The Dark Rage


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012
Let me introduce you my new project,The Dark Rage!
Taken from a fantasy novel (currently not translated for the foreign market), is a project based on the experience gained in this community.
The game will be written by players.
For the moment we are collecting funds to start the whole project.
I hope to have you all with me in this adventure.
Also because I love Mir and no doubt about much of the "spirit of Mir" will flow into The Dark Rage.

Thank you very much :)


fb page:


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Never piss on someones dreams, be constructive and critical. Otherwise what would the point in replying, this guy is obviously putting some time and work into making this so its only fair to give him honest criticism.

First of all, your website is way too big and does not show off what your trying to achieve...which is to pull people into funding your project. Your website is an key feature at this stage of development, it will show off your capabilities of actually designing and coding an full MMORPG.

Try and keep things clean and simple, easy to read. I know you're making a game but you will have to get with todays age of web design, most importantly keeping the website responsive and proportionate for multi-media screens.

At first glance, i wouldn't continue or fund merely based on the websites introduction. However the drawings are pretty good and i'm interested as to what ingame designs look like.

Concentrate on a proportioned splash page to introduce your website, maybe use a CMS system and get a nice responsive design to edit yourself. Theres plenty of Word-Press game related themes you can use.

Anyways , best of luck buddy
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 23, 2008
It could and most likely be a big con.. there's hardly any information of the game or foundations, you'd be a mug in funding this imo.


LOMCN Veteran
May 26, 2013
That was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the only drawing. It a clichée !

---------- Post Merged at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:02 AM ----------

It could and most likely be a big con.. there's hardly any information of the game or foundations, you'd be a mug in funding this imo.

Indeed it looks like a scam, if you want funds raising you'll need to do a lot more then that (take kickstarter as an example).

Oh and that name is....horrible....Emo.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012
honestly opening funding with 1 piece of artwork to display isnt the way to go, it makes it look like a get rich quick scheme instead of something your passionate about, as it stands it seems like you've spent more time setting up donations/funding than concentrating on the game.

You seem to have just jumped into the deep end without any real idea of what your goals are, what platform your aiming at, what type of game you intend it to be, who your target audiance is, or even played around with ideas / art styles.

Personally i think you should concentrate on getting a good number of artwork pieces done (concept or ingame), setup a better website and begin work on the game. I dont know if you have worked on Games before, but i'll tell you right now its difficult, finding other people who are willing to work towards the same vision you have are hard to come by.

Get over some of this obstacles and let people see your vision of the game, and you may have a shot at reaching your end goal.

Good luck
Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012
First of all I want to thank you all for your comments.
As I mentioned before, my idea is to build the entire structure of the game together with players who will use it.
For this reason I thought that, describe something today, meant to deprive the players of choice tomorrow.
The only trace from having to follow is the trilogy "Il mondo senza nome", of which I have acquired rights, which will provide the storyline to the game.
For example, I can not publish a 3D landscape today. First of all because I am a programmer, a manager but, certainly, not a designer (for this reason has been allocated € 300,000 just for the artistic part).
But above all, because it's far from clear that my idea of ​​setting (Gothic) will be the one chosen by the users.

How do you feel I should convey the intention that I have expressed? (any ideas would help a lot, please)

PS: Kickstarter can not be used in Europe (except in UK)
PPS: Why the name is so disgusting? (describes what happens in the book, so I can not change it, but I like it ^ ___ ^)

---------- Post Merged at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:07 AM ----------

honestly opening funding with 1 piece of artwork to display isnt the way to go

I've been thinking a lot about this phrase of yours.
Because in truth, beyond the five designs that you've seen there are more than 8 months of work.
A three-year business plane, an idea that has never been seen before (the player who creates the game), a serious and complex narrative structure, a professional art consultant (not one that does as a hobby).
In short, one of the more serious things done in the world of MMORPG (after Blizzard or Lucas), there appears to be a farce.
We will be a small company, made up of only 9 people and 2 external consultants, but certainly we have worked so hard and hard.

Would you help me understand how I can communicate all this out in a credible way?

