Longevity of Mir 2

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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
Oo I like some of the topics

Do me a favour if yous can I can see some saying LOMCN needs better x or y if it's a feedback point for us would be great to have the problem and what you think the new rule / potential solution is
Slap a big fat avoid tag on every known p2w money laundering servers, alliance epic mir etc

And don't allow them to advertise! They don't deserve to they are just milking the community!! 3gena releases a server every 5 months why doesnt anyone say anything about that???
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Disclaimer: I have nothing against anyone servers personally and everything is just a matter of personal opinion. I understand the difficulty and sheer amount of time required building a server. In order for me to fully explain my point, I have to bring in my past experience of servers (as a player) and my personal opinion based on what I know today. I have played most of these servers myself, so my opinions are not just from an outside perspective.

I think everyone puts the effort into their servers, but peoples judgement and development direction is clouded.

The Problem?

User Count Bloating + Greed


The direction that some servers have taken over the past few years is clearly shown in the servers and the features that they focus their time on. To best way for me to describe this is give direct comparisons to ideas that I.. feel are personally destroying this game.

Apocalypse V2 - This servers focus was clearly designed to exploit people with gambling addictions, promoting a new sense of P2W that exploits the vulnerable. Allowing people to spend £1000+ individually on hopes of achieving better gear to compete. This became so excessive that it collapsed on itself, which the players found were unacceptable and recalled.

For some reason, this was spun against the players and LOMCN only agreed with the developers in their clear abuse of this game. It should not be accepted to exploit thousands, I can only assume 50K+ was accumulated from this originally before the recalls. At no point were the players opinions ever listened to and it was always them at blame. The players with real life gambling problems, being exploited who were baited into an addiction.. blame them without discussion? Also they thought £2.40 for an HOUR of double exp was acceptable, they even advertised it as 200% even though it was +100% in a way to falsely advertise it in the store. They acknowledged this, but again no care given and nothing was changed as it didn't benefit their pockets.

We have now their developer/s moving onto a NEW server with the same gambling systems, with a non-refundable system to further exploit people. LOMCN have not closed the previous server and are still allowing the advertisement and forum hosting of a dead, inactive, non-updated server that the developers have decided the best course of action is to make a new one.

Artificial Mir - The user count designs on this from launch were insane, it had no connection limit and the primarily source of gold income was through fishing and mining. As a result of this player were pushed into having around 10 separate connections running to fish in a non-PK safe zone that had storm gems, armour casts (BDAs) and pretty much made you rich doing so. Not to mention all the AFK miners, Blackstone pet farming and excessive expiry items such as the premium dungeons and EXP scrolls that were pretty much required to level to keep up.

As a result of these systems it forced a user count of something stupid like 500. Logging into your Guild Territory, showed there was easily 50 fishers in each one as you couldn't get PK'd in there and people could just make millions daily by not playing. All this was intentionally designed.. this is the important part to remember here.. INTENTIONAL decisions.

Alliance - Intentionally designed fishing INSTANCES, with a player limit or random distribution of players in order to hide the false user counts. This was pointed out to me by a friend who had 5 fishers running on this server. He noticed that all 5 of these were teleported to individual instances which had a limit of 10 people per instance. These instances were non-PK, no @map available and prevented people from grasping a sense of the real user count. That combined with stalls, mining etc.. you have another bloated user count that was INTENTIONALLY designed by the developers.

The list could keep going on stalls, auto-play, crypto mining, auto this.. auto that.. but this all boils down to user count monitoring and how it's shaping the community.

How is this causing the problem?

People in this communtiy generally and primarily move towards the server with the highest user count. I've been a player and now developer and have seen it from both sides. Players require a community, which they cannot decipher what is real or not by looking at MirTracks. This game is now more about jumping between servers for most people, because they feel a server has 'died' when user counts dip or rise on another. They are stuck in a circle of rinse and repeat in hopes of finding a stable Mir2 community, which I feel most are sick of and have moved on already.

We've lost some amazing players in this community already and the ones remaining are on their last straw. Many developers are now focusing their efforts on promoting user count bloating, so they can boast that their server is the most popular in hopes to bring in players and generate more profits.


Scrap the user count monitoring on LOMCN MirTracks. Why should a server be promoted to the top for being the highest user count, where as longevity and stability is no longer promoted? Servers like Chrons, Arcadia, Banshee etc who have shown stability and commitment shouldn't be scored based on their user count which we have proved now is fake, bloated and there is no way to PROVE is real.

