State of Crystal


Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
Are you still active on the Korean server?
Active no, still have access, yes.
I usually look for info etc.
My main warrior char is locked because it needs OTP validation or something and it's got most of the money on it !
I rarely play just to play if you know what I mean.
I don't lag but anyone in the far east will run by me because of network latency issues.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
I read through the post and recalled how different the things were at the time of 1.9/2.3 files.
Most of the forum community was contributing in some way to the files with a selected few that were doing the heavy lifting on the code like TD. Similar to what Far and few others did for Crystal files (thank you for that), however it seems that in comparison the community contribution changed very much.

I think the main issue behind the difference is actually the fact that more and more servers are focused on making money while at the time the focus was providing a free alternative to the mainstream paid game. So in a way what happened in the years is that the community slowly changed, some people left due to the fact that everything became more money oriented and some new people came. I do agree, it would seem the community is more greedy and selfish in a way compared to 20 years ago. "20 years ago" what a crazy thing to say but it's true.

I love the concept of a LOMCN server based on the Korean original source. I think this server should not be P2W, low rate server with the original content, nothing more. With the main focus to actually keep building on a open-source code as much as possible and iron out as many bugs as possible. I also think this server should survive on LOMCN ad revenues and community donations and be open to everyone who wanted to join. Who joins the server would be fully aware that this would be a test server and will be accepting the fact that it could have rollbacks, rewinds, clean starts, crashes etc etc..

At the same time, the focus should be on trying as much as possible to get rid of the "bad-apples" as possible and if this means pushing away a certain percentage of community as well, then be so. I believe that this percentage of community leaving would have not contributed anyway at the overall good of all. And with time, the people that also have long gone, might return back (who knows), and build again a nice place where we all contribute, share code, share snippets of NPCs, GUIs, mobs etc etc etc.. In essence, what is a bad apple? a person or group that do not work in the direction of contributing back to the community, hence working only in the direction of their personal gain. These groups should either start contributing or should be pushed away.


LOMCN Member
Jun 24, 2020
Active no, still have access, yes.
I usually look for info etc.
My main warrior char is locked because it needs OTP validation or something and it's got most of the money on it !
I rarely play just to play if you know what I mean.
I don't lag but anyone in the far east will run by me because of network latency issues.
Is your account purchased?If so, your account may be isolated, and it will not be unlocked without the original owner information!


Mortal Kombat Server High Rate Mir 2
Loyal Member
Dark Return
Game Master
Oct 6, 2017
yes thats the original reference there have been others since. your reply in that thread is also the reason its feel pointless to mention it any more but a question was asked and i gave my thoughts on it.

1. i would say if its evident that its been stolen from a lomcn user then that other lomcn user should not be allowed to advertise X server. you dont allow a server to advertise with stolen server files, so why is client files any different? im not talking about files that are accessible or bough from other sites, im talking about a clear copy and paste from other peoples code, why is stealing server code not acceptable but stealing client code is? its not just images its actual code. if person A can prove person B has stolen designs or code then it should be enforced.

2. yes they should have permission from the original creator. a simple statement saying they have been given permission is good enough. EVERY server advert is approved before published and every lomcn user looks at new server adverts.

3. if a person cant prove they are the original creator then they have no case.

lets give you some examples, seeing as lets be honest, its only my fkin work that getting stolen and its only me that has a problem with it....

Same ols stolen GUI **** i see on every egyption server, its why i moan about them

View attachment 30885

View attachment 30886

View attachment 30888

those last 2 the assets are available ina shanda client but they dont look like thta, i customised them, those are custom designs i made and thats client CODE stolen not just images

heres my ORIGINAL work
View attachment 30889
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oh and to prove i did that monster bar herers the original WiP png for it

View attachment 30890

EDIT: had to delete one of them he actually ASKED permission

but for reference its here
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i think an "Official LOMCN" server is a great idea... the issue is lomcn were going to do one with conquera files and that got abandoned, amazing starter hype.. no commitment from all involved.. and died a nasty lonely quiet death.

personally if lomcn did do an original server based on korean, players cant burn through the content because the officials been going for years and we would be starting just now.
I didn't want to comment on anything, but why are you running after people who weren't the ones who first used this on their own?
Why didn't you mention the first person who used them, then gave them to these people
But because this person is an English man, you cannot mention him and try to put the blame on Arab people
I hope once again when you want to blame certain people, you must be sure who is behind all these things and who is the first person to use on his server
Go and protect your files, because you also steal from the Chinese and from other games. do not tell me that you are allowed to take from them and modify their stuff, and others are not allowed to take from you or others.

