What do you think.....?

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2006
The drawing wasn't drawed by me (can't wait to get a scanner and do my own >.< ) but I've coloured it in and added shading. Please feel free to comment.
Thank you


xX Dreamcatcher Xx


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Squall and Rinoa :D looks really great, effective shading.

Would like to see this done in photoshop with bold colouring and shading.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 17, 2006
Ill put it blunt, the shading is poor. Not sure why everyone says its great and such. Yeah to boost your moral and such, but the shading is to plain, not realistic, and bad. Like where is the light comming from? you just done random shading to make it look 'good'. You look at the characters and you think the light is comming fromt he right, then you look at the wings and the wings have shadow on the right, hmm.

Heck not even sure why sawell is a mod, ipixel 4tw 2bh but there u go i guess.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Ill put it blunt, the shading is poor. Not sure why everyone says its great and such. Yeah to boost your moral and such, but the shading is to plain, not realistic, and bad. Like where is the light comming from? you just done random shading to make it look 'good'. You look at the characters and you think the light is comming fromt he right, then you look at the wings and the wings have shadow on the right, hmm.

Heck not even sure why sawell is a mod, ipixel 4tw 2bh but there u go i guess.

Are you blind? The light is coming from the right in the entire piece. The shading is good, the skin is shaded left from right, the clothing has shadows, everything is right - the only reason you are saying that is because the colour is weak.

Why I'm mod? Maybe it's because of my continued support to this section, I've been here since the forum started, I'm a veteran photoshop user, I have a keen eye for art, I am currently developing a resource which everyone in this section can use and of course the fact that I can put an end to stupid critique like yours which holds no grounds. This means people will actually listen to my advice because I'm a moderator - so it puts my mind to rest that this particular user isn't going to take your shoddy remarks to heart, because they're false.

As we've learnt in the past, John is a brilliant designer but he doesn't have the patience for moderation. You seriously believe being a moderator just comes down to your ability with photoshop? Quite narrow minded, eh?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2006
Thank you guys for the feedback.Although some was alittle confusing, all my shadings are correct as far as I am aware. The light is coming from the right side of the picture (for those who don't know the right is the side Squall is on ;) ). Therefore the majority of the shadows would be on the right on the picture.
This is my first attempt of shading in Photoshop. Tbh I love Photoshop seems to relax me etc but I find it difficult to express my feelings in art no matter how strong my urge is :( And with Photoshop theres sooo much you can do with it, I have a tendancy to over criticize myself and end up with too much knowing less is more.

@ Pure_Fusion
"Not sure why everyone says its great and such. Yeah to boost your moral and such"
Please tell me one thing. Why would they want to do that and if they were wouldn't they use the fact that I'm female instead of lying to themselves that I'm erm how you put it "GREAT"? I honestly think you need to learn the simple fact of that humans are not born with perfect abilities they are learn't. Which is what I'm doing now by showing my work and asking for comments either good or bad. What don't kill me will only make me stronger and in this case better at Photoshop. So please don't reply on my thread without a reasonable post with advise and feedback.

Back on topic:
@ Sawell
"Would like to see this done in photoshop with bold colouring and shading."
Do you mean using a strong shade of colouring?

I'll have a shot at that a little later but atm I'm just adding more to the design, which I'm not to sure on now might be a little over the top. Will post again once finished.

Once again thank you to the people who replied with valid replies.

xX Dream Xx


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
@ Sawell
"Would like to see this done in photoshop with bold colouring and shading."
Do you mean using a strong shade of colouring?

Yeah exactly that, not that it doesn't look great as it is, only because I think it would make your colouring stand out, your current piece could be completely missed by someone with a higher gammar rate on their monitor. Read up on CG colouring, http://www.deviantart.com.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2006
Like already said
"I'll have a shot at that a little later but atm I'm just adding more to the design, which I'm not to sure on now might be a little over the top."
I think the outcome ain't so bad though the black shadow behind Rinoa might look better in a lighter shade (so be testing that out). What do you guys think?
Idea: Do you think that the right wing would look better if it was lighter were the light is shining on it?
Thinking of text and position of it but not sure as of yet. As I ain't very good on positioning. Once thats done I'll do the tone of colours.

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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 18, 2004
The females right eye is abit fcked up? lol looks good other than that :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 22, 2003
Coalville, Leicestershire
The females right eye is abit fcked up?

That wouldn't be her doing though would it? Silly.

