The Mir 2 Community is a disaster zone. Here is why.


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
Why don't we give it a shot.

Genuine question? Who would be up for a collective effort? With 3 or 4 server owners and a team of part time coders to help out with emerging problems. A ceasefire of hostility to "them and me".

2 servers. 1 high 1 low. And with multiple people behind the scenes a certain accountability for corruption.

No "pay to win" items. Only a donation system to help brake even on running costs.

A true labour of love for a game that has a special place in our favourite games list.

I put myself forwards for handling the forums, maybe a middle man between the server staff and the users could be healthy? People have accused me of a few things so far, but Id like to think that I can at least effectively communicate an idea and respond in a way that leaves the reader with no ambiguity in their minds.

So, that's me in. Who of you would like to take a role on a fully realised community effort at creating a credible, long lasting Mir?

---------- Post Merged at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 11:33 PM ----------

I know there's some talented people on these forums who, for whatever reason, are not currently active in the various aspects of running a server.

will never due to coders are hard to come by. End of the day i pay my coder very well todo my files.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012
you can whine all you want about mir players being ungrateful, but at the end of the day mir doesn't support a big enough user base for a server team to roll with one idea in the hope everyone will enjoy it. you have to sit on the fence with the majority of your content and ideas, otherwise there goes 20-30% of your user base, and in a dying community 20-30% is very easy to lose due to one simple change/error.
these simple changes can be determined before a server is even on online, by which gms are chosen, which files are chosen, their hosting plan, their game shop plans, even down to which exp rate it will be.

players dont like it, server owners dont like it, but either way set sail to fail.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 2, 2012
you can whine all you want about mir players being ungrateful, but at the end of the day mir doesn't support a big enough user base for a server team to roll with one idea in the hope everyone will enjoy it. you have to sit on the fence with the majority of your content and ideas, otherwise there goes 20-30% of your user base, and in a dying community 20-30% is very easy to lose due to one simple change/error.
these simple changes can be determined before a server is even on online, by which gms are chosen, which files are chosen, their hosting plan, their game shop plans, even down to which exp rate it will be.

players dont like it, server owners dont like it, but either way set sail to fail.


What I am saying is this: What if we could get together the said team, and be transparent from the start what the server will be? Make sure that the team does all it can to be viable long term and have as few bugs as is possible before actual launch?

Reunited had so much momentum behind it, and the user count early on was fantastic, relatively speaking. However in all the excitement a few massive bugs were overlooked, people were glitching to success. I had so much fun playing with my old friends, however after the gear-wipe, losing what I had worked for, I quit, more over, all my friends quit.

But there is a success story in there. I really felt like I had earned something, like what I had was worth having, and others didn't neccesarily have it. Which is why the gear wipe was so detrimental to my continued involvement.

So what if we can drum up that sort of excitement, the "This is the one that will work AND my friends will play" that that server had going for it? But also be safe in the knowledge we have enough expertise and enough foundations to keep it from imploding?

Is there nobody, not even 1 person, who would be willing to say "Yeah, why not. I will offer <this service>."

I am asking if we can transcend the school of thought of "It's my server, with the name I gave it", to an actual "our server". To become a caretaker of a game you love, rather than a have a go hero on a wing and a prayer.

---------- Post Merged at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:56 AM ----------

You see I see the Private server situation like this:

We are currently in the post apocalypse, there was once a great city (the official servers), great in its size and its diversity, but with its fair share of faults. However because of its size, and because of its diversity, the citizens of the city we didn't like, we tolerated (even if it meant the odd PK).

Now that city is gone, some of its citizens will never be seen again and those that are still around are in the wasteland.

The survivors stagger from camp to camp, with the leader of that particular camp promising untold glory. Yet the end result is most people find that they cannot live in such close proximity with the citizens they used to loathe, or that the camp is actually built on a swamp and is slowly sinking. Or worse, the leader firebombs the place after finding he cannot handle the citizens and people lose what they were just beginning to gain.

Sometimes people just leave because other fellow wanderers tell those they can get the attention of that the camp isn't so great, in fact its built on a plague pit, when actually, its on fantastically fertile ground just waiting to be exploited.

There is often distrust in these camps, sometimes justified, they see the leader passing riches to men who have not earnt it with the sweat of their brow. Other times, there are those survivors who just distrust the leader of the camp from the start, and through winning a war of words convince other survivors to walk away from the camp, when no wrong has been commited.

