Looking to start a low rate


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
goodluck with the server buddy, going tobe intresting on the amount of players you will bring in (Alot of people on here are High rate fanatics)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
Naa they aint high rate fanatics.They just dont wanna play for days/weeks without proper spells killing hens.

Ppl dont seem to realise that lvl0-45 at least with euro items/spells are more or less for learning the game.There is no pvp between those lvls or not proper pvp neway.

Would you repeat CallOfDuty tutorial each time you would join a new online game?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
its not that tho squall.. theres just less achivements on low rate

low rate.. week 1: got level 40.. week 2: got level 41 no real item change

high rate.. week 1: got level 40.. week 2: got level 60 and +100 dc or w/e


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
Hence i been constantly saying actual exp rate is irrelevant to everything more or less.Its about wot each lvls offers.

For example it would be really interesting to see a server with:
Start lvl1
All classes get all spells(perhaps some rare but still lvl1)
All classes get the hp of say lvl45 at lvl1 eg.wizzies get hp300 wars hp1000 taos hp600 Have like 2 item sets per lvl
Have max lvl10(well not max lvl but say lvl10=equal to lvl100 of some highrates)
Really hard to lvl(like 2months for lvl10)
Many quests per lvl

That would give server balance,huge rewards per lvl,something different that could work if its well planned.



LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2010
So maybe something like the way wow is planned out, from what people have told me wow is rather hard to level, and alot of quests items per level.

Have never played wow and been 100% commited to it as i dont like the gameplay.

My plan is to have alot of kits in game like 3 for each 10 levels of sets. then like 3-4 of low stated sets that are alot less rare.
May do each 10 levels u get the stat ability bonus aswell so u can add like 5 stats to ur char. so it separates every class.
Or maybe even the Rebuild Quests from 4h's. Obv add some changes.

Leveling :
An idea that would be highly stupid or could be good if people liked it. all caves were just boss caves and pvp caves. there was no leveling involved. level came threw quests by advancing threw the quests you would gain say 50% a quest from level 1 - 30 then it would lower so u had to do like 4 quests from 30-40 then same again so for each 10 levels you would have to do more quests.
Quests involving killing mobs in that cave then killing Sub-Bosses then bosses.
Each quest reward would be Small Cash exp, and basic kit for your next 10 levels. but to gain better kit you would need to kill bosses / sub bosses.

Would be alot of quest work etc. but maybe if done right it would be a change of the usual leveling ways.

Gimme your feedback on this please, as i just thought this up while posting and may even give this ago.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 17, 2004
Ireland, Derry
Like the idea of the quests but it could lead to certain areas being farmed by nearly the whole server to complete a quest, if they aren't designed with alot of thought.

the sets yeah i like it, its always nice to have a new set to aim at every few levels.

could be interesting though, good luck if you decide to follow up your idea


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
I'm tempted to start a team, or try.

Make a server thats low/Med rate.

Decent levelling speed
No rebirth
Certain level caps (in a way), that will get raised as the server goes on. So people stay around the same levels... Make it feel more balanced imo.
All euro caves, plus extra obviously. WHY? JUST WHY? TELL ME WHY?

Make it so you have to hunt in groups.guilds more, not just solo every boss.

Not realy sure what else... Just quick ideas I have. Would have to be 2.3 as I can't code nor do I have contacts in the coding department.

As quoted, why? please, seriously gonna make a server, least put some effort in.....


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2010
Sorry i dont understand, im adding euro caves as basic caves because know there way around them, Who said i wasnt putting effort in.....
Just because your server was no euro maps etc, doesn't mean i want mine being the same.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
I would be more concerned about server being guild/group oriented.Not really sure why ppl are that fussed about making everything grp oriented.

You are making a mmorpg that will get what?30users at best if its uber?15 being low rate?How the hell will ppl get grps to hunt?

And what exactly is so enjoyable on grp hunting?I mean ye ok its fun grping every now and then to kill 1 of the top 3 bosses but most ppl i know really like hunting solo.

