NoNamed MiR2 [Crystal] (HighRate)

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 8, 2008
My House
If event items are easier to get, I've already made 1, what's the rate now? Cause I'm not able to log in atm will be shortly though


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 20, 2003
Hi, I haven't played for quite some time but decided to come back and give this server a try. I am a lvl 114 Warrior with 39k health. I had deflect up, AC buff on and event items which give even more AC-AMC etc etc. A wizz nearly killed me one hit with Meteor. I had 7k health left. WTF! Wiz level up the quickest and we know they are quite powerful but nearly killing a warrior one hit? I did not believe some of the earlier posts about this but after this attempted pk I think I will re roll a wizz.


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 7, 2009
yes im too make wiz coz warrior cant pvp and exp :) its high rate so wiz not rlly must be quick killer


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
you've knowingly banned Madlax, 100% clean guy for the plain fact that he's my brother, while standing by it?!?!
he's not even victim of an ip ban which he would share with me, you actively banned his account which is 100% clean, and i'm repeating myself, just because he's my brother.


Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
you've knowingly banned Madlax, 100% clean guy for the plain fact that he's my brother, while standing by it?!?!
he's not even victim of an ip ban which he would share with me, you actively banned his account which is 100% clean, and i'm repeating myself, just because he's my brother.

You have logged onto his char at some point, so the char has been banned along with the other chars you've logged onto.

I will not discuss this any further with you, as your a disgusting exploiter and i really dont want or need on my server.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 31, 2004
i didnt log his char. we live together, he shares his ip with me. you know damn well he's clean and yet you don't give a ****. i might be a disgusting exploiter but you're a disgusting admin.
how can anyone rely on you to keep a server up when at the sight of wrongdoing you'll just ban the offender and a few addons?
might aswell ban the half the server who got items from me. they all came into contact with me somehow, they got my ban disease transmitted.

so no i didnt log him in, i insist he didn't benefit from it, if you log each persons accounts to check for hax you might aswell do it to clear them up. is he not popular enough or just not covered by donators insurance?

or is your education so limited you think you'll hurt me by banning him? is your point seriously that he deserves the ban because we share the same internet connection? as i said its not like you even did an ip ban but you're saying that's why?
to your infinitely small brain i have only this: ban the whole server, they all share earth with me.


Majestic Mir 2
Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2015
Majestic Town


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 8, 2008
My House
i didnt log his char. we live together, he shares his ip with me. you know damn well he's clean and yet you don't give a ****. i might be a disgusting exploiter but you're a disgusting admin.
how can anyone rely on you to keep a server up when at the sight of wrongdoing you'll just ban the offender and a few addons?
might aswell ban the half the server who got items from me. they all came into contact with me somehow, they got my ban disease transmitted.

so no i didnt log him in, i insist he didn't benefit from it, if you log each persons accounts to check for hax you might aswell do it to clear them up. is he not popular enough or just not covered by donators insurance?

or is your education so limited you think you'll hurt me by banning him? is your point seriously that he deserves the ban because we share the same internet connection? as i said its not like you even did an ip ban but you're saying that's why?
to your infinitely small brain i have only this: ban the whole server, they all share earth with me.

at the end of the day mate you have no ground to stand on, you exploited, and therefore got banned, your brother shares your ip and the fact he was also highest sin in game with quite nice items kinda went in the favour that you also helped him.

regardless you cheated, and i and probably everyone else on the server stands by the GM's choice here.

i see no point in cheating, and no before you say, i havent donated, i just grinded and am one of few that actually earnt what they have.

highest mc wizz in game, 2nd highest tao in game,

without donations and without hacks or exploits.

i destinctively remember giving you a spanking a few times too, despite you exploiting game shop, just makes it seem kinda pointless doesnt it.

please stop posting useless trash on this thread now, your comments are not needed, and its quite frankly spam.


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
i didnt log his char. we live together, he shares his ip with me. you know damn well he's clean and yet you don't give a ****. i might be a disgusting exploiter but you're a disgusting admin.
how can anyone rely on you to keep a server up when at the sight of wrongdoing you'll just ban the offender and a few addons?
might aswell ban the half the server who got items from me. they all came into contact with me somehow, they got my ban disease transmitted.

My cat shares the same IP as me. Please don't ban him he just likes to chase the chickens.

P.S. do we get to see a video of your bro beating you ass after you got him banned?
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 2, 2011
Some people here heard Thunderbollocks in game say that the gm didnt remove the gold he got from expoit from him, and gm said to all in shout he removed it. So from then we know gm's corrupt. I was top geared and in top assassin long before my brother exploited and I warned him and I took 0 proffit from it as the exp rates of scrolls dont increase to the group... So I believe i just got banned becouse of cry. GG


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 21, 2009
Ryan thats funny.. I a still trying to Patch this correctly...I am not a Developer in these files...But Black Screen is s1 of 2 things;; wrong Data, Proguse, must have.. the other SDK directx 9 not on system...Guess Ill grab that Link while I w8...I would do the same thing as the server owner were it comes to exploiting..Think he is actually doing better than I..

Is there alot of accounnts- chars for no reason? I cant remeber... All I am going to do when patch is completed is change IP as in 1st Post gratz mate well done there..dont give up...

That is a Public Link so everyone can see it. You cant get around .Netframework.
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Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
this mornings reboot will remove weekend event items/npc (If you still have your weekend exp buff you can use that still)

also added another few floors to 'TheRealm'


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 10, 2014
go to log on today and hes banned me too haha his power is going right too his head
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