Dragon Chronicle Closed?

smoochy boys on tour
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
So basically the files exist only for us to update and make the svn better? Asking every server team that makes something from this svn is like asking every server team who doesn't use open source to supply all their custom tweaks...you wouldn't and would know what answer to expect. Same applies to open source.
It is more rewarding to program for a team as you can put anything you can think of into the server where as you are aiming for Euro on the svn.
Also, most coders I know don't really play euro and it is hard to program something you do not know.
And finally, teams colaborate yet where is the colaberation on the lomcn svn? There is not set team that constantly discusses what does and does not need doing.
Basically, yes, the svn exists but there is no structure to the project.
Tell me there is and obviously you do not know a good team structure.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 15, 2003
Here comes the problem: no source, no customization.
no time/ no delphi coding skills = no customisation => source not useful
time/ able to code delphi = customisation => source useful

svn current state needs delphi coding abilities or lots of time to reach 2.3


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Why are you all fighting? TheDeath, Dataforce, BabyHack, MentaL. All of you should get over your ego and work together on finishing off these files. Once they are done, you can all do as you please.

MentaL does his RageZone
BabyHack does his DevilSoul

When updates come, work together again.

Unless someone can explain the problems which evolve from this.

Why was my name typed there
I am not a member of the LOMCN Project team (I hosted the test server thats all)
I have very little codding skills and have never codded anything for the SVN
I did some DB work but that was related to the Test Server

I have no problems with anyone on your list

Myself and Mental have done our servers long before your time and long before the DM2 source, both of the servers have nothing to do with the SVN and its files

I have always said that when I release the DS client that ALL Source will be released with it

Next time you start name dropping make sure you have all your facts right



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 13, 2007
Why was my name typed there
I am not a member of the LOMCN Project team (I hosted the test server thats all)
I have very little codding skills and have never codded anything for the SVN
I did some DB work but that was related to the Test Server

I have no problems with anyone on your list

Myself and Mental have done our servers long before your time and long before the DM2 source, both of the servers have nothing to do with the SVN and its files

I have always said that when I release the DS client that ALL Source will be released with it

Next time you start name dropping make sure you have all your facts right


You sound offended. I used you as an example, do you want me to edit the post?


LOMCN n00bie
Jun 19, 2003
So when is someone going to make a non corrupt, legend of mir II 2.3 server that we can all play on?
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