So the survivors stagger to the next camp, and the next camp, until similar circumstances drive them away again. Until eventually some of these survivors decide to go it alone in the wasteland without the city, some are never seen again...

Sometimes camps turn into villages and small towns, but for whatever reason, the original leaders are reluctant to hand out power to help govern the town, until its citizens feel to wronged by the inevitable crimes and reports of wrong doing and leave in their hundreds.

What I am proposing is a coming together of those potential, past and present, leaders of the camp. Who have the talent and the initiative to get their own small camps going, however are not quite able to build an entire city on their own. Get those leaders to club together their expertise and divide the jobs of building a city into small chunks, easier to manage. Ill do this, and you do that.

Until eventually, with the help of the wanderers of the wastes, reports of the things they see and the problems they encounter, they can give their new city the final licks of paint, and swing open the doors to everyone.

Its warm and cosy and theres plenty to eat (you will also die, take drugs and have to fight untold horrors but dont worry about all that)

Build it and they will come.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 5, 2004
Excellent thread... needless to say I agree as do many others who have read but not replied. Usually I would have something fairly substantial to contribute but unfortunately I have completely moved on from mir now. Every dog has its day, as they say.

Just saying it makes me feel kinda bad though so I'ma go fix mirfiles to redeem myself.

TAI NO! lol do i still talk to you for banners and such or is someone else in line?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005

What I am saying is this: What if we could get together the said team, and be transparent from the start what the server will be? Make sure that the team does all it can to be viable long term and have as few bugs as is possible before actual launch?

Reunited had so much momentum behind it, and the user count early on was fantastic, relatively speaking. However in all the excitement a few massive bugs were overlooked, people were glitching to success. I had so much fun playing with my old friends, however after the gear-wipe, losing what I had worked for, I quit, more over, all my friends quit.

But there is a success story in there. I really felt like I had earned something, like what I had was worth having, and others didn't neccesarily have it. Which is why the gear wipe was so detrimental to my continued involvement.

So what if we can drum up that sort of excitement, the "This is the one that will work AND my friends will play" that that server had going for it? But also be safe in the knowledge we have enough expertise and enough foundations to keep it from imploding?

Is there nobody, not even 1 person, who would be willing to say "Yeah, why not. I will offer <this service>."

I am asking if we can transcend the school of thought of "It's my server, with the name I gave it", to an actual "our server". To become a caretaker of a game you love, rather than a have a go hero on a wing and a prayer.

---------- Post Merged at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:56 AM ----------

You see I see the Private server situation like this:

We are currently in the post apocalypse, there was once a great city (the official servers), great in its size and its diversity, but with its fair share of faults. However because of its size, and because of its diversity, the citizens of the city we didn't like, we tolerated (even if it meant the odd PK).

Now that city is gone, some of its citizens will never be seen again and those that are still around are in the wasteland.

The survivors stagger from camp to camp, with the leader of that particular camp promising untold glory. Yet the end result is most people find that they cannot live in such close proximity with the citizens they used to loathe, or that the camp is actually built on a swamp and is slowly sinking. Or worse, the leader firebombs the place after finding he cannot handle the citizens and people lose what they were just beginning to gain.

Sometimes people just leave because other fellow wanderers tell those they can get the attention of that the camp isn't so great, in fact its built on a plague pit, when actually, its on fantastically fertile ground just waiting to be exploited.

There is often distrust in these camps, sometimes justified, they see the leader passing riches to men who have not earnt it with the sweat of their brow. Other times, there are those survivors who just distrust the leader of the camp from the start, and through winning a war of words convince other survivors to walk away from the camp, when no wrong has been commited.

So the survivors stagger to the next camp, and the next camp, until similar circumstances drive them away again. Until eventually some of these survivors decide to go it alone in the wasteland without the city, some are never seen again...

Sometimes camps turn into villages and small towns, but for whatever reason, the original leaders are reluctant to hand out power to help govern the town, until its citizens feel to wronged by the inevitable crimes and reports of wrong doing and leave in their hundreds.

What I am proposing is a coming together of those potential, past and present, leaders of the camp. Who have the talent and the initiative to get their own small camps going, however are not quite able to build an entire city on their own. Get those leaders to club together their expertise and divide the jobs of building a city into small chunks, easier to manage. Ill do this, and you do that.

