Developing a Server - Would like feed back

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour


#1 your not there 24/7 -

I honestly doubt that any self respecting human would be. IF anyone does do this, they need a good fcuking slap for doing so.

#2 your servers wont be monitored..

What gives that impression? most servers dont need to be monitored all the fcuking time to work...if cheats are cheating, they can use the *wow* SCROLL FUNCTION AND CHECK IT. gotta love that feature.

#3 your 2mb connection is home usage..

Think about what your saying you tit. Name me a server that is up that isnt run on a home connection, no everyone can afford a dedicated server...

#4 your 256k upload is bulls.. cos i doubt u ever get that..

Unless your being l337 and hax0ring his comp, i doubt you know what he has or has not, so shut it tramp.

#5 like 8mb will make a difference? im sure it still 256k upload? depends who your with..

I would like to think that with 4 times the connection, they WILL increase the upload speed. Again you make a complete spack out of yourself.

#6 have a dedicated hosting server, and a dedicated server..

Hooray! lets drop our pants and squeal it from the rooftops! we aint all made of money, and in what way does that related to this server? and you previously noted about monitoring the server...if its on a dedicated of the cailbre im thinking, monitoring isnt exactly going to be easy.


Your a tosser who just wants to be a nubbeh pwner, your not and never will be.

2dope and wond are lookin for what people want, not what you want, if they wanted people to critise and ridicule the server, they would have asked me, hate or kane to do so.

Shut your mouth unless its constructive, cos from where im standing, you look like a human sized erection.

Good day.


Mar 22, 2003
lol our dedi is actually quite cheap :) monitoring also is 24/7 but only for emergency things, i.e powercuts n tht, all im going to say, is if ur up for making a server go for it just bear in mind that people will want stbility and non corruption

Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
Wond said:
Smear shut the **** up and get off our thread.

#1 What host IS at the pc 24/7 ? none.
#2 What host sits and watches the server all the time ? none
#3 His home connection is used yes, What connection isnt used?, He dosnt download very often so there will be very little lag if any.
#5 Why wont his 8mb connection make a difference ? Ok smear if connection dosnt make a difference, i'll download a file on 8mb and you can download a file on 56k, For some odd unexplained reason I think I will download it faster, Therefore there is a difference, Understand ? Good.
#6 can do what ever they want, We are not nor do we care what they do or how they do it.

PS: Do NOT reply to any thread posted by myself / 2dope again, We dont care about your view nor do we want it. Your nothing but a little child with a big head on a forums that likes to argue for no reason.
1.whats the server specs? cos i doubt there anyt better then my 3 yr old pc
2. no host sits n watch, unless they do * there choice init?* lol. but most are monitored..
3. home connection are excatly what they say.. home connection.. you will lagg anyway, cos the connection isnt made for mass usage.. oh but it will only be 5-20man server so that doesnt matter...
5. we not tlakin about download here, kiddie.. a 512kbs buisness connection, would work more better... remmeber game users use upload.. not download..
6. have all the above if more.. why try make better when you cant? just add to there ideas...

god we must have the hardest 12-14 year olds around on here.. we so lucky at lomcn! :)

theres my help.. :)


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Wond said:
#1 What host IS at the pc 24/7 ? none.
#2 What host sits and watches the server all the time ? none
#3 His home connection is used yes, What connection isnt used?, He dosnt download very often so there will be very little lag if any.
#5 Why wont his 8mb connection make a difference ? Ok smear if connection dosnt make a difference, i'll download a file on 8mb and you can download a file on 56k, For some odd unexplained reason I think I will download it faster, Therefore there is a difference, Understand ? Good.
#6 can do what ever they want, We are not nor do we care what they do or how they do it.

#1 Mine its called a system monitor and there is someone in the data center 24/7
#2 Refare back to #1 its called an alarm an probs server alarm goes off it shows on system monitor screen and person who is in data center can sort it
#3 My 2mb connection is ONLY connected to the server and nothing else
#4 you forgot to give him **** about #4 prob because he is right
#5 Its all about upload you can have a 1 terrabit line and still have rubbish upload
#6 Yes you are not Lon2 or anyother server out there

Martyn was just pointing out some facts to you and you blow it up
its called ADVICE deal with it

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
Babyhack said:
#1 Mine its called a system monitor and there is someone in the data center 24/7
#2 Refare back to #1 its called an alarm an probs server alarm goes off it shows on system monitor screen and person who is in data center can sort it
#3 My 2mb connection is ONLY connected to the server and nothing else
#4 you forgot to give him **** about #4 prob because he is right
#5 Its all about upload you can have a 1 terrabit line and still have rubbish upload
#6 Yes you are not Lon2 or anyother server out there

Martyn was just pointing out some facts to you and you blow it up
its called ADVICE deal with it


"Something that has actual existence : a matter of objective reality"

He knows what he said for FACT ? No he dosnt, Think about the words you use before you actually use them.

