Thoughts about Mir3..


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
such a team would only make sense when a good and stable uptodate mir3 serverengine is available which is goin to be as longlasting like JoB and at least mostly bugfree (and of course virusfree and userlimitfree)
otherwise that team would be busy with the same things ever and ever again if an other version is released on some chinese hack0r forum lol

btw sharing shouldnt be about things that make servers unique but things regarding basic operations and knowledge if u kno what i mean


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 12, 2006
Well, maybe some ppl would change Demonic Set of files, but the woudlnt do that, only some minor changes would happen.
This is the problem what i have :)
So PPL start playing on a crappy server, after 3 Days they can solo an AT, so they start on another Server, and so on.
This ends when the PPL are bored of lom....


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
m_clauss said:
Well, maybe some ppl would change Demonic Set of files, but the woudlnt do that, only some minor changes would happen.
This is the problem what i have :)
So PPL start playing on a crappy server, after 3 Days they can solo an AT, so they start on another Server, and so on.
This ends when the PPL are bored of lom....

Alot of members thought this would happen with mir2 when the Frozen Files were released and more recently when the Foundation files were released and it didnt, ok sure some people did release servers with no changes but they lasted a day or two once people saw no differences they didnt bother playing

Most people got these english base files and worked on them adding there own touch

Its not about features or skills or anything Mir2 1.4 lasted and still lives long after european mir was updated with new item slots new skills and new features even now Mir2 doesnt compare to Offical sure it has some stuff offical doesnt have but every few offical new skills and offical features Yet P69 gets 100+ players on average as does RageZone

The simple fact is that the Mir3 community is closed very few of you share (bar among yourselves) no one has ever released a 100% translated set of files (Demonic might of I honestly dont remember sorry) and guides and stuff are out of date.

If a 100% english set was released (well as english as physically possible) along with a setup guide and downloads for the other items needed (sql etc etc) and support from the community to help those starting off I cant see why intrest wouldnt rise.

Mir3 has a sorta stigma, alot of mir2'ers see it as crappier with a worse PvP system bigger download servers that are invitation only servers with pk not allowed (Mir2 people love PK). You have to change how mir2 people see mir3.
I'd be willing to do advertising and stuff on the other lomcn sections if a english file set was released people are getting bored with mir2 atm why not drag em to mir3

Just my two cents


Dec 1, 2003
Ref to Set Files first
To build and run a mir3 server requires:
  1. Server files (of course lol)
  2. Microsoft SQL 2000
  3. Client
  4. Guide
1 - I shared JOB and no dount will probably share 3G.
2 - People have a choice of getting the Eval Version and finding a crack to go past 180 days or Torrent to get full version. Problem with MS-SQL is only Eval & Developer's edition run on Win 2000/XP - the rest are designed for Server O/S considering MS-SQL is a BackEnd database which cost loads of Wonga. Sharing a Complete CD is out of the question, its not that hard to find it.
3 - Now the client, I started with Euromir3 and slowly build it up to include various stuff, this involves no more then a Wil Editor and a FTP Client to grab from Wemade ftp. Again Sharing 900Meg just so somebody can get there server running is out of the question.

4 - Guides - explain how I can make the guide any easier?? I wrote one for 2.9, JOB and 3G. Short of nipping around there house, I don't honeslty know how to make it any eaiser. It would have been easier if Wemade had one Config files with everything in there but they fancied spreading the IP/Server name about all over the place...oh well.

If you go take a look at any other MMORPG files, you will soon find that most use either MS-SQL or MySQL, both hard to understand and the guides I have read are all text based yet I still managed to get them set up and running. So bascially MS-SQL (database) is the sticky point in the entire Mir3 "hardness" problem.

About the game itself
People complained about Instant pots BUT there is a delay, is this not the same as drinking loads of pots but they take time to top up your HP etc? Not everyone does "PK" and if Mir2 Private servers is full of this, then personally Im glad I dont play then. You coudl argue mir3 is cheating with its AutoPot and other things - hard to say, depends what your used to really.

Bascially the Bottom line is Im sure people MUST be sick to death now of Mir2/3, they have played it so many times it must be boring by now. I personally dont like the way Quests are "Go here, get this, kill that and come back", The Mobs are plain Dumb, you can kill them behind walls. Why do I have to switch to 16Bit Colours on desktop just so I can run in Windowed mode?? Why is it STILL sticking with Sprites (remember them from CBM 64/Amiga days eh).