Until eventually, with the help of the wanderers of the wastes, reports of the things they see and the problems they encounter, they can give their new city the final licks of paint, and swing open the doors to everyone.

Its warm and cosy and theres plenty to eat (you will also die, take drugs and have to fight untold horrors but dont worry about all that)

Build it and they will come.

Dude, i wish i could have some of your Optimism ?


LOMCN Developer
Jul 22, 2003
Romania, Timisoara
Hey guys, just host a server professionally, keep it online for a minimum of 2 years, not home on our dad`s pc or whatever, try to get professional as you can, try to not make money of it, try to balance everything as official, listen to no1 about how a server should be! implement your ideas, advertise it all gaming forums. If after 1 year you have 0 players on it. then close it and accept is a fail and the game is dead.

All high rate server, medium server and unbalanced drops etc have a life span of 2-4 months with few exceptions but that ones are restarted from 0 every some months and are kept for commercial purpose only (yea donations)

Let`s face it guys, we don't have a real stable set of files. That`s the problem, the source is closed for ruby and releases are very slow, so is pointless to have a professional hosting and a good quality if you cant fix stuff in hours or maybe days(look at mir2 forever, don't know if they have the source), also Heroes are yet to buggy and I am struggling to fix it as much as I can based on my time (that`s why i did not opened a new server, as with my low free time i for sure cannot provide a quality server) . Also no1 can provide a quality server with crap files full of bugs. Also most of the people here don`t even remember how mir2 was in past and they want to build servers.
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Dec 4, 2007
I would just like to state that your on a forum full of half-assed people, nothing gets done round here and if it did, it will only get half way and drop.. this is just one of a thread of many.. You can only hope.. but credit for you optimism


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012

What I am saying is this: What if we could get together the said team, and be transparent from the start what the server will be? Make sure that the team does all it can to be viable long term and have as few bugs as is possible before actual launch?

Reunited had so much momentum behind it, and the user count early on was fantastic, relatively speaking. However in all the excitement a few massive bugs were overlooked, people were glitching to success. I had so much fun playing with my old friends, however after the gear-wipe, losing what I had worked for, I quit, more over, all my friends quit.

But there is a success story in there. I really felt like I had earned something, like what I had was worth having, and others didn't neccesarily have it. Which is why the gear wipe was so detrimental to my continued involvement.

So what if we can drum up that sort of excitement, the "This is the one that will work AND my friends will play" that that server had going for it? But also be safe in the knowledge we have enough expertise and enough foundations to keep it from imploding?

Is there nobody, not even 1 person, who would be willing to say "Yeah, why not. I will offer <this service>."

I am asking if we can transcend the school of thought of "It's my server, with the name I gave it", to an actual "our server". To become a caretaker of a game you love, rather than a have a go hero on a wing and a prayer.

---------- Post Merged at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:56 AM ----------

You see I see the Private server situation like this:

We are currently in the post apocalypse, there was once a great city (the official servers), great in its size and its diversity, but with its fair share of faults. However because of its size, and because of its diversity, the citizens of the city we didn't like, we tolerated (even if it meant the odd PK).

Now that city is gone, some of its citizens will never be seen again and those that are still around are in the wasteland.

The survivors stagger from camp to camp, with the leader of that particular camp promising untold glory. Yet the end result is most people find that they cannot live in such close proximity with the citizens they used to loathe, or that the camp is actually built on a swamp and is slowly sinking. Or worse, the leader firebombs the place after finding he cannot handle the citizens and people lose what they were just beginning to gain.

Sometimes people just leave because other fellow wanderers tell those they can get the attention of that the camp isn't so great, in fact its built on a plague pit, when actually, its on fantastically fertile ground just waiting to be exploited.

There is often distrust in these camps, sometimes justified, they see the leader passing riches to men who have not earnt it with the sweat of their brow. Other times, there are those survivors who just distrust the leader of the camp from the start, and through winning a war of words convince other survivors to walk away from the camp, when no wrong has been commited.

So the survivors stagger to the next camp, and the next camp, until similar circumstances drive them away again. Until eventually some of these survivors decide to go it alone in the wasteland without the city, some are never seen again...

Sometimes camps turn into villages and small towns, but for whatever reason, the original leaders are reluctant to hand out power to help govern the town, until its citizens feel to wronged by the inevitable crimes and reports of wrong doing and leave in their hundreds.

