2.3 Server Guide - Idiot Proof 4 VISTA


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
This Guide Is For Windows Vista Users

Please read the ATTENTION! note i wrote for the xp server guide

Download the Legend Of Mir 2.3 Client from this website: GamersHell

When you have downloaded the file extract it anywhere and double click on the Mir20Client.exe

The installation will start.. this will take a few minutes depending on your system.. in order to install it correctly follow this easy steps..

Starting from the first window after it has read the installation files press:
- Next
- Yes
- Insert Username and Company (i have put . and .) & press Next
- Don't Change Destination Folder & press Next
- Next
Now wait for installation to complete.. after it has installed press
- Finish!

Download the SQL Server 2005 and its essential parts from here:

[this part presumes that you dont have sql 2005 installed.. if you do then uninstall it and follow this guide completly]

MSSQL 2005 Express Edition

Press "Download files below" and choose the 53.5 MB file..
Download it and open it..

If the program says

then choose Run Program

Now Follow My Clicks for having a correct installation:
- tick the accept licence terms and hit next
- next
- Run program
- Next
- You should have all Success.. with 0 errors and 0 warning.. else if you have some errors then stop and ask here.. if everything is okay then hit next
- Next
- Next
- Select Mixed Mode and input "sa" in enter password and "sa" in confirm psw
- Next
- Install
- Wait
- Wait more
- When completed press next and finish

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2

Press "Download files below" and choose the 282.4 MB file (if you have not the vista 64bit version).. else if you have the 64bit download the 300+mb file
Download it and open it..

I installed this only because it's said to be a required bit for running sql correctly..

Follow my clicks also here:
- Next
- Select "I accept" and press next
- Next
- Next
- In this window if everything is correct you should get a message saying "Locked files not found" so press next
- Install
- Then next next and finish

SQL Server Management Studio Express

Press "Download files below" and choose the 38.5 MB file (if you have not the vista 64bit version).. else if you have the 64bit download the 39mb file
Download it and open it..

Just install the Studio Management without changing nothing.. keep everything to default..

Download the edited mirserver files from here: MegaUpload

if anyone feels to host i will be happy..

This server files are already setted and have a few fixes in them.. the fixes are the mapquest error and the server ips all setted to and some smaller things

Put the Mirserver.exe in C:\ and double click it.. in the window make sure it will extract itself in C:\ and press Install..

Now go in C:\Mirserver and double click on "1-Set Up Maps.bat"
This will copy for you all the maps in your client folder into your server files..

Now double click on "2-Set Up My Client files.bat"
This will fix your client files so that you can connect correctly to them
This will also create a Diamond Shortcut on your desktop.. if the shortcut doesnt appear on the desktop try clicking in an empty place of the desktop and then hit F5 on the keyboard and see if the shortcut pops up..
use this to play the game from now on

Now double click on "3-Set Up Server Starter.bat"
This will fix your serverstarter and set it to work directly
This will also create a Serverstarter shorcut on your desktop, use this to start the server from now on

This is the last part of the Guide.. maybe also the most important part tbh..

open START > ALL PROGRAMS > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio Express..

when the window pops up you should have something like this:

it's very important to write down the server name because we will need to set this in our files.. in my case my server name is "Lux666-PC\SQLEXPRESS"

Select SQL Server Authentication and for login put "sa" and password "sa" and hit Connect

If you have entered the things i said you should now see some folders called:
Server Objects etc etc

Right click on the folder called Databases and select "New Database"

In the window that pops up right the following this:
Where it says "Database Name" write "mir2"
Then press OK

Now double click on Databases
Right click on mir2 and choose Tasks > Restore > Database...

In the window that pops up select From Device and press the button with 3 dots which is at the right of From Device [...]

Then press Add
Then change the Files of Type to All files(*) and browse in C:\Mirserver\DBserver\ and select the database called "mir2(restorethis)"
Then press OK
Then press OK again and we are back at the window where we choose From device before..

Now here make sure you put the tick like in the image:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Now on the left top part press Options and choose "Overwrite the existing database"

Now press OK and everything should be restored correctly!

Now you still have to set a few things.. open the mirserver folder which is in C:\.. open the DBserver and open the dbsrc.txt

make sure that you change the red line to what i am going to tell you:

must become
SQLHost="ServerName" like i said before.. in my case, has i said.. this line will be

the same thing must be done in the !setup.txt which is in the M2server folder
which should look like this but with your personal servername.. (NOT MINE!)


Now we can start the server using the serverstarter link on your desktop..
wait it to load completly.. if you have done all the things i did u also will get this message at the end of the M2server.exe

[07/12/2008 11.01.21] LoginServer Connected(
[07/12/2008 11.01.21] Gate[0]( Opened...
[07/12/2008 11.01.24] DBServer Connected(

which means that the server is running correctly..

Now use the diamond link to open mir and create a new char..

1) Fixing the mongen!
Exporting the file we need:
Method 1) First way is Exporting the Tbl_Mongen using SQL 2000 following this steps:

Right click on the table TBL_Mongen and click on export and export
as text file.
Click OK on the next screen
Click the Delimited option at the top and then click next
On the choose the delimiter that separates fields option at the top, click on the 'Tab' button and in the Text Qualifier dropdown box on the right, click on {none}
Click on Next
Click on Finish

Else Method 2) Second way is using the TBL_Mongen.xls that mirrealms shared ages ago..
do to this download the file from here then open it with Excel.. press File > Save File As.. then choose in the File Type drop menu the voice saying Text (MS-Dos) *.txt and press Save.. in the window that pops up choose yes..

Importing the File to Sql 2005:
To be able to import you need to do 3 things explained in the following link.. (this step must be done once and will work forever..)
the 3 things

Now press start > run > cmd and make your command changing the red parts

in my case i used:
bcp mir2.dbo.tbl_mongen in C:\tbl_mongen_exported.txt -T -c -S Lux666-PC\SQLEXPRESS

the first one is the txt file you have exported
the second is the server name
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When life gives you Lemons ?
Dedicated Member
Oct 11, 2009
i did that n it didnt work /:

its annoying cos i cant make a account.
after i typed all the info to make a account then i cant find the ok button and enter doesnt work /: REALLY annoying.. im so close n yet so fare away :S
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When life gives you Lemons ?
Dedicated Member
Oct 11, 2009
yes ! it worked ^^ but the problem is that it looks like it opens 2 clients at once ? a old version of mir and a new version of mir /: ? i think i know the problem but im not sure of to fix it .. i dont want to delete any files or anything cos if i mess up /:

but i can get ing now :D how do i give my self gm /: ?

and thanks to everyone there helped me with this i really apreciate it
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2007
i get this msg when i try and set up sql
TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to Lloyd-PC\SQLEXPRESS.


A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?Prod...rver&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=-1&LinkId=20476


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LOMCN VIP (Mapper)
Jul 28, 2004
UK - Midlands
mStation, mind having a go with my setup for me on Vista x64 ?

I've setup a remote connection through LogMeIn (instant web based client).

Please give me a shout VIA pm or something..
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 23, 2008
Im not sure what the problem is when try to install the SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64 package it gets to the end and does a rollback says the package maybe damaged. I used the link above which is the microsoft web site.


Edit : nevermind sorted now.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 23, 2008
When i run the server launcher i get this message

Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Please help me!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 23, 2008
In your client folder do as shank said for offline use, use or if you set server online use your ip.
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