sad little boys....

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Blaminator said:
Pyraine your not helping by complaining that people spam, anyway *Locked* coz of spaam

Soz Blam, was bad call by me, as it woulda continued to spamup anyway, and weather spudualla was on warning 1 or not warned at all his actions were stupidly childish and very arrogant and offensive (he says he wasnt trying to be but i qoute from him

"proud? >< ure 2nd name is barnfather tho, thts well bad, i wud die if i had tht name :/ u gotta say it out loud, it makes u laugh lol :S"

that is completely offensive, and ill ban him straight out for that comment on its own, maybe he will think twice about his actions when he remakes is new account.

I stand by my decisions.
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