[FH] Four Heroes - The Conflict Within

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Unstookie Titled
Aug 19, 2008

"The date is 206 BC and the lands of Mir are beginning to expand. The city of Bichon has been the ruling city for over 50 years. This central power has united many small clans throughout the land, and transformed it’s unforgiving nature into a tranquil utopia. This is down to two powerful heroes by the names of Emperor Gaozu of Heian and Emperor Xin of Drac, who had both mastered the skills of all four of the sacred heroes. These two men united in times of great unrest to form an alliance of great power, and from this bond the utopian days of Mir were born.

156 BC, the sudden death of Emperor Xin shocks the land. His son Xian is given the honour of succeeding him to carry on the alliance, however he is not his father’s son. Xian is young and ambitious, he too has mastered the skills of the sacred heroes, but still craved more power.

149 BC, Emperor Gaozu and his eldest son Zhou are found dead is suspicious circumstances. Gaozu’s throne passes to his next son in line, Gaixia. By 145 BC, relations between the two new emperor’s is becoming strained as suspicion of Xian’s involvement in Gaozu and Zhou’s deaths gathered more and more momentum. Xian becomes paranoid, fearing that Gaixia is planning a coup, and moves to strike before he can put any plans into action. Gaixia is exiled and flees to the neighbouring city of Horizon along with a large number of his supporters. Xian, fearing a retaliation attack abandons the largely defenceless market town of Bichon, moves hiself and his supporters to the forest fortress of Castle Gi-Ryoong, and so the 50 year war begins...

Present day, it has been 50 years since The Great Coalition split into “The Heian Movement” lead by Emperor Gaixia, and “The Drac Dynasty” lead by Emperor Xian. Both sides have spend the last 50 years attacking the other and fighting over territory that was once owned by The Great Coalition, both finding ever more powerful weapons and magic to inflict greater and greater damage on the other, something has got to give...

The question is, young hero, to which side will you lend your sword...?"


Lead by: Emperor Gaixia Heian
Home City: Horizon City​

"Emperor Gaixia Heian has inherited his father’s amazing ability to master all the skills of the Four Sacred Heroes. In the years after the coalition split, Gaixia turned to the legacy and teachings left by the forefathers, the Four Sacred Heroes, in an attempt to better equip him and his followers against The Drac Dynasty. To this day a lot of the Heian Movement’s resources is put into locating and deciphering long forgotten skills and technologies that these forefathers practiced and developed. Gaixia believes that if the wishes of his forefathers are carried out, balance will be restored and the lands of Mir can once again be a peaceful utopia."


Lead By: Emperor Xian Drac
Home City: Castle Gi-Ryoong​

"Emperor Xian Drac also inherited his father’s ability to master the skills of the Four Sacred Heroes, but unlike Gaixia, the power went to his head. He saw himself as more than that of the forefathers. In a bid to gain even more power, weaponry and magic’s, Xian turned to the evil forces that inhabit the darkest reaches of the land. He encouraged his followers to forcefully take technologies from some of the most vicious and dangerous creatures that could be found. Xian believes that the only way that true order can be brought to the lands of Mir is by eradicating any form of opposition, and he will stop at nothing to achieve it."


List of a few of the main features you can exect from Four Heros - The Conflict Within:

  1. Capturable Cave's
    • All you have to do to sway the cave towards your clan is hunt their.
    • Once the cave counter reaches the middle ground (Both clans have hunted their equally as much) a teritory war is triggered in that cave for an hour.
    • During this hour the cave is converted to a War Zone and members of the two clans are placed on opposing sides upon entering the cave.
    • At the end of the hour the clan that has killed the most monsters takes control of the cave, so kill of your opposition and take as many mobs as posible for your clan!
    • The clan that own's the cave gets an experiance boost when hunting their.
  2. Caturable towns:
    • Towns are converted to a specific clan based on how many caves that the clan owns in that province.
    • The clan that owns the most caves in the provice, owns the town.
    • Members of the clan in control of the town get a discount on pots and candle/amulets etc in that town. (Might need some coded features)
    • Each town also provides a unique boost for clan members of the controlling clan.
  3. Massive Chain Quests:
    • Each clan has their own set of quests that continue throughout the whole level spectrum.
    • Rewards from these quests range from Boosts, Exp, gold and secial Clan based rewards (Discussed below)
  4. Coded Udates (Hopefully Matt will be kind enough to code a few of these ideas for me):
    • Honour...
      • New stat like HP/MP, called Honour. Honour is used for certain spells that are gained through the chain quests.
      • Players will start with Honour such as: 20/20 Honour, each spells will use large amounts of Honour per use, maybe 5-10ish (Spells will be big finishing move type spells (Maybe not as effective on players as they are mobs))
      • Honour, will not be replenishable by pots, but by hunting caves where you clan is not in control.
      • Max Honour can be increased via quest rewards.
      • Honour will be dislayed on the interface in the same way HP/MP is.
    • Clan level...
      • Clan level is increased by obtaining EXP from hunting caves (Not sure wether to do Clan owned or Non-Clan owned caves yet)
      • Once enough EXP is acquired then a Clan Level Quest can be taken to increase your level.
      • The higher your clan level the higher your Honour Spell damage will be.

