Mir Legends


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
Mir Legends will be a unique server. While it will still consist of the origonal mir style it will have many different themes throughout the server. Each theme will have its own home town map. There will be Legend npc's in each theme and also Legend weapons which will be in the drop files. You never actually have to do the themes, you dont have to enter the theme maps or do the theme quests. But you will be missing out as the themes will offer more quest's,events, bosses, items, rewards and lvling areas that are better than your normal ones. There will be many other features in the themes that will give you advantages.

The main themes will be

1: The Matrix theme.
2: Lord of the Ring theme.
3: Lost theme
4: Pirates of the Caribbean theme.

There will also be other smaller themes.

5: Harry Potter theme (Wizards Only)
6: Fight Club theme (Warriors Only)
7: Prison Break theme (Assains Only)
8: Halo theme (Taos Only)

Would like to add more aswell.

Start level will be lvl 1 and The server will be of a medium/high rate exp. After a month i would expect the top players to be around lvl 40 after 3 months 60/70 after 6 months 80/100 and after a year 120 +

Drops will be like most servers. One basic set of kit that is easy to get. A medium set that quite a few people will have items of and then a hard kit to get that is like semi rare. Then there will be the legend items which would be rares. Most spells will be avaliable at the start. The more decent ones will be in drop files, going from hard to get to rare. As for gems/orbs. im not a massive fan of a server having every item 20+ stats, takes the value of having a added item away. Orbs will be ingame and be rare. Gems will be ingame and med/hard to get. dont mind to many gems dropping ingame as people will hesitate to use them. so will have some sort of trade option where 10 gems and so many game points = a orb. somthing along those lines.

Currency Gold will have a value. will be used to buy pots, enter certain caves, start certain quests. Game Points will have a value. Get them from boss drops/quests. They will be able to spend in the game point shop. ( you will need a Game shop key to enter which wont be easy to get) They will also be useable to get into certain caves/ do certain quests and events.

The Matrix theme:

(matrix quest beggining)From the first second you log on with your new chara you will be involved in the themes. You will awake in a room with full mir kit where u will be face to face with the one and only Dark Devil. With one hit of your sword he will fall and the Legend Morpheus Will come forward. He will tell you that you are living in a dream world called the Matrix World and that you are needed to help fight the battle for the Mir world. He will offer you 2 pills. the blue pill will teleport you back to the matrix where u can continue to live in a fantasy world. The red pill will take you back to the Mir world where u will help the other humans fight against the evil that has taken over.

Home Town 1: Zion (Mir World) This is the last main Mir city left. You will spend most of your time here with other mir players. You will find some of the old classic mir bosses/caves/quests here aswell as some newly discovered caves. You will have to stop them from trying to destroy Zion. This will be the heart of the mir world. Everything will resolve around this home town.

Home Town 2: Mega City (Matrix World) This is the main home town in the matrix. In here you will have a superhuman feel. you will be more powerfull and have skills and kit that u could only dream of in the real world. There will be caves to explore and bosses to kill. with quests to do that will keep you busy with hours of fun. Just be aware of Smith. He is deadly and will not think twice about pking you. If you see him, run,tt or die.

The matrix theme will be the 1st major theme on the server. It will allow you to travel back and forth from the Mir World and the Matrix World.
The Mir world will be like your normal mir server.You will progress and lvl up here. Your kit and spells will be like normal servers, new items every 5 or so lvls.1 set will be easy to get, another medium to get and another hard to get. Some of the old skool bosses will still be around and some of the maps aswell. there will also be other themes/quests going on in the mir world

The Matrix World will be completly different. once you enter you will be given your first taste of what its like to be in the matrix. Uber looking kit with amazing stats. You will have spells that only the very best players in the Mir World would have. You will go of hunting bosses and doing quests.

You wont be able to take any of this kit/spells back to the Mir World but the bosses will drop items that are of a good standard for the Mir World which you will be able to take back.

To enter the Matrix you will require a blue pill. these will be semi rare to get from either boss drops or mob drops, quest rewards ect ect. You wont be allowed to take your normal kit into the matrix. If you die in the matrix you will respawn in the mir world.

