[Approved] M2H The Golden Age [Heroes] Discussion

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LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
well i fixed the cheats i can get hold of.

i have removed many

ill find the cheat program and block that next when i actually find the exe that you obviously use

i was stating i have blocked many cheats and will continue to do so

its not about me lieing... you wretched human being

i have no words for you


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Sorry about the website guys, i have resolved the cause of this and now waiting for my host to reactivate account. I have the IP addresses of the people who attacked and infected all our javascript files and will be blocking them.

Tai if you could check these with current IPs on LOMCN that would be great, i would like to stop these assholes before any more damaged is caused. (for other servers) and ​


EDIT: Skepta, whats your problem anyways its not like your paying to play. We all have lives to get on with and with our spare time we have to listen to you assholes talk **** and be abusive to us when you can't even play a game without cheating.

Grow a set and **** off you prick, Warning applicable....worth it

this video reminds me of you Skepta
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Sorry about the website guys, i have resolved the cause of this and now waiting for my host to reactivate account. I have the IP addresses of the people who attacked and infected all our javascript files and will be blocking them.

Tai if you could check these with current IPs on LOMCN that would be great, i would like to stop these assholes before any more damaged is caused. (for other servers) and ​


EDIT: Skepta, whats your problem anyways its not like your paying to play. We all have lives to get on with and with our spare time we have to listen to you assholes talk **** and be abusive to us when you can't even play a game without cheating.

Grow a set and **** off you prick, Warning applicable....worth it

No matches. Anyone else found posting unrelated troll posts on this thread will receive a 1 week ban you have been warned. On topic or get off.


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Thanks for checking Tai.

The website is back up and running now, posting should work as normal. The problem came from an SMF update where the hash was set wrong on a few settings, had to manually change due to updates not working (investigating now, seems to be the theme stopping it).

Bye for now.


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
Hi all ,

Here at TGA we have decided to make some major changes in game, here is a little bit of information to highlight things that have changed and that are going to change over the coming days and weeks.

Skill books

As some of you are aware we have made a SERIOUS change to the way players gain spells and skills. You are no longer required to buy spells/skills from book NPC's located throughout TGA. once you level up to a required skill level you "automatically learn" it. For Example :

Player Level = Taoist Lv39 once you level up to Lv40 you automatically learn the spell Curse

For those player's who are wondering what happens if you have already leveled past a skill/spell? This will then be added along with all the other spells you are missing once you level up again! For example:

Player Level = Taoist Lv39 once you level up to Lv40 you automatically learn the spell Curse//SummonHolyDeva//SummonShinsu if you dont have them.

So hopefully every player that plays TGA will have all the spells/skills they require upon their next Level up!!

However this will only happen with around 85% of skills as we feel some book still need to be in drop files and are also available in the GameGold shop at a much revised price of 5000 GameGold each.

Spells still in Drops & GameGold shop

Warrior : SlowDance // PoisonSword // Haste

Check the Skills you will gain here http://www.m2heroestga.com/?topic=531.0

Wizard : SonicShot // BoulderRock // SupremeBolt // Tempest

Check the Spells you will gain here http://www.m2heroestga.com/?topic=523.0

Taoist : SpaceLock // Cresentslash // MultiShield // SummonHolyPete

Check the Spells you will gain here http://www.m2heroestga.com/?topic=542.0

Combo Skills also wont feature in this change as they are entirely different, you need two of these skill books for them to work! They also have had a price reduction in the GameGold store from 25,000 down to 5000. these are still available in monster drop files as they were before nothing has changed regarding these.


These are a new addition to TGA these stone's have a high amount of Health and with every hit you now gain experience points there are located inside StormWind, They are NOT inside SafeZone so beware you can be Killed and possibly loose items but once these Stones are killed to have a chance to drop GameGold.



This feature is being "removed" as we feel once players player reach level 200 they wont want to rebirth so from now on there wont be a leveling cap the game is now going to be "endless" as there is no max in game level. Where as before it was level 200 then you rebirth.

Our system for for rebirth has some very nice rewards, kit items, skills, perk's, pets and caves these will now be added into the game as further quests and expansion's for higher level character's when they reach this point in the game, but as it stands we are not 100% sure when this will be implemented.

Hunting Areas

Over the past few week's i have personally been testing the hunting areas along with a few players help ( In Gamemaster Hunts), we have been informed by players that these are no good and need tweaking, so we have decided to have a revamp and tweak to a lot of area's in game, majority of these changes apply to some of the higher Euro content. For Example : PrajnaIsland, PastBichon, RedmoonValley, BugCave ect, these areas will soon become harder and will be aimed at group's of players to encourage players to interact with each other and possibly encourage rivalry between guilds. We hope to have this implemented fully over the forth coming weeks and months.

