Did I just Kill Mir3???


Dec 1, 2003
One of my Goals when I keep sharing these files etc is that it would encourage others to speed up getting a mir3 server online and try and push the boundries of the current files so that each server that comes online, it would maybe feature things that other try and emulate. The present Servers online, while good were maybe getting lax, so another reason to make these little bugger work harder to impress the people playing byt adding yet more exciting stuff.

Mir3 has always come in second place as Mir2 seems to have more going on, thus it is my job (has been since 2002) to keep Mir3 were it belongs, above Mir2 :)

The other side though is that 10 more servers come online, all these seem to have changed is the Exp, and this gets Sillier by the day. How long term will a 500X server last for example? What is the point of killing a Boss mob when you can get the same exp from a lower beast? (as seen on EI 2.9 all them years ago).

So the question is, did I just put people off Mir3 by too many servers coming online and lasting seconds before they drop off again? Don't worry though, I intend to keep sharing and keep moving forward as they say !!

*** Discuss ***


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2004
Middlesbrough ! Smoggy!
I dont completely understand this thread.

But anyway ill try and give my view on it.


I think you've done a GREAT job with the EI , JoB and 3g ptw files for the past couple of years, for me Mir3 is above mir2 not that i dont like mir2 but its the fact we can do the things with mir3 that mir2 has and more.

People think just because mir3 requires a tad more computer resources and has better gfx that they wont recognise mir3 as a game they will get used to. My server has been on the go for about 4-5 months i havent really worked on it much in the past month because im going to be a dad and i have to devote myself to my GirlFriend as much as possible. It has GREAT potential i just cant seem to get anything finished because im thinking of new idea's everytime i work on it.

As you said the servers that have x100 experiance and so on are just trying to attract the high playercount, But people are recognising this and not playing so there are fewer people playing mir3.

Lets just hope the future will change for mir3 when servers such as mine and others arrive, but PLEASE Demonic PLEASE dont stop releasing files.


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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 6, 2005
its true the quality of near every new servers is as low as it can be
all these 100x exp with a few added items servers are a shame for the legend of mir 3 :(
im am waiting a long time now for a good low rate server
but i will keep waiting till I die :D
legend of mir 3 wtf :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
I believe it is because the files are more complicated with mir3 so it puts many people off. There has also been a lack of stable releases. I thank you so much for all the releases you bring to us and each one pushes us that bit further forward. I'm currently working on EIsky that you released. Have you got anywhere with it? The DB server keeps crashing and when I use other DB servers the stats are messed up.


ur a smacktard!
May 11, 2005
Great Yarmouth/Cambridge
I agree that most servers coming out at the moment are ' season servers' there gonna be here for the summer then people have to get back to their real lives, which i understand.

I personally think by you releasing files demonic, you are pushing the long term server hosts to use there knowlegde to push the current boundaries even further!

Take our latest project for example, we are half way through completing our new expansion to our server. this includes 4 new sub classes, 25 new skills, and quests to boot. the best part is its completely optional, and only those that want to use it can. This is all done on CD3.40, so when people say the files aren't flexible i have to disagree.

To be completely honest with you there are only a few things I can think of that are keeping people from really trying with mir3, and these are lack of tools and client expansion, ie map editor and unlimited mon/item wil files. One of which we are heavily working on.

Hopefully we can get one of the new file releases to work fully, and we can have a few more clientside extras.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 13, 2003
Having run both mir2 and mir3 servers (Only friends play, so about 10/15 players) and having played both of the real versions i have to say i MUCH prefer EI to mir2, i like the fact it uses SQL and the added things you can do with this. The element system i think further adds to the depth of the game making it a lot more intresting (a bit like slashing, piercing, thrusting, blunt weapons in other games)

All this said though, there is so much more things that are possible to add now with mir2 with the source being available etc. I think of a great idea for my server and then after thinking about it i get to 'Well i could do that on a DM2 server, but i dont see how i could do it here" Also the fact we dont have a map maker is another huge blow for servers expansion i think, i hate re-using things such as maps/items/mobs.

