What do you think? / Suggestions please


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
And who do I suck up to?

Gotrex, no. :) have a nice day.

He doesent take the time to read posts and learn why others say things, why the @!*£ should I?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 7, 2003
Sawell said:
And who do I suck up to?

Gotrex, no. :) have a nice day.

He doesent take the time to read posts and learn why others say things, why the @!*£ should I?

wot did my post have to do with sucking up?

+ if u dont take the time to read others posts, does that not make u as bad as him?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
^G0trex said:
+ if u dont take the time to read others posts, does that not make u as bad as him?

Yep. But I don't do it to everyone, just to him. What goes around comes around.

Nice site YoYoYo, but i'd have to agree it's not very 800x600 friendly, sadly you have to stick to the small and simple banners like on www.sawell.org.uk to keep them happy, and simple for the 56kers *sigh* :P.


Sawell, shut up you've had a warning already do you want another. If you have something to say to him I suggest you find a suitable place to do it, as this isn't it. Same with you other people that are more concerned about flaming each other than making sure a point is put accross in a civilised manner!

Viola: You did accuse... you can use 'accuse' in both postitive and negative connotations, while it may not be clear in how I intended it - as it wasn't supposed to be. Also what to you mean 'Of course' you were answering a question he wasn't there to answer, it isn't so obvious when you don't actually state that you are answering the question - which I have already said.

Also can you tell me what was supposed to be helpful in your reply, as all I can see is you twisting what I said in order to create another side of an argument, that otherwise wouldn't exist.
My side: Generally, gamers dont know how to edit PC settings.
Your twisted version of my side: ALL gamers dont know how to edit PC settings.

Its from your twisted point that you proceeded to give your argument on why the twisted point was biased and just an assumption, and that would have been all well and good - if you had't twisted my original point to fit your agenda. So in reality, you started arguing with urself. - Thats not my view, thats what you actually did.

Yes flaming is a ban Viola, but in the posts we have shared with each other, neither of us have flamed one another - therefore another point of yours becomes invalid and unrealted to the topic.

Of course people misunderstand each other, and I do accept that, and its even easier to do so via a text based interface as emotions and facial expressions are a lot harder to convey and recognise. For example I often convey the SMILE emicon, when being used after a statement as conveying 'smugness' and 'superiority', which is why I often have a cold reply to your posts, as you often use the emicon after a statement. What I don't accept is when the same problems occur with the same people. If someone is regulary misinterpreting you there isn't a problem with the way the people are reading you, there is a problem in the way you are presenting yourself. Get to the root of the problem then deal with the branches.

Im not saying that you are ignorant, I am saying that you don't take other people's points into consideration PROPERLY before you post your own, a good example of which would be you twisting my original point in order to suit your point/side. It seems more like you picked out a sentance which you thought that you could argue about, then moulded my point to make sure it was compatible - which has now not worked.

And I'm sorry if these posts look like I've taken everything as a stab at me as I have not, I have taken them just as I do with every other user that has raised a point, in the wrong way.

Just remember, I said that in general, cheat gamers don't know how to edit PC settings, therefore they are more likely to use whatever windows gives them (as urban said). This analogy is much like how you can't expect a victorian housewife to jump into a house and start using your hoover, washing machine and various other household applicances.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
^G0trex said:
but u call that a banner sawell =\ its just sum text on a bg...

It is an image displayed at the top of the site, sometimes in the middle in a picture format (JPG/GIF etc) to show the logo and/or mascot of the site, with text if needed. It is a banner. If you go into town and view a perade, or a protest, you will see they hold big white/or another colour material above their heads with text on it, showing either a slogan or a name, anything in text format. It is called a banner, it displays something that is easily seen.

You'll find most sites show "just sum text on a bg" as their banner. I can show examples if you like.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 7, 2003
Sawell said:
It is an image displayed at the top of the site, sometimes in the middle in a picture format (JPG/GIF etc) to show the logo and/or mascot of the site, with text if needed. It is a banner. If you go into town and view a perade, or a protest, you will see they hold big white/or another colour material above their heads with text on it, showing either a slogan or a name, anything in text format. It is called a banner, it displays something that is easily seen.

You'll find most sites show "just sum text on a bg" as their banner. I can show examples if you like.

lol wot i ment was add a little bit of detail, a pic on the right or sumit :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
^G0trex said:
lol wot i ment was add a little bit of detail, a pic on the right or sumit :P

Not sure what to put, I thought about putting pics of all the games we promote, but then if I make it too far across to the right the 800x600's will be stabbing me, and we don't really have a logo as of yet.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 7, 2003
hmmm, wud say use a logo but if u aint got 1 yet then hmmm, cud try sum tenticles or sumit :S


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 25, 2003
Sawell said:
And who do I suck up to?

Gotrex, no. :) have a nice day.

He doesent take the time to read posts and learn why others say things, why the @!*£ should I?

there were countless ocasions of you sucking up

just you were crafty enough to delete posts which you didnt like..


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
FUTURA said:
there were countless ocasions of you sucking up

just you were crafty enough to delete posts which you didnt like..

I think you have got me mixed with someone else, I am not nor have I ever been a suck up and I only delete posts that are not ment to be there. Maybe we should talk about this in an e-mail or something as i'm intrested to know when i've "sucked up". I think, you think if a new moderator comes to the forum he is automaticly a suck up. Which is not true, my services were asked of me to help the forum in this change, I have done that, I have been de-moded. There was no need for sucking up, and there never will be.