Talk about files.

smoochy boys on tour


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Join Date:Jul 2004

Join Date:Feb 2009

No of course the 5 year old forum account wont have more posts......

I went to private servers a lot quicker than what u did.

And again...... whats this got to do with any thing? again your completely off topic and trying to give another lame insult thats stupid and pointless.

You are on a mir forum, you are coding mir files, there for mir is a part of ur life, so when u call others sad for being involved with mir, your just insulting urself

nice one


LOMCN Developer
Feb 19, 2009
Reading, UK
You missed my point, Mir may be part of my life as I engage in it from time to time, but mir does not have any bearing on what I do in life, if Mir died now it wouldnt affect me in anyway, but it would affect you. Is that clear enough for you? Or shall I dumb it down for you?


Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
Re: my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files

  • Then maybe you or someone else shoulda thought about doing it 2years ago when mir was more lively and more people were about, i formed myself a team with matt+shane, and started makin our own custom files cause i could see TD was never gonna release.... why didnt other ppl do it? cause they are lazy and expect it to just be given to them on a plate.
  • Go ahead call be stubborn and greedy, i honestly dont care, i dont see why my hard work should be spoon fed to idiots such as your self, and what do I get in return? warm fuzzys? "respect" on an online forum? even better!
  • Cant say i dont give "two ****s" about lomcn, but its just a forum, if it dies or closes (which it wont) my servers wil continue to run.
  • Its a competitive world, dont see why you think id just hand my advantage and hard work over to rival servers.

  • End of the day, if we swaped shoes, and you were releasing files like 4heros, and I was gonna use them to create a server that would rival your own, would you honestly say you'd release them happily? cause i think we both know the answer.
  • Stop trying to act like some high and mighty do-gooder, its quite frankly pathetic, you bang on all the time about how donations are moraly wrong and all that crap, move on pls.

ps. im not a super mod, im a regular member like urself.

  • i quit mir more than 2 years ago so yeah.. logic..window.
  • i cant vouge for other people but most are too daunted by the prospect of learning something new, and considering we had a community of good active coders back then, who was already working on sets of files, it would of made no sense to start a new set.
  • personally i dont need the files, but its no secret that the community does.
  • That's good to hear.
  • because they are just files? its just a game, and an old game at that.
  • id say it would be healthy competition a way to better my own server. competition drives people to improve as much as possible. You obviously dont know me at all, i would release them because at the end of the day we dont own the game, bottle necking players into 1 server is more likely to drive people away (no diversity / choice) and people aren't asking for an identical clone of your server, they are just looking for a set of files which are stable and fairly up to date.
  • honestly your opinions means nothing to me, i don't claim to be perfect neither have i stated i am, you have your opinions on donations/servers i have mine, it just so happens more people agree with mine.

and i was referring to celcius about the super mod position in my post.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Re: my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files

and i was referring to celcius about the super mod position in my post.

I have never really stated anything to do with FH files and releasing them, other than they are in no fit state for a community wide release.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Re: my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files



on topic , mir need n1 files

I'm sorry but, 'n1 files'? Do you mean 'nice'? Fking kids.

[*]i cant vouge for other people but most are too daunted by the prospect of learning something new, and considering we had a community of good active coders back then, who was already working on sets of files, it would of made no sense to start a new set.

Again, I'm sorry but...




Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
Re: my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files

I'm sorry but, 'n1 files'? Do you mean 'nice'? Fking kids.

