Server Plans Outline


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
Hi there.

When I posted my original basic ideas for a server and plans to design one, I got a large response. Thanks for all the emails, MSN convos, forum PMs and replies to threads.

I've not forgotten the plan, just put it away for a few days.

I'm not sure what's happening yet with making a server, but I'd like to post another section of what I plan to include.


Nobody has ever (to my knowledge) even considered disallowing potions. But I'm not sure about them. In most other games potion guzzling just doesn't exist.

It's possible that you won't be able to use potions in dungeons or in certain boss rooms etc. Instead almost all gear will come with very high +mana regen and +hp regen things.

This forces skill, teamwork, etc. and means you can design some tough things with hard rewards.

Recall Set

Guaranteed, this will not be on the server (as it currently works, anyway). It just makes so much that an open server-design team would want to put in impossible.

Even the norecall tag doesn't help enough, becuase you can still recall people OUT of absolutely anywhere.

Instead there will be ArcaneNodes - stones in various places. People with a certain amount of recall equipment will be able to recall friends to them at these stones.


Taoists above a certain level will be able to 'ressurect' dead friends - but only at the ArcaneNodes. Ressurection can be done in most dungeons/caves and almost any instance. (Recall can be done in some but not all of these places.)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
The Death System

At the moment in almost every Mir Server, when you die, you have a chance of dropping items and then you wake up in the last town you visited.

I think there are other ways of doing things. Partly because I don't think it's a great system, and partly because other features I want to include make it essential to change the system, this will be different on the new server.

When you die, you don't drop items from your body. (Maybe not drop at all, I'm not sure what's possible). You will wake up in the 'Graveyard' - a special area. When you're in the Graveyard you can either wait to be ressurected (and return to life if someone ressurects you) or you can speak to an NPC who returns you to your HomeTown (more on this below).

There may be a slight penalty for deaths, like a little negative exp or a 1 minute wait or a little gold taken etc.

Your HomeTown is similar to the last town you visited being the place you wake up when you die, except that you can choose which town this place is by speaking to the Storage guy there.


As mentioned above, you can be ressurected by any taoist in the area that you died. This may allow you to circumnavigate any little penalty for death, and it allows you to return to the ArcaneNode that the taoist used to ressurect you.

Ressurect may be only available to people who find the book and are a big enough level to use it.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
New Class - BeastMaster

A new class is available, here's a bit about it.

Beastmasters are technically taoists, but when you get to level12 you can choose between the Way of the Spiritualist (existing taoists) or the Way of the Beast (beastmasters).

When you've chosen one direction, you cannot learn any skills from the other branch. Beastmasters can't learn taoist skills or use tao abilities, and vice versa.

So in effect, we have two seperate classes.

The beastmaster class is all about being at one with beasts and nature. Beastmasters are a big pet class, and will always have some form of animal by their side.

Here are some beastmaster skills/abilities:

Tame - Sometimes a beastmaster might try and tame an existing animal instead of summoning one of his normal pets. Tame is just a very very high powered e-shock, so it tames very quickly.

Stance of the Viper - One of four stances which the BeastMaster can take. You can only use one at a time. Stance of the Viper means that you will have a chance to paralyse mobs that you hit.

Stance of the Bear - One of four stances which the BeastMaster can take. You can only use one at a time. Stance of the Bear means that you will take less damage from being hit.

Stance of the Monkey - One of four stances which the BeastMaster can take. You can only use one at a time. Stance of the Monkey means that you will have more power in certain other skills.

Stance of the Tiger - One of four stances which the BeastMaster can take. You can only use one at a time. Stance of the Tiger means that you will hit harder and faster with your sword.

Shoot - This MAY just be left as SFB, but Beastmasters might shoot arrows instead.

But the big thing about Beastmasters is the pets. There are several types to use in different situations.

Basically, Beastmasters lose quite a bit of taoist magical power, but have the same HP etc. They gain instead nice pets and special stances etc which can let them do certain things. (Including either outdamage or outdefend a taoist).

Stance of the Predator was in there as well before - which lets the beastmaster move as though permenantly hidden - but it's possibly too powerful? Interested in people's thoughts on this.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005

I don't know why no Mir people have Fireball 2 etc -- more powerful versions of old spells for new levels. In this server you'll get upgraded spells quite often.

It makes sense!

Class role: Taoists

Taoists have the worst damage, only medium defence ability etc. They are intended to be used as a support role to back other classes up. I never played a tao but I think on Euro Mir they got a bit of a hard role.

I don't think they would get such a difficult one on this server because you NEED well-formed skillful groups. Especially in places where you can't pot, going without a healer is impossible.

Taoists gain one important support-role ability: ressurection, they also gain improved healing spells.

But even then taoists have a little bit of a hard deal, because they're stuck as support classes. Everything else is fine, except that for taoists soloing is hard. Taos will be invited to groups quite often, but this isn't enough. I think that taoists' slower levelling should be combated by exp bonuses on group hunting/quests etc. So the average tao would level as fast as other classes.

Class role: Warrior + Wizard

Warriors are big and tough. This is what they're for. When they don't use MP and outdamage wizards AS WELL it's ridiculous.

Wizards will be given a bit more MC on weapons and items to bring it a bit more inline with DC.

Warriors will get a new skill which just helps them to get monsters attention onto them and not onto other people. This is called 'Lure'.

Wizards will get a few tweaks, certainly. But one thing that's sure is that the damage compared to warriors' damage needs to go up if it's mana-reliant. There might also be a spell which can help keep enemies away or slow them a little.

