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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Ashran

    3g sim

    Hi, I'm going to Newcastle for two days, and I'd want to have a 3G connection. Which is the best way to avoid data roaming? Thanks!
  2. Ashran

    [CD3.55] Daily Quests

    Hi, I've been searching for how does the Daily Quest system work, but it seems that nobody knows it. There's news about it?
  3. Ashran

    [CD3.55] Experiment: packet logging

    Hi, I wanted to do an experiment, by logging packets sent by the server to my client. I've managed to sniff the packets with a 3rd party tool (SocketSniffer), but the messages are encoded. I've found a very old post here talking about this...
  4. Ashran

    [Other] [KaoriMIM] When a color is transparent?

    Hi, as Kaori's svn is down and I can't check it anymore, I wanted to ask you if you knew when does KaoriMIM convert a black (or almost-black) pixel to transparent. I mean, i know that RGB(0,0,0) goes to transparent, but other colors, near to that one, also go to transparent. Do you know which...
  5. Ashran

    Crazy Sheeps

    Had you seen this?
  6. Ashran

    [CD3.55] LottoSystem

    Hi! We're trying to put in the Lotto System but, it doesn't work. [@LottoSystem_LottoItemClick] { #ACT SetItemEvent 61 2 @LottoSystemItemClick [@LottoSystemItemClick] #IF !Equal A9 "ÐÒÔ˲ÊƱ" #ACT break #IF #ACT Mov D0 %P9 ReadValueSql "TBL_LottoServer" "FLD_Name='Current'" "FLD_Sequence"...
  7. Ashran

    Getting who killed you / who kills you

    Hi, want to make a new system that when you're killed by somebody, or when you kill somebody, save these names in a sql table and then show an statistics. Any idea of how it can be done? Thanks! ^^
  8. Ashran

    3.55 launchers

    Hi, can anyone remember where to find the other launchers for hl3.55 client? we've the one which comes with the files, but there are at least two launchers more, if i'm right, but we can't remember where are them... Thanks!
  9. Ashran

    Hex Client -> increase libs

    Hi We're wondering if there's any way to increase the number of libraries that the client supports (i'm talking of 3.55 client): that's mob libs, hum, weapon, etc. The game is very limited, so it's necessary to have more libs. As the king client can be hexed and we get something doing that...
  10. Ashran

    Saving current date

    Hi, if we would save in SQL the current date & hour, how we'll do this? As I know, there's any command which saves current date in a variable which could be stored in a table. Do you have any idea? Thankss
  11. Ashran

    Use Drupal, other CMS or hand-made?

    Hi. I want make a webpage and I began it with drupal. I'm now learning it (it's a bit complicated, but i'm going on). Now, I'm told that CMS have many security bugs such as SQL injection that are a real ****. So... what should I do? I go on with my drupal project? I start something new? Thanks...
  12. Ashran

    Vista/7 causes frozen screen on laptop

    Hi, I have a laptop which came with Vista, and we put XP because sometimes (once every two days, aprox) the screen got frozen and there was nothing to do. Now we installed W7 and the problem is here again. Do you have any idea?
  13. Ashran

    Check amount of item

    Hi, suppose that I want to make a npc that checks how many copies of an item you have in bag and it tells it to you (it's an example). There's another way to make it that isn't making it recursive? (Check 1, check 2, check ...) Thanks!
  14. Ashran

    Poisoning [RedPois] -- Not Working?

    Hello, we've been testing how does affect RedPois to monster's AC/MR, and we got an awesome result: it doesn't work?? Do we have it badly set up? Does it run in your servers? A testing capture: the same monster, one with RedPois, the other, without. Being hitted by a MeteorShower, them get the...
  15. Ashran

    It's possible to use Santa's body image?

    As I said, anybody knows how to put Santa's appearance in armor? Thanks.
  16. Ashran


    Hi, any of you can get the GreatChaosBlade glow working? In 3.55 you need to change shape to 46, but it doesn't work in this version. (You will see another weapon) Thanks
  17. Ashran

    Being stuck when mobs hitting

    Hi, I've disabled cheat, but when a mob hits me (although it makes me miss) it stops me. If there's more than 1 mob, they stuck me and I can't move. I have set up something bad? We think that theres a mistake in configuration console, maybe in tabsheet "set 3", in "speed config" Do you have...
  18. Ashran

    Magic Books

    Hi, I've seen that you have discovered how to change the "Manual" Chinese string in Magic Books. Where did you change it? Thanks
  19. Ashran

    Unknown "Cheat" features

    Well, there are many options that I still don't know what do: A: 快速小退, DrawBack B: 雷达, Radar C: Boss提醒, BossRemind D: 持久警告, LastWarn E: 无怪物信息, NonMobInfo F: 自动关组队, AutoGrp G: 攻击锁定, AttackLock H: 攻击目标显示, ShowTarget I: 战斗退出, QuitFighting J: 防范"超级暗杀", Prevent"SuperAssassination" K: 刷新包裹...
  20. Ashran

    Still hitting when petrified?

    I've disabled all cheats, but when I'm paralyzed I can't walk (it's ok), but I can still hitting :S Any knows if it's possible to remove this?