Again, I'm sorry but...


yeah couldn't think how to spell it and it didn't come up when i right clicked either :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
hhhh lomcn community is on a rampage for better files? When there's other games out there besides mir. Ive been playin mir for like 6-7 years and i thik mir is the same, Besides new items which aint "Very special". Mir is dead until someone releases some decent files. But that will never happen. The day that would happen lomcn would be dead. Ben your files ant even got a "New or Decent" interface. Just things to do ingame. I don't think you even add new thins any more? Or you scared someone might rob your interface ideas. You keep sayin if you released your files people would put up for GameShop? Well look at your server its all about "Money". All i can say is "You greedy ****". I don't see how some of your pathetic users carnt see it's up for the cash. But tbh with all the new games and stuff coming out i wouldnt be on mir as much as usual. But if any files get released i might pop around and check them. But besides that *R.I.P Mir* lol.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 25, 2010
Mirs dead and the only reason anyone gives a toss anymore is 1/ They are scared that in a new game eg wow they might actually need some skill, not a tweaked up PC, or 2/ Are running the server and lol'ing at the cash flow it generates. People are too scared to let go, for most people it was their first mmo, and other stuff has too many features to learn.

Thats why I havent returned to my 5+ chars on wow, too much stuff to do, you end up obsessing about coordinating everything and spend too much time online.

Anyone claiming to do anything for the good of the mir community most of the time is just out for money. If FH or any server wasnt profitable itd go down.


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 8, 2009
all i can say at this whole topic and all the post's is lol.. i mean for real by all rites ben and matt dont need to realease anything if its there hard work... if people realli want some new files the ones who are complaining should sit down learn to code etc and release sum but they dont they log on lomcn ***** and moan and rage aobut a GAME i mean all in all mir is a past time something to do when your bored yet majority of people seem to not be able to live without it... no matter how much you all cry mir is dead and he hsould do that and htey should do this.. you all still take the time out of your so called busy lives to log on level for3 hours kill some bosses and come on theese 'Dead' forums and spam and rage about mir... so as i originally said just lol


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
Really? why bother argueing about donations and FH server, I gave up on that awhile ago I suggest you's do too nothings going to stop Ben from making his living from his 'hobbie' (AKA Job) and you really think he'd ever release anything worthwhile on LOMCN? well let's work this out in Ben's mind:
Should I release and gradually get lower income?
Should I release something because I care about a community that's dying?
Should I carry on having a server up 1-2 years close it and bring a new one up to keep the average income over xxxx amount?
Shall I claim I did alot of the work on 'my' files?

I could carry on but I think you'll get the picture.

So yeah the real hard workers (who actually have a REAL job) are just damn right lazy....

So I guess we ethier wait for better files is just give up, I've given up rathier spend my time on a game worth while Mir's just the same old thing over and over (pserver wise because of the files)

Sorry Ben if I offended you, somone has to point it out, I've learnt that you are never ganna change always too selfish and damn right greedy.

Ok my rant's over. :)


LOMCN Veteran
May 6, 2009
If they was your files, you wouldnt release. Just because hes making money, and has the best files out. People expect him to release ?? Well i wouldnt lol, specially after "they" worked on them for so long.. If people really wanted decent files they would do exactly what bon done, get a team together and work on some..

There have been many times, when the forum couldve finished a set of files, if they had worked together.. But they all go off in sepereate ways, lemon, phili, primal, etc etc.. Same old same old.

No files are coming, and nor will they be coming. So get over it and move on :)


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
You missed my point, Mir may be part of my life as I engage in it from time to time, but mir does not have any bearing on what I do in life, if Mir died now it wouldnt affect me in anyway, but it would affect you. Is that clear enough for you? Or shall I dumb it down for you?

honestly if mir closed down 2moro it wouldnt bother me, id actually be quite happy, some days i do get abit sick of all the moanin.
But i forgot you was some sorta mystic meg that knew my life and everything about me.

I could say you dont work for microsoft, prove it? as u havnt.
I could say your some bum with a mir gf (i believe u meet shira or w/e her name is from mir correct?) which makes u a sad mir obssesed loser? (not that it botheres me, ppl find 'love' in many weird and random places, im merely saying its something you would use as an insult)
Oh but then as u tell me on MSN.... she means "nothing" to you and you sleep with many random girls every week (hey lies!)

real life insults aint nice are they? especially when your just stabin at the dark and randomly makin them up, what i said could be true, or complete lies, but fact is ur still doing them for NO reason, and it has NOTHING to do with a mir forums.

