9/11 - proof, America attacking itself.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
Please explain where did the hundreds of bodies come from if a small plane flew into the Pentagon? Please explain how they were four attacks, three in the Eastern United States and a fourth heading possibly to L.A.? Please explain why someone would do this? For money? Of course, that's why the war has alreayd costed 100 billion dollars more then all the oil in the Iraq in 2003. Please explain the motive.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Biohazard said:
Please explain where did the hundreds of bodies come from if a small plane flew into the Pentagon? Please explain how they were four attacks, three in the Eastern United States and a fourth heading possibly to L.A.? Please explain why someone would do this? For money? Of course, that's why the war has alreayd costed 100 billion dollars more then all the oil in the Iraq in 2003. Please explain the motive.

What bodies Bio?

If that blast incinerated a whole plane of Titanium which burns at 1688 degree C, then I daresay a plane full of fleshy humans would survive, would you agree?

Vannaroth said:
Ambiguity is never good in an argument.

Care to explain what part was unclear, so I may rephrase it for you?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
Stop being an ass and answer the question. Where did all the PEOPLE go? Surely hundreds of people cannot fit into a small airplane. Would't you agree? Or are you just going to get smart and not answer? I think not.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
Turin said:
Care to explain what part was unclear, so I may rephrase it for you?

Ambiguity, undeciciveness, you say you take a stance, fair enough, but dont argue against that stance when the oppertunity comes up, argue for it.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Biohazard said:
Stop being an ass and answer the question. Where did all the PEOPLE go? Surely hundreds of people cannot fit into a small airplane. Would't you agree? Or are you just going to get smart and not answer? I think not.

No I admit. What you said was that:

Please explain where did the hundreds of bodies come from if a small plane flew into the Pentagon?

I was assuming you were saying bodies of passengers were found at the site of the attack.

But thank you for correcting yourself in the post above. In context of the suggested argument, if the US Government could commit the deaths of 3000+ people, I'm sure it can spare another 200 or so that were on the plane :)

Vannaroth said:
Ambiguity, undeciciveness, you say you take a >>middle-ground<< stance, fair enough, but dont argue against that stance when the oppertunity comes up, argue for it.

Considering, most active posters who have arguments to contribute are from those who appose the attack of America on its own citizens. Logically, it follows I'd provide counter-arguments, for debates sake that is.

Even then, I've already said I'm undecided on a personal level :)
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Vannaroth said:
200 on a small jet? I think not.

Van, Biohazard, I believe, was refering to the missing passengers that should have been on the flight 77 that was supposed to have crashed into the pentagon. I think you lost the plot there lol.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
No, I think youre moulding the context around what suits you best, bio clearly asked where the bodies would come from if it were a SMALL plane.


No Brag, Just Fact
Keep religion and race out of this or else.

FYI, because I had to post that, let me also write a very brief comment about http://www.loosechange911.com/lc2e_herehere.wmv


I've seen an implosion first hand. It takes a considerable charges to bring down a building and even if one charge went off accidentally in those small places it would have considerably caused more damage.

If you still disagree then you must then agree that the charges were weak. If the charges were that weak, they wouldn't have brought down the building. If you speculate there were hundreds or thousands of small charges and only one went off, you're wrong because it would have caused them all to go off.

^ That's fact. Download implosions and show me where the explosion was that small and still destroyed the supports. I'll save you the trouble, you won't find one.

Also, stop playing Devil's advocate for both sides Turin. Anyone can easily point oppinions on both sides. Make up YOUR mind and post it.

BTW, a lot of these arguments were already argued in a previous thread, some people should SEARCH.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2006
problem is urban, that video you posted does show puffs of explosions in steel frames to which are used to weaken for the demolition... its really not possible for them to randomly 'pop' that far distance for nothing especially as un uneffected area of the impact.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
urbanfox said:
BTW, a lot of these arguments were already argued in a previous thread, some people should SEARCH.


