MirReborn - Beta - 30/11/08

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 23, 2004
good luck sir harry...

or not ;) ur a ****y little 13 year old who thinks he owns at everything, and trys to con people into giving you their files ect, and trying to get GM's on other peoples server. your a pathetic little noob :)

good day!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 24, 2005
Under the Sea :O
lol.. Some of these posts actually made me cry irl. Ofc with laughter...

Server coming along good...

To the person who said you will be able to solo all bosses. That simply wont be the case this time round. Like i keep saying, ive learnt from my mistakes and this time round itl all be alot better.

Every1 that has logged on the server so far, has had nothing but good comments. So until you actually log on and have a look around.. Can you stop trying to put people off my server.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
This server was being advertised before I got banned here, well over a month ago.

So, hopefully a lot of work has been done. Good luck.

Btw, as I cant be bothered to check, is server in beta now, or on the 30th?

IceSlice said people have been on, so was wondering if it was up to anyone?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
hey elohel ;) Drop me a pm, it aint up for actual beta till 30th >.<

cant w8 imo, dint really like the first version, but this version im lookin 4ward 2 :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 24, 2005
Under the Sea :O
well me n harry done loads ingame yesterday. any day now server will b up!!! think we jst finishing the drop files which wont take long as we almost done them :)



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
So when u done this enters beta right?While in beta if no serious bugs are found will there be a wipe?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 17, 2004
this server sounds good to me i never listen to what others say regarding a server with the only exception being when sum1 shows proof of corruption in which case i never play.

what i do suggest is if your gonna make a boss hard to kill 20+ people is ott make it so that u need a full grp to kill maybe but not 20+ as u have to split the grp and u may find people drop jumping or other things.

make sure uve added plenty of quests to keep those who dont wanna lvl all the time have something to do and make sure that the quests are explained properly as the last server i went on said get me this item but never said were to get it from and when theres over 30 caves to try go through its hard to narrow it down :P

personally i would like to see a staggered quest maybe for pets where you have to get a license to be able to summon standard pets and a diferent one for strong pets and maybe a master license to be able to summon any kind of pet. and in between u need to collect pieces of mobs to create hybrid mobs that each class can summon.

i have found that servers where u have to hunt diferent caves last longer. for example one cave for cash one for kit and another for lvlin dont have a cave for lvl 30 that gives 80k a mob drops 10k cash per mob and gives kit for lvl 30. then the same for 50 etc etc make them seperate so that people are always doing something diferent and so that those who power lvl will have to take a break in order to find kit. and the same for cash.

and one final idea is a mir fairground which encorporates all the mini games we love to play in mir which would include the following.

cash games: such as high or low and the dice game were u bet 1k win 10k bet 10k win 50k.

mob games: mob ladders and boss kills that sort of thing

and finally i.q tests such as questions on mobs caves and kits around mir and even name scramble were mobs caves and town names are jumbled up and u have to solve them.

you could award fairgroundpoints to people for winning games which they could exchange for gold fp's gp's kit special pots or even buffs.

thats just a few of my thoughts feel free to include any of them if you like i have some more aswell which we can chat about once the server goes to beta if you wish to if not ill just keep my nose out lol.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Aug 10, 2007
Wales, UK
server is good apart from the fact that at the moment its not even a med rate infact its a low rate with low rate kits dno what ouve explained but it isnt whats bieng showed now


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 17, 2004
server is good apart from the fact that at the moment its not even a med rate infact its a low rate with low rate kits dno what ouve explained but it isnt whats bieng showed now

the server isnt ment to be up yet they have it up as theyve been testing stability and sorting bugs etc for some reason they put the ip on first post which is why most people have been logging on to find that they cant really play as u start at lvl 30 the noob kit is lvl 40 lol and u cant lvl as its like 200exp a mob in bc :P all of this is ment to be fixed before beta which is schedualed for sunday accordin to the first post


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 24, 2005
Under the Sea :O
You have think its low rate, cause of the items youve seen.

But items are dif on ere.. Il explain

Armours - Ac/Amc/Agil - No Mc/Sc/Dc
Weapons - Acc/Holy Dc/Sc/Mc
Rings - Acc/Holy Dc/Mc/Sc
Braces - Acc/Agil/Ac/Amc
Helms - Ac/Amc/Acc/Agil
Neckys - Acc/Agil/Dc/Sc/Mc
Boots - Acc/Agil/Ac/Amc
Belt - Ac/Amc

+ Other rare kits ingame with noram stats
+ Every -R Kit gives u a attack boost = higher stats

Hope this kinda helps.

p.s Reason exp is pooped is because i changed my exp.ini for a better 1.
Exp is set to x250 atm so u can lvl if u want.

Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 24, 2005
Under the Sea :O
good luck sir harry...

or not ;) ur a ****y little 13 year old who thinks he owns at everything, and trys to con people into giving you their files ect, and trying to get GM's on other peoples server. your a pathetic little noob :)

good day!

I wana know where you my age from..
Also what files have i tried to con people out of lol..
And why would i wana GM on any other server when i got my own, and the rest suck tbh.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 24, 2005
Under the Sea :O
I would not play this server again, knowing it was open about 3 times in last 4 months

Ye i can understand why people have there doubts m8. But my last 2 servers have both closed down due to other people screwing me over.. This server is gna be run 100% by me.

Server is looking sexeh tbh lol. Hope to see you all ingame ohhh soooo sooon :D