What I am proposing is a coming together of those potential, past and present, leaders of the camp. Who have the talent and the initiative to get their own small camps going, however are not quite able to build an entire city on their own. Get those leaders to club together their expertise and divide the jobs of building a city into small chunks, easier to manage. Ill do this, and you do that.

Until eventually, with the help of the wanderers of the wastes, reports of the things they see and the problems they encounter, they can give their new city the final licks of paint, and swing open the doors to everyone.

Its warm and cosy and theres plenty to eat (you will also die, take drugs and have to fight untold horrors but dont worry about all that)

Build it and they will come.

your posts remind me of someone i used to know..

The suggestion of server owner banding together to create a mega server has been tried and failed, numerous times, even by lomcn themselves.

few reasons why

People are not willing to work towards one goal
People in this community do not get on.
Any server team who don't particularly know each other well is subject to corruption.
If any arguments break out among the team, no doubt you will see the server files leaked or a clone pop up within a few days/weeks from the disbanded team members under a different name.
Progress is too slow
people get bored.

Your story's are all well and good, but they do not provide the answer to fix mir. The only way to fix mir is solely in lomcns hands, not the server maker and not the player.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
The only way to fix mir is solely in lomcns hands, not the server maker and not the player.

I disagree. Lomcn is a platform for communication, and shouldn't really have much to do with the development of peoples servers.

The way to fix mir would be to get a larger community suddenly gaining interest in Mir, all who happen to have a common goal for a single server and a wide understanding of programming, development and management.

But lets be honest, mir is old, the community is small, and most people here do not know anything about the above.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
TAI NO! lol do i still talk to you for banners and such or is someone else in line?

I'm still doing admin stuff.

I disagree. Lomcn is a platform for communication, and shouldn't really have much to do with the development of peoples servers.

The way to fix mir would be to get a larger community suddenly gaining interest in Mir, all who happen to have a common goal for a single server and a wide understanding of programming, development and management.

But lets be honest, mir is old, the community is small, and most people here do not know anything about the above.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012
I disagree. Lomcn is a platform for communication, and shouldn't really have much to do with the development of peoples servers.

The way to fix mir would be to get a larger community suddenly gaining interest in Mir, all who happen to have a common goal for a single server and a wide understanding of programming, development and management.

But lets be honest, mir is old, the community is small, and most people here do not know anything about the above.

We all know thats not gonna happen, you can only control what you currently have before you, and that's a community of a few hundred players.
if you keep spreading them across 5-10 servers, people are bound to become fed up with mir ( how many times does one have to start from scratch), Lomcn needs to fully back 1-2 servers like Reunited or ThreeHeroes if it wants to keep mir alive.

With private servers there is too much choice, players have become to accustomed to it, the development stage of mir is over there is very little point developing server files for a handful of servers which will make it to live then fail. unless there was a main server for each set of files.

Id suggest supporting and advertising 1 server from for Each File type (if there is even enough servers around these days to do that?? lol) and remove all these 1 week - month servers.

Mir was made to be played with high user counts, and this is the only way your gonna make that happen.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 2, 2012
a community of a few hundred players.
if you keep spreading them across 5-10 servers, people are bound to become fed up with mir ( how many times does one have to start from scratch), Lomcn needs to fully back 1-2 servers like Reunited or ThreeHeroes if it wants to keep mir alive.

With private servers there is too much choice, players have become to accustomed to it, the development stage of mir is over there is very little point developing server files for a handful of servers which will make it to live then fail. unless there was a main server for each set of files.

Id suggest supporting and advertising 1 server from for Each File type (if there is even enough servers around these days to do that?? lol) and remove all these 1 week - month servers.

Mir was made to be played with high user counts, and this is the only way your gonna make that happen.



Staff member
May 19, 2003
What would backing a server do?

Basically you're saying only allow 2 servers to advertise here, banning the rest and any and all open development so that people are forced to play a single viewed server, which is likely to have corrupt GMs, forcing people to then leave, to set up their own servers and advertise else where, which then divides the community not only amongst servers but now amongst forums, making the community even smaller than it already is.

How is that in the spirit of what lomcn is trying to achieve at all? Your idea is backwards and not thought through.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012
What would backing a server do?

Basically you're saying only allow 2 servers to advertise here, banning the rest and any and all open development so that people are forced to play a single viewed server, which is likely to have corrupt GMs, forcing people to then leave, to set up their own servers and advertise else where, which then divides the community not only amongst servers but now amongst forums, making the community even smaller than it already is.

