The official Lebanon Vs. Israel thread


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
I have to say Lebanon.

But then Lebanon have to get rid of Hezbollah until they're only a political party - I hate Israeli aggression.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Only reason I'm not supporting Israel is because of their blatant disrespect for Human life. The Lebanese as a people have done nothing to enfringe the soverignty of Israel, but here we have Israel going gung-ho as usual and taking over half a country, killing many hundred civilians (wtf? 4th best army and they can't aim?) in a matter of a couple of weeks...



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
im sitting on the fence between the 2, whichever launches a nuke first gets my support.


No Brag, Just Fact
Turin said:
Only reason I'm not supporting Israel is because of their blatant disrespect for Human life. The Lebanese as a people have done nothing to enfringe the soverignty of Israel, but here we have Israel going gung-ho as usual and taking over half a country, killing many hundred civilians (wtf? 4th best army and they can't aim?) in a matter of a couple of weeks...


There are always going to be civilian casualties and while I don't have any comment on their particular bombing or what not, I can see how they are incredibly fed up and aren't going to take any BS anymore. The Lebonese government needs to step up and erradicate Hezbollah and I hope no one gives me any **** about they can't.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
urbanfox said:
There are always going to be civilian casualties and while I don't have any comment on their particular bombing or what not, I can see how they are incredibly fed up and aren't going to take any BS anymore. The Lebonese government needs to step up and erradicate Hezbollah and I hope no one gives me any **** about they can't.

I agree with the Lebnon government part; I can't agree at all with the them bieng "fed up". That can't be an excuse for the destruction of innocent life, or else they are as bad as the Islamofacist who use the same line. I'd hate to put the two in the same sentance, but from what's currently happening, especially the attack on Qana is disgraceful.

There's no trust between either party unfortunately, and Israel has got a powerful veto power on its side against any sanctions/UN resolutions against it. I can say very little for the Palestinians and Lebanese. How long before the guns are turned on Syria and Iran? I'm thinking a lot of the Iranians now really do want a nuke as a deterrent against Israeli aggression.

Historically, the early Jewish settlers were aggressive zealots (Urgun etc) wanting British rule to end there, followed by pogomatic Arab rebellion. The yom-kipoor war basically sealed the fate of land confiscation by the Israeli government and led to the current situation with Palestinian land and Arab resentment.

Unforunately for the Lebanese government they are powerless to eradicate Hezbollah because of their strong footing as a political as well as a paramilitary power in their country. What's more is that Syria and Iran are readily arming them to fight for the Sheba Farms as well as the thousands of "hostages" already held by Israel (something very few people allude to).

Israel should never have been created there, but now that it is, we got to find a way of living together and ending hostilities.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2005
Who wins, YOU decide.
For lebanon call 0459 i want leban.
For israil call 0842 i want israel.
If you want to make a complaint or tell us how you don't like war and want to go save the animals press 5.


No Brag, Just Fact
Turin said:
I agree with the Lebnon government part; I can't agree at all with the them bieng "fed up". That can't be an excuse for the destruction of innocent life, or else they are as bad as the Islamofacist who use the same line. I'd hate to put the two in the same sentance, but from what's currently happening, especially the attack on Qana is disgraceful.

There's no trust between either party unfortunately, and Israel has got a powerful veto power on its side against any sanctions/UN resolutions against it.
I can say very little for the Palestinians and Lebanese. How long before the guns are turned on Syria and Iran? I'm thinking a lot of the Iranians now really do want a nuke as a deterrent against Israeli aggression.

Unforunately for the Lebanese government they are powerless to eradicate Hezbollah because of their strong footing as a political as well as a paramilitary power in their country. What's more is that Syria and Iran are readily arming them to fight for the Sheba Farms as well as the thousands of "hostages" already held by Israel (something very few people allude to).

Israel should never have been created there, but now that it is, we got to find a way of living together and ending hostilities.


They take soldiers hostage, they shoot missiles into civilian areas, they generally **** with Israel. What does the Lebonese government do? NADA. Ye, I'd be ****ing pissed too.