Like other people have said, we are also limited on mob/items files so that means even re-using of images. I think people are also put off by some of the NPC scrips, once i got used to how they were layed out and what some of the more complex scripting was doing i enjoyed scripting a lot more.

My friends have been playing my EI Server for about 6 months and there all around lvl 55/60 (with 3x EXP) So basically now there just Killing boss mobs and occasionally going on a group hunt for a non soloable boss. they have all their spells etc and pretty much nothing new for them to do. Yes i could add more quests etc but as i said i dont like re-using maps.

EDIT: Forgot to thank you for all your releases Demonic, without your help, as the sole developer of my server id of given up with the amount of work that is required.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
mir3's dead. without constant updates that we can use, i dont see mir3 going much further. which is why i moved to mir2 lol.


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Farphit said:
mir3's dead. without constant updates that we can use, i dont see mir3 going much further. which is why i moved to mir2 lol.

I would not go as far as to say its dead
maybe its hit a wall and needs to find a way around it

The release of the Mir2 source has help to bring Mir2 back to life
There was a stage where Milo and myself thought there was nothing left, with Chinese releases drying up and when there was a release it was packed

But look at Mir2 now

Mir3 has just hit a slow spot
Maybe if someone could take the Mir2 source and port it to Mir3 (dont know if thats possable) then things could pick up like Mir2 did



Staff member
May 19, 2003
Babyhack said:
Mir3 has just hit a slow spot
Maybe if someone could take the Mir2 source and port it to Mir3 (dont know if thats possable) then things could pick up like Mir2 did


its possible, but i think it wld b an awfully big task if u wanted it to actually feel like mir3, and not just look like it.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
I know from running a server for 4 or more months that mir3 is popular, on weekends usercount was 347 odd and that was ingame which is x3...


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Lyncus said:
I know from running a server for 4 or more months that mir3 is popular, on weekends usercount was 347 odd and that was ingame which is x3...

Mir3 is popular player side, but when it comes to making and running a server there are very few people who
1. Can setup SQL right (even though there are great guides and its easy)
2. Can setup the files and maintain them
3. Can look after and run a server longterm

Mir2 files are just click and go (any N00b can do it)
Mir3 needs alot more work just to get it online and alot of people are afraid of this "work"

TBH I always like the way Mir3 is
Less silly flash in the pan servers
When a server does come up you can tell if work has been done and that the team is in it longterm



Mir3 files are a brilliant set of files to work and are far complex to what there counter part Mir2, one of the disadvantages of the Mir3 files is that they are not 100% translated and this is what puts people of creating a server.

Ive also found a lot of the guides being very usefull, even for a novice like myself. But i do have a lack of understanding about scripting and other things to do with Mir3. I can put a Mir3 server together and getting it working and online but thats as far as i can go. Now thanks to cheekyvimpto and xtreme ive got a little understanding about scripts and how to create them, but unfortunatly i still dont know how to add them or how to get other features to work.

But yes keep up the good work and maybe one day i can create a server to rival all other servers.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 15, 2004
mapadale said:
one of the disadvantages of the Mir3 files is that they are not 100% translated and this is what puts people of creating a server.

i see this as the biggest factor to starting up a server, and ive recently seen people release servers and if its not 100% english they get flamed,,

unless im looking in the wrong places alot of people seem to be pretty selfish with there own work while this is fair if u want a popular server it aint great for a community of different servers, if someone was to release a basic set of fully translated server files im sure we'd see some better quality servers coming out

i guess a lot of people loose the will to create decent servers in the translation process,as its probably one of the biggest goals to make with the smallest results.

think of how much more could be done if 20 people didnt have to translate the same set of files 20 times,,,

well thats from a players point of view,,

i am a programmer tho so i may take a look at the mir2 source soon and see what i make of that,,, we need mir3 source,,, that wuold be good


Dec 1, 2003
A Few points from My Long History of Mir3.....