It's true that with 5 pets and full mana wizards can vastly outdamage warriors. But 5 pets isn't realistic. Wizards are likely to get higher spell damage and lower MP costs, but for e-shock to be made less good. (Ie. max. 3 pets).

Class role: Beastmaster

Classes were meant to work together - Warriors taking the hits, taoists healing + supporting, and wizards doing damage while the warriors stop the monsters getting to them.

This doesn't leave much room for the beastmaster to do anything new. But combined with pet, beastmasters can do decent damage which doesn't rely fully on MP, they can potentially paralyse monsters (some bosses will be immune though), and their selection of pets + stances makes them quite versatile etc.
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Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Very very nice ideas as usually indeed! Sorry i can't help with the making of this server :(

P.S Could you answer my PM?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 2, 2005
sounds mint m8 hope u make this server, it will own


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
Since when did resurrection work? or it be added to rz, as no server will compair to it in 3 months time.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
Don't think he means using the ressurection skill but instead using NPC's to do it.

Very good idea...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
Little clarification on Ressurection:

When a taoist has the book and is the right level to use it - they go to the taoist trainer and from that point onwards, they can ressurect people at the ArcaneNodes.

ArcaneNodes are found in various dungeons/maps etc. You can ressurect anyone who was on that map recently and who has not left the graveyard. Ressurection won't work everywhere - this is partially because of technical reasons, partly for design reasons.

Recall also will work from these ArcaneNodes. If you've got a recall set and the ArcaneNode allows recall (some places/nodes are ressurect only -- no recall) you can enter the name of the person you want to recall, and they can go to any teleport guy and they have the option of being recalled to that ArcaneNode.

Everything I say is hypothetical, but I don't say anything that I don't *think* should be possible. This includes the multiple pets for the beastmaster class!


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
Some of these ideas sound very good. I will have to speak to you when you are on MSN next just to see what is going on with all these ideas and such :) Nice work.

P.S. I was thinking of the magic thing, using names similar to FinalFantasy, e.g. Cure, Cura, Curaga, more powerful spells. Was going to use them on Finch server but that never got off the ground really lol.


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
The renaming and making a spell strong cant be done
the spell name is locked to its IDX number and the stronger renamed spell will always go back to the old weaker spell cause thats the first IDX it comes to for that spell

Its abit hard to explain
IDX 1 Healing (weak)
IDX 1 SuperHealing (strong)

The IDX for both spells has to be the same our it will not have the heal effect
now when you go ingame and learn SuperHealing it will work and you will have its stats but once you log the game will reset back to the Healing spell as thats the first IDX 1 it comes to in the DB

did not want to put a downer on it just wanted to clear it up as I tried this on DevilSoul ages ago and I drove me made trying to get it to work till i worked out it cant be done

Now that you lot have me thinking about it again I have just thought of a way it mabe done



LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
How do other servers do like FS for Taos and stuff? Wouldn't that have to be the same IDX number for it to work? And that works without any problem. Or is it because it is for a different class. It could be done through NPC I suppose. Delete a skill, add the more powerful skill, using skill books and...yeah, could be done :)

EDIT : BH, add me to MSN, [email protected]

EDIT2 : Nah, can't be done >.<

EDIT3 : Yeah, it can...maybe.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 25, 2005
Essex, England
A warrior and taoist version of flamingsword are the same so they can use the same IDX and all that will change is the name will go back to flamingsword.

All skills using the same IDX will go back to the original so it can be done to get different classes spells but cant be done to make skills stronger or weaker.


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Shard said:
How do other servers do like FS for Taos and stuff? Wouldn't that have to be the same IDX number for it to work? And that works without any problem. Or is it because it is for a different class. It could be done through NPC I suppose. Delete a skill, add the more powerful skill, using skill books and...yeah, could be done :)

EDIT : BH, add me to MSN, [email protected]

EDIT2 : Nah, can't be done >.<

EDIT3 : Yeah, it can...maybe.

Me and Bh had the whole can be done cant be done for about 2 weeks lol


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 12, 2003
I think it can be done, a spell made more powerful, just with same name. But a system for upgrading spells can be made :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
but, cant it be done were you have minor healing with IDX 1, at level 7 but when you reach lvl 25 you get a more powerful healing spell, instead of it, so you wont have minor healing anymore but you get super healing, but you cant use minor healing(as it uses same IDX and super healing took its place)

couldnbt that be done? you have minro healing but once your at proper level you get super healing, instead of it.


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Toxick said:
but, cant it be done were you have minor healing with IDX 1, at level 7 but when you reach lvl 25 you get a more powerful healing spell, instead of it, so you wont have minor healing anymore but you get super healing, but you cant use minor healing(as it uses same IDX and super healing took its place)

couldnbt that be done? you have minro healing but once your at proper level you get super healing, instead of it.

once you relog it reverts to "minor healing"


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
but couldnt you set it so when you want to learn the spell you will have to talk to a NPC, then NPC wil lget rid of minor healing and add Super healing?

and also tell BH happy birthday


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Toxick said:
but couldnt you set it so when you want to learn the spell you will have to talk to a NPC, then NPC wil lget rid of minor healing and add Super healing?

and also tell BH happy birthday

it will still go back to the first "idx 1" once you relog


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
well thats gay! ........

also did you get a new msn? or are you not loged onto msn:(

you blocked me didnt you! DIDNT YOU!