EU Referendum. Have you decided ?


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
I'll be voting remain.

Instead of tell you why or what to do, i'm just going to tell you to gather information from both sides of the argument and make up your own mind on the matter. There are pro's and con's to everything. Vote because you think it's the right choice, not because someone else has told you it's the right choice.


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
I don't want to vote either, all I get is stuff through the post trying to convince me in both ways.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
I don't want to vote either, all I get is stuff through the post trying to convince me in both ways.

Ignore it (both sides) and do your own research on the matter. Gather as much information as you can from both sides of the arguments. Weigh up your thoughts, then vote for what you believe to be right.

I feel compelled to admit that the campaigns from both sides has been atrocious. Mostly just fear mongering and twisting of facts from both sides. Quite a shame really, as it's probably one of the most important votes we'll make in our lifetime.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 11, 2006
Stone, UK

This rant by Jonathan Pie pretty much sums up how I've been feeling throughout the whole debate. That being said I shall be voting to leave but for a number of reasons not just the below;

53 countries, 1/3 of the worlds population are part of a voluntary organisation, the Commonwealth.The Commonwealth is headed up by the British Crown. These countries want to work with us.

In Europe, the U.K. Has put aside the potential trade, growth, immigrant expertise and securities we could develop with 1/3 of the worlds population and instead are part of a group of countries who openly dislike us, impose rules and laws that don't work for us, challenge our democratically elected government,don't protect us from their external borders with dangerous countries and come to us to fund their failing joint currency. We are forced to turn away top Indian doctors in favor of unskilled Eastern Europeans for example.

Leaving the EU opens ourselves to work more freely with the rest of the world.

The rest of the EU won't make it hard for us,
-Spain and Portugal will still want our tourism
-Germany, France and Italy will still want to sell us Cars etc

The rest of the world will still have a use for us,
-banks will still trust our stable currency (when it re-stabilizes itself)
-America will still want to share intelligence and have support for its oil wars
-NATO will still have us at the top table , we will still have an epic fighting and defence force and strategically important territory
-UN will still want our support in world stability

65 million people in the UK is less than 1% of the worlds population, that 1% has and will have just as much world clout out of the EU as we do now.

Oh yeah and from October 2016 Turkey may be granted Visa Free Travel to the EU, meaning Europe's Borders will now end at Syria! (75 Million Muslim Turks) which dwarfs the entire UK population could potentially be able to come to the Europe overnight no questions asked (Schengen Area's) The Turkish passport will become highly valuable to Syrians flooding into Turkey,potentially ISIS. The Turkish passport does not have the same level of security features to avoid mass forgeries. This is why Cameron has rushed the date of June before the British Public realize this buried subject! Vote Out not just for independence, but security!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005

This rant by Jonathan Pie pretty much sums up how I've been feeling throughout the whole debate. That being said I shall be voting to leave but for a number of reasons not just the below;

53 countries, 1/3 of the worlds population are part of a voluntary organisation, the Commonwealth.The Commonwealth is headed up by the British Crown. These countries want to work with us.

In Europe, the U.K. Has put aside the potential trade, growth, immigrant expertise and securities we could develop with 1/3 of the worlds population and instead are part of a group of countries who openly dislike us, impose rules and laws that don't work for us, challenge our democratically elected government,don't protect us from their external borders with dangerous countries and come to us to fund their failing joint currency. We are forced to turn away top Indian doctors in favor of unskilled Eastern Europeans for example.

Leaving the EU opens ourselves to work more freely with the rest of the world.

The rest of the EU won't make it hard for us,
-Spain and Portugal will still want our tourism
-Germany, France and Italy will still want to sell us Cars etc

The rest of the world will still have a use for us,
-banks will still trust our stable currency (when it re-stabilizes itself)
-America will still want to share intelligence and have support for its oil wars
-NATO will still have us at the top table , we will still have an epic fighting and defence force and strategically important territory
-UN will still want our support in world stability

65 million people in the UK is less than 1% of the worlds population, that 1% has and will have just as much world clout out of the EU as we do now.

Oh yeah and from October 2016 Turkey may be granted Visa Free Travel to the EU, meaning Europe's Borders will now end at Syria! (75 Million Muslim Turks) which dwarfs the entire UK population could potentially be able to come to the Europe overnight no questions asked (Schengen Area's) The Turkish passport will become highly valuable to Syrians flooding into Turkey,potentially ISIS. The Turkish passport does not have the same level of security features to avoid mass forgeries. This is why Cameron has rushed the date of June before the British Public realize this buried subject! Vote Out not just for independence, but security!

what this guy said


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire

This rant by Jonathan Pie pretty much sums up how I've been feeling throughout the whole debate. That being said I shall be voting to leave but for a number of reasons not just the below;

53 countries, 1/3 of the worlds population are part of a voluntary organisation, the Commonwealth.The Commonwealth is headed up by the British Crown. These countries want to work with us.