So why dont you grow up and either discus the actual topic or fo.

hhhh lomcn community is on a rampage for better files? When there's other games out there besides mir. Ive been playin mir for like 6-7 years and i thik mir is the same, Besides new items which aint "Very special". Mir is dead until someone releases some decent files. But that will never happen. The day that would happen lomcn would be dead. Ben your files ant even got a "New or Decent" interface. Just things to do ingame. I don't think you even add new thins any more? Or you scared someone might rob your interface ideas. You keep sayin if you released your files people would put up for GameShop? Well look at your server its all about "Money". All i can say is "You greedy ****". I don't see how some of your pathetic users carnt see it's up for the cash. But tbh with all the new games and stuff coming out i wouldnt be on mir as much as usual. But if any files get released i might pop around and check them. But besides that *R.I.P Mir* lol.

Im sorry but an interface imo is nothing special, just a new look. If i wanted a new interface added to our files i would.

But ye you make loads of sense... "nothing new"... "just thinks to do ingame"... that is something new...?

We are always adding updates or fixing stuff, so yes.. we do still work on them... just many not as much as before as matts back at uni and im also busy.

Ppl would put up a half arsed server with a gameshop, Ive seen it been done before, ppl do it with TDs files, so they will obviously do it with ours.

My server may aswell be all about money in your eyes, and if u think that makes me greedy thats ur choice, i dont really care, but lets face facts its yet again another jealousy issue..

Your obviously blinder than these "pathetic users" then, as EVERY GAME revolves around money, omg guess wot, infact everything in life revolves around money, so get a clue you plank. WOW charged ppl a 1 time buying the game fee, aswell as subscriptions and rake in millions, so do many other games.

ye bye ull be missed.

Really? why bother argueing about donations and FH server, I gave up on that awhile ago I suggest you's do too nothings going to stop Ben from making his living from his 'hobbie' (AKA Job) and you really think he'd ever release anything worthwhile on LOMCN? well let's work this out in Ben's mind:
Should I release and gradually get lower income? ye why would i? no1 else with a brain would
Should I release something because I care about a community that's dying? a community that calls me names and greedy 24/7? lol ye ok...
Should I carry on having a server up 1-2 years close it and bring a new one up to keep the average income over xxxx amount? or because my servers have an average life spam of 1-2 years, and i like to keep things fresh by making new 1s?
Shall I claim I did alot of the work on 'my' files? claim lol? yer go ahead and ask matt just how much work i put into them, its true he does all the coding, but i have coded my own parts to the files, such as increasing the wil limit, adding new mobs. But my main job is to test features, find bugs, and explain to him how i want things.
My main job is not coding tho, my job is the ingame work, which i obviously do an amazing job with considerin my server history

I could carry on but I think you'll get the picture.

So yeah the real hard workers (who actually have a REAL job) are just damn right lazy.... oh i feel sorry for u...

So I guess we ethier wait for better files is just give up, I've given up rathier spend my time on a game worth while Mir's just the same old thing over and over (pserver wise because of the files) good luck

Sorry Ben if I offended you, somone has to point it out, I've learnt that you are never ganna change always too selfish and damn right greedy. cause i care what some1 like u thinks.... the 1 minded retard

Ok my rant's over. :)


Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
WOW charged ppl a 1 time buying the game fee, aswell as subscriptions and rake in millions, so do many other games.

blizzard owns the all copyrights to their game, as long as you are using wemade trademark artwork / code, you have no right to charge for it, or claim it as your own. although wemade have little interest in taking small cases such as your self, on such an old game, what other big gaming company's are doing has no relevance to charging for a private server of any kind.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
blizzard owns the all copyrights to their game, as long as you are using wemade trademark artwork / code, you have no right to charge for it, or claim it as your own. although wemade have little interest in taking small cases such as your self, on such an old game, what other big gaming company's are doing has no relevance to charging for a private server of any kind.

