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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
here we go again.

Right, is there any proof of these files being stolen ?

-if yes please provide all proof to me and i will remove the advert from the forum. by proof i mean real proof not "this looks the same" or "that npc is the same"

Is there any other proof that we can give other than the fact that:

1. The item names, stats & level requirements are the exact same, excluding their own custom items.
2. The hunt map names & numbers are the exact same, again excluding custom hunt areas.
3. The mob names, skins, stats & drops are the exact same, once again excluding custom mobs.

If more proof is needed I'm sure it won't be very hard for the creator and myself to dig it up.

If you had been a player of Euphoria it would be plain to see that these are the same files, difference being Hollie has took these files and ripped them apart to the extent that He/She thought nobody would notice.

Miles, Xanan & Myself have already started work on these files and it would be a shame for it to go to waste due to some plank stealing the server files.

Koni said:
also ste or whatever's many accounts were banned from this forum for what he did with his files
- making a server to gain account details for other servers and hack accounts and openly admit to doing it.

What Ste done with his files is not relevant right now and a bias attitude towards this situation should not be taken because of it. - I'm not saying that you are taking a bias attitude, I just don't see why you brought that situation up on this thread.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2007
ye servs back up have fun miles well said and hun i cnt block tht port my isp isnt leting me


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 22, 2005
well server isnt working it still says connection closed and i have the right ip.....


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 10, 2004
ye servs back up have fun miles well said and hun i cnt block tht port my isp isnt leting me

it has nothing to do with the isp not letting you block the port. it will be on the router you may have to get the manual out and have a look for port blocking and i beleave you are useing a voyager router and i dont know their setup that well.


Mar 14, 2006
Southampton UK
wond, i ment to say that i cant get hold of ste as his account(s) were banned for the reasons i listed and no my comments are in no way bias to anyone or any server i mearly pointed out why he was banned but forgot to write that i cant contact him lol so my bad on that one

If someone can get ste to contact me with what happend to these files and what makes them stolen and how they were stolen he can email me at the following address

koni @ bandet . org . uk

remove the spaces

i would like to hear hollies side of the story on this also and as you are not banned you can post here excactly how these files got into your hands.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
wond, i ment to say that i cant get hold of ste as his account(s) were banned for the reasons i listed and no my comments are in no way bias to anyone or any server i mearly pointed out why he was banned but forgot to write that i cant contact him lol so my bad on that one

If someone can get ste to contact me with what happend to these files and what makes them stolen and how they were stolen he can email me at the following address

koni @ bandet . org . uk

remove the spaces

i would like to hear hollies side of the story on this also and as you are not banned you can post here excactly how these files got into your hands.

I'll have Ste email you when I get in contact with myself, hes offline at the moment.

Ste is actually not 100% sure as to how this person got their hands on his files. Ste said he personally deleted the files from his previous hosts PC, that said its not very hard to copy something to another area or to even disk them for that matter. Although I'm sure it wont be long until he discovers how they leaked.

Hollie I would also appreciate a reply from you. You can obviously see the discussion going on in this thread and the only reply I got from you was "Shut up" - Ever so civil aren't we.


Mar 14, 2006
Southampton UK
ok buddy cheers =)

and yes i would imagine if a host wanted to its very simple to copy and paste the files to another location on the hosting machine, iam not saying thats was happend but if as you have posted that many things ingame are the same as what was on euphoria server then perhaps they are stolen, i dont know ile await ste's email and hollie you need to post sooner rather then later please.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
ok buddy cheers =)

and yes i would imagine if a host wanted to its very simple to copy and paste the files to another location on the hosting machine, iam not saying thats was happend but if as you have posted that many things ingame are the same as what was on euphoria server then perhaps they are stolen, i dont know ile await ste's email and hollie you need to post sooner rather then later please.

Koni, check your PM inbox please.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2007
oki how i got these files into my hands.

im using dm2 svn files and i downloaded it from lomcn and then from there i add stuff in used a few images from sites and stufff like tht made the client and thn
i started to add items and monsters and maps thn i was looking for a host but cudnt find 1 so i went to static thnxs to my bro GMLAW and i will admit i used 1 or 2 item names but thts only using the names.

there you are koni sorry for the w8


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 30, 2007
oki how i got these files into my hands.

im using dm2 svn files and i downloaded it from lomcn and then from there i add stuff in used a few images from sites and stufff like tht made the client and thn
i started to add items and monsters and maps thn i was looking for a host but cudnt find 1 so i went to static thnxs to my bro GMLAW and i will admit i used 1 or 2 item names but thts only using the names.

there you are koni sorry for the w8

Well one NPC on your server said, bla bla bla /Ste /Valve Explain that one please

P.s the above i posted is a fact it isent just posted by me it was posted previously, i remember reading it i cant remember which NPC it was though, also some dude 123456 or something like that made a map for Euphoria yet some how she has it and he never released? also the maps of euph and her serv are the same, and plus most of the spawns and items also exp needed to level etc etc.. list is endless its plain obvious -_-.
Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 22, 2003
Exe and other patchs refuse to download

anyone host them plz?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
oki how i got these files into my hands.

im using dm2 svn files and i downloaded it from lomcn and then from there i add stuff in used a few images from sites and stufff like tht made the client and thn
i started to add items and monsters and maps thn i was looking for a host but cudnt find 1 so i went to static thnxs to my bro GMLAW and i will admit i used 1 or 2 item names but thts only using the names.

there you are koni sorry for the w8

You used ONE or TWO names ?

How about:
1. Item Names, Skins, Stats
2. Npc scripts, copied to the exact word - You even happened to include Ste & Values name in one of your scripts, why is that ?
3. Mob names, skins, stats
4. Maps & map info
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