Rise of the Archons [2.6+] Discussion

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords


Congrats Scorp


Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

You were suspended for the constant hate preaching and spreading of misinformation. I don't see how that is out of order. If you entered a pub and began being disorderly, you would be barred.

If you understood that you could do anything you wanted then you were mistaken. If you wish to appeal the suspension then you may contact me directly. If you wish to continue being disorderly on lomcn then this is not a pub I can ban you from.

Why not approach it from a different way and PM the guy try to work it out that way? clearly, several people are disappointed with something enough to spend their time writing on your forums about it, if there's a reason for **** or slow updates, tell people...

would be nice to know where all the team is, never seen a GM ingame, dura beta saw maybe 2 but never on at the same time...

I'm sure if you entered a pub and caused ****, you would have been given a warning/spoken to solve the situation, not just be stared at until the staff had enough then deiced to kick you out.

Mir is such a small community, we all know everyone, why can't small **** just be sorted out?

---------- Post Merged at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:50 PM ----------


Congrats Scorp
Kim Jong would play an xbox wouldn't he..

ew :P


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

I think a forum ban is justified, but a game ban is a little too far in my honest opinion.

People who moan, most of the time, do actually care about the server they just have a really improper/childish way of putting it. I'm a tad confused why omni got selected out of the few posts slating the server - I can't help but feel he was used as a scapegoat, as there are far far worse things being said by other people.

People are simply frustrated. They were obviously expecting something bigger in this update and were let down. People just need to learn to have some patience. Most people don't even know you've been away for a week at a wedding in the UK - again information that could have been given out to help lesson the flames as people will wrongly assume you're just doing nothing.

All I'll say is, banning people from your server for being muppets on the forums although comforting for you, only leaves a sour taste in the players (and their friends) mouths about the server and does nothing to promote the game. I'd ask you to please reconsider, as I want people to be playing the game not leaving the game.


Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

Mommy mommy I got banned from an online game I don't like :lol

At the end of the day.. your right, it is the end of the day, because I live in Malaysia. What do you mean you live in the UK? Living costs must be a fortune!!!

Get a grip and stop acting like dicks, maybe I will let you play the game you hate so much. Otherwise grit your teeth and move on.

Are you for real?

You banned me (baughan) because i slated the way in which you've handled the server.

You could have just deleted my posts and warned me, but my guess is what myself and omniscient were saying really hit a nerve - after all why the rash banning?

Just comes across as a lack of professionalism tbh

---------- Post Merged at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:09 PM ----------

You were suspended for the constant hate preaching and spreading of misinformation. I don't see how that is out of order. If you entered a pub and began being disorderly, you would be barred.

If you understood that you could do anything you wanted then you were mistaken. If you wish to appeal the suspension then you may contact me directly. If you wish to continue being disorderly on lomcn then this is not a pub I can ban you from.

Woah woah woah there geezer.

If i was to walk into a pub after seeing an advertisement that tells me the pub is offering me X product. After entering the pub and finding that the product is most definately not what you've advertised outside, i'd probably take it up with the management - just as i did on your forums.

I certainly wouldnt expect the pub to take my money, and then ban me for my opinion.

Oh, and please tell me how i'm supposed to contact you to get my ban revoked if i cannot register to your forums?

I made my post on here so you could see it, and i had hoped that maybe after you have calmed down somewhat you may have seen the error in your rash and quite frankly rude banning.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 2, 2017
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

the administrator named Ipecac is constantly deleting my forum posts and banning other users who are criticising the server

and its not harsh criticism they are deleting posts for either, i made a simple post explaining that "archons would benefit from gaining ideas from other servers" and have constantly had my posts deleted for it

well you can't delete my posts here, can you, buddy?

really terrible management, its no wonder the servers user count has dropped so much after only one month

You have been permanently banned by Ipecac.

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Feb 26, 2004
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

Well he could well have banned a great number of people lol....but a lot won't notice (Myself included, as i've dealt out some hard realities too), as a lot don't play anymore.

Apparently Ipecac takes quiet forums as a good sign lol.

Personally i'd take it as you've fked up and the players have deserted you...the forums being quiet when you have this many problems is far from a good sign....it's simply people stopping to care and leaving your server.