Someone can simply just write their own user count in the server code, set it to 5000 and there's no way to prove it.. so why are we allowing such a terrible system to be the primary way to promote servers?

When we look at MirTracks, we should be looking at UPTIME and activity from the GMs.

- Last patch/update
- Uptime

These should be more important than a pump and dump server, that has no intention of staying open as long as possible. If they know it's easier to close and re-open another for profits, then this shouldn't be constantly promoted by the LOMCN admins.

The Situation Now!

PUMP AND DUMP features and servers are promoted and no rules or protection is in place by LOMCN. The developers now know it's better to fake it, to make £ as the main source of income for these servers are within the first 2 months. As long as they can pump an insane amount of money into these two months, it'll fund the next server.

Obviously not all the servers have the same problem and are doing this, but some of this is historical and present so the problem for some is already done.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinion or idea of removing the user count, but it's the only quick way to stop developers from abusing this mentality and forces people to focus of longevity and commitment.

🙏We need change or this community will dwindle even further and we will lose what's left of this nostalgic game to greed of misdirection of development. Please change this admins.. or the developers will have to do something, who are now sick and tired of this.
OS has got nothing to do with Apoc. Apoc should never have used my files but I couldn't take back what was already done.
I have no association with that server and I 100% agree with everything people have said about it, altho i don't know all the details of what happened specifically. I was invited to the team when I found out it was happening but shortly left as I disagreed with things they wanted to do. I kinda thought I'd be quitting mir forever at that point so I was like "whatever im done".

I was going to post my 2 cents but I deleted it, so I'll keep it short.

All I'll say is players expect too much these days. They want brand new servers with new cool features but they want it completely free - news flash, the world dont work that way.
I see some comments here like a dedi only costs £50 and it should be free blah balh.

I don't think many people realise how much time and effort goes into creating these servers.. it takes months and months of hard grind, and at the end of it the money you make is typically equal or lower than if you just worked a proper job (with equivalent skill and experience. Dev wages are £50k+ easy)

Those that are against crypto have given no valid reasons, but it is the future of gaming, embrace it or dont.. it won't make any difference as the gaming world will continue with or without you. I mean we're all still here playing a 20 year old game so that tells you a little bit about the mentaility of some that are unable to move on from the past I guess.
When I see a valid reason why crypto is bad for the community, I'll happily review my opinion.

You've all said chargebacks are a problem but at least 1 of you has probably done chargebacks.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Also final thing to add.. I'm not sure why everyone views LOMCN as the Policy / Government of Mir?
Its a forum for a community, yes they should enforce obvious rules and try protect the community as much as possible but some of you are crazy.

Like that idiot jealous Zedina wanting lomcn to ban auto play like LOL WTF. QQ m8.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
Also final thing to add.. I'm not sure why everyone views LOMCN as the Policy / Government of Mir?
Its a forum for a community, yes they should enforce obvious rules and try protect the community as much as possible but some of you are crazy.

Like that idiot jealous Zedina wanting lomcn to ban auto play like LOL WTF. QQ m8.
haha i know right lomcn think they're the boss but they're not rofl they don't control **** except their 20 year old website that has 40 users daily... HHHHHH

They enjoy banning ppl though has no effect in the real world QQ


Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
My 2 cents?

I think original content. I think a new experience in a familiar game.

New skills - I play tao. Have done euro and many low rate serves. Sometimes the only new skill I see for tao is "grant your party 12% more xp" not really worth grinding for 3 weeks to unlock. If I can summon skeletons at 19 can I not summon omas at level 5 and KS at level 50?

Making items - feel like crafting is massively under used and same stuff every time. If I am solo loser that can't solo bosses be nice to have a way to farm and make sub boss level items such as ruby rings.

Server wide advents with mutual benefits - think as community were to using to killing and stealing. Be nice to have people to work together a bit that will people to find groups / form alliances outside of bumping into each other in dungeons. Ie bosses and x mobs spawn. Too much for one guild to take down. The more taken down the bigger xp and drop rate granted to entire server for that week. Everyone would want to work together and everyone would benefit for the week.

