SijoMiR - Development

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 21, 2005
Problem comes when what you test then ends up changing in the next test... and well, all that information you've learnt on balance per class etc and play style becomes naught and wasted.

I can read :)


Feb 21, 2013
At the moment I'm playing AceM2 as that's just a clone of Euro but with the new M2files. Pretty kool and hard grinding... but will leave that server once this is up and running.

I am a bit confused between these two mirs that lately cropped up here.

I take it, 'ACE' are are some new Chinese (Shanda) mir2 files that two grps of pple got hold of, one grp is making all new server AceM2 and this grp here have been running some SijoMir2 based on RubyM2 files(??) which they are now converting to ACE files... is that correct?

How are these two mirs going to be different? Is the main difference going to be who runs them?

What's this 'Sijo' anyway, some Chinese name or what.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
I can read :)

Still have me fooled, as you've misunderstood the point of my post.

I am a bit confused between these two mirs that lately cropped up here.

I take it, 'ACE' are are some new Chinese (Shanda) mir2 files that two grps of pple got hold of, one grp is making all new server AceM2 and this grp here have been running some SijoMir2 based on RubyM2 files(??) which they are now converting to ACE files... is that correct?

How are these two mirs going to be different? Is the main difference going to be who runs them?

What's this 'Sijo' anyway, some Chinese name or what.

AceM2 are the new files.

AceM2 is the first server created, and is called AceM2, this is a low rate same as Euro Style.

SijoMir is the second server soon-to-be released using the AceM2 files. This has an entirely different exp/drop rates etc, and is focused on new content only and not focused around Euro style.

Hopefully that clears it up.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2013
I am a bit confused between these two mirs that lately cropped up here.

I take it, 'ACE' are are some new Chinese (Shanda) mir2 files that two grps of pple got hold of, one grp is making all new server AceM2 and this grp here have been running some SijoMir2 based on RubyM2 files(??) which they are now converting to ACE files... is that correct?

What's this 'Sijo' anyway, some Chinese name or what.

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) both Mir's are using the same files (new Mir2files) which are basically upgraded graphics with new content.

AceM2 is a clone of original mir using these new files. So town layouts, items, mobs, bosses, lvling caves/temples are exactly the same as old mir.

SiJo Mir is the same files (updated graphics and content) but a completely different layout, mobs, items, lvling caves/temples etc. So you'll more than find the same stuff, but in different places. They are completely separate.

There was talk of the two servers merging at the start of one of the forums threads... but then was played down by the other server.


Feb 21, 2013
Thanks. Nice to see the change in files, I take it this mir then runs on a new 'game engine' (with directX) and it is programmed in more modern ways and so shouldn't suffer from the old glitches when you worried to tweak or change some little thing somewhere because it would 'break' server in some unforeseen ways? Basically being a programming cludge o.o

Myself I tend to euro style mir but I was always dreaming of rearranging where certain caves are located, to give the game some feeling of progressing somewhere. Euro mir means Bichon Wall is your town from baby days till you go to your grave. I liked on GN mir when at level somewhere between 20&30 you moved to Mudwall and it became your new town and BW was looked on like on noob town. But that reverted with PI patch, maybe even the 1.4 Spider patch made pple return to BW and make it their base again.
So rearranging would be fine but I don't care much when you start getting some new crazy batman armors and weapons and other outlandish (for mir) stuff.

Also mir was last properly balanced before it got any major patch, which means like year 2001 only LOL
I never liked the idea of those specialty caves like those Ancient caves because they are just patchwork - basically unless you were totally new to mir and maybe online gaming too, nobody played much in those nooby old caves anymore and they became mostly useless. Mobs too few giving too low exp and drops old too, and nothing could be changed because of that programming cludge I wrote about earlier. So new series of Ancient caves was put in...

And later addition to mir like those frog caves were like for noobs when mir hardly had any low level pple anymore, they just didn't fit with the old mir IMO
I remember how spider & apes were hard as nails and then the hardness was tweaked down for us euromir players because we just didn't have levels for it. Later on it stayed tweaked down but really that was supposed to be high level cave, like for 45+ at least.
I had many ideas like that how to change things to rebalance mir again, everything would have to be tweaked, moved, changed...

And last querry, the old original game shops will never come back? I mean when you could see items for sale which pple sold to shops. I suppose no private server ever had them unless it ran 1.4 files? Did such original files even ever exist on private server scene?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
I am a bit confused between these two mirs that lately cropped up here.

I take it, 'ACE' are are some new Chinese (Shanda) mir2 files that two grps of pple got hold of, one grp is making all new server AceM2 and this grp here have been running some SijoMir2 based on RubyM2 files(??) which they are now converting to ACE files... is that correct?

What's this 'Sijo' anyway, some Chinese name or what.

AceM2 is a development team of coders that have been working on these files since 2012 September after discovering the new source. Since then a lot has been changed and developed into these files and more and more keeps getting fixed and added.