Nevermind different threads, I seem to have to constantly quote my own posts within this very thread, to bring up an already answered question.

Ok since people want it spelt out:

I do not think Americans adminstered the attacks. That is, I don't think Govt of America went and hired three cargo planes to ram into a building and then set it over with explosives. What I do however believe, is the Govt. had a part in orchestrating the attacks.

What I mean by that is two things:
  • Providing training and access to equipment (perhaps indirectly) to the accused perpetrators of the incident.
  • Having information prior to an imminent attack, and doing nothing about it.

The bottom line is in both arguments, the Govt. of America used and abused the pathos generated from the attacks for their own foreign policies.

Clear enough y'all?


No Brag, Just Fact
Turin said:
Nevermind different threads, I seem to have to constantly quote my own posts within this very thread, to bring up an already answered question.

Ok since people want it spelt out:

I do not think Americans adminstered the attacks. That is, I don't think Govt of America went and hired three cargo planes to ram into a building and then set it over with explosives. What I do however believe, is the Govt. had a part in orchestrating the attacks.

What I mean by that is two things:
  • Providing training and access to equipment (perhaps indirectly) to the accused perpetrators of the incident.
  • Having information prior to an imminent attack, and doing nothing about it.
The bottom line is in both arguments, the Govt. of America used and abused the pathos generated from the attacks for their own foreign policies.

Clear enough y'all?

That was in the 80's when we shared a common greater enemy (the Soviets) and they weren't bent on terrorism.

You can monday quarterback all you want but it doesn't change anything. Read the 9/11 commission's report on that subject and then post what you said again.

problem is urban, that video you posted does show puffs of explosions in steel frames to which are used to weaken for the demolition.
.. its really not possible for them to randomly 'pop' that far distance for nothing especially as un uneffected area of the impact.

Actually, it doesn't, for a couple reasons.

1) They aren't strategically placed, rendering them pretty much useless.
2)The explosions were too small.

I have no idea what you mean, but I'll leave you with this: One set of explosions on each floor is more than enough to take the building down.

Now I'm out for good except for moderating duties.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
I was just looking through the report again, and there are a reported 58 bodies (some sources say 60) that were found as survivors of the crash. Bio, there weren't "hundreds", I recommend you take your own advice:

Until you read all 585 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report, shut up. Because you no room to talk.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
urbanfox said:
You can monday quarterback all you want but it doesn't change anything. Read the 9/11 commission's report on that subject and then post what you said again.

lol what? Practically the whole report is for providing 'proof' that Al-Qaida had a link to the attacks. I smell a little ulterior motives there.


ps -

It is very peculiar how people can dismiss or just gloss over an entire topic, without reading important facts contained in the posts, yet still they manage to generate an opinion on the subject - I mean anyone can have an opinion, it just matters on how educated that opinion is, which gives it its credibility.

pps -

I know the Pentagon was attacked. I know the WTC was attacked. There is no proof suggesting a government body was involved in the attack. There is proof of a terrorist organisation being involved. There is counter-proof (contradictions) on both physical and conspirital levels for the attacks not being conducted by the alleged terrorists. In short there is no way of knowing the culpability of Govt. involvement in the incident, yet what can be truly said, is that our Govt. is not giving us the whole truth.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 28, 2006
Turin said:
In context of the suggested argument, if the US Government could commit the deaths of 3000+ people, I'm sure it can spare another 200 or so that were on the plane :)

Why the hell would you smile at that fact?

Perhaps the worst part of your posting within this thread is the fact that you've actually made up your own theory for this whole attack, at least the opposition in this thread is justified, due to a very powerful conspiracy argument. False though it is.

What the hell is all this arguing about what sized plane crashed into the pentagon though? Does anyone here actually know what happens to a 747 when it crashes into a wall similar to the one constructed at the pentagon? Or is this again, just another theory about what else could happen?