The Primordials Rise [C# Mir2]

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
Both interfaces originate from wemade, both of which I cleaned up and customized.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 21, 2009
any1 can help me with this error? i have direct x installed on my pc, other servers working fine, i try to change resolution but i get black screen(I use Windows 10)!
[12/18/2018 12:40:46 AM] System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2909.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
File name: 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2909.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
at Client.MirGraphics.DXManager.LoadTextures()
at Client.MirGraphics.DXManager.Create() in C:\Users\Jamie\Downloads\LBSource\3. Source\Client\MirGraphics\DXManager.cs:line 99
at Client.CMain.CMain_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\Jamie\Downloads\LBSource\3. Source\Client\CMain.cs:line 81
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 21, 2012
Wheres BW port? gives you cords but i cant find it?

---------- Post Merged at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:36 AM ----------

Wheres BW port? gives you cords but i cant find it?


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
any1 can help me with this error? i have direct x installed on my pc, other servers working fine, i try to change resolution but i get black screen(I use Windows 10)!
[12/18/2018 12:40:46 AM] System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2909.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
File name: 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2909.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
at Client.MirGraphics.DXManager.LoadTextures()
at Client.MirGraphics.DXManager.Create() in C:\Users\Jamie\Downloads\LBSource\3. Source\Client\MirGraphics\DXManager.cs:line 99
at Client.CMain.CMain_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\Jamie\Downloads\LBSource\3. Source\Client\CMain.cs:line 81
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

I will have to look into this one!

---------- Post Merged at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:13 AM ----------

Wheres BW port? gives you cords but i cant find it?

---------- Post Merged at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:36 AM ----------

Wheres BW port? gives you cords but i cant find it?

top right of the starter map


Captain Lurker
Mar 24, 2003
any1 can help me with this error? i have direct x installed on my pc, other servers working fine, i try to change resolution but i get black screen(I use Windows 10)!
[12/18/2018 12:40:46 AM] System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2909.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
File name: 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2909.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
at Client.MirGraphics.DXManager.LoadTextures()
at Client.MirGraphics.DXManager.Create() in C:\Users\Jamie\Downloads\LBSource\3. Source\Client\MirGraphics\DXManager.cs:line 99
at Client.CMain.CMain_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\Jamie\Downloads\LBSource\3. Source\Client\CMain.cs:line 81
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

Make sure you have the Directx SDK installed or try downloading the DLL's and placing them in your client folder:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
Is there any planned catch-up mechanics planned to keep casuals interested/relevant? Or will the server quickly just get dominated by those who have no jobs, or hire foreigners to power level them, like so many other servers end up?

To me it's the difference between the server being interesting for the first month and staying around for ages. It gets boring being completely irrelevant. Massive shame because the majority of prospective mir players are like me, have full time jobs and very little time, but are interested by the nostalgia of the game.

This is if you are actually wanting to maintain a decent server count long term.


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Is there any planned catch-up mechanics planned to keep casuals interested/relevant? Or will the server quickly just get dominated by those who have no jobs, or hire foreigners to power level them, like so many other servers end up?

To me it's the difference between the server being interesting for the first month and staying around for ages. It gets boring being completely irrelevant. Massive shame because the majority of prospective mir players are like me, have full time jobs and very little time, but are interested by the nostalgia of the game.

This is if you are actually wanting to maintain a decent server count long term.

Don’t see how you can ever stop ppl playing more than others? But tbh does it even imo, like you say there’s a lot of of working players looking for a server to play a small amount of time and tick the nostalgia box and give a little something extra. Aslong as the balancing is right and the bug/exploits are not there. Anyone can have fun.

This, so far in beta looks very good m8 I’m actually excited to play again, it’s the sweet spot between nostalgia and extra content.

The quest line really draws you in to do them and they are more rewarding than just power levelling.

The items have a vast variety on them with different stats and when they drop on the floor with there different rarity glow it makes all the difference imo.

Its low rate, which is always better to enjoy all the levels not just the 40+ like other servers.

The GMs have been 100% and on hand on discord to sort all exploits and bugs as they have came to light. This is a great start having this Beta...many servers don’t do this and feel the cries on forums months after with balance and exploit issues....primordials has ironed out so many issues for the sub 40 stage already. It’s looking really good.