SijoMiR is a server development team consisting of myself, Hazuki and ChiliPepper. The reason the SijoMiR team has had early access to using these files is purely because ChiliPepper is a coder for the Ace team and Hazuki has provided hosting and interface re-work for the client. I myself have only contributed with some map touch ups and testing.

I also see a lot of people get both teams messed up so: We are two totally different teams looking to develop two different servers. Ace being a Euro Mir clone and Sijo being a completely redesigned Mir.

Regarding beta, once we've cracked the balance issue between experience, drops, magic and classes this will be when we can properly expand our content otherwise it will only mean we need to rebalance more content as adding to it will most likely mean the balancing will be wrong. We'll likely try out some event idea's that we've been wanting to play with.


LOMCN Leecher
May 8, 2013
I played the short SijoMir open beta, and I was quite impressed with the content, considering it apparently took a couple of months to create. I just have a couple of ideas I would like to submit for consideration.

Firstly I totally agree with the idea of having no equipment in the shops beyond the drug store and general goods store, I think this will make the game more enjoyable at an earlier stage. I don't know how others feel, but to me, the game is mostly about finding/fighting over new equipment or skill-books. If I don't have to spend the first few days grinding through content that is giving me stuff I can buy in the shop, I'm going to have more fun sooner. I cant think of any issues that would arise from doing this.

Secondly, I think full-loot pvp is a step too far, In Darkfall it works because all the items in-game are creatable by the player, that is not the case in Mir, and I'm sure you will see many people stop playing because they can't deal with the fact that they just lost all of their equipment in one death. On the flip-side, no-loot pvp is just a missed opportunity to make the game better. I don't know exactly if it would work well, but I would suggest having maybe a 1/3 chance of dropping something from one of your equipment slots, with the chances decreasing for each item dropped, meaning If I killed Tyraes, and I successfully rolled the 1/3 and he drops something, the chance of another item dropping would be 1/6 and so on, with the exception of weapons, which would have a much lower chance of dropping in general.

And finally, if it's true that the AceM2 server plans to have every boss/mid-boss have a 100% chance of dropping something rare, then I imagine that would really mess up the whole "item rarity/scarcity" thing that I always loved about Mir, I hope this feature is not included in SijoMir because I just plain do not like it.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
And finally, if it's true that the AceM2 server plans to have every boss/mid-boss have a 100% chance of dropping something rare, then I imagine that would really mess up the whole "item rarity/scarcity" thing that I always loved about Mir, I hope this feature is not included in SijoMir because I just plain do not like it.

I think this isn't a coded feature, I think it's something they've scripted in specifically for their server. Even if it is a coded feature we wouldn't use it because scarcity is something we'll be looking at.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2013
Tyraes are item dura going to be like original euro mir or have a special repair/hard torch function somehow? Also regarding body drops.
I only ask because in euro mir I had a HA and all added stat items, but the truth is they sat on a separate storage char and were only ever brought out for special occasions (exp events basically) because for the daily grind of mir it was just too expensive to use good gear, so you were relagated to using half ass gear all the time. In addition you wouldn't wear good gear in most kinds of fights and boss's because if its your really good stuff that you have been working on all of mir then its not worth losing. One of the funnest things in mir is getting better gear that you can actually use all the time to level faster, kill bosses/new bosses and get more competative in PVP.

Basically my point being that if you spend piles of time grinding out gear (this being the nature of mir) then to lose it because it simply breaks or because it drops off your body when you d/c and disappears doesn't make any sense in my opinion based on the type of game mir is.

Dropping from bags makes complete sense to me, you fight over a boss and kill people they potentially drop items, that is awesome. And it costing something to either special repair or make things not lose dura is also great.

Just a couple of my thoughts.

Could you comment on whether speed tweaks (like running old striped down versions of XP etc) are going to have an effect in this mir?

Things going to be made stack able? Just a quality of life thing, always seemed silly to be limited by slots for things like random tele's.

Will there be an opportunity to see things like skill lists? Help alot for selecting a class to play when we know what that class will do and get. Another thing in mir is its tough to reroll if a class doesn't seem good/fun/is underpowerd at level 50, your basically stuck with it.

Overall great job so far!

ZiiiD(Storeme on sijo beta)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
Item durability is something I'll be looking at more closely than you'd expect to see servers doing because it makes a big difference in the long run. Durability won't be too high or too low but some-what reasonable to the item's drop chance, level and item type (weapon, ring etc).

We'll probably not introduce a special repair all items NPC. The reason for this is because an NPC like this keeps items in-game for a very long time making items become more common very quickly. Although we'll have repair oils and some special repair oils that are drop-able from mobs or bosses.

We'll be looking at drop chances from a player when killed from a mob or a player and tweaking them to our liking but this isn't a priority until we develop the server a bit more.

