DarkSide Mir3G 3.55 | Long Term

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2005
the deep south
althoght the gms might be noobs the server is execelent new stuff i have never seen before and all new items and new names (some are still same)

just because xxxxx caught them on perhaps a bad day dont listen to him i was on this server perhaps for an hour and got to lvl 31

this is what i say

Dont judge a book by its cover


Jan 12, 2004
Dont listen to me when i played for weeks... but listen to you who has played for 1 hour?

Anywho, the server is good, no denying that. But the GM's are more then arrogant/ignorant and simply really unhelpful. I only found this out after a few weeks playing becuase thats the only time i got a reply to my questions, and my god was it a reply (lol).

A servers as good as its Hosts imo. In this case, DIRE, DREADFUL, HOPELESS... so to keep things civil ill stop.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2005
the deep south
i wish this was up sooner Rnd is so boring this server is fun exp is ust right item drops could be a little higher but other than that its perfect


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 28, 2004
motherboard on host comp broke so dunno when new one will be installed not soon i hope


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
Oh i just fund out why there aint so many players.

The GM's/Hosts are beyond crap, many of the replies i got was "Cannot compute". I also quote when i was asking for help and trying to figure out something, smart old Peaches says "I can do what i want". I got nothing but hostility from her, although Triax is a good GM, i wont be surprised to find this server struggling to breathe in a puddle of mud in a few weeks.

I suggest steering clear of this server people.

Qft, Peaches is THE worsed GM I have ever played under. Though this is a good server and Triax is a good GM, unless Peaches sorts out her ego I can't see server lasting. No matter what you say she always thinks your moaning at her and calling server crap. Even when your making valid, positive critiscisms about the server and then give suggestions on how to overcome them, you'll still get an earfull off Peaches. You've only got to look at forums to see what I mean. I find it also rather convinient how all the GM arse lickers who don't seem to leave SZ have really nice kit but thats for another time.

In all I'd also adivise people to keep away from DS especially if your a pker and like to voice your opinion (like me). If you do join and fill these 2 categories you'll quickly be singled out as 'the enemy' and be shunned by the server including GMs. GF Peaches, you ruined a perfectly good server by being too big for your boots.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 28, 2004
very well said tis such a shame that this had to be the case lets all hope they take what kasabian has said into account


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2003
I played this server from the start it was better than any other server as for kasabian all can say to you is if you didint like it why play ? i think u aka avalanche were the only ones to moan coz you didnt get your own way both GMs were very fair in my opinion when its back up ill deffo be playing i guess you wont.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
I played this server from the start it was better than any other server as for kasabian all can say to you is if you didint like it why play ? i think u aka avalanche were the only ones to moan coz you didnt get your own way both GMs were very fair in my opinion when its back up ill deffo be playing i guess you wont.

U clearly don't know what ur talking about so i'll say this once, only say something if u know it's true. How do u think i managed to lvl a warr and wiz to 55 lol? I didn't for the simple fact that Ava and I are 2 DIFFERENT PEOPLE. He may share my forum account here but he'd sign it with:


Did he? no. So stfu.

With that out of the way I'd like to know what we moaned about? Yeh, we moaned about boss drops from REAL bosses not u noobs who cried when the BG mobs didnt drop but GMs accepted what we said and said they would alter drops. The only other thing was the Xmas event. Even then we didn't moan as u put it. All we said was that it was unfair that we worked our asses off for 4- 5 weeks getting the little kit we had. Then some noob runs round hitting trees and getting twice as much as kit. That, to us, was unfair. It would've been alright if I knew that they were going to be deleted after event but Triax told me in pm that they would stay.

Now don't do a Peaches and say "Stop moaning cos u got nothing blah blah blah" Cos I got 2x rev rings and a clear ring. I would of been happy if they were to be removed after event but according to Triax they were not going to be. (I think they have been now).

Your right you wont see me ingame any more. This server is for carebears who just brown nose GM. Most of u don't leave sz but some how have quite rare / nice kit. Server is corrupt imo. I'd advise no one to play this server, not even if Peaches gets a reality check.Must be fun having GM as a little pet tbh. Im guessing u all cried about us cos u knew u couldnt beat us. Good tactic tbh, you can't beat us so u fabricate as much **** as humanly possible in order to get us banned. Nevermind, all i can say is cry more.