Thank you so much.

---------- Post Merged at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:07 AM ----------

Never piss on someones dreams, be constructive and critical. Otherwise what would the point in replying, this guy is obviously putting some time and work into making this so its only fair to give him honest criticism.

First of all, your website is way too big and does not show off what your trying to achieve...which is to pull people into funding your project. Your website is an key feature at this stage of development, it will show off your capabilities of actually designing and coding an full MMORPG.

Try and keep things clean and simple, easy to read. I know you're making a game but you will have to get with todays age of web design, most importantly keeping the website responsive and proportionate for multi-media screens.

At first glance, i wouldn't continue or fund merely based on the websites introduction. However the drawings are pretty good and i'm interested as to what ingame designs look like.

Concentrate on a proportioned splash page to introduce your website, maybe use a CMS system and get a nice responsive design to edit yourself. Theres plenty of Word-Press game related themes you can use.

Anyways , best of luck buddy

Thank you so much for your analysis Breezer, I passed your comments to my web designer and we will get to work immediately.:D


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
No problem, like Turrican said...there is no real constructive explaination as to what the game actually entails, okay you suggest that the players write the game...In what sense?

Include in depth description as to what it is you want to achieve, show off your 8months of artwork and skills by annotating team members and their job roles (cleverly displayed by Mir Chronicles). If this is a project worth funding, kickstarter should be a priority.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012
No problem, like Turrican said...there is no real constructive explaination as to what the game actually entails, okay you suggest that the players write the game...In what sense?
Who will participate in the fund-raising, buying five months (which become 10 with the initial offer) will have access to the internal forum of the developers.
The discussion forum will be the tool used to perform all technical and strategic choices that will lead to publication. The staff will have the task to "translate" into code the decisions of the players.

A practical example (and real): PvP is factions oriented (good vs. evil), the alignment will not be determined by an initial choice (not only) but by the actions in the game.
If you kill a player without being protected by one of the rules of the game, grow the points of "evil aura" (imagine the system white / red that's on Mir).
All this is not questioned, because the book is about just such a plague that feeds from evil and drive people to madness.
Players will be asked to decide: How much should turn to good, a character of evil alignment, which does not commit wicked? And how much, one good-aligned, it must turn to the evil side when he commits malpractice?
You can see immediately how it is trivially easy to establish borders of the migration from good to evil, and how, by contrast, is difficult and fun to imagine those migration opposite way!

Include in depth description as to what it is you want to achieve, show off your 8months of artwork and skills by annotating team members and their job roles (cleverly displayed by Mir Chronicles).
How much should I deeply describe the project?
Here we are on a public forum but ... in the end we are among friends and I do not think that many software houses are here to peek inside.
Publish throughout the entire project on the site (not having the money to make it at the moment) it seems to me very dangerous, anyone could copy the idea, throw in a million Euros and cut me off.
If this is a project worth funding, kickstarter should be a priority.
Kickstarter would be wonderful but, as I wrote above, is not active in Europe, except in the UK.
There are other similar structure, but without any notoriety.
Having the Kickstarter visibility balanced out the value of the "tax" that these companies require.
But to pay a percentage to a unknown company that will not give me any return does not make sense.
I perfectly know that would be enough to establish a fake branch and bank account in London to use Kickstarter.
But ask people's trust, starting with telling lies is not a thing for me.

Thanks again for your external evaluation, for me it is really precious!


100% Hyphonix
Golden Oldie
Aug 3, 2004
i had this idea a while back which is why i brought the domain

but things fell threw as i struggled to get interest. basically i was get get/create a basic setup for a mmorpg and build it off that using ideas created by the players but putting my own twist on them, plan was to use the unity 3d engine and work off that, its currently why im in the process of trying to get to grips with c# as unity is pretty much based on that


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012
I think Unity is a good engine, we are considering TGC and Game Maker Studio too.
But even so my idea is collaboration, then we will decide at the last moment and the whole group together.


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Use Unity3D, by the time your funded they will have updated the new GUI system...If you struggle to use unity then you better give up game development all together.