They did not just all the sudden one day show up and start dropping bombs. In the initial area's they dropped leaflets and let everyone know, hey, we're coming. Did it go further from there? Yes, this is war, war is not confined to one square on the map. Is civilian loss horrible? Absolutely.

Israel is not on the security council, neither a permanent nor a temporary member.

That's just rediculous. If you **** with Israel, you get ****ed back. I don't see Israel randomly attacking anyone whom it has peace with.

No one's ever powerless, they just lack the determination to do it.

Iran just uses it as an excuse to indirectly attack Israel without internation warning.

That's your oppinion.

Stop the suicide bombings permanently, stop the hostage taking, stop the attacks, and I guarantee there will be peace.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
urbanfox said:
They take soldiers hostage, they shoot missiles into civilian areas, they generally **** with Israel. What does the Lebonese government do? NADA. Ye, I'd be ****ing pissed too.

They did not just all the sudden one day show up and start dropping bombs. In the initial area's they dropped leaflets and let everyone know, hey, we're coming. Did it go further from there? Yes, this is war, war is not confined to one square on the map. Is civilian loss horrible? Absolutely.

Israel is not on the security council, neither a permanent nor a temporary member.

That's just rediculous. If you **** with Israel, you get ****ed back. I don't see Israel randomly attacking anyone whom it has peace with.

No one's ever powerless, they just lack the determination to do it.

Iran just uses it as an excuse to indirectly attack Israel without internation warning.

That's your oppinion.

Stop the suicide bombings permanently, stop the hostage taking, stop the attacks, and I guarantee there will be peace.

Firstly I'd like to appologise for the crappy typos I made in the earlier post, I was under the influence of apple juice :P

I am by no means condoning the actions of Hezbollah meight, don't get me wrong with that. I'm just saying Israeli policy of "Never Again" has given it a amazingly free hand. With the support of the US and power of veto, Israel can get away with almost anything. It has for example defied more resolutions from the UN than any other country in the Middle East (except Iraq I think), yet there isn't any coalition forces invading the country.

You're using "they" very leniantly here especially since we're talking about two seperate entities. Hezbollah have been firing misiles into Israel not the Lebanese government. They have not conducted a suicide bombing for over six years now to my understanding however many people sideline the real issue over the missle attacks. Hezbollah's agenda in hostage taking was the return of hostages taken on part of Israel and of prisoners, some which have been taken from the land of another soverign power which couldn't do anythign to stop them. Other examples, and more.

I can say with almost all certainty that if the Hezbollah and other hostile Arabs were in a powerful situation as Israel, and Jews (in Israel) were inferior AFTER the hostilities have taken place, then it would be the Arabs that were comitting the war crimes. In any case, if Israel wants to retain the position of "holier than thou' and repair damage with PR, they need to make an immediate cessation of hostilities.

No mate, I'm aware of that as I said it was a gradual culmination of events, hence my rhetoric about the six day war. When Israel was subjected to the yom kipoor war, they ended up going into a truce for the first time.

Jewish zealots were in fact the first to start terrorist bombings, not on the Arab people of the British mandate of Palestine per sé but the british embassy itself. The famouse King David Hotel incident, when the Jewish terrorists tried to immitate Arabs to destroy their PR.

After that, when the British handed over the mandate to the League of Nations, later the UN, through pressure from the US an Israeli state was established and the Arab pogoms began. (<<< This is a very serious issue which should be discussed as a topic itself. )

If anyone is interested in why there so much hate between the Muslims and Jews nowdays (unlike during the Islamic empire, where Jews held some of the highest positions) look at al-Husayni's bio. I mean the guy even tried to
allie with Nazis! He is the source of the amplification of hatred towards Jewish people and his ideology has grown into huge animosity with two very close brethrens.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004

Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (ca. 1895 - July 4, 1974, أمين الحسيني, alternatively spelt al-Husseini), the Mufti of Jerusalem, was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and a Muslim religious leader. Known for his anti-Zionism, al-Husayni fought against the establishment of a Jewish state in the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine. To this end, Husayni collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II and helped recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS. Recent Nazi documents uncovered in German Minstry of Foreign Affairs and the Military Archive Service in Freiburg [1] by two researchers from Stuttgart University found that the Nazis had planned to exploit Arab friendship for their planed landing in Palestine and murdering about 500,000 European Jews who had taken refuge there. In their book the researchers concluded that "The most important collaborator with the Nazis and an absolute Arab anti-Semite was Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem".[2].