Matrix World kit: You will get given a stater kit(LVL 1). the items wont be tradeable,cant remove them, repair em, they break on death(basically they are staying on you during your time in the matrix) With this basic starter kit you will be able to hunt in the matrix and lvl up, kill some bosses but to go after the better bosses and harder caves you will need to do some of the quests. the quests will reward you with a better kit when u enter the matrix as you will get Kit tokens for completing them. Bosses will also drop kit tokens. Hopefully would be around 10 lvls of Matrix kit, each one getting better and better. Each Token will get you to another step in the kit when you enter the matrix, so these tokens will be hard to get and will be worth a fair amount. if you want to sell them that is.

The Matrix theme will be aimed to last throughout the server. You dont ever have to enter the matrix, but lvling will be faster in there and the bosses will drop rares more often. so blue pills will deffo be worth having/buying. There will be little quests to do but the main point of this theme is to have a different world with lvling areas that are better exp and bosses that drop better than the normal world.

Legends of the Matrix theme:

Morpheus: Morpheus is the very first legend you will see. He will be the one who sets your mind free and into the mir world. He will have quests to do for Wizards

Neo: Neo will pop up from time to time to help you out. He will have quests to do for Assains.

Trinity: Trinity will keep showing her face. She will have quests to do for Taos

Tank: Tank will be seen here and there and will have quests to do for warriors.

Smith: Agent smith will be the main threat in the matrix. His only thought is to kill you and get you out of the matrix. You wont be able to kill him so dont even try. Well unless you have got Lvl 10 kit(Epic) and have skill. this wont happen for a while.

Ball Of Light: Found in the Machine City. One of the hardest bosses around!!

Oracle: The Oracle will be the main npc you will speak to. She will give you tips and hints and will offer you advise. She will also have multi quest system to do. She will also give you a nice buff to up your hp/mp.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
The second Major theme will be the Lord of the rings theme.

This theme will be mostly long quests.

Home Town: Helms Deep. You will have to complete the first part to unlock this town. In this city there will be caves to hunt and more quests to do.There will also be some black knights still riding around the caves for you to kill. they might drop nice you never no... Plus also the city has its very own lms. Invaisons of orcs will provide a tough test to defend it and get some of the advantages from the city. The city will also provide a Dc/Mc/Sc buff.

(Lord of The Mir ring quest part 1)
This will be aimed at lvl 25+. You will find Frodo Baggins lying on the floor in Fangorn forest. coz he is just a hobbit and a fking noob he has failed in his quest to go to Mount doom in mordor and destroy the ring. Your job is now to go back to mordor and defeat the lord sauron and get the Mir Ring. This wont be easy and will take you a long time to get there as you make your way through rivendell, Mines of moria, mount doom fighting off orcs, urakias, trolls and the bosses like balrog, shelob ect ect.

If you finally make it to mordor and defeat lord sauron you will be rewarded with the mir ring. This will be a epic ring and will be of the same power as a Matrix world Ring(lvl 1). You will also be given the key to the city(Helms deep)

The first part of this theme is a big quest. It will take you a while but will be worth it. The Mir Ring will be a uber ring which you will use for a decent amount of time. Helms Deep will also be worth going to. The other leaders in helms deep (Gimli,Legolus,Gandalf,Aragorn) will provide you with little quests up untill you turn lvl 40

(Part 2)(Lvl 40)
As time goes by the other Leaders in Helms Deep, Gimli(War), Gandalf(Wiz), Legolas(Assain), aragorn(Tao) get jealous. They will keep on making sly remarks about u and the ring. Once you hit lvl 40 they will try and fool u into handing them the ring to look at. if you do they will run away. you will have to go and find them (what ever class u r) and get the ring back at any cost. Doing so will not only get you your ring back but will also give you other benifits. You might get lucky and get Gimlis axe, you might get lucky and get Gandalfs Horse, You may get Legolas boots or you might even get Aragons undead army book. You may get fk all aswell lol. Dont try this quest to early as you may be without your Mir Ring for awhile if you cant deafet him.

After part 2 this theme will die down for abit. but it will come back later on and play a big part.

