Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Disturbed 1.9

bolloks i sent 3 posts propa sz ma comp is fukin up
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Disturbed 1.9

this is gettin anoying lol plzplz put server up cos i am lvl 141 and i want 143!!! sz 4 doouble post


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Re: Disturbed 1.9

its also getting annoying you triple posting!
you computer isnt muking up! you are lying!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Disturbed 1.9

cLu3LeSs said:
its also getting annoying you triple posting!
you computer isnt muking up! you are lying!
huh i didnt mean 2 ma comp crashed afterwards!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2006
Re: Disturbed 1.9

hey... whats happening with the server and when is it gunna be back up i wanted to get to lvl 200+ 2day but it dont look like it gunna happen


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2006
Re: Disturbed 1.9

Idoku said:
hey... whats happening with the server and when is it gunna be back up i wanted to get to lvl 200+ 2day but it dont look like it gunna happen

Server is up, and New Tokyo City, with leveling area introduced check forum for patches.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Disturbed 1.9

OK this is the scenerio i asked on Disturbed forum for SW lvling area to be reconsidered as this would give an unfair advantage to the holding guild ....no no was this wont happen was reply ...Bull **** suddenly the second highest lvl of the sw guild who hasnt lvled more than 1- 2 lvl a week for ages suddenly goes up 4 lvls in a day and the war that was due that night gets cancelled becos the server goes down tonite its happened again thats ridiculous im trying my best to get 50 % in day and YOUR M8 LINX ELITETAOIST goes another 3 lvls and b4 we get a successful war prolley goes past me lvling FFS LISTEN SW lvling area isnt right they never work and if a successfull war cant be waged then there downright bloody cheating
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Disturbed 1.9

Great now every1s leaving becos the SW so i got no chance getting same advantage as Elite so may as well go with them ffs why why didnt u listen u Dopey GM


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 11, 2003
Re: Disturbed 1.9

yep we all leavein linx has made the server too unbalanced so cba with it , makes taos too powerfull , give tehma sw lvl area when sw is rightfully ours so looks like alot of ppl leaveing . :D


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 24, 2005
Re: Disturbed 1.9

haha because of THREE or FOUR people on the server u making it sound like gm's aint any good. linx is the best thing that happend to server, he is constantly updates/trying his best to make it a good server. he only did this to tao's to make them as strong as wizzies because before this wizzies had Massive advantage. and next he was going to inmprove warriors with lionsroar. its nathan/ownage/babywizzl/holly that arejust being spoiled. because they dont have acces to SW lvling area they are starting to cry. i think you should grow up and deal with it


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Re: Disturbed 1.9

Due to a massive amount of complaints, i have temporarily removed the Tokyo cave untill it is re-thought so it wouldn't be THAT much of an advantage.

Taoists now once again have only one pet like all the other classes.

Tokyo castle walls are once again "killable".

The Tokyo war is planned tomorrow at 8PM GMT, and will last untill 10PM GMT.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 24, 2005
Re: Disturbed 1.9

stupid mistake there ragnar it has to be said


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Re: Disturbed 1.9

What are you all getting so worked up about? It is being RE THOUGHT, it WILL BE BACK but with slight CHANGES.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Re: Disturbed 1.9

rashed said:
haha because of THREE or FOUR people on the server u making it sound like gm's aint any good. linx is the best thing that happend to server, he is constantly updates/trying his best to make it a good server. he only did this to tao's to make them as strong as wizzies because before this wizzies had Massive advantage. and next he was going to inmprove warriors with lionsroar. its nathan/ownage/babywizzl/holly that arejust being spoiled. because they dont have acces to SW lvling area they are starting to cry. i think you should grow up and deal with it

that is all correct. but you forgot a very respectable point. if nathan/ownage/babywizzl/holly were the 1s with access to sw place the wouldnt care at all about the others saying its unfair and would be saying, ''yer ragnar, deffinetely keep this cave!''


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Disturbed 1.9

Loved1 said:
that is all correct. but you forgot a very respectable point. if nathan/ownage/babywizzl/holly were the 1s with access to sw place the wouldnt care at all about the others saying its unfair and would be saying, ''yer ragnar, deffinetely keep this cave!''