Down to less than 150 users in the middle of the day, other servers are back on the rise.

I would suggest you start asking the players and giving feedback about your priorities....because you sure as hell won't get everything fixed before your player count diminishes completely....there are just too many problems and you released this so half assed lol. Your best bet now would be to fix what the PLAYERS consider to be more important, as oppose to your 50% Damage nerf, Sabuk Wall implementation (Which i assure you, is the least of peoples concerns) etc etc.

The main reason i left is not only because of the sheer volume of problems (Even on the most basics of mechanics), but simply because your priorities are so far out it was unbelievable. you we're putting in fixes and changes, that quite frankly nobody gave a **** about lol. Something as small as your stupid shops being changed back (Which we were told would take 2 days), would go a long way to pleasing and realising how tedious it's making every day tasks, or making it so caves actually spawned properly and not based on the player count on the map so solo'ing could be done a little better, and NOT buffing Stormcallers and making Pyro's redundant, nerfing Mystics as they are so OP as a support class.

Just a small number of things i personally would just get done, as they don't take that much effort....yet would enormously please your users.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 5, 2011
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

It was minimal old content thrown together with classes split in 2 in order to make a few quid. time to move on guys :)

I do however feel for anyone who donated for what was advertised to see the reality :(


Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

So glad i only put a score into this server, i know others who have donated hundreds lol

GM thinks everyone who plays his server is stupid and naive.

When people have waited a full week for an update, it was a kick in the teeth of sorts yesterday to be handed 5minutes worth of work thats labeled as an update.

If some random had put this server online, it would be getting bad rep all over the place, i dont see how its any different just because this guy has milked the community for years on end.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 2, 2017
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here

Woops, somebody got really triggered.

It's like North Korea up in there, all hail glorious leader, lock up anyone who doesn't believe North Korea is best Korea.


LOMCN Veteran
Oct 17, 2013
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

Time for some chargebacks :P Glad I stayed away from this little gem.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 18, 2007
Stoke, UK
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here

Woops, somebody got really triggered.

It's like North Korea up in there, all hail glorious leader, lock up anyone who doesn't believe North Korea is best Korea.

You best hope Kim Jong Tai doesn't see this.

There is only one Korea.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

remember when i said the server would be dead after a few months ? that he would get bored and never update or bull **** his way through it? the guy lasted a few weeks ffs.

money grabbing ***** takes donations and ****s off on his jollys lol.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here

Woops, somebody got really triggered.

It's like North Korea up in there, all hail glorious leader, lock up anyone who doesn't believe North Korea is best Korea.

really? its becoming a joke now >.<


Untrusted Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2015
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

yall mother****ers need jesus


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 2, 2017
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

really? its becoming a joke now >.<

its really insane when you consider that my posts were removed because i wrote "archons could benefit from taking ideas from other servers, they should have done this before launching" (every post i made after that was removed too, as i was asking why my first post was removed)

it would've been so easy and simple for them to stop this from being an issue by just saying "oops we thought your post was negative and unconstructive" but instead they chose to censor and then ban me

and it's not even just me that's been treated this way, i can't remember his name but Jamie mentioned another user who was banned for posting "#RiseoftheClownFiesta"


Loyal Member
Jul 21, 2016
Re: Rise of the Archons - Rule of the Arcane Lords

yall mother****ers need jesus

Jesus got banned from lomcn in 2014 :)

---------- Post Merged at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 06:18 PM ----------

its really insane when you consider that my posts were removed because i wrote "archons could benefit from taking ideas from other servers, they should have done this before launching" (every post i made after that was removed too, as i was asking why my first post was removed)

it would've been so easy and simple for them to stop this from being an issue by just saying "oops we thought your post was negative and unconstructive" but instead they chose to censor and then ban me

and it's not even just me that's been treated this way, i can't remember his name but Jamie mentioned another user who was banned for posting "#RiseoftheClownFiesta"

Omniscient got banned ingame

as did myself (My account had a level 37 barb, and a couple of other 33+ chars)

I dont think anything that i said or moaned about was worthy of an ingame ban though.

No warnings, no nothing. Lol