Advertising Fundamental 101

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 8, 2012
Hello everyone,
With the high amount of servers coming up and the general progress of server creators, I couldn’t miss how awful and unprofessional some adverts look like

some servers have a promising good gameplay experience with great potentials just not advertised properly

And i looked around LOMCN for an updated tutorials on how to make a successful advertisement thread and im actually surprised this is the first advertising tutorial

theres the Rules thread which was made 14 years ago but they only stating rules
Therefore, i decided to make an advertising tutorial with a few suggestions to it.

1. Server Name

First of all, lets start with the server name and i highly recommend picking something related to the actual game your advertising for and in this case ”Mir related”.

There is a few good names i can think of right now but I decided to stick to The Last Chapter.

2. Server Banner/Logo

Make sure to have a professionally made banner/logo and not something quick you pull outta Painter, for example


The banner can help you too if you ever decide to use the advertising banners service on LOMCN, which can be found here LOMCN Advertising

3. Server Details

What could make a server advert stand out among the other servers that might be around ?
id say by stating what does your server have to offer in terms of gameplay, new features & continuous updates.


*More pics to be added*
Try to add in more images/videos and less hard grammer wall of texts, because you have to remember this is an invitation to players around the world so you must becareful on how to demonstrate your server in clear and simple words.

4. Video Promo ”Trailer”
Create a video which has short videos/images of your servers game play or new stuff you’ve added such as spells/monsters could also feature “Guild Fights & Boss Fights”, people tend to like video adverts over typed ones.

Here is something quick i made to showcase what a promo might look like, and bare in mind it had 0 effort and no actual details to back the advert with but here goes

5. Server Theme/Story

Years after years, and i keep seeing the same repeated adverts with the same patterns, i saw someone naming a high level boss as their own Pet like ( DanielsPet or JacksPet.. or w/e ) and another server owner just copied the same “DanielsPet” name on a whole different server….

Where is the fun in that? Why deviating from the actual story of Mir? Or why not continue the game story with your own touches and edits?

I saw the below thread the other day for a monster being introduced and that gave me the motive/push to speak up about our current server adverts

And if your looking for a background story for your server, they can be easily made nowadays specially with the ChatGPT AI being released recently or you can simply make them up manually.

6. Autopatcher

You can always use the current crystal Autopatcher since it has a unique design and fulfills all players needs

Or you can just create a customised Autopatcher with a sexier look and a proper functional main page.


I will try add a short video on swapping your current Autopatcher with the customised one.

Closure / My Thoughts & Opinions :

the stereotype and identity of Mir is being lost with all those private servers launching with no story or a background of the actual game they advertise for but instead

“Another items with increased stats, Another monsters with increased power”.

I don’t mind these additions if introduced properly with some sort of background story

or even singling them up on another image/post, now that is a huge factor of a fun game and a prove of effort to players.

Alot to be said, and surely alot to be added in this thread as i go just wanted to start one and see what everyone thinks and will update later.

Please enlighten me with any suggestions you think worthy for making a successful advertisement, and ill hopefully add to this thread.

Thanks for taking the time to read this
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Really nice thread man, and appreciate the link to our start of Lore!

Always needed to have some theme and story on servers, so I can better tell the story quest line (which on both servers we've done had overall great feedback (excluding the boss kills in them :P))

I agree with you, adverts need to be unique; the wall of text is a huge one, I had to redo my adverts so many times because I ended up writing a huge essay, when a picture and a couple of bullet points did the same job!

Already stealing your idea on the video for a trailer, I think its such an engaging way to get people to understand the systems, story, what you've done in a few minutes.

People can invest that time in video even when they cba to read an advert.
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