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 23, 2003
hi all,

recently i been playin mir 3 EURO (as many f u know its gone to Gn now etc) and i must say ive fallen completely in love with it...tbh with you, i've done everythin in mir 2, and when i got into mir 3, i thought "wtf have i done, i pissed around on mir 2 when mir 3 been out all this time, when mir 2 has sweet FA compared to mir 3 IMO)

now i got mir 3 3G server files when they first came out (majority chinese, then got the DBs week later / few days) was amazed at boss mobs like tadanga etc, but also at weapons and spells...

so im in love with mir 3, and ive been thinking of getting the server files again just to have a play around,

id be more than happy to translate stuff like quests n DQs, like going into mir 3 euro, looking @ npcs and then translating etc etc, i dunno if all thats already been done. im not much good with translating crap like actual exe's unless it can be done via hex editor (i have ultra edit 32)

however i would be most willling to work along side someone, if they could show me the ropes, like a few tricks AND i would be most happy to share any work i do with the community if it means we get a thriving community going... tbh i dont see why everyone wants to keep their work private it only messes them up in the end, coz as mentioned before in this thread... lack of sharing means ppl feck it off, and lose interest and demand dies...

anyways if anyone wishes to help us out like show us the ropes on translating exes, maybe fill me in on whats changed since 3G FIRST came out then id be happy to help and am a good learner :)


sorry just found this thread:

just downloaded "LS3G-Chinese Files. (Crueldragon 3g, translated) - By Demonic"

gonna download SQL and install that then set it all up wish me luck :D
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Dec 1, 2003
And here was me thinking Im the only one who looks at Mir2 and think Oh My God :) What changed?? Let me see...

CruelDragon 3.38 is not a bad set of server files in that it *used* to match Euromir3 (before it died and moved on) with the spells and such. One of the things before was the lack of editing (hexing) the Translated Book Symbol in but I made sure that got added in there, so now you can have FireBall(Manual) instead of FireBall£"Manual)..

I have hit a few limitations which Im sure not even 17NG has managed to code in yet:

Appr stops at 199 for mobs (you can use 2000-2090 for Snow mobs and replace the DMON file with Mon21). Armours seem to stop at Shape 8 for some mad reason. New Glows on armours only on NEW files (3.5x), New Spells I heard coming in 3.58. Holy+Dark Talisman dont buff ya - again might be fixed in 3.5x
New client wont connect (2005 version), rest you can shove in no problems though..

If you hang about, I will finish 100% everyting to english and you can then help if you wish by means of tidying up the mad english (well its not too mad). I did try joining USA Mir3 and doing quests, getting screen shots etc - but they used the same web site as me by the looks of it....


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 23, 2003
ahh thats good to hear about the manuals lol, i remember me and my friend going mad because we couldnt get the manuals to work lol and it was because of that £" thing.

im downloading SQL 2000 version atm, took me a while to find a link for it (its in Kaori's guide.pdf)

For Yee lazy people:

267.6mb download...

euro mir NPCs are terrible english translations aswell, i was doing Main quests and sounded like a monkey typed it out lol

so are you working on version 3.5x atm? or still on 3.38?


Dec 1, 2003
Well Im on 3.40 actually but not much diff from 3.38.
3.5x is packed and protected with a better version of Armadillo, as of yet wenot managed to crack it but hey - I'll keep at it, you never know..


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
I need the Sources from Mir3 2.9 -.- . at the moment don't someone give
me a bit. I see all write and write and write ............
I don't can't see this longer. Please make a dot and makes which.


Dec 1, 2003
To Futher Expand on What Coly is saying (as You may not understand)..
Working with Chinese files packed and protected is getting us nowhere fast, we cannot request things to be added or do anything outside of the program. Now bascially the Chinese took JOB, used DLL Injection and wrote extra code (in the DLL) to make the 6 extra magics work. They Used Packet Sniffers to find out the data flowing and carried on adding more functions such as new clients to connect, more magics and so forth.

What would be the best route forward is to start again I feel with JOB and write in fresh code to add what WE Want, in English/German and so on. Coly is a expert when it comes to programming - I on the other hand have trouble understanding what VB means ;)

What I suugest is we make roads to get this going, I am sure there is more then one programmer will to help, I can maybe rip the code out of the exe (possible) and talk to Visio on QQ and convince him to "lend" me the code...

What you all think??