My advise would be get on the Open Beta and see for yourself, there’s still time to enjoy, report and explore the PK balancing, 0-40 aswell as 40+ content as there’s an exp buff to let you get there quicker.

Im playing Warrior /RIP lvl 28 on in the evenings for a couple. Enjoying Mir2 life once again.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
Don’t see how you can ever stop ppl playing more than others? But tbh does it even imo, like you say there’s a lot of of working players looking for a server to play a small amount of time and tick the nostalgia box and give a little something extra. Aslong as the balancing is right and the bug/exploits are not there. Anyone can have fun.

This, so far in beta looks very good m8 I’m actually excited to play again, it’s the sweet spot between nostalgia and extra content.

The quest line really draws you in to do them and they are more rewarding than just power levelling.

The items have a vast variety on them with different stats and when they drop on the floor with there different rarity glow it makes all the difference imo.

Its low rate, which is always better to enjoy all the levels not just the 40+ like other servers.

The GMs have been 100% and on hand on discord to sort all exploits and bugs as they have came to light. This is a great start having this Beta...many servers don’t do this and feel the cries on forums months after with balance and exploit issues....primordials has ironed out so many issues for the sub 40 stage already. It’s looking really good.

My advise would be get on the Open Beta and see for yourself, there’s still time to enjoy, report and explore the PK balancing, 0-40 aswell as 40+ content as there’s an exp buff to let you get there quicker.

Im playing Warrior /RIP lvl 28 on in the evenings for a couple. Enjoying Mir2 life once again.

Playing longer shouldn't make that player automatically win. An element of skill should still be in the game. It's not like spending 12+ hours a day ingame is hard, it's just something the majority of perspective players simply can't do.

I'm not saying limit the person playing 12 hours, that's something that should never happen. I'm saying that the time invested vs gains should be on a curve. ie, for the first 3 hours ingame a day a player might progress 75% of the progress someone spending 12 hours would do. That would be on a curve, so the longer they spend the less benefit they get. WoW does something similar with raid lockouts, there's only so much progress a player can make per day/week. This somewhat evens the playing field, as well as making content last longer.

Fact of the matter is, I can't spend 12 hours a day ingame, I could spend 4+, but in a week those spending 12+ have so completely outleveled me my participation in any high end content is trivial/irrelevant. If there's nothing keeping the gap between the high end players and low end players remotely balanced there's not much point playing. At least on WoW I can drop into arenas and have an even match, mir has none of that at base.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Is there any planned catch-up mechanics planned to keep casuals interested/relevant? Or will the server quickly just get dominated by those who have no jobs, or hire foreigners to power level them, like so many other servers end up?

To me it's the difference between the server being interesting for the first month and staying around for ages. It gets boring being completely irrelevant. Massive shame because the majority of prospective mir players are like me, have full time jobs and very little time, but are interested by the nostalgia of the game.

This is if you are actually wanting to maintain a decent server count long term.

Hi holo,

I would like to think we cater for all types of players, for instance to help casuals;

>Map modifiers, we are able to add exp/drop/gold buffs to specific maps; which we can manually add if we want to make lower level caves more beneficial.
>We have very rewarding quest lines (the good stuff is non-tradeable) - for instance Gems, Benes and Items that are actually useful for your level.
>Map Events are a great source to boost your EXP up, as well as obtaining Loot Boxes and other rewards. - these appear throughout many areas.
>Awakening, allows you to refine your more common weapons with additional stats, so the gap between your WarmageStaff and someone else's Dragonstaff may be non existent (if they dont risk awakening their own weapon
>All GameStore or equivalent items are obtainable through various in game methods (so there are actually drop only mounts that are the best ig) - also read below
>mob(s) in most caves have at least 1 item in their drop files that would drop from the boss, so you don't need to contest the best bosses to get great loot (you do need to be a little lucky though!) - but we hope when they do drop you get that "Holy Sh*t! moment of pure joy when you see it on the floor"
>There are TONS of caves (for subs/main bosses) and the bosses are on a ranged timer (so people can't rotate to bosses as easy as they dont spawn bang on a specific time) - this gives you more chance of being able to fight more bosses.

This is just a fraction of what we have in game and what we plan to add before launch.