We don't charge for FH, it is a f2p server, like all other servers.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
We don't charge for FH, it is a f2p server, like all other servers.

Oh here we go with your ridiculous, arse-lick arguments? Bon's already admitted it's all about the money so why are you still trying to defend it?


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Oh here we go with your ridiculous, arse-lick arguments? Bon's already admitted it's all about the money so why are you still trying to defend it?

Not defending anything, i'm simply stating a fact, you don't need to pay to play FH, therfore we do not charge.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
blizzard owns the all copyrights to their game, as long as you are using wemade trademark artwork / code, you have no right to charge for it, or claim it as your own. although wemade have little interest in taking small cases such as your self, on such an old game, what other big gaming company's are doing has no relevance to charging for a private server of any kind.

so what about the hundreds of WOW servers that have gameshops and make money from blizzards game? your arguement is flawed

Oh here we go with your ridiculous, arse-lick arguments? Bon's already admitted it's all about the money so why are you still trying to defend it?

game is free 2 play. Its not all about the money, ive never once said that, but i wont deny that i probably wouldnt / couldnt do it if there was no income.

I wouldnt fork out my own money for the payment of dedi servers and stuff, i mean i like mir and enjoy workin and developing it in my spare time, but i wouldnt PAY to be able to do that lol, thats stupid.

and like we've said a million times tai, i dunno why u bang on like its a bad thing, ud do exactly the same just like every other person that denys they wouldnt


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
game is free 2 play. Its not all about the money, ive never once said that, but i wont deny that i probably wouldnt / couldnt do it if there was no income.

I wouldnt fork out my own money for the payment of dedi servers and stuff, i mean i like mir and enjoy workin and developing it in my spare time, but i wouldnt PAY to be able to do that lol, thats stupid.

and like we've said a million times tai, i dunno why u bang on like its a bad thing, ud do exactly the same just like every other person that denys they wouldnt

Lots of games are f2p now...look at LOTRO, they realised they'd be able to make more money out of having a gameshop instead...because the words 'free to play' rake in more users, get them hooked, and then "oh look...i need to buy the Ride ability from the gameshop in order to use the horse I just spent all my hard earned gold on". Just like four zeros and any other gameshop game/server, you need to pay if you're going to be a contender.

Also I haven't actually expressed an opinion about it on this thread, I just don't like it when idiots like Celcius think it's ok to fob people off with half truths.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2004
Lots of games are f2p now...look at LOTRO, they realised they'd be able to make more money out of having a gameshop instead...because the words 'free to play' rake in more users, get them hooked, and then "oh look...i need to buy the Ride ability from the gameshop in order to use the horse I just spent all my hard earned gold on". Just like four zeros and any other gameshop game/server, you need to pay if you're going to be a contender.

Also I haven't actually expressed an opinion about it on this thread, I just don't like it when idiots like Celcius think it's ok to fob people off with half truths.

Fourheroes isn't even that bad for donations :S Top set of players don't even donate. There's nothing on FH you can only get from donations apart from the higher exp pots, which you don't really need as the highest level ingame doesn't donate.

And here come the 'stop bumlicking ben you loser' comments when i'm just stating facts. Jealousy ftw.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Lots of games are f2p now...look at LOTRO, they realised they'd be able to make more money out of having a gameshop instead...because the words 'free to play' rake in more users, get them hooked, and then "oh look...i need to buy the Ride ability from the gameshop in order to use the horse I just spent all my hard earned gold on". Just like four zeros and any other gameshop game/server, you need to pay if you're going to be a contender.

Also I haven't actually expressed an opinion about it on this thread, I just don't like it when idiots like Celcius think it's ok to fob people off with half truths.


Not fobbed anyone off, 99% of things you can donate for on FH are obtainable via drops. I don't like it when idiots make comments on things they know nothing about.