No i didnt forget about number #4 at all, I dont live in tash's house, I dont know his upload nor did I ask it.

BH, It's pritty obvious im talking about personal hosts. Not companys that you pay to host. So please, less of your **** trying to show off :).

Yes i know its about upload for hosting a server, He didnt say for server only did he ? No he said it "Wont make a difference", Which it will, To 2dope's download speed, So i simply stated a "Fact", About download.

I can see why LOMCN has went downhill lately and alot of people have left. People do nothing now but try to put others down / Give them abuse for no reason what so ever. It's totally turned to **** now. 2 Years ago this place was fine. Now...Well i cant say its the best of places. And before anyone says "if you dont like it, Leave", No thanks i enjoy reading this forums, Just a few of the people seem to act the idiot 90% of the time.

Ps: Smir i just read your post, You didnt state weither you meant Download OR Upload, You said "It wont make a difference", By saying that the way you did. You meant "In general", Which it will :), And whats with the "12-14" year old bull **** ? If anyone is getting on childish here Smir its you. Oh and too the "This will be a 5-20 man server anyway so it dosnt matter", Before trying to give greif about other peoples servers, Which havn't even been made yet, I would like to see you make a server now, And get the high player count you expect, There isnt many people playing privite servers anymore, You need to realise that.
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Mar 6, 2005
ok start lvl 22. lvling easy till 60-80 (x20ish) items a bit higher than euro and make sure there are sz other than tht ur ideas are kwl and martyn STFU! and stop spamming :middle:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
andym said:
ok start lvl 22. lvling easy till 60-80 (x20ish) items a bit higher than euro and make sure there are sz other than tht ur ideas are kwl and martyn STFU! and stop spamming :middle:

Thanks for the feedback, Much apprechiated :)

PS: BH + Smir, Kindly do not reply to this thread again, Your view has been seen. If you would like to speak to me. Thats what the PM option is for.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 22, 2003
All new spells Deva TDB so on and the new mobs such as oma king spirit with the right magic its spose to have not normal stats but don't make the stats to high cuz if u get attacked by 2 people u have no chance make it do when pked/pking u lose or gain a lvl make sure there is atleast 1 event every week ..

and make me gm :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2005
Thanks for all the feed back guys its appriciated, sorry been left in charge at work while manager been away and in a mobile phone shop its madness, I can see McMasterMan's point, so something simular to euro mir items, maybe slightly more, but ever so slightly but a good refine system, 1st refine adds 1 dc/sc/mc / 2nd refine adds say 3, 3rd adds say 7 4th adds say 15, just a idea but that would make people get a nice amount of DC say could get 150 dc with really really refined items, which would make it a lil easier to level and wouldnt make it unfair if a 2vs1 situation.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2004
Essex, England
McMasterMan said:
All new spells Deva TDB so on and the new mobs such as oma king spirit with the right magic its spose to have not normal stats but don't make the stats to high cuz if u get attacked by 2 people u have no chance make it do when pked/pking u lose or gain a lvl make sure there is atleast 1 event every week ..

and make me gm :D
Stupid = Bold


lowish stats with easy crafts, lvl up pk, easy lvling (got 2 have easy lvling with lvl up pk, or ppl will abuse it 2 lvl chars off themselves), paras & pros rare

edit: avoid using that piece of **** ledu client if at all possible :)

also NO CHEATS (exept maybe rev & all light, i like the hp digits so u can guess ppls lvls :P ), but personally if its all or none, id deffo pick none
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Rebel said:
Stupid = Bold
your post = spam

medium - high exp
same with stats
craft system
good pk system (lvl up when u pk sum1 )
decent events
no corruption


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2004
Essex, England
Mainly because you're a dumb**** who thinks it is possible to have all newest Euro mir skills. Events makes a server ****. If you're dumb enough not to know the basics, you shouldn't be a GM.

And fubu, I thought you left Mir?


Rebel said:
And fubu, I thought you left Mir?
i play abit still my charas name : KATO

ps: are you Rebel from RNV?

1.4/1.9 with new spells in so it isnt that impossible if u got the time

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 22, 2003
its impossible cuz u don't know how to do it ? he asked what i thought i told him he
i didnt ask for u to reply to my post so **** off


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2004
Essex, England
McMasterMan said:
its impossible cuz u don't know how to do it ? he asked what i thought i told him he
i didnt ask for u to reply to my post so **** off
It's impossible because IT CAN'T BE DONE.

EDIT: I forgot what client that is but I haven't seen it used on any server yet, and don't think it has been released and no i'm not RebeL off RNV.
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Golden Oldie
Dec 5, 2004
i like the looks of this server will deffo give a try when it goes live!:D


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 17, 2003
Med - Highish Exp and bonus Exp room (eg 65k a mob for a quest or ticket etc)

Stats normal but add a craft system to make them uber...

PK lvling system,

hard boss mobs that require a group

rareish items like para, make pro semi rare since a wiz needs its.

keep it updated..

fun often events