Why Do you Quit?


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Ye toxicity, i talk nice until u didnt give a fk anymore, as a guild leader speaking for all, i didnt want too but i had no choice cuz no one wanted to speak with you because u didnt care anymore told you believe What you want, we believe what we see and play 😎 good luck you are the fkin first gm on Mir who was more useless than a trust merchant, trust me in normal, every1 who knows me They know aswell, wasnt full agression with a gm on no1 server until urs. Take care aswell, hope in the future you will have more brains

Wow... dude i think you need to get out, y'no lock downs eased across world, you can walk outside, get some fresh air.
  • Haha
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Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2018
Pi pot shop
Balance is the reason I dont play certain servers, the reason I quit most is due to how some gm's reply thinking they are right everytime. I use a lot of multis n stats to work out damages and provide video proof of imbalances to be told to shut up cos 'it's a unique server'

Basically unbalanced


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
Balance is the reason I dont play certain servers, the reason I quit most is due to how some gm's reply thinking they are right everytime. I use a lot of multis n stats to work out damages and provide video proof of imbalances to be told to shut up cos 'it's a unique server'

Basically unbalanced
Where have you been hiding? 😂


Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2018
Pi pot shop
I'm still reading, just no servers to play atm so the input is very limited.

Once my new job dies down ill get back to it =)
Hopefully !

Balance was not aimed at prim gm's btw, they had it pretty good bar sins was a little UP

Read thread properly and i saw a QA mention, my new job is with KudosQA bug testing for bandai-namco via Jira, i can say Mir helped me achieve this along side other games, but primarily mir, gaming sucks now though, i spend most of my gaming time doing everything you shouldn't do....instead of playing the game as intended.

Bring back TPR so i can pester you more Lb! <3

Edit2, zedina old skool did it well, just not for very long...I have never seen a sz so packed

Edit 3. I am so glad pottsy and zedina havent ****ed yet, it's still a fun read !
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Wow... dude i think you need to get out, y'no lock downs eased across world, you can walk outside, get some fresh air.

Outside is overrated. :rolleyes:

I had a long thought about the topic of why people quit and tbh among everything else that's been said, what usually ends up killing a server PvP wise is lack of competition. If one guild is allowed to dominate forever and never lose, then frankly there's no fun in it. Content becomes stale for those not in the upper echelon and people get bored very quickly. Instances are a good distraction from all this if done correctly, but are not the cure.

I've been tinkering on a server of my own over time as a hobby, with no intention of ever getting it up, and I also wondered what it would take to get people to play, and stay, for a long time. It's extremely hard to retain users, and even more so to get NEW players. I mean christ, how do you advertise Mir as a game to a brand new player, and how the hell do you expect them to stick around when the game has no tutorials (something chronicles did right with its opening tutorial map/island) and the community is extremely cut-throat/toxic.

In the end I gave up because I couldn't figure it out, and life has a way of throwing wrenches at you to stop progress.

A few parting tips:

Avoid discord at all costs unless you enjoy losing braincells. Keep it to forums, where you have to type out your thoughts and read over them before finally submitting, and proper moderation can be done. Too often discord chat becomes a breeding ground of hatred and chinese-whispers that does nothing to help the server. All it takes is one person spewing utter garbage for it to be ran with and overnight you've got a problem that never existed that half the userbase is convinced is real. Besides, I personally feel like giving back to LOMCN and having your server discussion here promotes people to stick to a centralised hub rather than split off. The community is dying off, no need to help that process by moving away from LOMCN. Even if you think Tai is a grade A C*nt, swallow your pride.

If the community turns on the GameMaster, it's over. Be as professional as you can and sometimes that means ignoring people and not replying. Ironically, EuroMir and to some extent Chronicles probably did so well because the GM's were non existant in game, and to some degree even the forums. It was hard to even contact them, let alone get a response. If your community can have you reply at a whim, they will abuse that fact and take your attention away from the actual game. With that said - ignore players take on "balance". They are always bias. Always. I had a really neat idea about implementing a feature into a server where you can find and weed players who you can actually trust to talk to you about balance. Feel free to PM me regarding this.

and lastly, enjoy doing what you do, and if you at any point stop enjoying it, take a break. I genuinely feel for this reason it's best to have a team of people running a server, rather than simply one person. Sometimes people need a break and others can pick up the slack. Finding people you can trust can be difficult but its not impossible.