There will also be some Clan secific items introduce, although i am not sure how i'm going to do this yet.

This is a medium rate server based on Four Heroes low rate. The game will be massively focused around the PvP aspect of the game and the new Clan system.

Server Progess

  • Maps and Leveling Areas - 50%
  • Item Stats - 30% - (Teaser can be found here, use this to view it.)
  • Monster Stats - 30%
  • Clan System - 10%
  • Quests - 0%
  • Drop files - 30%
  • Coded features - 0% (May not need/have them)
Haven't got an ETA as of yet, as i woun't be starting work on it again until i have handed in my dissertation (7th of May). Just thought i'd make a post and get a bit of feedback.

Anything you can think of that might make this system work better please feel free to post. Afterall it's you guys that will be playing the server so let me know what you want.


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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2010
Sounds like a ****ing epic idea.

Will post ideas as i think of them :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2010
Thought of an idea for caves.
If you completely own the cave, (i.e the counter or whatever you call it is completely over at your side (within like 0-1% of the amount of mobs killed or sumthin) Then it becomes a completely safe cave for you, were u can still pk the enemy clan?

I assume there will still be seperate guilds within the 2 sides?
If so, there will be a sabuk wall style thing goin on within the clans and a massive uber sick fkin fight between the two clans for some sick thing?
And as usual, i started typing one idea, and the other ideas in my head decide to **** off.

Ill post back with some more :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
How do you balance the clans out of interest?

I mean the clan with more people will control more areas, so therefore it will gain more people and become unbalanced.

Maybe some sort of bonuses to the clan with fewer members online, like more powerful town benefits and a little extra exp?

Maybe you have some sort of plan already, just from my experience with split up games one will severly outpower the other unless theres an incentive to choose the lesser populated one.


Unstookie Titled
Aug 19, 2008
Thought of an idea for caves.
If you completely own the cave, (i.e the counter or whatever you call it is completely over at your side (within like 0-1% of the amount of mobs killed or sumthin) Then it becomes a completely safe cave for you, were u can still pk the enemy clan?

That might make it a bit unbalanced towards the clan thats not in control. But i like the thinking keep them coming :P

I assume there will still be seperate guilds within the 2 sides?
If so, there will be a sabuk wall style thing goin on within the clans and a massive uber sick fkin fight between the two clans for some sick thing?
And as usual, i started typing one idea, and the other ideas in my head decide to **** off.

Ill post back with some more :P

Yea i'm hoping that i can get Matt to code a filter on guilds.

How do you balance the clans out of interest?

I mean the clan with more people will control more areas, so therefore it will gain more people and become unbalanced.

We've coded a new NPC command that allows you to compare two NPC variables so we can only let people join a clan if the two have an equal(ish) amount.

Maybe some sort of bonuses to the clan with fewer members online, like more powerful town benefits and a little extra exp?

Thats not a bad idea.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2010
Thought of an idea for caves.
If you completely own the cave, (i.e the counter or whatever you call it is completely over at your side (within like 0-1% of the amount of mobs killed or sumthin) Then it becomes a completely safe cave for you, were u can still pk the enemy clan?
I'm guessing that the way you're sorting out who owns a cave is by the % of mobs killed by clan x out of the total % of mobs killed.
Obviously there is 100% mobs killed.
If my clan has killed 60% of those 100% then my clan owns the cave. However if my clan has killed 99% of those 100% for example, I can't be attacked, but i can attack the other clan in that cave?.

You could do it by a points system. Say 1000 points in a cave. If you have more than 500 points you own the cave. However if you have 700 of the points, for any further mobs killed, you get 0.001 points for a mob, but if you only hve 200 of the points, u get 0.005 for mob (dont know how hard this would be to code, or if its even possible :P just another idea ;) )


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Epic lind, Can't wait for this ;)

I'll pm you some random ideas I always manage to come up with lol.