/Kasabian <<<<to stop noob Chrissy getting confused


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2003
I never cry and I owned u enuff you moaned everyone knew you moaned and lvl urself erm swift mastered you try lvling urself from scratch as I did i think you can now stfu and get that reality check urself.

Server currupt lol coz u couldnt get items lllllllllllllloooooooooooooolllllll u noob as you said even low lvls were getting them even if from an event your just pissed coz no ne actually liked you all ppl want to do is play and ignore you and thats exactly what they did

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
I never cry and I owned u enuff you moaned everyone knew you moaned and lvl urself erm swift mastered you try lvling urself from scratch as I did i think you can now stfu and get that reality check urself.

Server currupt lol coz u couldnt get items lllllllllllllloooooooooooooolllllll u noob as you said even low lvls were getting them even if from an event your just pissed coz no ne actually liked you all ppl want to do is play and ignore you and thats exactly what they did


Considering Swift wasn't on the majority of the time and I started when most players were 48-50, I'll say again, only say something if u know it's true. The fact that ur a wiz and u could mass kill mobs at lvl 20 also says a lot tbh. Hence why Wizzies are highest in server until Warr gets DS (which I got at lvl 52).

When did u "own" me? rofl. I'd challenge server to pvp and I didn't see u turn up, so this just further shows ur idiotic fabrications. All u wud do is cry about us "moaning". Im still waiting for proof of us moaning tbh. Not just putting our points of view across which u seem to think is moaning, I want to see some proof of us nagging GMs to do something over and over again. That is moaning imo and this is something we DIDN'T do.

Reread my post tbh and u'll see that I DID get items but not just from event. I got pretty much all of my kit from MS including added lvl 50 ring so again, only say something if u know it's true. (Funnily enough when I said wot items I had found in MS I didn't get a single drop (not even pots) afterwards, rather curious tbh). From event I got 2x rev rings and a clear ring so yeh, I cried about not getting items - lmao. Least I don't sit in sz all the time im on and then miracolously manage to find like 5 lvl 50 weps and still some how get exp. I guess I don't brown nose GMs enough do I? Nevermind.

Do u think I care if no1 liked me? No1 being ur crappy carebear guild who were so anti pk they made up some crap about us killing them when they were noobs. I had friends on this server: Sanity, Eternity, Swift, MiaoShan etc so yet again only say something if u know it's true.

Finally if people just ignored me and played the game, why did they complain to GMs about me and ava "abusing them" lol. According to Triax it was a PK SERVER which meant I was perfectly within bounds to pk which means pk wasn't abuse.

/Kasabian <<<<to stop noob Chrissy getting confused again

P.S. try proof reading ur posts before posting plz, most of it didn't make sense so had to guess what u meant.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
I played this server from the start it was better than any other server as for kasabian all can say to you is if you didint like it why play ? i think u aka avalanche were the only ones to moan coz you didnt get your own way both GMs were very fair in my opinion when its back up ill deffo be playing i guess you wont.

I never cry and I owned u enuff you moaned everyone knew you moaned and lvl urself erm swift mastered you try lvling urself from scratch as I did i think you can now stfu and get that reality check urself.

Server currupt lol coz u couldnt get items lllllllllllllloooooooooooooolllllll u noob as you said even low lvls were getting them even if from an event your just pissed coz no ne actually liked you all ppl want to do is play and ignore you and thats exactly what they did


i got plenty ty. AND i seem to remebr a DMW where YOU and that crappy guild MOANED to gm about there being too many mobs. Oh, and what did GM do? He killed them you.

I also seem to remember you and Sabre having pro rings and you with lvl 6ren and being 3 lvl's higher, getting continusoly owned by me (avalanche here!)

Fact is, Kasabian (not me!) is right, Peaches is a shoddy GM who needs to take a good look at how other GM's treat their players. look at Sting for example. The GM's do not abuse players, or simply refuse to give answers. They accpet critiscism aslong as its constructive. Unlike Peaches here, who believes her server is Perfect and needs no changing. Fact is, this server needed a lot of critiscism to get anythnig done.

I hope people take my advice and go elsewhere, Peaches has ruined the server.

/Unforgiven (Avalanche)

p.s. Chrissy (a.k.a Fairy), if i'd have continued playing, i'd be at least 10 level's ahead ;)

actually, i might jus come back and do it.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2003
No one cares what u blabbering on about ppl will play what they want regardless of what u say, you aint a very nice kid parental influience im guessing.
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