As for the rest, well that's up to you. Creating an enjoyable server with the proper storyline, events, quests and engaging content is hard work. Good luck.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Outside is overrated. :rolleyes:

I had a long thought about the topic of why people quit and tbh among everything else that's been said, what usually ends up killing a server PvP wise is lack of competition. If one guild is allowed to dominate forever and never lose, then frankly there's no fun in it. Content becomes stale for those not in the upper echelon and people get bored very quickly. Instances are a good distraction from all this if done correctly, but are not the cure.

I've been tinkering on a server of my own over time as a hobby, with no intention of ever getting it up, and I also wondered what it would take to get people to play, and stay, for a long time. It's extremely hard to retain users, and even more so to get NEW players. I mean christ, how do you advertise Mir as a game to a brand new player, and how the hell do you expect them to stick around when the game has no tutorials (something chronicles did right with its opening tutorial map/island) and the community is extremely cut-throat/toxic.

In the end I gave up because I couldn't figure it out, and life has a way of throwing wrenches at you to stop progress.

A few parting tips:

Avoid discord at all costs unless you enjoy losing braincells. Keep it to forums, where you have to type out your thoughts and read over them before finally submitting, and proper moderation can be done. Too often discord chat becomes a breeding ground of hatred and chinese-whispers that does nothing to help the server. All it takes is one person spewing utter garbage for it to be ran with and overnight you've got a problem that never existed that half the userbase is convinced is real. Besides, I personally feel like giving back to LOMCN and having your server discussion here promotes people to stick to a centralised hub rather than split off. The community is dying off, no need to help that process by moving away from LOMCN. Even if you think Tai is a grade A C*nt, swallow your pride.

If the community turns on the GameMaster, it's over. Be as professional as you can and sometimes that means ignoring people and not replying. Ironically, EuroMir and to some extent Chronicles probably did so well because the GM's were non existant in game, and to some degree even the forums. It was hard to even contact them, let alone get a response. If your community can have you reply at a whim, they will abuse that fact and take your attention away from the actual game. With that said - ignore players take on "balance". They are always bias. Always. I had a really neat idea about implementing a feature into a server where you can find and weed players who you can actually trust to talk to you about balance. Feel free to PM me regarding this.

and lastly, enjoy doing what you do, and if you at any point stop enjoying it, take a break. I genuinely feel for this reason it's best to have a team of people running a server, rather than simply one person. Sometimes people need a break and others can pick up the slack. Finding people you can trust can be difficult but its not impossible.

As for the rest, well that's up to you. Creating an enjoyable server with the proper storyline, events, quests and engaging content is hard work. Good luck.

I agree, discord is the megaphone for toxicity.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Outside is overrated. :rolleyes:

I had a long thought about the topic of why people quit and tbh among everything else that's been said, what usually ends up killing a server PvP wise is lack of competition. If one guild is allowed to dominate forever and never lose, then frankly there's no fun in it. Content becomes stale for those not in the upper echelon and people get bored very quickly. Instances are a good distraction from all this if done correctly, but are not the cure.

I've been tinkering on a server of my own over time as a hobby, with no intention of ever getting it up, and I also wondered what it would take to get people to play, and stay, for a long time. It's extremely hard to retain users, and even more so to get NEW players. I mean christ, how do you advertise Mir as a game to a brand new player, and how the hell do you expect them to stick around when the game has no tutorials (something chronicles did right with its opening tutorial map/island) and the community is extremely cut-throat/toxic.

In the end I gave up because I couldn't figure it out, and life has a way of throwing wrenches at you to stop progress.

A few parting tips:

Avoid discord at all costs unless you enjoy losing braincells. Keep it to forums, where you have to type out your thoughts and read over them before finally submitting, and proper moderation can be done. Too often discord chat becomes a breeding ground of hatred and chinese-whispers that does nothing to help the server. All it takes is one person spewing utter garbage for it to be ran with and overnight you've got a problem that never existed that half the userbase is convinced is real. Besides, I personally feel like giving back to LOMCN and having your server discussion here promotes people to stick to a centralised hub rather than split off. The community is dying off, no need to help that process by moving away from LOMCN. Even if you think Tai is a grade A C*nt, swallow your pride.