Keep us updated mate!

P.S Good luck with your dissertation!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2010
Code the triple triad card game... seeing as elysian isnt goin to be doin it anytime soon hhhhhhhhhhhh.


Jan 10, 2009
It'll be something like WoW, where you can choose you faction/clan. Sounds very good, i've seen this before on Mir 3.

Will you be able to kill you clan members?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
=) fkin awesome. Just a quick question. People in opposite factions/sides wont be able to join each other clans right?? that would make things backwards if they could. (would take the competitive edge out of things imo.


Unstookie Titled
Aug 19, 2008
You could do it by a points system. Say 1000 points in a cave. If you have more than 500 points you own the cave. However if you have 700 of the points, for any further mobs killed, you get 0.001 points for a mob, but if you only hve 200 of the points, u get 0.005 for mob (dont know how hard this would be to code, or if its even possible :P just another idea ;) )

The way it works at the moment is that each cave has a "swing" value, could be 1000 say. The swing value is in the middle of the scale, which is 0-2000. Anything < 1000 and the cave is owned by Heian, anything > 1000 is owned by Drac. Everytime a clan member kills a mob in the cave it add's too, or takes away from the scale (Depending if your a < or >). When 1000 is hit a war is triggered for an hour and which ever side of the swing value the scale is on at the end, that clan gets it, and the scale is rest to a mid point (500 if your Heian, 1500 if your Drac).

Making people unkillable in their cave would need some code side stuff, and i want to try avoid overloading Matt with too much, so what i can do by NPC script i will (Whole Clan System done via NPC scripts, all be it a few new NPC scripts have been used). Also i want this server to be about PvP, and i reckon if you made it so people wern't killable when they owned a cave it would ruin that side of it a bit, as there is not real way of "fighting back".

Appriciate the ideas though :)

P.S Good luck with your dissertation!


Code the triple triad card game... seeing as elysian isnt goin to be doin it anytime soon hhhhhhhhhhhh.

I had pretty much this idea at the conception of FH LR, except you could equip one card and it would allow you to spawn that mob as a pet. But as you wore the card it's dura would go down and eventually break.

As i said above though, i don't want to overload Matt if i can help it. It's on the list, but dead last on the list. :P

Will you be able to kill you clan members?

Yea you will, theres an attack mode for clans.

Best of luck lind, does sound gr8!

Cheers dears. x

=) fkin awesome. Just a quick question. People in opposite factions/sides wont be able to join each other clans right?? that would make things backwards if they could. (would take the competitive edge out of things imo.

I'm unsure on this on the one hand it'll defo be better for the game if different clans can't join the same guild, but then again i don't want to force people away from thier mates if thier in different clans. Hopefully Matt can add a check for me when adding members to a guild, as i think i will stop it.

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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
=) fkin awesome. Just a quick question. People in opposite factions/sides wont be able to join each other clans right?? that would make things backwards if they could. (would take the competitive edge out of things imo.
Don't worry Ryan, doubt you will be able to play anyway :thumbup2:

As for coding updates Lind, my exams finish 14th May, then I got a few proposals to do for final year project then im free, so slap me with the details and we will discuss it all in due time.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
Don't worry Ryan, doubt you will be able to play anyway :thumbup2:

As for coding updates Lind, my exams finish 14th May, then I got a few proposals to do for final year project then im free, so slap me with the details and we will discuss it all in due time.

tried mailing you bout tht issue on ps3.. talk to me on msn.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
ρяєα¢нєя;732309 said:

I'm unsure on this, on the one hand it'll defo be better for the game if different clans can't join the same guild, but then again i don't want to force people away from thier mates if thier in different clans. Hopefully Matt can add a check for me when adding members to a guild, as i think i will stop it.


Aye stopping would be a great idea, it would complicate things far too much imo, however if people DO want to be with their friends but they're in the 'wrong' faction, why not have it so their Faction as a whole, has to complete a quest to be able to convert that player from the other side, to theirs?

(Or something along those lines, just an option to change (one time only, obviously)) :thumbup2:

My exam time tables are weird lol, one in 2 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 2months from now ~_~ Oh well.

Best of luck lind!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 23, 2004
sounds like a pretty good idea, would like to see how it works tho :P

good luck :D


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 19, 2010
sounds like a pretty good idea, would like to see how it works tho :P

good luck :D
I played Lynd's first server that featured the 'Religeon' system which he now calls Clans. It worked, dont worry :)

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