
smoochy boys on tour


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
I aint doing ranked till im competent with every role in game and know loads of champs.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
What's it all about?

Basically you have 3 types of ladder - Solo Queue / Duo - 3v3 Ranked - 5v5 Ranked, Two requires teams and it sets you against premades of other 5's or 3's. Generally if you manage to get high up in the elo tree 2k + people try to recruit you for a team or you can stream, on top of that at the end of the season if you're bronze / silver you get icons + borders in the profile, gold + plat = Forum badge / Custom Skin / Banner / Icon.

I'm trying to get up to 1.9k but it's hard i don't deny that ^^.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 19, 2006
I've only done a few games, its nice if you have a good team. Got put off when in 15mins our solotop Garen lost his lane down to inhibitor to a Trynd. Our LeBlanc was meant to swap with our Sivir too, so Sivir had AP runes and LeBlanc had AD cause he didn't swap "forgot".


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
I've been down to 800 and now i'm nearly at 1.6k, I know what sort of teams you get but the trick is to basically move on and not let the games effect you, if you've lost 2 in a row I generally call it a day for ranked. Also having a good playlist for music can help. However the biggest advantage to getting out of 1200 is finding a gimmick champ, Garen is great for solo top with armor pen runes, A farmed Nasus, Vayne, Trynd, Jungler Skarner and Sejuani.

Suprisingly I got out of it with soraka / taric support, my roles always been strong as a support player using gp5 runes / quints / armor red / magic resist blue and running heal + cv. Wards and map control can win games, especially keeping timers on dragon / blue / red / baron. (Blue / Red Buff = 5min, Dragon = 6min, Baron = 7min).



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
i play ranked occasionally, but get fed up alot with having special needs players in my team such as yesterday 7/2/5 kennen 15mins later 10/7/7 or something due to fed players


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 19, 2006
i play ranked occasionally, but get fed up alot with having special needs players in my team such as yesterday 7/2/5 kennen 15mins later 10/7/7 or something due to fed players

I've had that loads, was 6/2 Vlad other day owned my lane, surrendered at 20 I was 8/6.

Also what annoys me about warding n **** is that junglers never do it, even though its part of their job as a jungler to keep wards up, as well as support champs but the jungler should take a role in warding. When I play as jungle every B I make after the first 5-10mins I carry at least 1 ward but usually 2/3.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
I've had that loads, was 6/2 Vlad other day owned my lane, surrendered at 20 I was 8/6.

Also what annoys me about warding n **** is that junglers never do it, even though its part of their job as a jungler to keep wards up, as well as support champs but the jungler should take a role in warding. When I play as jungle every B I make after the first 5-10mins I carry at least 1 ward but usually 2/3.

This is the thing I find, around 1400-1600 I find it as a support player i'm always warding, yes top lane will ward there lane but when it comes to mid / late game I generally keep the ward control, why? Because it's a huge advantage, I don't mind people going to me "support, there's a lack of wards" I'll agree, why? Because personally I do feel it is my job, i'm supporting via map control, i've got my gp5 and helped my carry get kills so i've got enough gold to ward / keep map control.

However if I was stubborn about it and just decided to deny the jungler there farm (because suprisingly I get more gold than a jungler, if I had him warding he'd fall behind) they'll fall behind, I won't. I've got the gp5 i've done my job well i've positioned myself properly in fights so i don't get first targetted aswell. Honestly junglers are losing a lot of gold with the new jungle and the fact they mainly get assists. So honestly rather than argue the point just try to keep it up instead. It works a lot better in solo queue.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 19, 2006
This is the thing I find, around 1400-1600 I find it as a support player i'm always warding, yes top lane will ward there lane but when it comes to mid / late game I generally keep the ward control, why? Because it's a huge advantage, I don't mind people going to me "support, there's a lack of wards" I'll agree, why? Because personally I do feel it is my job, i'm supporting via map control, i've got my gp5 and helped my carry get kills so i've got enough gold to ward / keep map control.

However if I was stubborn about it and just decided to deny the jungler there farm (because suprisingly I get more gold than a jungler, if I had him warding he'd fall behind) they'll fall behind, I won't. I've got the gp5 i've done my job well i've positioned myself properly in fights so i don't get first targetted aswell. Honestly junglers are losing a lot of gold with the new jungle and the fact they mainly get assists. So honestly rather than argue the point just try to keep it up instead. It works a lot better in solo queue.

I don't often play a support, I wanna buy Sona cause I played her before and she's pretty leet, if I played them I'd obviously ward, but as a jungler I ward constantly. Just annoys me the junglers who don't even place down their Wriggles Lantern ward.


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
I don't often play a support, I wanna buy Sona cause I played her before and she's pretty leet, if I played them I'd obviously ward, but as a jungler I ward constantly. Just annoys me the junglers who don't even place down their Wriggles Lantern ward.

Now that part I agree on hard but generally you shouldn't be warding because the jungler gets the least farm overall if he gets kills from ganks yeah he's got a slight advantage but if a gank fails he falls SO far behind in the new jungle it's really hard to pick up from.



Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
in 5v5 im ELO 1369 its pain in the ass wen u get such noob troll players and disconnectors just ruins game.......