Thats simply not true i asked on Disturbed forum b4 the cave was introduced for it not to be included because i knew it would be end of server for me. GMs on this server r constantly talking to Elitetaoist thats why he gets an advantage no 1 listened to me on the regular forum and thats why i posted here

he always knows wot the drop files are, how to navigate mazes ...then when he asked how or where he got particular item or got to a particular cave he lies or clams up. The GMs prolley innocently believe there telling him stuff hes gonna share but he dont cos hes scheming lil bassa

5 lvls hes gained for doing fek all except **** sucking on msn


LOMCN n00bie
Feb 23, 2006
Re: Disturbed 1.9

holly said:
Thats simply not true i asked on Disturbed forum b4 the cave was introduced for it not to be included because i knew it would be end of server for me. GMs on this server r constantly talking to Elitetaoist thats why he gets an advantage no 1 listened to me on the regular forum and thats why i posted here

he always knows wot the drop files are, how to navigate mazes ...then when he asked how or where he got particular item or got to a particular cave he lies or clams up. The GMs prolley innocently believe there telling him stuff hes gonna share but he dont cos hes scheming lil bassa

5 lvls hes gained for doing fek all except **** sucking on msn

Easy. I started this server and Blizzard and ET helped me through the early lvls. I left a while ago when i was 8th highest on server and aint been on for a while. It is a well run server and GM talks TO ANYBODY if he gets the chance.

1. ET has always been a mate on there for me. We often went hunting together and he is always helping so he has character.
2. He was the first to find the guildcave (the one is Sabuk mountains) but him and Blizz went hunting. I was with em so i no he found it on his own after 2 hours searching!
3. I have even once witnessed ET ARGUIN wit gm over changes that made game unbalanced even tho it benefitted him.

So Holly, leave ET out of it. Rag made a mistake but don't blame ET. Even before all this he was always right up your arse levelling anyway and was on more often then u. Just my thoughts. (btw Holly is a cool player didnt mean to sound like i was slagging he off)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 24, 2005
Re: Disturbed 1.9

holly said:
Thats simply not true i asked on Disturbed forum b4 the cave was introduced for it not to be included because i knew it would be end of server for me. GMs on this server r constantly talking to Elitetaoist thats why he gets an advantage no 1 listened to me on the regular forum and thats why i posted here

he always knows wot the drop files are, how to navigate mazes ...then when he asked how or where he got particular item or got to a particular cave he lies or clams up. The GMs prolley innocently believe there telling him stuff hes gonna share but he dont cos hes scheming lil bassa

5 lvls hes gained for doing fek all except **** sucking on msn

they do not really tell me that much, most of the time they say we cnt say information like this, but the stuf they do tel me i share, i evne shared with you holly!! when xula items dropped from iwt i todl you about it! so think about wot ur saying.
yeh i made 5 lvls in 2 days big wow(u think its cus of lvlin area).
oh but look. ive done 150% already since SW lvlin area is closed, it actualy made me reaslise i lvl faster in 220 KR than SW lvling. so get ur act togethor and stop accusing people of this and that when you dont know the true facts

p.s. thanks wizgod :P


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Disturbed 1.9

WarGodReturns said:
Easy. I started this server and Blizzard and ET helped me through the early lvls. I left a while ago when i was 8th highest on server and aint been on for a while. It is a well run server and GM talks TO ANYBODY if he gets the chance.

1. ET has always been a mate on there for me. We often went hunting together and he is always helping so he has character.
2. He was the first to find the guildcave (the one is Sabuk mountains) but him and Blizz went hunting. I was with em so i no he found it on his own after 2 hours searching!
3. I have even once witnessed ET ARGUIN wit gm over changes that made game unbalanced even tho it benefitted him.

So Holly, leave ET out of it. Rag made a mistake but don't blame ET. Even before all this he was always right up your arse levelling anyway and was on more often then u. Just my thoughts. (btw Holly is a cool player didnt mean to sound like i was slagging he off)
The past u living in the past u not been on server since ET sold his character for real cash and stole it back u prolley knew the nice guy
not this scheming tw@t 50% of the server players not been on all night and the dopey dickhead been bragging all night how easy lvling is out of the SW lving..... aprox 3 weeks casual lvling i was ahead of him hes caught up in 2 days dam right im p1ssed off try sticking ur snout into servers business that u actually play u know nothing about wots going on U aint there mind ur own business