Stop giving people aoes - high or low rate a warrior shouldn't be able to aoe a 3x3. People hand aoe abilities like candy. Classes have strengths and weakness. Give warriors a way to lev as fast as wizzies and you give them strong early and strong late. Classes should have weakness don't remove them


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 24, 2011
New rules.
Limit on ‘cash cows’ - not sure how you’d enforce but do it.
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Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
Those that are against crypto have given no valid reasons, but it is the future of gaming, embrace it or dont.. it won't make any difference as the gaming world will continue with or without you. I mean we're all still here playing a 20 year old game so that tells you a little bit about the mentaility of some that are unable to move on from the past I guess.
Mir survived 20 years without crypto, it wont survive 1 year with it, if every server follows suit and adds crypto then at least 1/2 of the discords that I'm in have said they won't continue playing the game. Not to mention ur a scumbag to begin with so you being the one leading the Mir crypto push is just very very suspicious considering u only open servers when ur bank balance is low then **** over the GM's that u hire once u stop making more than 15k a month from the server.

You keep going on about this "reputation" of yours and say that people should trust u with crypto because of ur reputation...

Your reputation is pure corruption, massively p2w servers, under the table dealings, and screwing over your GM's. get real already.
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Also final thing to add.. I'm not sure why everyone views LOMCN as the Policy / Government of Mir?
Its a forum for a community, yes they should enforce obvious rules and try protect the community as much as possible but some of you are crazy.

Like that idiot jealous Zedina wanting lomcn to ban auto play like LOL WTF. QQ m8.
I m so sorry if you felt offended by my remarks. Issue is that Mir Servers success are driven by lomcn specially the advert and usercount ranking.

Without lomcn you get no traction. Based on lomcn you get traction %.

Most of users come and visit from time to time lomcn (not daily nor weekly) and check the usercounts.

One thing is to have stalls/fish and other crap afk system and other is when you have a system that mimics a player activity which baits users further more.

I m fine with that to a certain point - issue is that during history of mir servers, if someone had rested buff, other servers added - if someone had stalls - some servers added - most of servers have also fishing.

But to throw in auto play and which other servers will adopt because they can't compete with a server that has it, will ruin the Mir for lots of players. And the community is already small.

Sparkle that with some crypto and lots of scammings will happen. I m not saying you specifically but others will do crypto only to pull the rug when they please.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Agree with Win on all points too. I must also add that obvious cash cows need to be removed from advertising on LOMCN for a start. Ariss / Epic / Sapphire (yup) you could just tell from the get go what they were. Crypto on the new OS is also got me feeling a bit uneasy…

Okay so from the posts I've read so far.. we need to ban all Egyptian servers, Apocalypse and all associated team members, OS (Bon), Sapphire (Jamie), Scorpian and Artificial - did I miss any?

Genuine question - how many are left?


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
My 2 cents?

I think original content. I think a new experience in a familiar game.

New skills - I play tao. Have done euro and many low rate serves. Sometimes the only new skill I see for tao is "grant your party 12% more xp" not really worth grinding for 3 weeks to unlock. If I can summon skeletons at 19 can I not summon omas at level 5 and KS at level 50?

Making items - feel like crafting is massively under used and same stuff every time. If I am solo loser that can't solo bosses be nice to have a way to farm and make sub boss level items such as ruby rings.

Server wide advents with mutual benefits - think as community were to using to killing and stealing. Be nice to have people to work together a bit that will people to find groups / form alliances outside of bumping into each other in dungeons. Ie bosses and x mobs spawn. Too much for one guild to take down. The more taken down the bigger xp and drop rate granted to entire server for that week. Everyone would want to work together and everyone would benefit for the week.

Stop giving people aoes - high or low rate a warrior shouldn't be able to aoe a 3x3. People hand aoe abilities like candy. Classes have strengths and weakness. Give warriors a way to lev as fast as wizzies and you give them strong early and strong late. Classes should have weakness don't remove them

This is what our new server is bringing (not to deviate from the OP)

Legit the whole world is new, so every cave (from early to late) is all new exploration, re-learning where you need to farm at what levels.
Mostly new mobs, too.
Can't wait to see people getting railed by a cave you shouldn't be in yet!

I also agree with spells, We're keeping some spells and others spell style, but when they hit certain levels they will change what they do (not all spells).
We've added in additional stats to help have a more expansive equipment sets.

I agree 100% with your crafting, I love having it as a source of items for casuals, so you don't need to always be farming bosses to get 'similar' equpment.

Might look to add in daily crafting tokens, collecting them allows you to craft gear (so you're guaranteed an item after x days if you complete the quest every day)
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Mir survived 20 years without crypto, it wont survive 1 year with it, if every server follows suit and adds crypto then at least 1/2 of the discords that I'm in have said they won't continue playing the game. Not to mention ur a scumbag to begin with so you being the one leading the Mir crypto push is just very very suspicious considering u only open servers when ur bank balance is low then **** over the GM's that u hire once u stop making more than 15k a month from the server.

