What era was you favourite time and biggest regret on mir2 euro


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
I had a lot of memories from mir 3. Avenge my first mir 3 pserver (I think). Playing with my family and all the fights I got into with Exwizz and Beastieboy. Aha good laughs :P

Had most of my fun on CrimsonPeacock with KoS and Illuminati; the guild hunts and fights were amazing! Especially loved the luring and killing of BTZ in BanyaSouth, snow luring and DIC boss hunts :love_heart:

To think this was 7 years ago!

P.S. who is actually updating this!?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Mir_2#Monk lol

probably some one got text from chinese/korean and translated


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
Getting accused of cheating using tiger neckies to lure Ks on 4-5 wizzies who were queuing for it.

Getting mirroring dropped in bc and taking a zjm in deal as I couldn't be bothered getting to 30.

Spending 3 days on double exp killing omas for a .02 percent or something that I couldn't be bothered to do now.

Thought I'd finally made it big got in revival and got booted 2 days later cause a wiz randomly turned up at em and they booted the new members


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 8, 2012
Playing on euro D server on my uncles lvl 42 wiz and being challenged by a lvl 33+ wiz in a 1v1 she also asked me to wear my rare pro ring ( dunno if she wanted me to body drop it or it was part of her challenge lol )

i died.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 28, 2004
took me 3 days to download mir2 with a download manager and 56k I begged my mum for broadband and even paid for it out of my xmas money! Then the real fun began.. Mid lvl cave was brilliant.. I remember Thunderdog with a lvl7 BES terrorising Sabuk wall there was hundreds of people all attacking the walls getting nailed from the archers.. I initially had a bad rep from hanging with the Chinese being one of the first recall pkers.. Back then a server KOS meant it and there was no way you'd get in any guild..
After a while I built myself up the joy of soloing zt with sc 36 and from then I would camp it 24/7 setting alarms for 4am to kill.. My big break was getting the 2nd sowg on the server in a 2man grp from mtk I was finally rich the 12hr oks wait and pk was amazing the introduction of flame field in KOS and team..

Bad times I picked up a dss which would have been given to doristhebrave and logged off next day I realised it was a dick move and handed it back tought me that friends where worth more than items.. Also have my mc13 luck6 spear to a fake triggerhappy with a v on the end was gutted!
So many amazing memories loved p server


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
most peoples fond memories of mir will be from euro... people hate and moan about euro clones but its what the majourity of us grew up with and came to love.

for me the worst moment was the easter event with harvesting hens which completely destroyed D server. also my brother soulfoxx getting tincups protectionring from his death drop then his account being hacked 5 minutes later.. was some very corrupt times..

my favourite moments came from just playing with friends, meeting Zoneboy in oma cave... or staying up for hours on end with Hardonails in RME KR waiting for the 3h respawn on rme >.< god knows how many times i watched the fellowship of the ring on those evenings..


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
took me 3 days to download mir2 with a download manager and 56k I begged my mum for broadband and even paid for it out of my xmas money! Then the real fun began.. Mid lvl cave was brilliant.. I remember Thunderdog with a lvl7 BES terrorising Sabuk wall there was hundreds of people all attacking the walls getting nailed from the archers.. I initially had a bad rep from hanging with the Chinese being one of the first recall pkers.. Back then a server KOS meant it and there was no way you'd get in any guild..
After a while I built myself up the joy of soloing zt with sc 36 and from then I would camp it 24/7 setting alarms for 4am to kill.. My big break was getting the 2nd sowg on the server in a 2man grp from mtk I was finally rich the 12hr oks wait and pk was amazing the introduction of flame field in KOS and team..

Bad times I picked up a dss which would have been given to doristhebrave and logged off next day I realised it was a dick move and handed it back tought me that friends where worth more than items.. Also have my mc13 luck6 spear to a fake triggerhappy with a v on the end was gutted!
So many amazing memories loved p server

Who was you on P? I remember the MC 13 L+6 spear, but can't remember who had it.

Gonna bug me now.


LOMCN Leecher
Dec 30, 2016
i was called CaLdoR from euro dserver...

few things i remember:

MC 17or18 ??? dura 3 hooked spear somebody had? It got swapped around quite a bit

Paying 7m for TDB back when not every warrior had it waiting in store @ lvl 32...

I remember somebody dieing IRL (not sure if i'm way off here, but iNoob? maybe) and everyone wore base armour in BW SZ as a tribute...

favourite moment was probably getting curse drop with my tao friend... was worth stupid money on euro

I also miss the fights that used to go on in upper storage - everyone used to go in there and people would hug the walls and let 2 people fight in a confined place in the middle with no pots allowed.

also hitting lvl 40 - such a magnificent feeling back in those days, a real grind!!


Golden Oldie
Feb 9, 2008
LOMCN HQ with Tai, eating bagels.
Biggest regret was downloading Mir and subsequently ruining my life.

Most fun was playing it every single day for a minimum of 12 hours across an 8 year period and alienating myself from all relationships in the real world.