Search results

  1. Website design preview

    Just made a template in photoshop for a website design, not actually coded yet but thought I'd post see peoples initial reactions to its looks: here Any comments welcomed.
  2. [DM2]Gamegate/Rungate Problem

    I know this is probably some stupid little mistake I've made somewhere but was hoping you could help. I had my server (TheDeaths DM2) set up and running perfect, was listed on leo's server list as all ports available, was stable running for 6/7 hours straight. Then I went and tried copying the...
  3. Arghhhhh!!!!! Coursework!!!!!!!!!

    Reaching that time of year again, got all my deadlines on Thursday when I have to hand in my five completed essays, which average about 3,000 words each. Just thought I'd post see if anyone else is up late trying to rush before their deadlines, or am I the only disorganised one that's going to...
  4. Tip for Windows 2000 Users

    Just thought I'd post here in case anyone is still using Internet Explorer 6 due to Microsoft stopping us installing internet explorer 7 (still not sure why that's been done). I have several PC's in my house and while I mostly use the windows xp main one, when I'm doing work I go upstairs where...
  5. Nokia n95 Firmware

    Anyone here got any idea where I could download a firmware for the n95? Recieved mine today but it seems to have a problem with the camera, when I open the lens cover and the viewfinder comes up on the screen there's a multi-coloured transparent layer over the screen, not very impressive for my...
  6. A poll, just out of curiosity..

    On another forum I visit I decided to enter the sig of the month contest and currently have 0 votes lol, so have decided to post them all here and see how the results would vary had the contest been on this forum. Beatle - David - Fuzzy - Haz - itapunk - Neo - Ozmo - I...
  7. Benchmarks

    I'm interested in seeing other people from this forum's benchmark results for comparing performance and things, However I'm not sure what the best benchmark program to suggest is, anyone got any ideas? I've got 3DMark 06 but can't really expect everyone to have that/upload that file since it's...
  8. Windows 2000 wireless?

    A few days ago I bought a wireless router got my first 2 computers connected to it no problem (though they're both near so I just did it wired), now trying to add my other PC upstairs using a very very old wireless network card a friend gave me and i've had lying around for ages. It's an...
  9. Monitors

    Just looking for a little advice on buying a new monitor, I'm changing from my old 19" CRT that i bought for £1 off ebay a year or 2 ago. Looking for a good TFT screen for games, i know the usual that a higher contrast ratio is better quality and a lower response time is quicker (hence better...
  10. Usenet - A complete easy to use guide?

    Seen alot of people speaking about this recently and I've looked into it on google, just wondering what client i should use, what server to connect to, how to do it. This probably won't be hard to do but if anyone would be kind enough I'd like you to assume I'm a bit simple and write a guide...
  11. Which one?

    Just thinking maybe it's time for a change and thought i'd see which one u thinks better, this sig or my old one, new one: (may look familliar because i edited it the other day for DarkXxX's request) old one: i'm thinking maybe new one just to try bring back the lines because jealy loves them.
  12. Shameless advertsing..

    Anyone want to buy my xbox 360 game? A bargain i think.
  13. Kerio Personal Firewall 4.2.3 crack

    Just tried searching for a crack for this but couldn't find one on there, anyone know anywhere that has? Would be much appreciated as mine expires today and will be stuck with the trial version.
  14. Old website i made

    Last year sometime i was on a small DC++ hub and was talking to the owners and ended up making a website for them. Just thought i'd see what ppl think of it, also its got fly the copter on it if anyone's bored lol. Made it last year and the hub closed about a week or 2 later...
  15. New sigs..

    Thought i'd try something more simple for this one: does it work or not? I'm not sure. Then this one a bit more detailed (logo is for a band called mest not sure u'll know them) Opinions welcome on both, which u lot think is better?
  16. bored so..

    what u lot think? any ideas for improvement? sig - avatar-
  17. Which is better?

    Just wondering which u think is better.. or or maybe should just stick to nothing like i am now.
  18. Gamemaster commands

    Don't know if its just me being stupid but i can't get my GM commands to work on a server i just made. I got the ready done files off iceman and am using the ledu client off milofoxbur, set up the server fine no problems. Then made a character, added name to the adminlist but now when i'm ingame...
  19. Microsoft Access Help

    I'm doing my computing coursework now (CP6), and was wondering if anyone here could help. Last year I did a system for a video shop and everyone who used the system had the same main switchboard come up when they loaded it. This year I want to do it so the manager types in his username and...
  20. Age of Empires 2: The conquerors expansion

    Just wondering has anyone here got it and would you be interested in a game? I'm aiming for an 8 player game with 4 teams of 2.