100% Hyphonix
Golden Oldie
Aug 3, 2004
Use Unity3D, by the time your funded they will have updated the new GUI system...If you struggle to use unity then you better give up game development all together.

ive dabbled in unity, but i need to get my basic c# together before i commit its why i keep paying for the domain, and its easier to have a team you can fall back on work with and aid you, 3/4 heads better than 1 ect


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012
My web designer has finished the job (just home page at moment)!
When I reported the suggestions and proposed a template, she replied: "do you believe now that it sucked? **** you and your ****ing template, give me 3 days!"...
...a real Lady... :p
Could check now if you like it, please?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀

i like the idea.. i am happy you have already a team working with you and a webdesigner also along but i cannot complain with what Sanity and others said.. the website must, at this point, be your only weapon to get fundraising.

even after the edits and changes you MUST make it more professional e show some real design skills on it.

firstly make it display html and css validations from
also fix the errors on it, for example the designer link MUST open the designers page.. a broken link on the website isn't a good thing to notice.
get ispired from some webdesigner who actually studied design.. (we keep on thinking we can design something nice but we will never be as good as whom really studied the subject) just have a look around at
allow people to contact you through an email address.. display some information about the company on the contact page..

i can understand that you are working hard but this must move from an amateur website to the professional one

for the rest, i love the idea behind it and i hope you all the luck i can

buona fortuna davvero!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012

i like the idea.. i am happy you have already a team working with you and a webdesigner also along but i cannot complain with what Sanity and others said.. the website must, at this point, be your only weapon to get fundraising.

even after the edits and changes you MUST make it more professional e show some real design skills on it.

firstly make it display html and css validations from
also fix the errors on it, for example the designer link MUST open the designers page.. a broken link on the website isn't a good thing to notice.
get ispired from some webdesigner who actually studied design.. (we keep on thinking we can design something nice but we will never be as good as whom really studied the subject) just have a look around at
allow people to contact you through an email address.. display some information about the company on the contact page..

i can understand that you are working hard but this must move from an amateur website to the professional one

for the rest, i love the idea behind it and i hope you all the luck i can

buona fortuna davvero!

Thank you so much M,
at the moment the only thing redesigned is the homepage.
We put it on to see if we were going in the "right way" from the point of view of graphics.
We have totally changed the graphics in 48h and unfortunately all the things that we had developed on the old site have been lost.
You will notice that there is no stylistic continuity between the home and the inside pages.
Everything should work in 24h, if you could go back to check, to tell us what to fix, it would be an immense help.
Grazie mille per tutto! ;)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 5, 2004
Thank you so much M,
at the moment the only thing redesigned is the homepage.
We put it on to see if we were going in the "right way" from the point of view of graphics.
We have totally changed the graphics in 48h and unfortunately all the things that we had developed on the old site have been lost.
You will notice that there is no stylistic continuity between the home and the inside pages.
Everything should work in 24h, if you could go back to check, to tell us what to fix, it would be an immense help.
Grazie mille per tutto! ;)

your wanting to design a game but you dont know how to improve your website , quick money scheme and looks like a big scam imo.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 29, 2012
your wanting to design a game but you dont know how to improve your website , quick money scheme and looks like a big scam imo.

No offense but the opinion of one who believes that there is a correspondence between the graphics of a website and the development of a 3D environment, it is completely worthless.

That said, I'd like to understand what gave you that idea.
The initial choice did not please, and then was changed.
I replied to each one, thanking him, because different points of view are "gold" for wise people (on the contrary the idiots shooting judgments, without having the slightest knowledge of what they are talking about and defend it to the death).
What else should I add?
You write quoting me in "courteous response" to a post by mStation, the fact that I appreciate that a friend give me a hand, does not mean that I agree with his observations.
Basically I do not think you understand that was put online a "proof copy" and not the finished work.

I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding to prevent others might make the same mistake.
Even in a less rude than yours, you call "fraudster" someone with no idea of ​​who he is or what he's doing.

Anyway, thank even you for allowing me to clarify this however obvious thing.