St Georges Day

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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
It's got nothing to do with voting, it's our stupid system where we let any immigrants into our country with wide open arms. That's not what bugs me though, I'm not a racist person in the slightest but it really annoys me that we have to adapt to them and their rights!

Personally I think "It's our country, Our rules, If you don't like it ..... then **** off", again....LOMCN's stupidity amazes me (thats sarcasm)
Well actually yes it does have everything to do with voting, otherwise you're just going to continue to let the bureaucrats in our government continue to get away with the crap they are doing. It's like in the recent news where Cameron has for once stood up for this country and so rightly proclaimed that this is a Christian Country and then the lefties saying that it isn't, just because we support multi faith, but even then the leaders of the various faiths in this country also confirmed it as being a Christian country.

So if you don't vote to stop what is happening, which voting in the upcoming European elections and next years general elections gives you a voice and by choosing the right candidate to support your views. Without democracy (A bit of a **** we have), then these things will continue the way they are. It's not out country, it's not our laws and it's because of this that immigration has gone through the roof.

I used to work for the Border Agency (just before they became Home Office again) as a technical analyst and what is funny, is the fact that most Visa applications are not handled by the Home Office directly they employ other companies to do it for them under the name "Home Office". There are two companies who effectively handle all Visa applications into this country, the first being a company called CSC and the other VFS. Both these companies are not UK companies, CSC is US and VFS is India. These companies handle all non European Visa Applications.

As for European countries, those that fall under the European Freedom of Movement have every right to come to this country, work in this country and claim benefits in this country. This about stopping European migrants from claiming benefits as soon as they step into this country, is actually an illegal statement made by Cameron and is currently being pursued by the European government if it goes ahead. We have no control over our laws anymore and we have no control over who we can and can't say who can come to this country.

So yes again, it is all about voting. You want to see change, then stop moaning and do something about it like the rest of us will be doing come the European elections and the general election. It's time for change, it's time to vote.


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Well actually yes it does have everything to do with voting, otherwise you're just going to continue to let the bureaucrats in our government continue to get away with the crap they are doing. It's like in the recent news where Cameron has for once stood up for this country and so rightly proclaimed that this is a Christian Country and then the lefties saying that it isn't, just because we support multi faith, but even then the leaders of the various faiths in this country also confirmed it as being a Christian country.

So if you don't vote to stop what is happening, which voting in the upcoming European elections and next years general elections gives you a voice and by choosing the right candidate to support your views. Without democracy (A bit of a **** we have), then these things will continue the way they are. It's not out country, it's not our laws and it's because of this that immigration has gone through the roof.

I used to work for the Border Agency (just before they became Home Office again) as a technical analyst and what is funny, is the fact that most Visa applications are not handled by the Home Office directly they employ other companies to do it for them under the name "Home Office". There are two companies who effectively handle all Visa applications into this country, the first being a company called CSC and the other VFS. Both these companies are not UK companies, CSC is US and VFS is India. These companies handle all non European Visa Applications.

As for European countries, those that fall under the European Freedom of Movement have every right to come to this country, work in this country and claim benefits in this country. This about stopping European migrants from claiming benefits as soon as they step into this country, is actually an illegal statement made by Cameron and is currently being pursued by the European government if it goes ahead. We have no control over our laws anymore and we have no control over who we can and can't say who can come to this country.

So yes again, it is all about voting. You want to see change, then stop moaning and do something about it like the rest of us will be doing come the European elections and the general election. It's time for change, it's time to vote.

Okay , so your saying I don't vote ? I'm moaning because my vote wont and will never count.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
Okay , so your saying I don't vote ? I'm moaning because my vote wont and will never count.
Everyone's vote counts if you vote, it's just depends on who gets the most votes. If you don't vote, then you rightly don't have the right to complain about it, as you've done nothing to help change it. It's just a shame that the current government picks and chooses what Parliament legislation they use, as the coalition government should have been disbanded this year and a general election held. As a coalition government isn't supposed to hold government for longer than 4 years.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
It's got nothing to do with voting, it's our stupid system where we let any immigrants into our country with wide open arms. That's not what bugs me though, I'm not a racist person in the slightest but it really annoys me that we have to adapt to them and their rights!

Personally I think "It's our country, Our rules, If you don't like it ..... then **** off", again....LOMCN's stupidity amazes me (thats sarcasm)

That's Australia's policy, it's great.

dsmir is right though, it's all about voting. You think your vote doesn't count because you're just one person. The problem is that too many people think that. It's quite simple.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 19, 2005
Most councils hate on the flag but this is what the council here in Nottingham does thats on the council house in the city center.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 19, 2013
you do all know st george was turkish or greek right ?
Last edited:


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
The replies to this post are mind numbing....

Good job guys, trust LOMCN to make light of a day that's disappearing no thanks to foreigners ****ing up our country!

St.George was a foreigner....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
St.George was a foreigner....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your saying that like i hate foreigners ... i don't, i really don't. It's just annoying that some aspects of our lifes offend them so we are to afraid to do anything incase of that happening.

So whatever point your trying to make, well done...heres a cookie :)


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Your saying that like i hate foreigners ... i don't, i really don't. It's just annoying that some aspects of our lifes offend them so we are to afraid to do anything incase of that happening.

So whatever point your trying to make, well done...heres a cookie :)

I never said that at all.

He's just a foreigner. Send him back arghhhh!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
I never said that at all.

He's just a foreigner. Send him back arghhhh!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why send him back "arghhhhh" , send the ones who moan back...pretty harsh that my little brothers school didn't do Santa's Grotto last year because some muslim kid's parents complained when they gave out tickets.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Blame the school. Anyone can complain about something they don't like, it's the cowards who listen that's the problem.



Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Blame the school. Anyone can complain about something they don't like, it's the cowards who listen that's the problem.


This, but with more g in it init.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom


LOMCN Veteran
May 9, 2010
Then if you have the right to vote, rather than vent use it like the rest of us will be. I've never voted for any party, as not one of them has ever given me a reason to vote, so I've always done a no vote. This time around I do have a reason to vote and that to protect my heritage from the likes of Europe.

Nothing like shutting the stable door once the horse has bolted.........