(Part 3:)(Lvl 70+)
Saruman has been forming a army. He has got more orcs and goblins and has also got the ent trees to help him fight. You will need a new team of legends. 1 war 1 wiz 1 tao 1 assian to go and fight there way through the hundreds of monsters. At the end they will come face to face with the great white wizard. expect it to be a hard battle. There will be special rewards for each class once completed.

Legends of The Lord of the Ring theme:

Lord Sauron: Boss that will want to take your head off.

Saruman: The great white wizard who will be a real tough for a group let alone just you.

Gimli: Will help warriors with some minor quests at the start.

Legolus: Will help assains with some minor quests at the start.

Aragorn: Will help taos with some minor quests at the start.

Gandalf: Will help wizards with some minor quests at the start.

Bilbo Baggins: Will help all with some little quests and will give you a decent exp boost.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
The third major theme will be based on the Lost series.

Home Town: Island.

(Lost Part 1)

At some stage you will be asked to take a journey along with 9 other players(lvl 40-50). complications happen and you will end up stranded on a desert island. (Pi).Lucky for you there are still some old faces that have stayed on the island. These people will tell you secrets and give you quests to do to help you get of the island. Im sure you can trust some of them like Jack,Hurley but watch out for some of the mysterious npc's like Locke and Sawyer. You will all have different quests to do, from finding wood to make a raft to sail away back to the mir world, or from hunting wild boar/fishing to gather food for the group. some one will need to explore the island. all will have different rewards and every1 will have something to do. You can work as a team or you can go solo. There will be many different ways to get of the island as a group or on ur own. For example, you need more than 1 person to sail a raft!

You will also need to get some basic kit to mine/chop wood ect. most you will find around the island.

And the reason you want to get of the island?? Apart from the mysterious wild animals that will chase you down in a instant, there are also the mysterious others. You wont wanna fight these alone.... Luckly you will not come accross these if you stay out of the caves, enter the caves and you may wish you never had. But what if your only way of the island is to go into the caves??? hmm tough call.

Your time on the island will depend on how much effot you put in. If you work well as a team it will be quicker. if you take risks it might be worth it, it might cost you. If you wanna play the villian it might work out in your favour.

There will be rewards for each quest, from exp to gold, to items and to other random items. You will want to complete as many as you can possible to get as many rewards as you can but your main objective is to get of the island. Not every1 will get off at the same time. There will be some ways to get of in less than 5 mins, there will be others to get of in less than a hour, while the rest may have to look to set up camp as they could be there for a while.

This first part of this theme is aimed to get a mixture of players on the island. There will be freinds that will work together there will be people that dont get on. so watch out for sabortages and fights within the camp. Can they put there differences aside till they get off the island? only time will tell.

(Lost Part 2)(lvl 50+)

After getting off the island in what ever way you managed to do so you start to see visions of the npc's you saw on the island. It turns out they need your help. the others are growing stronger and are threatning to take over the island.They have also captured one of the legends. By now you will be stronger and ready to enter the caves.

If you decide to go back, you will asked to go into the caves and help defeat all of the others. This will be a multi kill quest. there will be a amount of others in each cave and you will have to kill them all.

This will take time and will last a good few hours. Once they are all dead you will be greated by the captured Legend (Kate). She will tell you of a hideout where there is still one more Other. and its there so called Leader.... This will be a tough fight but the reward will be worth it.

If you defeat the Leader then you and the other legends will be free. You will be rewarded with the location to a secret teleport that will allow you to travel back and forth to the island. the wild animals do give good exp so will be a decent place to lvl if there are a decent amount there. The other good advantage will be the chance to go back and fight the leader as a normal boss. Also look out for the islands very own LMS.

(Lost Part 3)(55+)

As you are now seen as the leader of the island you have alot more responsibilites. You have got of the island, you have taken controll of it, but now can you defend it? One of the other legends saw a ship apporaching. You will have to go and fight of the ships crew. Fighting of mysterious squids/ghosts and other sea life creatures you will come face to face with the Legend Jack Sparrow. He will help you but only if you help him. He needs you to keep killing the monsters and capture 100 souls for him. Once you have done that and got Jack his souls he will vanish, but dont worry it wont be the last we see of jack. You will have to keep fighting of the monsters till the ship is empty. once done you can go back and let the other legends know the island is now safe again.

once you have returned to the camp you will be hailed as a king/queen of the island. You will now have access to your own ship which you can use to sail to some new caves.