I quit like this piece, although it's a bit bland, and sawell's right about the colouring... The most recent one you posted in my opinion is quite horrible, the black has killed it, stamped on it and then buried it 6 ft under. I do like the shading, although I can see places in which it's wrong and can see Pure's point of view.

Good piece none the less, keep it up ;) 7/10


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Very nice, seems your improved a lot since your last post, looks a simple but nice effect and with the 'her right eye is a bit f***ed?' read the post she said it was not drawn by her but coloured.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2006
Hiya maz hunni ;) hows you this fine night? hehe (oi you tw@ face when am I next going to see you? lol)

Anyways took someone's advise on the shadow and added it on to a background (like these two backgrounds,have used them before on another piece of work. Though they getting little old an dull now but once I learn to make normal looking backgrounds I'll do my own.

@ Sawell: Erm I had a look at that link you gave me and to be honest it's a little too technical for me. I think I'll wait until my friend comes down and they can show me what to do. But thank you for the advise.

What you all think? Btw that brown mark I can't move it due to it being on the original image.


P.S Can we please keep on the topic of my thread thank you in advance.

xX Dream Xx


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Hiya maz hunni ;) hows you this fine night? hehe (oi you tw@ face when am I next going to see you? lol)

Anyways took someone's advise on the shadow and added it on to a background (like these two backgrounds,have used them before on another piece of work. Though they getting little old an dull now but once I learn to make normal looking backgrounds I'll do my own.

@ Sawell: Erm I had a look at that link you gave me and to be honest it's a little too technical for me. I think I'll wait until my friend comes down and they can show me what to do. But thank you for the advise.

What you all think? Btw that brown mark I can't move it due to it being on the original image.


P.S Can we please keep on the topic of my thread thank you in advance.

xX Dream Xx

I like this, the backgrounds are very very nice, the text seems ok don't curl it too much, it does look nice it's just nearly comes off the image on the first, i love you part.


Oh and p.s it's your turn to come down, but i'll try asap hun x


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
The original illustration, is poor. But the shading is great, I can't wait to see some of your stuff when you get a scanner, hopefully you'll have a better hand with a pencil than the artist who created the base illustration.

My one piece of advice here though, is think realistically, for example the necklace, it's not a sturdy object, it's either a leather string or a chain, therefore, the pendant would not be hovering from his chest, this can be easily remedied by making the shadow of the necklace touch the necklace at every single point.

As for Pure_Fusion, again you proove to be the thickest user of this forum, who doesn't even understand how light works. Just to inform you, if something is brighter, it means light is shining on it, therefore, the light is coming from the right at all times in this picture, as the left is always the brighter shide with the shading done on the right.

And as for ipixel being moderator, stop brown nosing. ipixel doesn't make friends with retards like you who suck his dick all night long, i abuse him often and get along with him just fine, so if you want to get some respect out of him, don't just eat his ass, get some brains for starters and just act normal with him. But yeah, you clearly know nothing about ipixel if you think he should be moderator, I mean last time he was given powers, he and atomicide just banned every single person with power on the forum. So it wouldn't quite be the smart move to give him power yeah?

But yeah, nice work fallen angel.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2006
Thank you for advise will work on it once I get home from college, 9am til 5pm ain't good *cries*

xX Dream Xx

Edit: Sawell did you mean something along the lines of this? Just a quick mess about on college computers, will sort the rest out once at home if this is what you mean't.

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Thank you for advise will work on it once I get home from college, 9am til 5pm ain't good *cries*

xX Dream Xx

Edit: Sawell did you mean something along the lines of this? Just a quick mess about on college computers, will sort the rest out once at home if this is what you mean't.

Not really, you've still got the pencil lines in which makes it look sloppy.

You need to start using the pen tool and trace around your work, then filling in shading/highlighting using the same technique, almost like vector art but for characters.

See my attached screenshot, is more like what I was saying (notice you then lose any pencil marks, gives a bolder colour and enables you, in time to rid yourself of the original image. For the shading I just traced around the area then blurred the part, which you can see in the arm.


  • ffart.jpg
    185 KB · Views: 73


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2006
OMFG wow that's weird to use. What it do? What it for? I've never used that tool before I used the LASSO tool for all my tracing and cutting out.

xX Dream Xx


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
Latest one the actual text blends in with the background at parts. change the text colour or something so it dosent blend...

Anywayz offline for a bit.

Chat later Dream :p