It Seems We Got Banksy-ed

smoochy boys on tour
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 30, 2012

I'm just going to post over here...

@Sanjian you're an ignorant fool. You had the majority of the LOMCN community watching. Players from US to China, and multiple countries in between. I'd say this was impressive, clearly you were on the right track. Then the epidemic hit. Where most of the world suffered from this; It was a ******* GOLDEN TICKET for you... For the first time in twenty years, everyone who's been watching you, suddenly all have the time to play! The road was paved in gold. An opportunity to truly capitalize on all your hard work. But, instead, you lit all of your hard work on fire, and ignorantly watched it burn to a crisp.

I was a solo player up to level thirty, which kept me away from all the usual private server drama. I was hooked, and really didn't understand why people were quitting so soon. But, of course it was the usual bitching; Grind out levels as fast as possible, bore yourself from your own game play, start bitching, quit, and the bandwagon begins. The concept of your server was avoided. Ex. I have a 33 taoist, lowest level active player in guild, yet, my kit dwarfs any other taoist's kit thats outside of our guild, and all of those who already quit. The content was there, it just wasn't in the GRIND.

User count didn't bother me, the concept of your server is what kept me playing. That is until a couple days ago, where all I was trying to do was figure out how the ~ Key Modifier worked, something so innocuous, yet your ignorance was still at play. After those responses on Discord, yours and thedeath's, for something so simple; Made me not give a **** anymore. User Count -1

If my original thread post seems confusing: Banksy is and artist, the picture is titled "Girl With The Red Balloon", Google it and you'll understand.
It refers to Self Destruction.

/Drip :)


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
i refere to your image of the girl with the red balloon.

luckily, art is open to interpretation and i dont see it as self destruction at all, i see it as losing a loved one.

in reference to you, beecause all i said was yes it works, you then went on a conversation mission with iceman about fabricators and welding... i dunno i didnt read it all it was boring.

if you are that up your own arse that your not going to play a server because the ~/CTRL doesnt work then im really not losing much am i?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 5, 2006
honestly u just sound like a whining bitch, keep it to the discord. You happily played the server for weeks/months with no money asked from you. I played for 3 months loved the server, the grind was just to much for me when i started work as i suspected it would. i left, didnt make a dramtic drama queen fuss about it on forums that in fact just sounds disrespectful.
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
If you are done with the server, why do you need to try **** on it to try disrupt the UC, you aren't playing, leave it at that?

This is a problem on a broader range in general, people burn themselves out of servers by playing 16 hours a day, then get bored, slate the server for being boring and **** publicly, which puts a bad spin on the server which is unjustified.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 30, 2012
I am playing; Well, I've just logged on at least. Increased the UC by 20%, its at 6 now. Best all around update yet, though a bit to late. Last week, the UC would have at least been at 8-12 around this time.
This is a problem on a broader range in general, people burn themselves out of servers by playing 16 hours a day, then get bored, slate the server for being boring and **** publicly, which puts a bad spin on the server which is unjustified.
You dont say..
I was a solo player up to level thirty, which kept me away from all the usual private server drama. I was hooked, and really didn't understand why people were quitting so soon. But, of course it was the usual bitching; Grind out levels as fast as possible, bore yourself from your own game play, start bitching, quit, and the bandwagon begins. The concept of your server was avoided. Ex. I have a 33 taoist, lowest level active player in guild, yet, my kit dwarfs any other taoist's kit thats outside of our guild, and all of those who already quit. The content was there, it just wasn't in the GRIND.

And, for this guy
You happily played the server for weeks/months with no money asked from you.
What exactly do you think Sanjins repeated Global Server Shout of, "This server needs your support to continue.", is pertaining to? Players moral support? haha


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
People like you are the pond life of mir.

I have no idea why people need to keep bringing a server down just because it's not what they want.

Leave quietly, join another server and leave it be.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 30, 2012
People like you are the pond life of mir.
Damn; Guess I would have enjoyed Mir Fishing then too.

Alright, I'll stop now. Way out of character for me. This would be considered trolling, right? To easy.

For the way @Sanjian has conducted himself towards his users, dude deserves to have it thrown back at him.
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