This will be the last part of the lost theme. the ship you have captured will be used to teleport you to more caves on the other surrounding islands. Jack Will also now offer you a decent ac/amc buff.

Legends of the Lost theme:

Jack: The main leader of the last surviours. Will help you out as much as possible, He will also give you a decent ac/amc buff.

Hurley: Will have quests for you to do and will try and help you as much as possible.

Locke: Will have some quests for you to do but his alliance to which side is never quite known.

Sawyer: Like Locke he is untrusty. Will have some minor quests for you to do but only wants to help himself.

Kate: Kate likes to do her own thing so you wont see her much till the end of the quests on the island. She is more trustful than sawyer and locke but not as much as jack and hurley.

Others Very strong humans that live in the caves. You dont wanna meet one of them alone let alone a group of them.

Leader No 1 knows the name of the leader but he is very strong and only wants the island ran his way.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
The fourth major theme will be the Pirates Of the Carabian Theme.

Home Town: Port Royal.

Part 1: LVl 60+

At lvl 60 you will be able to access port royal. You will again bump into the legend Jack Sparrow as he has been put into jail for piracy. He will tell you that he needs another favour, he needs you to go find him the keys to get him out. Once you have found them and set jack free he will again vanish without saying thanks. By now you have grown tired of this and want to go after jack. For this you will need to visit the only man who knows where jack will be. Captain Barbossa. But the captain wont tell you unless you do him a favour aswell. He will want you to find the last peice of aztec treasure that he needs to lift the curse off him and his crew. The one person who has this is miss Elizabeth Swan. Getting the missing treasure off her will be difficult and she may want you to do some chors for her father before she hands it over to you. Once you have it you make your way back to Barbossa. Once you give him the treasure he will give you the location of jack.

Once you have got to jack he will reward you for your troubles. He will also tell you of a more greater reward. but only when you are strong enough.

Part 2 (Lvl 65+)

Once you are 65 jack will think you are strong enough to take the next test. He will tell you of a chest which contains the Heart of Davy Jones. The only problem is that jack needs the map to find it. He belives Barbossa has it and will not give it up without a fight. Go and kill barbossa till he drops the map. This might take 1 kill, it might take 20. Once you have the map, take it to jack. He will then lead you to the destination where you will find the treasure chest. Inside is the heart but beware, the chest wont like you trying to steal from it so will attack back. Kill it and receive the heart. Jack will want the heart for himself but because of what he has done in the past you decide not to give it to him. Once you have the heart you will be able to control Davy Jones. He will be in the jail at Port Royal aswell. You will be able to use his bonus services while the heart is in your hands.

Part 3 (Lvl 70+)

While you have the heart you almost feel untouchable. But one stormy night Pirates returns and takes Miss Elizabeth Swan capture. The local Blacksmith Will Turner will ask you for help in getting her back. You aggree and go to the one man who might no where they have taken her. Jack sparrow. He will tell you that they have taken her to there main hideout of shipwreck cove. This is where you will also find the one and only Collipso. She is holding her captive and will only return her for a trade of the heart of davy jones. or you can try and defeat her. The only way to get into her lair is to get the 9 pieces of eight that some of the pirate lords have. Only once you have all 9 pieces will you be able to go one on one with the great godess.

Once defeated Miss Swan will be free and you will be the talk of the town at Port Royal.
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Nov 7, 2007
By reading this, have to say its one of the best thought out servers i seen on here for a while, it's simple but good at the same time. You added a story to MIR which i think will go down well, i love games with some type of story line to it.

Good job.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
ok u told me alot of words
could u tell me info like server exp , server files , drop ?
something that matters?


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 17, 2004
Ireland, Derry
ok u told me alot of words
could u tell me info like server exp , server files , drop ?
something that matters?

