Are these specs gd ?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 20, 2006
Grantham / Lincolnshire
right some tit phoned me last nyt why i was out clubbing with ma m8s lol, never told me who the hell it was >.< but they did sound low then a chav. and as if they come from coventry

anyway i like this pc i think i did well due to the fact its top of the range... as long as its gd i dont mind.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2005
right some tit phoned me last nyt why i was out clubbing with ma m8s lol, never told me who the hell it was >.< but they did sound low then a chav. and as if they come from coventry

anyway i like this pc i think i did well due to the fact its top of the range... as long as its gd i dont mind.

No offence, but what else do you expect from putting your mobile number on a forum?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
I am not meaning to be disrespectful but do you know any thing about PC's?
Why on earth would a host machine need

Thats like giving some one with no legs some football boots and telling them to have a kick around.


Oooh, a mobile number, fun times.

Rich kid with nothing else to spend his/her money on tbh.


Jul 16, 2003
Manchester, UK
problem is they bring new stuff out all the time so it won't stay top of the range that long ;) and personally i build my own computers.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 19, 2003
Chester :P
Would you mind showing us how you come to the conclusion that there are 5 pages here.

i actally checked at his post to to make sure o.O well got me 1 - 0

i though that the new Vista 32bit had gone to 5 gig (never used Vista to even check) , due to the new Ram on graphics cards, im 99% sure iv read that some were, i will have another look around to make sure tho o.O


Captain Lurker
Mar 24, 2003
Should of got two Radeon 4870x2 graphics cards they are better than the 280's :p

but then again a server dosnt even need a graphics card lol :X

But with 768Kbps upload you will be able to host a server for 20-30 people no problem!


768Kbps / 8 = 96KBps

3-4KBps a player?

96KBps / 3.5KBps = 27 players

Other than the bandwidth though, that PC would run any mir server laglessly :p

I run a 24 slot COD 4 server on a really acient PC (Single core 2.4Ghz, 768MB Ram) with the same bandwidth as you and the players pings are almost always lower that 100ms even when its full :)

oo i just realised your on Virgin Media (ISP) like me :p
Soon the XL package (20Mb) is getting upgraded to 50Mb and the upload bandwidth is gonna jump to 2Mbps which means..

2048Kbps / 8 = 256 KBps

3-4KBps a player?

256KBps / 3.5KBps = 73 players

Not sure when theey are upgrading our connections though, probably in february or somthing :)
Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
it's just important to separate server lag from network lag..

as most people said, it's also very important to have a very good network behind a decent server..

as for my experience i can say that:
Server Lag is mostly caused by CPU Usage.. this means that if u get a good processor and optimize as much as possible your server files and don't make it work badly u will have a decent playable server with very low lag.. in this case for server we are talking about a good optimized machine with os and possibility to manage also from another pc on which you will rarely make it do other things except running the game server..

The server lag ovviously can also be caused from other applications running while the game server is.. immagine having a medium quality server with the game server running for weeks using about 90% of the ram memory and about 30% of your CPU usage and suddenly it starts to scan for antiviruses... this ovviously will make the CPU hit for a few seconds the soil of 99% of usage causing lag..

I also would like to specify that having a super cool mega huge Quad Core doesn't mean nothing when the applications you are using are meant to work on a single core.. unfortunately you will be using the full power of multithreading on the quad cores only with properly compiled quad core applications..

As for Network lag we call everything that causes server lag from the network / connection side.. in this case for a smooth gaming u need to have A LOT of Upload.. and u dont have to stress the network device itself from doing other things.. (for example download with torrents or emule).. as for what i can say, most router and connection devices have a limit in the numbers of connection that they can extablish.. this limit must be kept as low as possible and i garantee that having a computer in a home network that using p2p programs means that you are killing at least 70-90% of the router connections slots.. (unless ovviously we are talking about network devices of a decent quality which costs about 1000-1500euro on which u will not get this problem).

hosting a server isn't just a thing that everyone can do.. or actually let me say it better.. hosting a good server isn't a thing that u can do without spending some money.. hosting a normal server instead means that u will not garantee who uses it that he/she wont get lag on it.. this is why there are a lot of store which give this service for you!

my conclusions in these years of testing server on an italian isp was that the best mix a normal non working person can choose is:
1- have a dedicated connection only for the server and nothing else than that
2- have good devices which allow to keep a connection working correctly and smooth
3- have a good home build pc which has more power on CPU and RAM and a good MB so that u can have a decent idea on how well and how fast things will run on its bus.. graphic card isn't important as u think..

bye ;)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 20, 2006
Grantham / Lincolnshire
So does anyone know any top of the range dedi host's ?? dont care how much but i want one caus i might be also making a mir3 server so i need to have everything ready.