Mir2 remastered?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 30, 2012
All that is meaningless if it doesn't specify what the 'improvement' means. Quasi 3D in 2D setting? High resolution maps, mobs and player characters (like that sandy map Chalace showed from the Fables map pack)?

I don't see graphics pushing it into modern times to be a game saver or reviver. Making the game more complex, adding depth to it (like adding some 'elements') just means turning it into a mir3 while calling it mir2...

What would be a desirable change to update mir2 for today's times, to be marketable to a wider player base? IMO that would take more than just a surface change to graphics, the game engine would have to be overhauled to make map graphics movement more smooth, not jerky as it is now. Currently for each player step which is one map tile long, the map underneath also moves by one tile, in a single step, with no intermediate redraw. That's where the biggest improvement lies.

Mob AI could perhaps be improved? And I don't mean just boss AI, but even the rank and file mobs. AI of normal mobs, relatively rudimentary as it is, is what keeps one's interest in the game. Most game time you spend fighting them and the variability of how they move determines your strategy how you handle them.

PvP is also a big part of mir2 but I am not qualified to have an opinion on that.
Returning back to that fancy high res desert sand map from the Fables pack. Most likely that map that was made for mir3 and I don't guess that from the fancy graphics, but from the map borders, where at the map top, the map is edged by cloudy like horizon. That type of map borders is typical for modern 3D maps and IMO is very un-mir2 like. Mir2 means cliffs, sea borders. I dislike even those dense tree foliage borders. When you have cliffs or the shoreline of seacoast, I can imagine exiting continuation of mir world somewhere out there, behind the sea, behind the cliffs. Those are realistic, the 'clouds' are not. You don't imagine throwing a bridge over those clouds leading somewhere, as you can imagine it over the blue sea of mir2. The clouds are telling me, that is the place where game designers don't want me to go. In the same category are those platforms suspended in dreamy cloudy gfx background, give me proper walled in room or sea island or whatever else like that anytime. I don't deny some of those LaLa lands or suspended platforms also strike my fancy but are they mir2 like? Nope, those who really like them went to play mir3 long time ago.
About as meaningless as this post... Email WeMade?
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Feb 21, 2013
Don't take it personally, I am glad you posted the news on mir front. Just saying this 'commercial talk' doesn't really say anything and I am skeptic as to the actual outcome. It is like politicians speeches promising good things but leaving the details of the implementation in dark.
That is not to say, that whatever it will be, it won't attract its own sort of players, just that likely they won't be mir2 stalwarts.

Email Wemade, now that would be true competition in meaningless.

I looked at those fancy sandy maps again (as I criticized them from memory of short look a week or so back) and the map horizon is not clouds but sand with different hue, focus, indicating the walking border, but that comes to the same, sand or clouds.
Really wanted to spark a discussion of what makes mir2 so appealing to those who stuck with it and didn't jump the ship to mir3 when that 'mother of all updates' was released. It might inspire map makers for mir2.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
Returning back to that fancy high res desert sand map from the Fables pack. Most likely that map that was made for mir3 and I don't guess that from the fancy graphics,
What map are you talking about here?
If it's the one I posted, that's not from Mir. Unless I've completely missed something.

I don't think maps, in general, are of any relevance to players when it comes to choosing M2 vs M3. Especially these days when we can use anything for either.


Feb 21, 2013
What map are you talking about here?
If it's the one I posted, that's not from Mir.

Ahh, I recall now you said if it might be from Wool. But the point stands, be it M3 or Wool or something else.