So a story line doesn't matter???


Nice idea on server seems well thought out will certainly take a look at it if/when it comes up.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 17, 2004
Ireland, Derry
no i rly dont care if there are storylines or no

u get it Frodo?


Stop slinging abuse form you mud hut

p.s sorry about the spam
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
no i rly dont care if there are storylines or no

u get it Frodo?

then go play a high rate server that is rushed and will last a month or so and has no balance to it at all.

this is just a idea at the mo, ive not decided what files to use or the exact exp will be. it will prob be 2.3 as they seem to be the best to work with. it wont be a euro copy so it wont be slow lvling. once i have finally decided what it will be and have started working on it then i will put a post in the UPCOMING SERVERS section.....


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
no i rly dont care if there are storylines or no

u get it Frodo?

Hounestly crawl back into your little hole, you waste of Forum Space.

Finally, a well thought out, decent sounding server advert is made, and to be fair it sounds incredible, and you've had a dig at him?

Will 100% be trying this whenever its out, nice to see someone put a bit of effort in :).


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
then go play a high rate server that is rushed and will last a month or so and has no balance to it at all.

this is just a idea at the mo, ive not decided what files to use or the exact exp will be. it will prob be 2.3 as they seem to be the best to work with. it wont be a euro copy so it wont be slow lvling. once i have finally decided what it will be and have started working on it then i will put a post in the UPCOMING SERVERS section.....

that means u wont have sins no more , so ull need to cut or remake abit of ur storyline


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
that means u wont have sins no more , so ull need to cut or remake abit of ur storyline

you seem to have a issue with trying to dig out people as much as possible. all im trying to do is make a decent server coz apart from 4h there isnt any out there.

yes some things i have said wont happen, some things will need to change. i would rather do that than just set up a euro clone server which no 1 will ever play coz it has been done before. There is only so much you can do with mir, atleast this is somthing new, yes some people will just say they are maps with new names or bosses that are called the same as a movie chara but for me that would be better than fighting the same boss on server after server using the same names and maps for home towns ect.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 8, 2008
My House
hmmm all sounds good except the name, im sure i came up with this name while me and someone was making a server, ur free to use it, as i dont own a server but.. do i know u?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
hmmm all sounds good except the name, im sure i came up with this name while me and someone was making a server, ur free to use it, as i dont own a server but.. do i know u?

ive played mir for bout 6/7 years so im sure we have prob crossed paths. As for the server name... im sure many other people have thought of calling there server it. i can remeber a server with the name but never remeber any 1 actually saying " have u played Mir Legends" or "yeah im lvl .. on Mir Legends"

I dont intend to steal a name of any other server, after all we are all stealing the files from the koreans/chinease ect.. i just want a decent server to come out. Im sure if i had to change the name i could, sure there are many other good server names out there just this was the first one that came into my head.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 7, 2003
Sounds ridiculous, but it looks like you've put a lot of thought into it.

I only skim read parts of it but how will you choose which theme to take part in? And will they be separate from everyone else on other themes or what?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 8, 2007
you put med-high exp but will take 1 month to get level 40? seems low rate to me?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
Sounds ridiculous, but it looks like you've put a lot of thought into it.

I only skim read parts of it but how will you choose which theme to take part in? And will they be separate from everyone else on other themes or what?

Like i said, you dont have to choose any of the themes if you dont want to. There will still be a normal side to the server with bosses/caves/quests/events ect to do, but if you want to do a theme you can choose to as the rewards will be better than the normal stuff. you can choose 1 theme or you can choose 2/3/4/5/6 themes to do if you want. some will overlap each other in lvl wise. some will only let you do one part of the theme at a time. some themes will be solo, some with be grp themes.

you put med-high exp but will take 1 month to get level 40? seems low rate to me?

i would say lvl 40 in 2 years is low rate.... yes ppl that geek it will be higher than this, this is for a typical player who has a job/life ect. think about most high rates, if you take out the first 30 lvls which take like a hour or so to do, u wont see many people do another 50 lvls in a month. not unless they donate for x10 exp or bum lick the high lvls to lvl em and kit em out....