How is that in the spirit of what lomcn is trying to achieve at all? Your idea is backwards and not thought through.

i agree with all of that to some degreee, but what would you do, stay as it is ? one failed server after another until the whole community if fed up and gone else where? either way the results will be the same only this way you actually tried to do something about it.

You have very little options available, but ill answer your questions anyway,
the servers chosen would likely have to have some input from the likes of yourselves (shouldn't be a problem, there is plenty of staff around, even put it in the hands of the advisers), advertising else where i dont see happening as lomcn is too well established to be overthrown by some half wits attempt at cloning it.

If you had Main servers, well advertised and run as best possible for such a small team, they would likely bring back some old faces who miss the stability mir once offered.

im not saying close development of mir, i just think the survival of its community should be put first rather than adding some boss mob which does a sparkle attack 95% of the community will never see in game.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 2, 2012
What would backing a server do?

Basically you're saying only allow 2 servers to advertise here, banning the rest and any and all open development so that people are forced to play a single viewed server, which is likely to have corrupt GMs, forcing people to then leave, to set up their own servers and advertise else where, which then divides the community not only amongst servers but now amongst forums, making the community even smaller than it already is.

How is that in the spirit of what lomcn is trying to achieve at all? Your idea is backwards and not thought through.

Ok you make a fair point about the banning of other advertisements. (I read and made my quick endorsement of that post in my works canteen)

However I think his other point still stands about implementation of a centralised effort (what I've been saying) to gather together the community in one to four servers, TO

The alternative is do nothing. Which I think people generally accept will eventually lead to a bleeding out of the community in the coming few years.

"the centralised effort" strategy is in opposition to doing nothing. So maybe the discussion now is would a well thought out centralised effort be more detrimental than leaving the community to its current course. If it triumphed or failed.

HOW ABOUT WE DISCUSS IN PRINCIPLE FIRST: would it be a good thing?

(soz caps, on phone. Will edit to bold later)



Staff member
May 19, 2003
*Most of the below is probably disorganised ramble, so sorry if its a hard read - but you should get my point

I agree, i think in theory your idea could work and probably would benefit the community if it did. However it just has too many holes which wouldn't work in practice. To make a server successful enough to be the 'main' server i think it would only be feasible to have a single server, not 2-4. Currently we already have 2-4 successful servers running, so this would change nothing.

The brilliance (if you can call it that) about open source files / leaked files is the ability that owners can create any type of server they want. There are so many small unsuccessful servers because people enjoy being able to create a server to their own specification, something which you wouldn't have a say in normally with MMORPG games. As i mentioned previously their downfall being that there is simply too much maintenence required for a single person. (I've had this on tons of occassions where the server load has just got the better of me, and i couldn't complete a server)

If we were to create a single server, how would we be able to cover the wants of an entire community? And how would we stop the people who want to go their own way from advertising or creating a server?

The main difference in view is high and low rate - heroes, official, or other.

I think we already have at least 2 servers running which have a good user count - so if we were to get some people together what would make it any different than whats already available now?

If only a selected few people ever had access to mir server files, and only those people had the ability to run and host a server then your idea might have more promise. However as it stands everyone and anyone can create a server - you can't stop them from this - meaning if people don't like exactly where your server design is going, they will create their own.

This whole LOMCN official server has been attempted many times over the last 10 days, it worked a bit at the beginning because there weren't as many guides on how to set things up - but today having an official endorsed server is no different than renaming 4Heroes to LOMCN OFFICIAL.

More to your original point, maybe servers wouldn't fail so quickly if the community did give it more of a chance, and staying persistent on a single server instead of quickly dismissing it - but again i'm not sure how you could change the mindset of a single community when we've now got in to the nature of server jumping once a month.
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Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.

We have a hero on out hands... WABBIT!

I haven't read your essays, because you are fighting an already lost.. not loosing, LOST battle. The community is what it is, you waltzing in here, writing essay after essay will not change it. You can talk the talk obviously with all the community mir saving ideas, why not walk the walk?

You try make a server, not take criticism and keep it running by yourself etc. Lets face it though, the community itself isn't the biggest killer of the servers, its the fact we all have individual tastes. This is the result of small user count servers, not poorly made or unfair advantage by files etc. No server can or ever will be appealing to every single player. You don't see sandwich bars only selling tuna sandwiches!