Regarding speed tweaks I don't think its possible to effect game-play too much as FPS is pretty much 60 all the time unless your computer is dire. Also a decent internet connection would keep you from getting the odd small lag spikes that people get in Mir and other games.

We will make certain items stackable but nothing stupid like 100 RT's for one stack. Sun potions and Ginsengs won't be stackable.

We will eventually release a list of skills with skill names and levels but no further information so the skills remain a surprise if they are new.

Hope that answers some of your questions.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2013
some very exciting stuff, Ty. Looking forward to it.

I disagree with the not stacking sunpots, I think stacking to a maximum of like 5? or even 3.. just to save bag space, unless you implement an option to buy "extra bags" (maybe even have a slot space for 1 bag).

Would this be possible/what are you views on this?


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
some very exciting stuff, Ty. Looking forward to it.

I disagree with the not stacking sunpots, I think stacking to a maximum of like 5? or even 3.. just to save bag space, unless you implement an option to buy "extra bags" (maybe even have a slot space for 1 bag).

Would this be possible/what are you views on this?

May aswell add instant pots... I could understand a sunpot bundle and only obtainable by a boss/crafting. As it requires time & effort to obtain them, as a everyday thing, it'd be ridiculous as people would just pk with a bag full of sunpots.


LOMCN Leecher
May 8, 2013
some very exciting stuff, Ty. Looking forward to it.

I disagree with the not stacking sunpots, I think stacking to a maximum of like 5? or even 3.. just to save bag space, unless you implement an option to buy "extra bags" (maybe even have a slot space for 1 bag).

Would this be possible/what are you views on this?

If you do that we will have people 2 man killing EvilMir again.


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 21, 2005
SunPots stacking = BAD!
Sunpot bundles are a good idea, but only for the purposes of Storage. So script on storage npc to bundle/un bundle the sunpotions. But not double click-able!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
The main reason to make Sun Potions not stackable is it ruins PvP and allows people to have bags full of stacked instant potions.

We could make a bundle version of Sun Potions be able to be crafted or dropped but ofcourse it would need to require reasonable crafting materials and have an increased drop chance. This probably won't happen but we'll see.

I do believe we've spoke about extra bag space for things such as quest items or booty. Not decided yet but something we can introduce later.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2013
Item durability is something I'll be looking at more closely than you'd expect to see servers doing because it makes a big difference in the long run. Durability won't be too high or too low but some-what reasonable to the item's drop chance, level and item type (weapon, ring etc).

We'll probably not introduce a special repair all items NPC. The reason for this is because an NPC like this keeps items in-game for a very long time making items become more common very quickly. Although we'll have repair oils and some special repair oils that are drop-able from mobs or bosses.

We'll be looking at drop chances from a player when killed from a mob or a player and tweaking them to our liking but this isn't a priority until we develop the server a bit more.

Regarding speed tweaks I don't think its possible to effect game-play too much as FPS is pretty much 60 all the time unless your computer is dire. Also a decent internet connection would keep you from getting the odd small lag spikes that people get in Mir and other games.

We will make certain items stackable but nothing stupid like 100 RT's for one stack. Sun potions and Ginsengs won't be stackable.

We will eventually release a list of skills with skill names and levels but no further information so the skills remain a surprise if they are new.

Hope that answers some of your questions.


Thanks for the response, dropping special repair oils for all equipment is a great idea, sorta be like bene's, I like that. Lack of stacking suns will make it good to be in groups again.
Great on the speed tweaks, make the game an even playing field.
Any insight into what 2 classes will offer the best synergies? (exp. wiz/wiz or war/tao etc.) :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 27, 2003
Is the beta open at the moment? or down for development


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
Any insight into what 2 classes will offer the best synergies? (exp. wiz/wiz or war/tao etc.) :)

Regarding this it's hard to say but of course the master leveler will always be the wizard class due to its AOE spells. But then again warriors and taoists have a lot more skills and some being powerful AOE attacks so it should be interesting to see how it all balances out eventually.

Is the beta open at the moment? or down for development

Beta is down at the moment and is currently being developed further.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 27, 2003
Any idea when it likely to be back up for testing? Id love to check it out


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2013
The main reason to make Sun Potions not stackable is it ruins PvP and allows people to have bags full of stacked instant potions.

We could make a bundle version of Sun Potions be able to be crafted or dropped but of course it would need to require reasonable crafting materials and have an increased drop chance. This probably won't happen but we'll see.

I do believe we've spoke about extra bag space for things such as quest items or booty. Not decided yet but something we can introduce later.

I think Special Repair potions dropping from certain mobs/bosses seems a better idea of the latter.

Sunpots however, I think it would be good if you had to spend quite a bit to bundle these... almost to a point where it's not even worth doing unless you spend a large some of cash on crafting the bundle.... put only having them in certain boss drops but make them quite rare - as apposed to just wiping the idea out completely. It would be nice to come across a sunny bundle just once in my lifetime on Ace2M's server (this way people will cherish them forever!).