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
I Know Demonic, I mean the best Way is a new Server without old EXE, this has many Bugs. The Communication I can decrypt, I have all here.
The Information from Visio lasts nice and can help.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 23, 2003

im just finishing up on installing the server files,

i currently only have the latest version of Euro Mir 3, ill make a copy of the folder, i take it i put the mir3.exe from the mud3 folder into that, and edit the mir3.cin file using kaori?

anything else ill need to change?


sorry i didnt refresh the page from before so i didnt see your other posts since my last post.

unfortunately i never really paid much attention to VB classes in college so basically im crap at VB, sucks that the chinese compressed the exe so we cant crack it >.<

so what your thinking of doing is starting from JOB and writting your own updated version?
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 21, 2003
as coly sad best would be we get a completely new serverengine which isnt hexed to death for just adding a few new features and unfortunatly loads of bugs as well...maybe some1 could bribe the guys from GN to 'lend' us something of there brandnew set lol

otherwise private mir3 will get into real trouble regarding updates very soon i guess
even 17NG's newest versions r just tuned old files which arnt worth what he wants for it cause we basicly cant do jack with that set of files (that odd encryption lets us no chance to change anything to suit european standards..)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
If a woool emulator could be made off the sources diamondm2 is being built off of.. what stops a mir3 emualtor being created?

Heres how I would do it:

1. Get mir3s encryption make it work with m2server..
2. Add the extra slots.. if theres more then normal(haven't played mir3 in awhile)
3. Add minor things not in mir2 engine

Yes the engine would run like mir2.. but mir2 has horses and all that, you would really only have to add the spells and change some minor things.

I'm not saying i'm going to attempt any of this.. its just a thought.

Would be a decent challenge.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
its being suggested before, we have the sources, and the capabilities to do it, but imo i dont think there is anyone with knowledge of programming dedicated enough to make one for mir3, unlike mir2 where there are many.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
Farphit said:
its being suggested before, we have the sources, and the capabilities to do it, but imo i dont think there is anyone with knowledge of programming dedicated enough to make one for mir3, unlike mir2 where there are many.

How is mir3 any different from mir2? I bet if I changed encryption made small minor tweaks I would be in-game with mir3 client with alot of things working then its just adding new code for new spells and other features which is being done with diamondm2.. I see no difference.


Dec 1, 2003
There is Already something in the Pipeline so to speak, there is bascially a few routes to take though:

1. Rewrite Entire Server using for example gameofmir Source

2. Do as the Chinese have done and use JOB as the Basis and do DDL Injection to increase the functions - this is what King/17NG/Visio etc do atm.

3. Do a total re-write of the Server files from Scratch.

There has been a few that have tried to re-write mir3 (both Client and Server) and the project never got finished, it wont be as complex I imagine as say Lineage 2/WoW as no GeoData is required and so forth and a lot less spells to worry about overall.

As You have said Nick - Mir2/3/Woool is Old, crappy 2D game, most serious programmers wont touch it, if you gonna spend that much time writing something, might as well write WoW etc..Mir is a lot bigger for example in China and they have the Goal of making lots of money also - so they carry on regardles..


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
Demonic said:
There is Already something in the Pipeline so to speak, there is bascially a few routes to take though:

1. Rewrite Entire Server using for example gameofmir Source

2. Do as the Chinese have done and use JOB as the Basis and do DDL Injection to increase the functions - this is what King/17NG/Visio etc do atm.

3. Do a total re-write of the Server files from Scratch.

There has been a few that have tried to re-write mir3 (both Client and Server) and the project never got finished, it wont be as complex I imagine as say Lineage 2/WoW as no GeoData is required and so forth and a lot less spells to worry about overall.

As You have said Nick - Mir2/3/Woool is Old, crappy 2D game, most serious programmers wont touch it, if you gonna spend that much time writing something, might as well write WoW etc..Mir is a lot bigger for example in China and they have the Goal of making lots of money also - so they carry on regardles..

Why would I bother coding a game I don't enjoy(wow)? If people enjoy this game why not offer them new things?

Mir3 is very possible and i'm not bull****ting when I say it wouldn't be that hard making gameofmir source into mir3.

M5server for woool was made using the sources.. he did what I said above. He changed the encryption then added the other things that the woool client supported.

Mir3-Mir2 uses the same packet structure, everythings the same really it just has new things that the client offers which could be added to the server.

Once I get ahold of the encryption for mir3 i'm going to try this for fun to see if it can be done..

If you want to help, do you guys have any sources for mir3 which have the encryption delphi preffered. :P


Staff member
May 19, 2003
i didnt mean the coding of mir3 was any different. i meant the current ppl interested in mir3 have little or no knowledge of coding. unlike mir2 where there are 10's of ppl interested in it and have the ability to code.


Pantie Sniffer!
Oct 20, 2003
lol i think basing mir3/woool emulators of mir2 is a bad idea. look at the emulators that currently do it for woool. there are problems and you know that nick from running your server. TBH if some one is going to code an emulator do it from scratch or use mir3 sources.

There will be problems if you use mir2 to base an emulator for every game.