November 2, 1943 Himmler's telegram to Mufti: ""To the Grand Mufti: The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory. Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler"

In 1933, within weeks of Hitler's rise to power in Germany, al-Husayni sent a telegram to Berlin addressed to the German Consul-General in the British Mandate of Palestine saying he looked forward to spreading their ideology in the Middle East [citation needed], especially in Palestine and offered his services. Al-Husayni's offer was rejected at first out of concern for disrupting Anglo-German relations by allying with an anti-British leader. But one month later, Al-Husayni secretly met the German Consul-General Karl Wolff near the Dead Sea and expressed his approval of the anti-Jewish boycott in Germany and asked him not to send any Jews to Palestine. Later that year, the Mufti's assistants approached Wolff, seeking his help in establishing a National Socialist Arab party in Palestine. Wolff and his superiors disapproved because they didn't want to become involved in a British sphere of influence, because the Nazis desired further Jewish immigration to Palestine, and because at the time the Nazi party was restricted to German speaking "Aryans" only.
On 21 July 1937, Al-Husayni paid a visit to the new German Consul-General, Hans Döhle, in Palestine. He repeated his former support for Germany and "wanted to know to what extent the Third Reich was prepared to support the Arab movement against the Jews." He later sent an agent and personal representative to Berlin for discussions with Nazi leaders.
In 1938, though Anglo-German relations were a concern, Al-Husayni's offer was accepted. From August 1938, Husseini received financial and military assistance and supplies from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. From Berlin, al-Husayni would play a significant role in inter-Arab politics.

In May 1940, the British Foreign Office declined a proposal from the chairman of the Vaad Leumi (Jewish National Council in Palestine) that they assassinate al-Husayni, but in November of that year Winston Churchill approved such a plan. In May 1941, several members of the Irgun including its former leader David Raziel were released from prison and flown to Iraq on a secret mission which, according to British sources, included a plan to "capture or kill" the Mufti. The Irgun version is that they were approached by the British for a sabotage mission and added a plan to capture the Mufti as a condition of their cooperation. The mission was abandoned when Raziel was killed by a German plane.[1]

In April 1941 the "Golden Square" pro-Nazi Iraqi army officers[3], led by General Rashid Ali, forced the Iraqi Prime Minister, the pro-British Nuri Said Pasha, to resign. In May he declared jihad against Britain. In a few months British troops occupied the country and the Mufti went to Germany, via Iran, Turkey and Mussolini's office in Rome. See Farhud for more details of the events in Iraq.

Regardless; you just emphasise my point in terms of their direct and indirect potential to deflect anything the UN throws at them. They have just as little respect for the organisation besides rhetorical actions.

Yes you get shafted pretty unproportionately hard. And generally, the wrong people tend to suffer as a result. Tell me meight, if you find any of this appalling? This "act of war" has gone on for two and a half weeks now and yet....

Yes it is. Educated Opinion at that... I admit its easy saying things with hindsight, but the Arabs were very rebellius during the UN decleration and itw as enough of a foresight for the problems it was going to cause. Yet as usual, their voice was neglected and now we have this problem.

I can't see how people in a rational world can claim a piece of land on the basis of having it handed to them by "God" over 3000 [sic] years ago? Be they Jewish, Muslim or Christian.

I agree with all that and the cessation of Israeli aggression, the impartial influence of all superpowers in the region, the respect of soveriegnty on Israeli's behalf and the practice of equal representation of claim to the land.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Indeed, I was hoping someone would point out the campaign of terror employed by the Zionists against Britain around 1946.

I find it rather amusing that Isreal so rapidly forgets it's past when talking about it's future, and that all of us who are in favour of lebanon are likely to be branded Anti-Semitic.