We are hoping to be a long term server; which means we want to keep all types of player happy!
I have 'rough drafts' of how I would like the next few 'expansions' to go.

If you have any ideas yourself, throw them my way as I am always open for more content ideas!

Hopefully see you in Beta/Live!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
The server does sound very interesting, I'm just checking it will have long term appeal for us more casual players (which in term will keep the hardcore players around).

Map mods are interesting, but be default someone playing 3x as long will get 3x as much benefit. Could it be possible to add in a player level modifier into them? 30 minus player level time x% etc. So it will become a penalty over level 30, but otherwise be a buff?

Quest lines are always cool, dailys are fantastic as they are a limiting factor to the hard core players, if a high % of the progress a player can make comes from daily quests this would be a great balancing tool. Possibly make some multi stage daily quests that take 1+ hrs to complete (but are somewhat interesting) that gives 5+ hrs worth of exp? That should get most players to login once a day (the same way mobile games give away super valuable stuff once a day to keep people logging in). If a casual only logs in for say 2 hours, 1 hour spent doing quest line 1 hour spent PvPing, vs a hard core playing 13 hours (12 leveling, 1 pvping). The casual without this 5hrs worth of exp would gain 8% of the gains the 13 hrs guy is getting. With this quest it would be 35%. The hardcore is still gaining *much* faster, but the casual should still be relevant to the game in a few months.

The rest sounds great for the hard core underdogs. The ones who aren't in the biggest guild, but still can invest massive amounts of time.

BTW, I'm not trying to be critical here, I'm just trying to give you an idea of the perspective of us casual folk who don't have much time. We've often seen as lowly players and totally irrelevant, but the majority of us have been playing and loving games for decades. Give us the means to stay relevant and I personally think a server could massively prosper from it. Sure, the hard cores are going to be put out a little bit having to actually compete with more people, but I sort of think that competition is why they play in the first place, so they'll come around. Like on WoW where some hardcore raiders moan about casual raids, but on the flip side, it means they actually end up having fans where they are looked up to by the casuals. Only having hardcore content? Well you end up like wildstar (or the countless old mir servers), which was an amazing game, possibly my favorite since WoW because of the mechanics and skill involved with fights (dungeons were hardddd, and awesome). But it required so much time investment to attune I simply couldn't stay relevant, so I quit, as did everyone else, so the hardcores had no one to support them.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
The server does sound very interesting, I'm just checking it will have long term appeal for us more casual players (which in term will keep the hardcore players around).

Map mods are interesting, but be default someone playing 3x as long will get 3x as much benefit. Could it be possible to add in a player level modifier into them? 30 minus player level time x% etc. So it will become a penalty over level 30, but otherwise be a buff?
So if we apply an exp buff to certain caves, if the hardcore players have out leveled the cave, they would never get the benefit as the exp value would still be 0 (or severely lower then what you would get if you were at the mobs level)

Quest lines are always cool, dailys are fantastic as they are a limiting factor to the hard core players, if a high % of the progress a player can make comes from daily quests this would be a great balancing tool. Possibly make some multi stage daily quests that take 1+ hrs to complete (but are somewhat interesting) that gives 5+ hrs worth of exp? That should get most players to login once a day (the same way mobile games give away super valuable stuff once a day to keep people logging in). If a casual only logs in for say 2 hours, 1 hour spent doing quest line 1 hour spent PvPing, vs a hard core playing 13 hours (12 leveling, 1 pvping). The casual without this 5hrs worth of exp would gain 8% of the gains the 13 hrs guy is getting. With this quest it would be 35%. The hardcore is still gaining *much* faster, but the casual should still be relevant to the game in a few months.
We do have chained daily quests which have better rewards the further you get down them (they also unlock some one time quests also)
I do like your ideas with regards to daily quests and will speak to the team and see what we can do to facilitate something on the lines of what you are suggesting.

The rest sounds great for the hard core underdogs. The ones who aren't in the biggest guild, but still can invest massive amounts of time.

