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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Joopers*

    spotify you can play music for free in the client, just search for it. theres literally millions of songs here's a screenshot, i went to the BBC website to see what was number 1 and searched it to see if theres new music.
  2. Joopers*

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    Good movie, but it's too much like Forrest Gump, worth a watch though. Part 1; Part 2;
  3. Joopers*

    Best photos you've taken?

    Bit of a random thread really, but post the best photos you've taken, here's mine, some crazy snail, on my camera does a picture that good come out of a camera phone? edit: the picture looks better smaller (Y)
  4. Joopers*

    fresh fresh fresh

    signatures, not been on photoshop in ages cause everything i was making turned out ****. but had a go today and whipped up some nifty ****, so; Scroll down to JealY's post to see!
  5. Joopers*

    Microsoft Sam - Fergalicious
  6. Joopers*

    Another sig!

  7. Joopers*


    First one in months though i'd show you.. What you think?
  8. Joopers*

    Battlefield heroes

    Looks fun, can't wait til it's out; The video's pretty funny aswell.
  9. Joopers*

    Thought i'd give you people something to comment on.

    Most recent signature :) :) :)
  10. Joopers*


    I would like to know what you think.
  11. Joopers*

    Shensation CSS Clan

    We're thinking of setting one up, but we need to see if there's enough people interested in joining, register to and post here if you're interested; Thanks!
  12. Joopers*

    New sig

    My best yet imo;
  13. Joopers*

    2 new sigs

    Not made anything in a while so i decided to have a go on photoshop.. Silver surfer! :O And Haunter.. Btw it's better to look at them in the disturbed_x skin...
  14. Joopers*

    Spiderman 3 sig

    C&C plez, It's smudge and the odd filter
  15. Joopers*

    posting from wii :]

    you can get it from the store thing for free :)
  16. Joopers*


    Well, here it is; What you think needs improving plz, don't say text i'm **** at that lol
  17. Joopers*

    Dark samus big pic

    Smudging and filters
  18. Joopers*

    Snake sig - Brawl

    If you didn't like my rayman one you might not like this, but imo this is better..
  19. Joopers*

    Rayman! :o

    Tis in my sig, i know the text is a bit funny but oh well.
  20. Joopers*

    Catch a perv

    Anyone seen this before, so funny. Hopefully some of these weirdos might get prosecuted lol.