King 0328 Release


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 13, 2004
You can say all you want and try to make me out to be some bad guy, but I released the translated client, I worked on the client in my spare time and it was my own choice.

I still got stick from people even tho I was giving them my time, I thought to myself 'why should I when all I get is flames' your post being an example.

I might have the server files on disc somewhere but until I see a good reason and gratefulness they will not be uploaded.

As for my server, Its still on my dedi and I might still work on it, I just stopped at the moment
Tbh i dont really care about the server files, mir3 is assasin in mir3 privates yet so untill i see a server up with sin i cba to play mir3, and for the files your right you dont see a good reason to upload them, then why did you post and show all the things you did to the new files then you wont upload not making you look like a bad guy, i think your doing that to yourself, dont make promises or say things you cant keep your word.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
I posted it because I was going to upload and release the files to people but people start to leech and get ungreatful, so until people show some respect I'm not releasing.

I'm not spending my time to do work for people who in turn treat me like crap and talk to me like crap.

If you don't care and think mir3 is crap then get off the thread and stop giving opinions on things that you say don't matter to you.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 15, 2009
the reason people give you stick is coz ur such a let down rich nothing you do works out


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
the reason people give you stick is coz ur such a let down rich nothing you do works out

Maybe people should learn to respect other people then, nothing I do works out?

I have given help to hundreds of people in the last 4 years, with source code, general scripts and even making people whole servers.

I have the working files and I also have the translated client which I released.

Seems people are ungreatful then get sour because they cant leech.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 15, 2009
lol how can any 1 respect you when all you do is let them down you brought this on ur self and u no it so dont try blaming it on people not showing you respect you need to earn it ur self b4 bin showed it back


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
i do not see the problem here Azura worked on client and he had released it now ppl cry that they have not also the serverfiles to it ? ehm people stay on ground you have serverfiles posted from omikk and a client was posted from azura. why you self not work on and make the rest? a bit lazy maybe ??


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
lol how can any 1 respect you when all you do is let them down you brought this on ur self and u no it so dont try blaming it on people not showing you respect you need to earn it ur self b4 bin showed it back

Earn it? All I've been doing is the stuff people are to lazy to do themselfs, Full client translations and other bits and bobs but I guess thats not enough for leechers who want everything done for them.


LOMCN Veteran
May 13, 2009
Jeez at all the flaming lol. I was just asking a simple question, for the auto pot to be put back in as I have no idea of sourc coding. But it's no biggy I can work around that like I have been. I will be releasing a server very soon, so hope that most of you enjoy it instead of flaming over someone else who just tried helping in my opinion. Enough said!


LOMCN Developer
Mar 31, 2005
Earn it? All I've been doing is the stuff people are to lazy to do themselfs, Full client translations and other bits and bobs but I guess thats not enough for leechers who want everything done for them.

Correct !!

I believe, better close the Thread...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 24, 2003
lol, guy's, Azura did a great job translating the client files and u all should be thankfull for that, i personaly don't like mir3 and im not using these files at all, but... every1 had access to the files,so every1 can work on them, Azura work on the files for his server and you all should respect that.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 15, 2009
no 1 is having ago at him coz of his work its him making servers that pisses people off coz they are up then down there is half a dozen of them then there are the 1s that dont even make it past advertising


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2007
Palma, Mallorca
I don't know if I'm making good entering here.
I won't say if Azura made good or bad by don't releasing his work.
I only say that translating the exe isn't too much complicated. It's only a bit long, but when you begin and you understand how to do it, it's really easy.
Translating the dll it's easy, (but I'm getting problems with the dll, so I don't see the HP bars, etc, as Azura said in another post).
The only cost is time. If you all have begun yourselves, you would have it translated time ago.
Then, if any of you has problems translating, I'm sure that any of us will aid you.
Finally, I must say, thanks for you all, who released the files and who helped to translating them.


Mir3 Coder & Adviser
Mar 12, 2005
The reason you cant see hp bars ect is because you prob used a translator when traslating and all your info in the dll has different info to the client, like I said in previous posts.

When translating, the dll and client have cross references which must be the same name in both.

You say translating the client is easy, In my opinion is alot harder then translating the files. I took my time doing it for people because they didn't want to do it themselfs but I still get hastle.

I've not ran a server live in over 3 years. I've had servers which I never put live but I also dont force people to mess around on them.

Hazuki also knows and has seen the english files I am/was going to release. He thinks I should release anyway but I'm going to wait until people stop giving me greif.


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
quite right, this is how the scene lived and died years ago with cruel dragon. mauldor released his semi translated files, even amongst all the grief he was recieving because he hadn't translated them to certain leechers standards.
however i'm willing to accept things have moved on, and I'm willing to give it all another shot, perhaps if people batched together and started translating the files assigning certain sections, then the scene as a whole would start to come to live again, just a thought yeah?
keeping to topic, it's up to you if you release your work azura, you alone put the effort in, so you alone have that choice. but good work on what you have done so far.


LOMCN Veteran
May 13, 2009
Well agreed with the both of you, but as it is now Mir 3 has just about forseen it's days. I came into making server about 6 months ago and am very interested but yet know so little when it comes to hex-editing and i'm still learning script work and other various things. I know people have lives just as I do and they devote their time out to help a thriving-game and turn out to be quite rude. However, every person on this site is not alike, why base 2-4 asswholistic opinions on everyone in the community? People are out their and willing to work on the files like myself, but like I say i'm computer illiterate when it comes to things like that. It would be nice if someone could set aside differences and help the community like Cheeky says. Then Hazuki says you should release Azura, this community needs it,it's hurting very badly.

Thank you Azura for your release


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 15, 2009
yet agen no 1 is givin you grief for the work on the files you have done its your servers that u continusly say your making then you make a post saying its goin live when ever and it allways never happens every 1 nos you do fantastic work with server files and i bet most people on ere are very greatful for that your missing the point of why people get pissed off with you


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2007
Palma, Mallorca
The reason you cant see hp bars ect is because you prob used a translator when traslating and all your info in the dll has different info to the client, like I said in previous posts.

When translating, the dll and client have cross references which must be the same name in both.

You say translating the client is easy, In my opinion is alot harder then translating the files. I took my time doing it for people because they didn't want to do it themselfs but I still get hastle.

I've not ran a server live in over 3 years. I've had servers which I never put live but I also dont force people to mess around on them.

Hazuki also knows and has seen the english files I am/was going to release. He thinks I should release anyway but I'm going to wait until people stop giving me greif.

Thanks, I'll try it ^^