BTW, I'm not trying to be critical here, I'm just trying to give you an idea of the perspective of us casual folk who don't have much time. We've often seen as lowly players and totally irrelevant, but the majority of us have been playing and loving games for decades. Give us the means to stay relevant and I personally think a server could massively prosper from it. Sure, the hard cores are going to be put out a little bit having to actually compete with more people, but I sort of think that competition is why they play in the first place, so they'll come around. Like on WoW where some hardcore raiders moan about casual raids, but on the flip side, it means they actually end up having fans where they are looked up to by the casuals. Only having hardcore content? Well you end up like wildstar (or the countless old mir servers), which was an amazing game, possibly my favorite since WoW because of the mechanics and skill involved with fights (dungeons were hardddd, and awesome). But it required so much time investment to attune I simply couldn't stay relevant, so I quit, as did everyone else, so the hardcores had no one to support them.

replied briefly in bold, but I 100% agree, a lot of a mir's UC is based on casuals who cant play the server constantly and daily, the Hardcore players rely on the casuals for a stable economy (they get items they dont need but are worth something to the casual players).- I value both casuals and hardcore players and want this server to accommodate all types of players for the long haul,


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
replied briefly in bold, but I 100% agree, a lot of a mir's UC is based on casuals who cant play the server constantly and daily, the Hardcore players rely on the casuals for a stable economy (they get items they dont need but are worth something to the casual players).- I value both casuals and hardcore players and want this server to accommodate all types of players for the long haul,

RE; exp buffs to cave, it depends on how big the exp penalty is for outleveling a mob. In original mir is wasn't much, lvl40s still went to bug cave. My thinking of having it scale to your level would be that a low level player would be rewarded for going somewhere hard for them. ie, a lvl 22 going to bug cave, it's going to be hard for them and they'd use lots of pots vs a lvl30. They aren't massively rewarded for that effort. With a scaling buff, say 5% per level lower than the ideal cave level (say 30 for BC?) they'd get a 40% buff at 22, 30% at 24, 20% at 26, 10% at 28, nothing at 30, 10% penalty at 32, etc etc etc. By 40, BC is trivial, so won't give exp, but would still give drops/gold. Obviously that 5% would be whatever you feel comfortable with, and could be tailored to the cave? ie you find loads of people focusing on one cave, you could reduce the scaling, or lower the "level" of the cave to promote people to go elsewhere (ie people will outlevel it faster).

It would be a lot more controllable for you than the old % penalty for x lvls over the mob, which base mir has. As changing mob levels seems like it would be a much bigger change than a "map level", or scaling factor.

But I enjoy coming up with new mechanics and systems (that's my day job :D) so if you like the current system by all means ignore me! But it is good you are looking to support both hardcore and casual players. So many servers end up only catering to the hardcore crowd only for their user count to plummet, and they are left wondering what happened.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2003
The server does sound very interesting, I'm just checking it will have long term appeal for us more casual players (which in term will keep the hardcore players around).

Map mods are interesting, but be default someone playing 3x as long will get 3x as much benefit. Could it be possible to add in a player level modifier into them? 30 minus player level time x% etc. So it will become a penalty over level 30, but otherwise be a buff?

Quest lines are always cool, dailys are fantastic as they are a limiting factor to the hard core players, if a high % of the progress a player can make comes from daily quests this would be a great balancing tool. Possibly make some multi stage daily quests that take 1+ hrs to complete (but are somewhat interesting) that gives 5+ hrs worth of exp? That should get most players to login once a day (the same way mobile games give away super valuable stuff once a day to keep people logging in). If a casual only logs in for say 2 hours, 1 hour spent doing quest line 1 hour spent PvPing, vs a hard core playing 13 hours (12 leveling, 1 pvping). The casual without this 5hrs worth of exp would gain 8% of the gains the 13 hrs guy is getting. With this quest it would be 35%. The hardcore is still gaining *much* faster, but the casual should still be relevant to the game in a few months.

The rest sounds great for the hard core underdogs. The ones who aren't in the biggest guild, but still can invest massive amounts of time.