To sum it up:
We have evolved and with evolution becomes diversity. Mir now isn't Mir then, trying to fix what you feel is broken, is trying to reverse the irreversible. Go with the flow until we hit the riverbed.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 2, 2012

We have a hero on out hands... WABBIT!

I haven't read your essays, because you are fighting an already lost.. not loosing, LOST battle. The community is what it is, you waltzing in here, writing essay after essay will not change it. You can talk the talk obviously with all the community mir saving ideas, why not walk the walk?

You try make a server, not take criticism and keep it running by yourself etc. Lets face it though, the community itself isn't the biggest killer of the servers, its the fact we all have individual tastes. This is the result of small user count servers, not poorly made or unfair advantage by files etc. No server can or ever will be appealing to every single player. You don't see sandwich bars only selling tuna sandwiches!

To sum it up:
We have evolved and with evolution becomes diversity. Mir now isn't Mir then, trying to fix what you feel is broken, is trying to reverse the irreversible. Go with the flow until we hit the riverbed.


Well if you had read my "essays" you would have read that I stated that I do not have the technical expertise, time or money to run my own server.

So the contribution I can make is through ideas and trying to facilitate discussion. At no point have I made any mystery about my stance.

Also, I have to say, your defeatist attitude of "Go with the flow until we hit the riverbed" is so negative and dull, although thank you for airing it, every opinion counts to helping form a fully rounded view of the situation at hand so we can look at how to move forwards.

I guess people can read your statement and think "Yes, that is the only approach to Mir these days" or they can think "Actually, what can we do to avoid it"

---------- Post Merged at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:43 PM ----------

I have also had some musings on one of my first points:

The problem of people coming on these forums and saying "THIS SERVER IS ****, CORRUPT GMS, LAG ETC"

How would the community/admins feel about this:
Make it LOMCN policy that people cannot come in with empty claims that could sway people away from joining a server. They must provide evidence. For example:

- Corrupt GMs
- Speed cheaters
- Cheaters

Must be backed up with links to the servers forum where people are discussing one of these problems, pictures or even YouTube videos (in the age of camera phones, a quick video is possible from off screen, no capture needed)

Otherwise its just unsubstantiated claims.

Richard Dawkins said:
Next time somebody tells you that something is true, why not say to them: ‘What kind of evidence is there for that?’ And if they can’t give you a good answer, I hope you’ll think very carefully before you believe a word they say.

Thoughts? Would a better approach be to delete/edit unsubstantiated smear posts? This would bring a level of accountability to LOMCN, instead of free reign to smear otherwise respectable servers.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
All high rate server, medium server and "unbalanced drops" etc have a life span of 2-4 months with few exceptions but that ones are restarted from 0 every some months and are kept for commercial purpose only (yea donations)


Numbers can be Quantified, meaning a Super high rate, can have the exact same balance ratio as a Low rate, just with a feeling of more frequent progression.

Learn basic maths, i though you was meant to be a programmer?

Medium/High rates are the ONLY way to save Mir.

Low rates are a complete waste of time, just look how FH LR crashed and burned, the ONLY server EVER to be released on LOMCN, not on Bob The Bodgers files....and it still failed? Why, because players moaned daily they wanted updates, they wanted "More progression" in there items, instead of levelin for a week for 1 dc, they want 5-10 dc.

People want progresion, just look at WOW and how casual that's gone compared to Vanilla,
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 28, 2012
Please people,
I would like to play mir but deciding which server isn't easy. I would like one which is going to stay up for a while. I liked Ben's OS server and one of the revenges and one called Excelsior which Koopa was helping with til it closed. I liked four heroes but trying to play against Tiny xp tweakers was discouraging and then stupid mir2forever opened. (USA type version which discourages pvp and has heros)
How come Ben and Revenge servers and some others manage without gameshops?
I think people play mir2forever because they know of Eternal from mir2resource and because it looks like "official server".
I don't mind paying to keep server running and staff happy. I do mind legitimate ebay. I do mind that some players throw money at the game to "be better" Exp scrolls drop scrolls buffs. That's for the owners to think about.
I suggest some kind of token or pass allows you to use the tele npc. Without the pass you can only hunt BW woods.
If what people want is the play the game like me, then those with time and skills to put a server up and run ti, would you please get together?
Have a MirStock for coders and devs and server owners.
Yes, mods removing negative unsupported negative comments with no evidence might help a bit.