So imo most bosses should be soloable with correct kit/lvl and just have 2-3 grp bosses.After 10years of mir only grp cave i ever seen being succesful was BG and even that failed on tons of servers.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Sorry i dont understand, im adding euro caves as basic caves because know there way around them, Who said i wasnt putting effort in.....
Just because your server was no euro maps etc, doesn't mean i want mine being the same.

yeh cool mate, i cant wait to hunt in ZT for 5000000th millionth time.


make your own, dont copy something thats all ready been played for 7 years.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2010
My server my choice, people are familiar with the euro maps, so these are a good base to use. New maps will be added make no mistake, but euro are and will always be the best maps in Mir2.

Didnt u try not having any euro maps and failed ?

Few quests etc in game atm to get you started at a low level.
Leveling upto 40 is going to be easy, then it will slow down.
Now gonna work on getting all spells balanced and items balanced.

Spells :
All spells are level 1. But, you cannot buy any spells they are only in drop files.
Spells such as Fireball Healing Fencing (Basic Skills) will be given to you when you first log in.
Then its just up to hunting Mobs / Bosses to get spells such as TDB etc etc.

Kits :
Stats are not Over Powered, but for nearly every 5 levels there will be a new kit.

Pro's Para's Tele's Etc :
These will all be Mega Rare, So it gives u a immense advantage when you actually get one.

Pets : Will be no pets as ruins leveling Pvp etc.

Tao Pets :
Deva will have alot of health but not hurt alot this is going to be a pvp pet.
Shinsu will have not alot of health but alot of dc.
Skele was going to make mass attack but i feel this ruins pvp, So this pet will just have good hp and half dc of shinsu.

Will be looking for a dedi towards the end of the month, to start beta testing on etc.


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 16, 2010
Euro maps are the best maps out there with ease! Ive used some euro maps, for lower lvls with new maps. But saved the best euro maps for the higher lvl end of server.

Unless you have someone who is amazingly good at maps, and will sit there making them for you, i wouldnt bother, as u could spend ur time working on the server.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
yeh cool mate, i cant wait to hunt in ZT for 5000000th millionth time.


make your own, dont copy something thats all ready been played for 7 years.

Correct me if im wrong but didn't he say:

"All euro caves, plus extra obviously."

Wouldn't take a genius to realise that Plus Extra means... wait for it....New Maps.

IMO the old euro maps are some of the best, Hence why pretty much all servers use them....plus extra.

Or you can be different and replace all euro maps with your own custom made shabby ones where the server dies in 2 weeks.

Each to there own aye.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2010
Ty guys :thumbup1:

As on another thread it says Euro maps are ok just big ones such as PSC PT ZT etc i will be cutting the maps down to say 2-4maps per cave.
1 route in bc will be a shortened route for those who are only going to kill EC, will be up to players to find this route, all other routes will be same as euro as its a rather good leveling cave.

Now im not sure wether i want to add a full starter kit, or just wep and arm.
Or i might add wep and arm with really crap stats and you have to do a mini quest like kill 10 Hens and 20 deers for trainingkit etc.

All quests in game will give GG wether it be 5-100
Some quests will also give ability points to customise ur char
and other quests will give GP to purchase stuff like stated torches etc.

May do a global Vars quest where if a certain amount of mobs are killed from a certain area gives global x2 exp.

Donations : as i said in first post "Can only sub which gives buffs etc"
I may change this, so you can donate for torches stones and quest items
but im not to sure yet.
i dont want donations running the server.
Please gimme feedback on if you think i should just stick to a sub buff's etc kinda system or full on donations "When something drops you can donate for it"


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 8, 2007
donate for torchs, stones, as they run out / break on death but dont give them super op stats, just semi good, erm donate for custom title? u cud remove special repair from game if u got it and add it so u can buy a statue only usuable by that person who paid which has a special repair on which u can use like once a week or sumthing, saw this on a mir 3 donation list ;p donate for small amounts of GP / GG but not like £5 for 100 and £100 or 10k -_-

Give weap + arm on startup and make us do a quest to get rest of kit, nothing long, just like kill 10 hen, 5 deer and 1 oma or sumthing


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2010
I was going to use Spec Rep as something only SW Members can use.
But i may add to list.
As for donating for GG Etc i will come up with something closer to launch date.

Im having trouble fowarding my ports etc atm, so im gonna ask my mate if he can host server in a week or 2
for somet testing etc.

Who ever can come up with a decent name for the server will gain a reward when server launches.

I cant think of names for shizzle so il leave it up to use lot :)