If the community turns on the GameMaster, it's over. Be as professional as you can and sometimes that means ignoring people and not replying. Ironically, EuroMir and to some extent Chronicles probably did so well because the GM's were non existant in game, and to some degree even the forums. It was hard to even contact them, let alone get a response. If your community can have you reply at a whim, they will abuse that fact and take your attention away from the actual game. With that said - ignore players take on "balance". They are always bias. Always. I had a really neat idea about implementing a feature into a server where you can find and weed players who you can actually trust to talk to you about balance. Feel free to PM me regarding this.

and lastly, enjoy doing what you do, and if you at any point stop enjoying it, take a break. I genuinely feel for this reason it's best to have a team of people running a server, rather than simply one person. Sometimes people need a break and others can pick up the slack. Finding people you can trust can be difficult but its not impossible.

As for the rest, well that's up to you. Creating an enjoyable server with the proper storyline, events, quests and engaging content is hard work. Good luck.

Thanks for such an insightful response!

LOMCN is one place I want to keep people coming to (hence why our forum button on our website comes straight here)
Our main use for discord is atm we have a few bots where people can automatically raise cases for bugs/issues etc and we can handle them and mark them off rather than asking each other in the team "did you sort that guys issue out yet?"

As for GMs I didn't think of it that way, and it makes sense, I was on discord a good portion of most days, and people PMed me constantly, which over time, takes a good portion of time away from other stuff (like working on your server!)

I will fire you a message as it'll be interesting to hear your idea on weeding the players for 'class bastions' in essence.


Loyal Member
Oct 14, 2018
Pi pot shop
As sad as it sounds nobody uses lomcn, well I say nobody but for a 350 uc server you won't get 1/4 of them on here, but you'll get 90% on discord.

Honestly these days I dont think a server will do well w.o discord, given all the toxicity alike, chron uses discord and its relaxed as he'll a good read at times but add 200 more users and it becomes a cock fest, it's sad it becomes like this, but honestly without the toxic part.. mir is dead.

Ppl like lickmeballs4 /s liceTM , they made euro fun and they was toxic af lol

Every server needs the good the bad and the kori ^_^


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2011
@LightBringer Primordials Rise was great. The easiest way to explain why server don't last = people want a 20 yr old game to be like games now, but then also only drawn to Mir for nostalgia, basically people are morons.
Old Skool purely because of timing did really well, you won't see that again. EuroReborn is really good, people quit because they don't want to put the work in, but if you let them get lvl40 in a week they quit because they are bored... A euro clone with balanced classes, attentive GMs and updated staggered correctly is best you can get. People moan no matter what you do, i'd be happy for a server to stay up more than 12 months. Don't do discord, allows trolls to complain more and more about balance, and its not about balance its about how they would like their class they chose to be better than the rest.
I think Light do what you do and stick to it, get beta fully tested, once servers live classes ain't changing no nerfs or tweaks, no discord.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
Barrier of entry is a big one too. So many servers have these great new systems added, but zero introduction. That's fine for the start of a server, where everyone has to learn to use the system optimally, but after a few days it just increases the gap between an experienced player and a new one. Many games solve this with wikis and websites dedicated to them.

Another one is having newbies and vets in the same towns. Sure you might think "ooh, it looks like we have more players!!!", but honestly, as someone who has tried established servers many times, nothing demotivates me than looking at these hardcores, and seeing there is fk all catchup mechanic and knowing it'd be impossible to catchup. It just makes me want to quit on the spot, and normally I do.

Considering how many devs complain about not getting new players, I wonder how many of them do actually get new players, but they are instantly quit due to poor design choices.

I wonder if a hardcore player has ever quit with the reason that they aren't strong enough against casual players? Like honestly, if they're investing enough time to be considered hardcore, do you really think they care that much about the casuals? I feel so much concern is invested in making these players feel special, at the sacrifice of the rest of the server. How many hardcore players are even left in mir? The player base age must average over 30 by now, not going to be many hardcores in there.

Wildstar is a great example of what happens when you cater purely to hardcores. Amazing game, loved how hard content was. They are still the best dungeon content I've ever experienced in an MMO, really difficult and required players to have a brain and coordinate with each other. But as I couldn't spend enough time to properly gear up (having a life now), I fell behind, and so I quit. As did most of the player base, and the game died. Barrier of entry for it was well done however, with newbie areas teaching all the mechanics, how to interrupt and use skills etc, so when you hit group content you should know what to do. But having weeks of attunement at max lvl to do raid content? Total failure.

Just some more musing from me!