In Europe, the U.K. Has put aside the potential trade, growth, immigrant expertise and securities we could develop with 1/3 of the worlds population and instead are part of a group of countries who openly dislike us, impose rules and laws that don't work for us, challenge our democratically elected government,don't protect us from their external borders with dangerous countries and come to us to fund their failing joint currency. We are forced to turn away top Indian doctors in favor of unskilled Eastern Europeans for example.

Leaving the EU opens ourselves to work more freely with the rest of the world.

The rest of the EU won't make it hard for us,
-Spain and Portugal will still want our tourism
-Germany, France and Italy will still want to sell us Cars etc

The rest of the world will still have a use for us,
-banks will still trust our stable currency (when it re-stabilizes itself)
-America will still want to share intelligence and have support for its oil wars
-NATO will still have us at the top table , we will still have an epic fighting and defence force and strategically important territory
-UN will still want our support in world stability

65 million people in the UK is less than 1% of the worlds population, that 1% has and will have just as much world clout out of the EU as we do now.

Oh yeah and from October 2016 Turkey may be granted Visa Free Travel to the EU, meaning Europe's Borders will now end at Syria! (75 Million Muslim Turks) which dwarfs the entire UK population could potentially be able to come to the Europe overnight no questions asked (Schengen Area's) The Turkish passport will become highly valuable to Syrians flooding into Turkey,potentially ISIS. The Turkish passport does not have the same level of security features to avoid mass forgeries. This is why Cameron has rushed the date of June before the British Public realize this buried subject! Vote Out not just for independence, but security!

I've never voted before but I'm sure as hell voting this time, voting leave.

There's numerous reasons (mostly what was said in the quote) as to why I'm voting leave, I feel the remain campaign uses scaremongering to try and sway the voters, you could say the same for the leave campaign but from my research it'll be better to leave.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom

This rant by Jonathan Pie pretty much sums up how I've been feeling throughout the whole debate. That being said I shall be voting to leave but for a number of reasons not just the below;

53 countries, 1/3 of the worlds population are part of a voluntary organisation, the Commonwealth.The Commonwealth is headed up by the British Crown. These countries want to work with us.

In Europe, the U.K. Has put aside the potential trade, growth, immigrant expertise and securities we could develop with 1/3 of the worlds population and instead are part of a group of countries who openly dislike us, impose rules and laws that don't work for us, challenge our democratically elected government,don't protect us from their external borders with dangerous countries and come to us to fund their failing joint currency. We are forced to turn away top Indian doctors in favor of unskilled Eastern Europeans for example.

Leaving the EU opens ourselves to work more freely with the rest of the world.

The rest of the EU won't make it hard for us,
-Spain and Portugal will still want our tourism
-Germany, France and Italy will still want to sell us Cars etc

The rest of the world will still have a use for us,
-banks will still trust our stable currency (when it re-stabilizes itself)
-America will still want to share intelligence and have support for its oil wars
-NATO will still have us at the top table , we will still have an epic fighting and defence force and strategically important territory
-UN will still want our support in world stability

65 million people in the UK is less than 1% of the worlds population, that 1% has and will have just as much world clout out of the EU as we do now.

Oh yeah and from October 2016 Turkey may be granted Visa Free Travel to the EU, meaning Europe's Borders will now end at Syria! (75 Million Muslim Turks) which dwarfs the entire UK population could potentially be able to come to the Europe overnight no questions asked (Schengen Area's) The Turkish passport will become highly valuable to Syrians flooding into Turkey,potentially ISIS. The Turkish passport does not have the same level of security features to avoid mass forgeries. This is why Cameron has rushed the date of June before the British Public realize this buried subject! Vote Out not just for independence, but security!

I was hoping this thread wouldn't be full of useless propaganda..

Like Koriban said, instead of listening to people like this guy ^ go and do your own homework and make your own decision. & this poll is not just about choosing one shitty political party over another, this is much bigger than that...don't waste your vote by not using it

Personally I think leaving the EU would be foolish.
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Feb 21, 2013
Like Koriban said, instead of listening to people like this guy ^ go and do your own homework and make your own decision.

