if any 1 wants my near enuf translated files..


suysurikeru said:
can say i quit mir 3 altogether, a great game but nonealess its repetative n can get quite boring like most games

Brilliant Answer tbh - Imagine myself, I Ripped through 2.9 (no - not MSRF version) - Played a Server on 3 Chars from 1-50+ I think (high anyhow), Did a complete 100% JOB set of files + Released, did 3G 2.54 (older one) and now doing Stupid CruelDragon. Now in the days of 2.9, it was great cos you added a new server exe and it added more features, same with JOB after some mad hexing etc.

Personally myself I am bored stupid with mir3 (I always hated Mir2 - so don;t even go there) - why people get excited by 3 more spells beats the hell out of me when sessentially its the same old Hack and Slash game it ever was. In fact to me Mir is like stuck in a Time Loops - when you compare it to the likes of Battlefield 2 (ok so its a diffferent game - but you get what I am saying) - they yes - I agree with what your saying 100%.

In fact Look how many people are running public Servers, Look how many are leaving Euromir3 every day and look how Mir2 Servers are dying out....we goota ask ourself - is it about time we deleted Mir and moved on??

Somebody Else

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2005
No. :P

Any idea on how to fix the bug where u can only use 1 spell before u have to log? (And don't say use different files.)



Somebody Else said:
No. :P

Any idea on how to fix the bug where u can only use 1 spell before u have to log? (And don't say use different files.)


The Only time I saw this problem ws when Used a Modified CLient by Lovemir which allowed sort of new features on JOB servers - I have tested every aspect of Cruel Dragon and KingNF 1.1 and never ever had this problem - so I will say its Client side tbh

Somebody Else

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2005
Ah ok, that could be explained by the fact i am using the US mir3 client with the Euro mir3.exe :P I'll try using the Euromir3 client now.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
i agree with the point that lom is after a certain time boring but i disagree with the quest why dont let lom dying mhh

as i see it on my server it was allways like that self if the players leave cause they was bored and starting to play another game most of them came back after the new game was boring again. So i see it like that Lom is the home if the ppl know it
they play wow they play la2 eq what ever but after they came back home its ever the same.

as gm/admin i must say i have closed my lom3 server cause we had a fusion with rd and the amenon team now make wow. But im still work with the RD files and i love it and i tell u why *lol
Cause everything is quiet simple u have so much possibilitys with that files... more as in other games. The wow files most is done u have not really possibilitys to make ur own deal the same is with la2. eq is so buggy that u have to work over 6 month to have a stable version same with daoc or some others ( i know that cause we have in our com now 4 diff servers running) 2 come later trust me god bless LOM !

i never wanna miss it