For your information, I am one of the people who used this previously, and there was a conversation between you and me previously, and I told you actually who the person is

In another perspective, you should be happy that others use some of your work because they liked it, and you should be proud of that because your work has impressed other people and has not been ignored.

I understand all your words and I understand how you feel, but the past is past and must be forgotten and we all put our hands together to make LOMCN better and better than before

As for me, I agree with everyone's opinions regarding a unified server based on the partnership of the LOMCN website
  • Wow
Reactions: zedina


Feb 26, 2004
This has been discussed til the cows come home publicly about what our stance is on game shops but it seems some of you are just incapable of reading and insist we go round and round in circles. The same few who think that banning 75% of servers is the solution to the longevity of this scene. Laughable. You think they wouldn't exist if we didn't let them advertise here? I'll spell it out for you with two words - discord and facebook. How could limiting the content on LOMCN and forcing people to use those other platforms even more possibly help to sustain the value of LOMCN? I only see it having the opposite effect, and that is the sole reason I won't do it.

I'm sure i'll regret responding to this for the same reason for the 1000th time lol.

But even when I was going on about it, it's not like I cared specifically about the selling of items/characters etc...people will always do it and it's just how it is. But you must be blind not to admit the OBVIOUS cash/run bollocks that this forum really can do without. You admit you go to such lengths to deter people from playing it at all with your Avoids signs...Deleting them would be more's following your narrative, if they are really so desperate to put it in Discord, delete it from Discord. Don't want the job? Give it to me, i'll have this place cleaned up in a week.

We're not talking about Bon, Sanjian or any of the other decent effort servers...we're talking about the "I'll just download this source, change the name, sell some gold, close up in 20 days" bollocks.

Yes, they can advertise elsewhere, but the point is it won't be the first dam thing you see when you visit THIS forum. If this forums advertisement is so beneath everybody, then why is it still online? Why not close up and say "We have Discord and Facebook, forum is closing"

I've grown tired of it enough that Sanjians server is my last. After that i'm deleting this account, i'll even let you have the great pleasure of cleansing me from LOMCN yourself :) Either that or I will change my password to something random, delete any note of it and never return...whatever keeps me from typing in the address.

This coming from a person who still has login details for RuneScape "just in case" I might log into it again some day...I won't...but I hate removing possibilities, and I played RuneScape for 4 hours because a friend at school asked me to, and then never touched it again.

First we have to find the line. Where we stand as mods and what our role is then vice versa for server owner / player. I think the role of mod is to provide a place where people can find Mir servers. Some good ones some bad ones. We should remove unsafe ones but bad and unsafe aren't always the same.

Easiest line ever to start with.

If you feel yourself reaching for the "Avoid" tag, move it over to the "Delete" button instead.

Can we start there?

But thats my 2 cents, hasn't changed from the last discussion lol...I doubt anything will change, so I will be putting Mir to rest when Sanj pulls his finger out and finishes ;)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
I'm much the same.
I had planned to use Crystal to replace my old Ruby server but, with the lack of Heroes, removal of 800 x 600 res and only a few people playing it, I haven't made the switch.
The recent addition of heroes rekindled my interest but they're not that well implemented and I have no time to really try and code anything.

I usually just ignore all this bleating about pay to win etc. because people are in control of their mouse and they don't have to play the game.
How many of those who complain are coming from a moral standpoint anyway, it seems to me that jealously could be lurking somewhere ?

No set of files ever seems to get finished on Lomcn. Just as the code reaches the final hurdle, another set of files comes along and draws coders away to something new. They run for a bit and the same happens to them.
Has nothing to do with jealousy really. Last couple of servers I put real hours into have died either due to gms getting too much money and trying to bounce off into the sunset, or the p2w players getting so far ahead everyone else quits as 2 weeks into a server they are already 5 months behind people who buy items. Same pattern happens over and over again you hope it’s gonna be different but it never is.

I could Chuck a couple of grand into a server, just means a month or 2 later I will be left with 2k worth of kit on a server that 20 people now play.