BTW, I'm not trying to be critical here, I'm just trying to give you an idea of the perspective of us casual folk who don't have much time. We've often seen as lowly players and totally irrelevant, but the majority of us have been playing and loving games for decades. Give us the means to stay relevant and I personally think a server could massively prosper from it. Sure, the hard cores are going to be put out a little bit having to actually compete with more people, but I sort of think that competition is why they play in the first place, so they'll come around. Like on WoW where some hardcore raiders moan about casual raids, but on the flip side, it means they actually end up having fans where they are looked up to by the casuals. Only having hardcore content? Well you end up like wildstar (or the countless old mir servers), which was an amazing game, possibly my favorite since WoW because of the mechanics and skill involved with fights (dungeons were hardddd, and awesome). But it required so much time investment to attune I simply couldn't stay relevant, so I quit, as did everyone else, so the hardcores had no one to support them.

Great ideas and insight. I am stealing some (for my own) ☺ Hope LB takes on board your suggestions too.


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
RE; exp buffs to cave, it depends on how big the exp penalty is for outleveling a mob. In original mir is wasn't much, lvl40s still went to bug cave. My thinking of having it scale to your level would be that a low level player would be rewarded for going somewhere hard for them. ie, a lvl 22 going to bug cave, it's going to be hard for them and they'd use lots of pots vs a lvl30. They aren't massively rewarded for that effort. With a scaling buff, say 5% per level lower than the ideal cave level (say 30 for BC?) they'd get a 40% buff at 22, 30% at 24, 20% at 26, 10% at 28, nothing at 30, 10% penalty at 32, etc etc etc. By 40, BC is trivial, so won't give exp, but would still give drops/gold. Obviously that 5% would be whatever you feel comfortable with, and could be tailored to the cave? ie you find loads of people focusing on one cave, you could reduce the scaling, or lower the "level" of the cave to promote people to go elsewhere (ie people will outlevel it faster).

It would be a lot more controllable for you than the old % penalty for x lvls over the mob, which base mir has. As changing mob levels seems like it would be a much bigger change than a "map level", or scaling factor.

But I enjoy coming up with new mechanics and systems (that's my day job :D) so if you like the current system by all means ignore me! But it is good you are looking to support both hardcore and casual players. So many servers end up only catering to the hardcore crowd only for their user count to plummet, and they are left wondering what happened.

On the base Crystal files the level gap is more strict than what Euro was, once you've exceeded the gap you will get 0 exp, without looking, the gap is set by the server owner in a config file, this can be turned off or on.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 24, 2017
>Map modifiers, we are able to add exp/drop/gold buffs to specific maps; which we can manually add if we want to make lower level caves more beneficial.
>We have very rewarding quest lines (the good stuff is non-tradeable) - for instance Gems, Benes and Items that are actually useful for your level.
>Map Events are a great source to boost your EXP up, as well as obtaining Loot Boxes and other rewards. - these appear throughout many areas.
>Awakening, allows you to refine your more common weapons with additional stats, so the gap between your WarmageStaff and someone else's Dragonstaff may be non existent (if they dont risk awakening their own weapon
>All GameStore or equivalent items are obtainable through various in game methods (so there are actually drop only mounts that are the best ig) - also read below
>mob(s) in most caves have at least 1 item in their drop files that would drop from the boss, so you don't need to contest the best bosses to get great loot (you do need to be a little lucky though!) - but we hope when they do drop you get that "Holy Sh*t! moment of pure joy when you see it on the floor"
>There are TONS of caves (for subs/main bosses) and the bosses are on a ranged timer (so people can't rotate to bosses as easy as they dont spawn bang on a specific time) - this gives you more chance of being able to fight more bosses.

I started this beta, not been able to get on properly the last week or so unfortunately but have only good things to say about this server.
The maps are brilliant, nostalgic and yet new...with lots of added perks for exp boosts. Lots of cool little items and things dropping which make the game more interesting and unique with out breaking it with ridiculous boosts.

The above mechanic of boss timers is fantastic and since euro tbh should have been employed by all private servers to keep it more interesting and stop hardcore nerds just monopolising everything.
Loot boxes and random mob drops is great because getting a little rare or gem etc from an unsuspecting mob is far more exciting than killing a boss for your average joe... not expecting and then receiving is always more rewarding than going to a boss and getting nada hehe.

Im very much looking forward to this server, the guys behind the scenes seem to have genuine interest and excitement in our beloved nostalgic game and are open to ideas but not just listening to the money spinning hardcore people who usually talk nonsense to get things changed for their own personal gains.

Cant wait for it to go live but definitely take your time and dont rush the release. It will be worth the wait.
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