Personally I think leaving the EU would be foolish.

Reading opinions in this thread is part of 'doing your own homework'. How else should one do the 'homework'?

I wish there was also 'Do not like this' button, this forum is so slanted, can only Like, booo
And before you say, don't like to express the dislike via reputation point, would be even not appropriate in this case, just Dislike button would be what's called for in this case.

As non-UK EU citizen, I dearly wish you guys would choose exit. Choosing to stay will bring on in terms of EU something like 'normalization era' that my country (then) communist Czechoslovakia experienced in the aftermath of 1968, so called "Prague spring", normalization which lasted couple decades and which were 'lost decades', it was just waiting before communism fell of its own then thoroughly rotted out ideology (and the same in principle is in offing for EU). I escaped from that country in 1979 to Canada and now live on and off in both countries and naturally have interest in your coming referendum decision.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Reading opinions in this thread is part of 'doing your own homework'. How else should one do the 'homework'?

I wish there was also 'Do not like this' button, this forum is so slanted, can only Like, booo
And before you say, don't like to express the dislike via reputation point, would be even not appropriate in this case, just Dislike button would be what's called for in this case.

As non-UK EU citizen, I dearly wish you guys would choose exit. Choosing to stay will bring on in terms of EU something like 'normalization era' that my country (then) communist Czechoslovakia experienced in the aftermath of 1968, so called "Prague spring", normalization which lasted couple decades and which were 'lost decades', it was just waiting before communism fell of its own then thoroughly rotted out ideology (and the same in principle is in offing for EU). I escaped from that country in 1979 to Canada and now live on and off in both countries and naturally have interest in your coming referendum decision.

1. What I mean is if you're going to listen to such statements then at least do some research to find out if there's actually any depth or relevance to their points.

2. If there was a dislike button I have a feeling you'd be the first person to know about it

3. What the **** are you talking about?


Feb 21, 2013
Quintessential Tai :applause:

btw I could apply your point3 to your point1


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
Personally I think leaving the EU would be foolish.

Everyone has thier own opinion on brexit and the EU.
But i can also state Voting to Remain would be very foolish. I dont see a big enough benefit to remain. the remain keeps going on about Free Trade and Free Movement. People need to remember theres more countrys then just europe

Im Voting Leave.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Reading opinions in this thread is part of 'doing your own homework'. How else should one do the 'homework'?

No it isn't?

Reading someones opinion from a a Mir forum is completely different than getting legitimate information from say, as an example, someone who has spent their entire life working with the EU constitutional law. People like Professor Michael Dougan who has countless years of knowledge in the subject area and who teaches that very knowledge to his students today. Someone who's words have credibility, among many many other people.

Your words, my words, nobodies words here have any credibility. We are not experts in this field in the slightest so it would do some good to actually find out information from those who generally do know what they're talking about.

I'm not going to tell anyone they're wrong because I have no say in the matter. Based on my research, I've come to the conclusion that if we leave the EU we are more at a disadvantage than we are if we stay. Ironically most of the arguments portrayed by the media and both sides has been atrocious, filled with lies and scare mongering tied in with some blatant xenophobia. Which is sad really as people deserve to know the truths of whether we leave or stay. Both options have pro's and con's, its just up to you as an individual to weigh up those pro's and con's based on your beliefs.

That's my opinion, everyone's entitled to it as well as their entitlement to vote. I just hope and pray people genuinely do the research themselves.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 1, 2004
No one going to mention the ttip deal that will literally destroy the NHS and every other public related service?
The ttip deal is the only reason I'm voting leave.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say over 50% of you don't even no what that deal is.

Do your research


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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Brighton - pretty good website for anyone wanting to research things. Doesn't tell you what to vote for just gives you information/facts based on things that have been said.

(DK) - plenty of information on it here DK.

The "TL;DR" of it all is:

"There’s no final text to look at, and the legal issues involved are complicated. It comes down to trust: the European Commission has consistently said that the terms it’s negotiating will keep the NHS safe from privatisation.The government’s position is that nothing in TTIP will affect its ability to make decisions on the NHS.
For the NHS to be at risk, the Commission would have to be hiding something, or (as has been argued) simply mistaken about whether there's a loophole in the terms it proposes. That’s something we can’t be sure of until the final wording is put to the test."

Essentially what the government needs to do is push for a specific reference to the NHS in the text of TTIP.
However, we can, in theory, veto it anyway. Something worth noting.