But don't worry these areas are not the only caves,maps we have planned for TGA as we are currently working on brand new content also but these aspects will be added when the current content has been sorted out.

Group System

For those player's who are not aware the TGA Grouping System has been totally changed it now benefits players to hunt in groups or guilds as now the Experience isn't drastically lowered. It now stay's roughly the same until about 6/7 players are grouped but even in a group of this size the experience is still great and i have proved this with me "Test Run GameMaster Hunts".

Potions and Prices

We were having a lot of complaints due to this factor, so we have revised to prices on Potions in the Potion Vendor and he now sells them at a reasonable price for everybody to afford there has also been some more bundles introduced for higher level players in both Health & Mana versions.

GameMaster Assisted Hunts

I feel the testing for this has went VERY well, so as a result this will be coming to TGA. I am currently working on finding or making a brand new map for this to be implemented with its own unique feel and bosses. So this is very much a idea where the ball is rolling so watch this space! There will be some more " Test Hunts throughout the coming weeks until i have the new essentials for this sorted. So i suggest keep logging on in the evenings to participate in these .

Check out what other players think and what you've missed : http://www.m2heroestga.com/?topic=601.0

Master System

A lot of player's where requesting this as a feature and we had to remove it as it was bugged, well now its been Fixed and has been re-introduced to TGA so get helping your fellow players level by becoming there master :) the NPC is located in StormWind @ 162:88


Weapon Elements NPC

There has been a NPC added to give player a variety of extra damage stats to the weapons he is located in Stormwind and there will be much more information available on forums shortly.


Experience Challenge

Some player may have noticed the new Experience Challenge NPC that has cropped up in town this is a new feature that's been added to TGA yet again more info will be cropping up on the forums very soon watch this space!


Other addition's and changes

we have been making some other changes and additions player may not have noticed so here they are

- SlaveCave Gamegold Entry fee's have changed from 5k//10k to 1k/2k
- Item Stat changes (Others Still Ongoing)
- Boss drop files tweaked
- StormWind Safezone Change
- mob and area adjustments
- Gamegold Shop prices revised
- ExpDrips added ( More info Coming)
- Few Small bugs fixed.
- PetHire NPC pet price changed
- GlobalShout NPC adjusted
- + others i'v forgotten :)

We still have lots of ideas and tweaks to make to this server, so all we ask that you can be patient with us so we can continue to make your Mir2 Experience the best it can be, can players also continue to report bugs and suggestions on the forum as this is the best way for us to solve and become aware of issues.

We hope this clears up some confusion of whats happening with TGA :)


Myth & TGA ServerTeam


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 10, 2011
ITV 9.25am
For some reason my maps in the new hunting areas are black, yet my maps for regular bug cave/st etc are fine?

Worse now I ran TGA loader and now I get no start button when i run the game :(
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LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
on weekends we hit 59-64 users

on week days around 35 - 40

---------- Post Merged at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:20 PM ----------

For some reason my maps in the new hunting areas are black, yet my maps for regular bug cave/st etc are fine?

Worse now I ran TGA loader and now I get no start button when i run the game :(

there is a post with maps on www.m2hroestga.com ill find it for u and pm back details


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
i posted this on Server Advertisements here on lomcn lepper

ill re post again


Lets get Ready for Easter!

I feel maybe im a little ahead of things but hey!

i have fully Created the Easter Event for this year and am willing to show you all what is to come on this event

The Player will have to Hunt EasterBunny's
EasterBunny's will be all over TGA.

They will have a chance to drop 1 of 4 items + Gold

These 4 items they will drop will spell out:

"M" , "2" , "H" , "TheGoldenAge"


When the Player has Achieved in finding these 4 items
He/She will then need to go to the StormWind VillageAnd speak with the EasterEvent Npc.

The Npc will ask for the "2" Letters (M + H), "1" Number (2), and "1" Word (TheGoldenAge)


When the NPC Accepts the 4 items.

He will Roll a Ex Die to then offer you from 1-10
A Easter Egg
(Each Egg spawns a EasterChest you must kill)

EasterEgg+1 = Level 0 Easter Chest (Great Weapons and Upgrades)
EasterEgg+2 = Level 0 Easter Chest (TGAPoints and Upgrades)
EasterEgg+3 = Level 1 Easter Chest (BonusPoints and Upgrades)
EasterEgg+4 = Level 2 Easter Chest (Summon Upgrades/Summon Kit and Upgrades)
EasterEgg+5 = Level 3 Easter Chest (Perk Sets and Boxes & Keys)
EasterEgg+6 = Level 4 Easter Chest (PowerPlus+ and Base Gems)
EasterEgg+7 = Level 5 Easter Chest (Jin-Upgradeable Armours and Perks)
EasterEgg+8 = Level 6 Easter Chest (Jin-Upgradeable Weapons and ExpPills)
EasterEgg+9 = Level 7 Easter Chest (Ultra Items and Upgrades / Perks / Exp)
EasterEgg+10 = Level 8 Easter Chest (Superior Items and Upgrades / Perks / Exp / PowerPlus+ / Base Gems)

Easter Chest Example:


Easter Chest Killed Example:


I hope this sounds Appealing to all players .

