cannot access NPCs so cant store kit nor can you trade items. Ppl get pots for you and drop em on floor.
No gain with out pain. No pk for body drops without risk.

Turn it around mir3 used to be no body drop then greed pot invented. Mir 2 no body drop but reduced exp.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 26, 2008
Yeah pikeys. Only have to look at the names. ****You(on apig), MountainJew, Rapecident, all the rent boy adverts MyArse, GiantPenis, BorisJohnson. Thought there was a thing about keeping politics from mmorpg but this is a scamming rich man being paid to talk rubbish if it gets a vote.

The casual PK with no penalties does lose the game players. Many dont want to compete with ppl who play 16+ hours til they higher than rest so thay can one two hit almost everyone.{alyer base falling every server because these few.

I know a wholeguild left the first zircon cos they got pk every time they were trying to level to catch up and have a chance.AMyone seen a TrueFamily playersince mir2forever?

If there is not penalty for PK then player base is going to keep falling.