Torozor Returns!!!!

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2003
Washington, Tyne & Wear
daneo1989 said:
all OS are twats even more then t_m so get ur fact's right

LMAO a statement like that followed by "get your facts right". Sounds like you need to get them right, OS are a carefuly selected guild with a great level of trust between members and OS won't beef with anybody unless you cross them. And besides, if that is what you think then why were you apologising for being a t*** before? I guess you haven't had a mature look at it, you just can't handle OS being against you. Well guess what, you are back on KOS, I am sure alot of people will be glad to hear that.

Walk away now mate without embaresing yourself even more, you will have more dignity if you quit now, before you are made to.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 8, 2004
South Wales
answer this then, why didnt niss just make up an excuse to ban the char and then take the kit? quartz is alot smarter than u giv him credit for why wld he make this much hassle for himself? why dont u w8 until quartz is online and ask for a pass retreival ? duh duh dumb dumb



I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
jenover said:
Apart from the obvious fact that niss is a sound bloke and hacking would be one of the last things he would do, why the hell would he hack a char when he could just quietly make a GM and make items for himself without anybody knowing? I am not saying he would do that, but hacking a char creates alot of noise and arguments, so why would he do it when he could get items quietly without anybody knowing?


well m8 niss might be a sound guy to u but to me he h8's me and it would be easier to change some1 password before he goes to bed myabe because of what happend before that but im still pointing it all to Niss


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 17, 2004
whats goin on with the lag lately?? and the server goin down alot?
ne1 no why its down now??.

i jus lost my last 20 mill goin into the lvl 80 cave for the server to go down >.<


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2003
Washington, Tyne & Wear
Silversnake said:
Because its easyor to hack sum 1, and take items that way etc, also if u noticed only Old Skool r stiking up for him? and hes in the guild.. on qaurtz.

Easier to hack somebody, risk being seen on character trading, then argue against people who think it was him than to just make a gm on observer, trade items and everybody thinks they are droped? Don't think so.

If he really was corrupt nobody would stick up for him, he would be kicked out of guild but everybody knows for a fact it was not him for the following reasons:

1. He is not sad
2. He is a sound bloke who would not do that
3. It is easier to do off a GM character

So don't talk about things you don't know, you will seem brighter if you are silent.


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
jenover said:
Easier to hack somebody, risk being seen on character trading, then argue against people who think it was him than to just make a gm on observer, trade items and everybody thinks they are droped? Don't think so.

If he really was corrupt nobody would stick up for him, he would be kicked out of guild but everybody knows for a fact it was not him for the following reasons:

1. He is not sad
2. He is a sound bloke who would not do that
3. It is easier to do off a GM character

So don't talk about things you don't know, you will seem brighter if you are silent.

lol m8. we all no it's him, he might not been on my char yet but hes changed both my password's he has a bad side of him so shut up before u get proven wroung and doing it on a gm character would mean he would have to edit the log's before sending them to yoda so shut up u dont no nothing


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 9, 2004
lol jay,how come yoda is no longer hosting? i thugth he was? did niss not host that other 1? erm. crusade lol <---took me ages 2 jus think of that
-.- if so i dont c where he can be corrupt as there was nothing on there, altho i didnt play often. i personally dont belive he wud do it but i dont know him lol, thats me tho other ppl may know him better, isnt its grippys irl m8 any ways?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 8, 2004
South Wales
lol soul,

daneo u know nothing the amount of ppl who are siding with niss proves he is a orite guy so why not stop crying why do u think he wld go to this extent over u wen he cldve just banned ur sorry arse



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 9, 2004
can i ask what started all of this off as i dont pay any attention in guild chat etc :) lol unless it involves cars, girls or beer :D fill me in lol :ppunk:

edit: and what the hell r u onna bout?
because me and him are not freind's as all OS are twats
dont call me a twat when u dont even know me
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2003
Washington, Tyne & Wear
daneo1989 said:
lol m8. we all no it's him, he might not been on my char yet but hes changed both my password's he has a bad side of him so shut up before u get proven wroung and doing it on a gm character would mean he would have to edit the log's before sending them to yoda so shut up u dont no nothing

Seriously, I told you to leave. Logs would have to be edited in any case as they would show who's IP accessed the account.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 24, 2006
jenover said:
Easier to hack somebody, risk being seen on character trading, then argue against people who think it was him than to just make a gm on observer, trade items and everybody thinks they are droped? Don't think so.

If he really was corrupt nobody would stick up for him, he would be kicked out of guild but everybody knows for a fact it was not him for the following reasons:

1. He is not sad
2. He is a sound bloke who would not do that
3. It is easier to do off a GM character

So don't talk about things you don't know, you will seem brighter if you are silent.

You got the iq of a 4year old mate, thats how bright you are.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2003
Washington, Tyne & Wear
outsider said:
can i ask what started all of this off as i dont pay any attention in guild chat etc :) lol unless it involves cars, girls or beer :D fill me in lol :ppunk:

Well Anci must of forgot his password or changed it in his sleep, next thing we all know he is crying about it and pointing his finger at the first person he could think of. He has been known for making rapid judgements which were wrong in the past, so now nobody takes him seriously, thats about it really.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2003
Washington, Tyne & Wear
Silversnake said:
You got the iq of a 4year old mate, thats how bright you are.

A bit random, but still did not stop me from destroying you in an argument. Now don't come back untill you actually have something valid to say.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 24, 2006
Destroying me in an argument, How lame can u get, No affence but a 4year old wouldent even say that,Jesus man grow up r-e-t-a-r-d.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 16, 2005
Lol Silver, how stupid do you sound, no a 4 year old would not have said that, probably because 4 year old's cant spell. . . .

'man grow up r-e-t-a-r-d.'

But looking at your spelling, it looks like you are close to a 4 year old, 'affence'. Ha.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2003
Washington, Tyne & Wear
Silversnake said:
Destroying me in an argument, How lame can u get, No affence but a 4year old wouldent even say that,Jesus man grow up r-e-t-a-r-d.

I am sure you ment "offence", "wouldn't" or "would not". And also I am not Jesus. I am going to stop replying to your posts now as I don't see a point, it's like arguing with a parrot which knows a few old insults.

P.S. Calling somebody a retard.. clearly the work of a genius judging by the originality of the comment :)
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