You keep going on about this "reputation" of yours and say that people should trust u with crypto because of ur reputation...

Your reputation is pure corruption, massively p2w servers, under the table dealings, and screwing over your GM's. get real already.
I may be naïve to crypto (never really invested in it).

But if that's the way Bon want's to go, its up to the players to play or not (and if you do play, you don't need to use the crypto function as its for real life / game gold transactions only?)

I don't see any risk (unless I am missing something blindly obvious) - it just means there isn't the charge back element?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Mir survived 20 years without crypto, it wont survive 1 year with it, if every server follows suit and adds crypto then at least 1/2 of the discords that I'm in have said they won't continue playing the game. Not to mention ur a scumbag to begin with so you being the one leading the Mir crypto push is just very very suspicious considering u only open servers when ur bank balance is low then **** over the GM's that u hire once u stop making more than 15k a month from the server.

You keep going on about this "reputation" of yours and say that people should trust u with crypto because of ur reputation...

Your reputation is pure corruption, massively p2w servers, under the table dealings, and screwing over your GM's. get real already.
A lot of waffle coming out of your mouth but you haven't said why crypto is bad for mir?


Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
Okay so from the posts I've read so far.. we need to ban all Egyptian servers, Apocalypse and all associated team members, OS (Bon), Sapphire (Jamie), Scorpian and Artificial - did I miss any?

Genuine question - how many are left?
Win, Sanjian, Lightbringer and stormhero, SPL1FF, myself, and a few others

Win, Sanjian, Lb/SB on making low rates,
SPL1FF making med rates,
myself making high rates.

LOMCN can survive without corrupt ****ers running the servers.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Game Master
Mar 24, 2003
Okay so from the posts I've read so far.. we need to ban all Egyptian servers, Apocalypse and all associated team members, OS (Bon), Sapphire (Jamie), Scorpian and Artificial - did I miss any?

Genuine question - how many are left?

Egyptian servers: yes.
Apocalypse v2: should be removed from the forum completely.
Sapphire: Jamie announced he was closing the server at the end of November, not sure what happened after that.
OS: Jury is out on the crypto thing but known to do outside deals (apparently).
Scorpian: p69 / Arcadia may be pay to win but he has not let them die and closed them…
Artificial: no issue with this one personally. Game shop very fair however did set the trend for inflated usercounts.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
Okay so from the posts I've read so far.. we need to ban all Egyptian servers, Apocalypse and all associated team members, OS (Bon), Sapphire (Jamie), Scorpian and Artificial - did I miss any?

Genuine question - how many are left?
Nah just the egyptians and the romanians, the others you can leave them they actually LAST more than fking 3 months.
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Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
Usercount to be removed from MirTracks - community can judge a server based on its uptime and how active the GM's are instead of how big an artificially inflated number is

Clear cashcows - let the current cashcows run their course, but moderate new adverts to a point of if it is clearly a cash grab, dont advertise it.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Win, Sanjian, Lightbringer and stormhero, SPL1FF, myself, and a few others

Win, Sanjian, Lb/SB on making low rates,
SPL1FF making med rates,
myself making high rates.

LOMCN can survive without corrupt ****ers running the servers.
you are so childish honestly. I can't see why anyone would play your servers with the attitude u express on here making impulsive accusations about people being corrupt. Seems to be like your just trying to bash on a competitor.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Nah just the egyptians and the romanians, the others you can leave them they actually LAST more than fking 3 months.
ye cause your not racist at all are you lol. think ive read enough of your rubbish.

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Nexus Mir Developer
Sep 7, 2012
you are so childish honestly. I can't see why anyone would play your servers with the attitude u express on here making impulsive accusations about people being corrupt. Seems to be like your just trying to bash on a competitor.
bash on a competitor? I'm bashing on the guy who ****ed me over for 4 months. im bashing on the guy who argued when i asked for MINIMUM WAGE. dude **** u, get off this forum.
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
bash on a competitor? I'm bashing on the guy who ****ed me over for 4 months. im bashing on the guy who argued when i asked for MINIMUM WAGE. dude **** u, get off this forum.
I'm sorry am i supposed to know who you are?
seems to be like you have a little bit of a grudge against me

so basically you got nothing against OS, crypto, or anything like that.. you just dont like me, good one
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