Lets all look forward to Easter together ^^

& TGATeam​
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
Hey guys is there a autopatcher at all? dont really fancy downloading full client as its huge, i have partial client and would love to play again asap :)


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
Hi Everybody ,


This weekend TGA are excited to announce we are having a Double Experience Weekend , meaning players can catch up on some much needed experience :)

The Experience will be doubled and this will come into effect @ 10:00pm Friday Night until Sunday night.

"Brand New" TGA players will get the chance to win some GameGold !!

Its Easy all you have to do is Upload a "Screenshot" of your character onto the forums at the starting level and then the highest level new player after the weekend is over will win the prize!

How to upload a picture: http://www.m2heroestga.com/?topic=561.0
Post your picture here : http://www.m2heroestga.com/?topic=763.0

This wont be the only surprise this weekend there will be other's from GameMasters :)

Happy Hunting

Myth and TGA ServerTeam


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer
20% EXP Boost until 12pm GMT

Update info:

Alot of Noob help / Class Alignment, skill Fixes , and much more all on its way and will help a great deal in TGA

this will offer the players

Info where to hunt
Level Rewards , that consist of cool items to help every 5 levels and other Goodies included that are offered from the GameGold List
over 300+ Quests (Custom made by MythRohan *thanks to others for help*)
New Bosses
New Caves
Experience Elements and Power Perks with great Effects!!
And so much more

All info posted on the forums is automatically put into a list and will have a fix or response within the next 1-12 hour's

We welcome all old and new players

If lost Account please pm a GM or Me and we will look into getting your lost account
as i have had alot of pms needing their old accounts ect

Any info you feel is needed please feel free to pm me or post on Discussion


---------- Post Merged on 29-04-2013 at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous Post was on 25-04-2013 at 08:35 PM ----------

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LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer


(Posted on behalf of TGAMod)

Hi all,

Myself and the ServerTeam decided it would be a good idea to update the players on whats been happening over past week or so, so here goes!

First of all we are sorry for the recent lack of " In Game " activities and appearances, but this is not down to neglect or lack of caring, its all been down to the hard work we have been putting in behind the scenes to try and put our server ahead of the competition!, we are currently working on a few big updates to TGA involving old and new content!. We hope to have these in game soon but there are still a few kinks and bugs that need resolving first.

- Myth has been putting in some serious hour's into making over 250 new quests that we hope to introduce soon to keep players occupied!

- Lifco has been working very hard on some other things but doesn't want to give away to much on that until they are finished.

- Myself and Myth have been working into changing the current Experience table to give players a little bit more variation in the different caves, this is almost finished so should be changing very soon.

- We have been looking seriously into Monster and Boss drops as we feel this needed work! ,
we would also like to give a big " Thankyou " to the players who have helped and are helping us complete this mammoth task!

- I have been updating the forums with guides and information to help some of our new players, we will have lots of other things happening on our forums very shortly , more polls , activities and competitions where players can win in game prizes.

- We understand we need to expand our advertisement to get word around about our server, so as a forthcoming result, myself and Appie have been working into boosting and making our facebook page more attractive, also we will be releasing a new monthly email to all players explaining what updates, improvements and events are happening in TGA. Keep your eyes open for this it will be happening very soon.
( Also if players can help spread the word this would be awesome !! )

- Events will be happening more frequently , like GameMaster Hunts , Experience Weekends, and the TGA football League will be starting up again once majority of these big tasks have been completed. We also have plans and ideas for a big summer event.

- We have been reviewing the GameGold NPC and feel it could be a lot more value for money and also we agreed there needs to be more information regarding the items on it, so very shortly a full info post on all GameGold items will be placed on forums.

- We are currently revising some of the items in game, we are tweaking stats and looking to change some and also introduce new items.

- We have added Double Experience to all players until they reach Level 100 to help encourage new players!

We recently had a ServerTeam Conference and we decided that changes would have to be made as our UserCount has been dwindling of late!, but we firmly believe we still have the best server out there, and we are working hard to improve and attract old and new players back to TGA.

There are also a whole load of things i haven't mentioned, but we would like to keep things a secret.

So big changes are now a foot and we would like to thank players for there co-operation and patients with us!, so watch this space and we promise you wont be let down!

Also id like to add we have just now been made
[glow=green,]" LOMCN Approved "[/glow] so some of our hard work is paying off :)!


& TGA ServerTeam