EI (2.9) was a Stripped down Mir3 Set of files with Basic NPC's (Buying/Selling) and then Shared. The reason for the Stripped Set was to get a set of files out by MSRF which is fair enough.
JOB was the untouched set which included all the files (quests etc) and once again the goal at one point was to provide a set of Known files for people to build upon but this got lost in the process as it always does and never happened basically.

Now imagine this, take an untouched Chinese set of files and see how long it would take you (anybody) to go and make this 100% english - about half way through most people will get sick and the process will stop. The first thing to fall by the way side is normally the Quests as they NEED a server online type of thing.

Now Imagine after doing all of JOB for you to repeat the process for 3G, imagine also you lost a set of files you had done and had to start from Scratch - Mind blowing yes?? Let's take a look though at your idea, 20 People alll working asa team and doignt he files in 1/20th of the time - sounds great but Who are these 20 people you speak of? It is commonaly known that any team will fall apart eventually, you do know how boring it can get copy & Pasting Chinese to Funny English and then re-writing it all to proper english when all people really want to do is play the game and run the BEST Server ever type thing !!

Some common Facts.
People will Take the files presented, maybe do a lot more work and then run the server claiming its 100% english - Nowhere will you see posted these files they have done, yet they are more then happy to take what someone else has done. This is how we all work, nothing anybody will say will every change that.

Another common thing, with each round of working on the files, bit by bit people get less enthusiast, time moves on and people leave the scene to go do another game. Looking at the number of Active Users on LOMCN is proof of this, Looking at where most of the posts are made (GoT) is further proof people are getting bored....
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Babyhack said:
Mir3 has just hit a slow spot
Maybe if someone could take the Mir2 source and port it to Mir3 (dont know if thats possable) then things could pick up like Mir2 did


We already have a quasi-Mir3 client.

It's called Mir2EI.

If anyone has any details on the new map format and image library structures, send them to me, and I might have a bash at putting them in.

Also, anyone with C++ experience who wants the source should contact me.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 15, 2004
¤]´)÷¤--§îr Äürøñ--¤÷(`[¤ said:
We already have a quasi-Mir3 client.

It's called Mir2EI.

If anyone has any details on the new map format and image library structures, send them to me, and I might have a bash at putting them in.

Also, anyone with C++ experience who wants the source should contact me.

i just finished uni with expertise in c++ :P

would love to take a look at c++ source,,


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
^^ the Map Editor is the same as the older Version, I have rewrite some Language things to better things...

With all the things on Mir3 Map Records , IDs , and so I say only have Fun ^^.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 23, 2003
the majority of stuff on mir 3 is translated, its just a shame people cant be bothered to spend some time messing about and tweakin stuff...

alot of realeases when i was messing about with mir 3 files where basically consisting of:

"lo, i r pot seller.... wanna buy?"

obviously no1 wants npcs that say that so they dont bother going through the files to change it as the npc system is far more complex that mir 2.

another point i may add aswell, i experienced alot of problems regarding virus's when i got the server files... at the time i was only using the serve files not downloading anything else and i got loads of crappy virus's....

if they can be ironed out im sure alot of people would give it a shot. its a shame really mir 3 has the potential, and id have probably got into more complex issues with mir 3 by now but unfortunately as with this sorta stuff there's always a few people that mess things up for all...


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
Mir3 is popular player side, but when it comes to making and running a server there are very few people who
1. Can setup SQL right (even though there are great guides and its easy)
2. Can setup the files and maintain them
3. Can look after and run a server longterm

Mir2 files are just click and go (any N00b can do it)
Mir3 needs alot more work just to get it online and alot of people are afraid of this "work"

TBH I always like the way Mir3 is
Less silly flash in the pan servers
When a server does come up you can tell if work has been done and that the team is in it longterm


I don't aggree, I think Mir3 is easyer then Mir2 and the files are easyer to understand and work stuff out from the top ofyour head. With all the updates for Mir2 and the hacks and various clients to use Mir3 is easyer tosetup and run not Mir2.